The Wayback Machine -

plastic wrap and duct tape

Monday, December 1, 2003

1:21AM - good night.

i'm going to try to go to bed now. i want to sleep. i want the nightmares to stop. i want to stop having migranes and i want to be able to keep my eyes open during the day. i want to stop being exhausted and irritable.

i want the soldiers to stop killing people in iraq. i want the cops to stop beating people in the streets. i want the prison gaurds to stop torturing and raping people in their cells.

i want everyone to just be able to live their lives. free.

Current mood: exhausted
Current music: thelonious monk
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Saturday, November 29, 2003

12:13PM - miami anti-FTAA updates from anarchist people of color website...

more miami updates
1) The man with a brain hemorrhage secondary to a blow to the head has been released from custody and is at Jackson Medical Center in the ICU. He has been in touch with a lawyer from the ACLU. More information will hopefully be gleaned by Chicagoans today, but we have yet established contact between him and other activists. His medical condition is apparently critical, but that is unconfirmed as of now.

The African-American male thought to have been badly injured and/or tortured in police custody is still in felony lockup and there has been no word about him for two days. We are doing our best to get him out but can't move forward without a name or DOB.

He is one of two missing people from APOC -- one is in jail, one is in a medical facility because of police brutality (this is a third, different person than the brain hemorrhage person and the man who was shot in the head who medics treated on the street). We are working on this but are having trouble with much missing information.

Most other arrestees are now out and the last few felonies are being bailed out, hopefully by the end of today.

Legal has confirmed at least five sexual assaults of arrested people, plus 12 separate incidents of beatings, mostly because people would not state their nationality or citizenship status. There were numerous pepper spray incidents as well and much verbal abuse and humiliation. Denial of toilets, hosings with cold water, and use of dog kennels was not confirmed by legal.
if you live in Chicago CLICK HERE for info on anti-FTAA legal/jail support benefit TONIGHT! Saturday November 29th, 8:00PM-1AM... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO!!! )

Current mood: anxious
Current music: nomeansno- wrong
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

11:57PM - fuck the pigs! bomb florida!

current events got me tense...

fuck, it's been a hard couple of weeks to be a person with a brain in the skull and a conscience. the peaceful anarchist people of color fundraiser that was violently attacked by the pigs in ny. the paramilitary crackdown on the anti-FTAA activists in miami. when the media almost completely blacked out the demonstrations, and outright LIED about injries. the mainstream media claimed there were no injuries, but in actuality you can go to and see page after page of photos of people with rubber, plastic and wooden bullet wounds, many of them at close range. one independant photagrapher lost an eye to a rubber bullet. another activist was tazered, and many many others were beaten by batons. the cops also released tear gas, pepper spray and other chemical agents to disperse the crowd. over 100 demonstrators were treated for injuries; 12 were hospitalized.

but this was nothing compared to what activists are facing in jail right now. there have been many confirmed reports of beatings, rape, sexual assaults and torture at the hands of the fucking pigs. and anarchist people of color, queers and transgendered people are being singled out.

among the complete violations of human rights: a man was beaten with a hammer by the cops and eventually taken to the hospital, another man was tied to a jail cell and hosed down with cold water for 36 hours, another man is in intensive care after being beaten by nightstick by an arresting officer, several activists having been seperated and our now missing, a transgendered person that was released
reported having been asked to state their gender and was then put in the middle of the room and asked whether they "had a dick or a pussy." the pigs then smashed their head on the floor, ripped off their clothing and spread their legs. there have been several confirmed and unconfirmed reports of rape and sexual assault. people have also been denied access to lawyers, visitation rights, vegetarian/vegan food, and access to essential medication and medical attention.

this shit all makes me sick, and its all happening in the sunny state of florida, the state where jeb bush helped steal the election for his brother dubya by discounting black voters. not only that but this excessive and brutal response to people wanting a better world for themselves and others cost a total of $8.5 million of government funding, which came out of the $87 million that was designated to rebuilding iraq, as reported by alternet. one racist brother scratches the others back, and the favor is returned.

fucking hypocrits. war on terrorism my ass, the united states invented terrorism.

and they really think they're going to scare us away from protesting, from fighting for a better world? fuck yeah, i'm scared. but i'm more scared of what will happen if we DON'T fight back. if we DON'T make our voices heard.

stay up to date:

if you live in Chicago CLICK HERE for info on anti-FTAA legal/jail support benefit Saturday November 29th, 8:00PM-1AM... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO!!! )

Current mood: angry
Current music: Disposable Heros of HipHoprisy- Television
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Friday, November 21, 2003

9:51PM - i'm back...

long ass rant about depression and cutting and creative solutions )

Current mood: awake
Current music: Ministry- In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up (LIVE)
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003

4:29PM - aaaargh!

i'm really sorry to all those who have been writing to have me add you to the mtf_undressed community, but for some reason the command console is not lketting me add people. i've contacted livejournal and they've never got back with me. it's soooooo frustrating. it keeps saying i'm an invalid user. i don't get it, i'm the only moderator, so how can i be an invalid user?

i don't know what to do.

Current mood: aggravated
Current music: anti-flag ""underground network"
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Saturday, June 21, 2003

3:16AM - sometimes things don't go as planned...

here's how my punk rock date with liberte was supposed to go tonight:

*get home from prisoner's inventions book release party at quimby's.
*make collage art out of $2 grab bags from quimby's.
*dumpster trader joes for vegan bread and produce.
*sit on roof where liberte and i first kissed (and, um, you know) and read to each other from the zines we just bought.
*then liberte wanted to fuck me with her strap-on.

here's how the night went instead:

*got home from quimby's book release party.
*liberte cuts into her finger with a large knife while slicing bread and had to be rushed to the hospital in our friend allison's hearse so she could get several stitches and be treated like shit by asshole nurses and doctors who hate poor people especially poor people with mohawks and anarchy tattoos.

we're going to try again on the punk rock date tomorrow, after our yard sale. now its 3:30am and we're just going to cuddle and go to sleep. :)

Current mood: okay
Current music: specials- in the studio with special aka
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Friday, June 20, 2003

4:54AM - super-gay night out.

i don't know how i got home, i'm so drunk. people kept buying me drinksall night, andi'm not the type of girl to turn down a drink. not from hot dykes and trannies. no way.

so, i'm kinda depressed and i miss liberte, but not in an unhealthy way. i just mis her. she's spending the night with her boyfriend tonight, which is fine, but we parted ways in a hurry with some unresolved stuff and i really really wish i could call her. but i don't really feel like i can call her ther. i just wannna call and say that i love her, and everything is ok. i think i missed her alot toobecause i hung out with a lot of our friends from different circles and everyone kept asking where she was. and she's actually hanging out with a lot of our friends from oither circles and i wonder if people are asking where i am. my friend emelda's band is playing and i really wish i could've been there too, but i can't be in two places at once and i had already planned on going to see ari read at homolatte, and stuck to the original plan since he's only in town for a week and then going back to san francisco.

so, yeah, first i went to scott free's homolatte, the queer words and music night formally know as "grinder". i've started calling it "pansexual half-caff double tall mocha cappacino with soymilk" but i don't think that'll catch on. tonight my friends antonia and ari read poetry, and kitco played music. kitco actually asked where liberte was, which she'll be excited about because she loooooves her music. also i found out kitco is not only vegetarian, but vegan! she talked about it in her intro to "the bitch song". she said she used to tell the story of how she gat a burger from burger king and the bun was stale and she demanded a new one and then would start in with the song"i'm a bitch, i'm a bitch, cuz i know what i want" and that was before she was vegan, now she starts the song with her story of hunting the guy down who stole her bike and threatened him with a mic stand! ha! she also played a new song i hadn't heard yet about how everybody's parents are fucked up. "even yours and especially mine". ha ha. it was a sing-along. much fun. i bought 8 copies of her CD for Unbound Books. we now have a lot of local queer talent. Three Dollar Bill, Scott Free and Kitco. i also wanna carry The Coughs, Apartment, Earwig Spectre and of course The Rotten fruits when they release a CD. both antonia and ari were really good. scott and gene both said they missed liberte, and bill haddad asked what liberte's real name was, which is funny becaus eeveryone asks her that, and it actually is here real name. great fucking name for an anarchist though. oh! jessi was there! it was really cool seeing her. :)

after homolatte bill dropped me and ken off at cell block, a gay male leatherbar. it was leslie's birthday. it was pretty crazy. i actually got to spank leslie. and let me tell you, it's pretty nervewracking spanking a dominatrix, even if she is blindfolded and walking a gauntlet. she kept yelling that i was hitting too hard and i got a sort of perverse pleasure out of it concidering how many times she's left my ass too bruised to sit down. we were in the backroom of cell block's which was for fetish/leather only. i borrowed a pleather/vinyl jacket from lux/andi, who i got a chance to talk to more, and she is really really cool. the backroom is great, it's like a labrynth or a catacomb back there. lots of dark little corners with guys going down on eachother. soooo hot. and at one point my highschool dream came true. frankie goes to hollywood's "relax" came on while i was in the seedy backroom of a leatherbar. "relax, don't do it, when you wanna suck to it, relax don't do it, when ya wanna cum..."

of course everyone there wanted to know where liberte was. raymond (dj boywonder), amber, angie, leslie, tommy, casey. and a lot of people talked about how hot we were together in the orgy scene for stacy goldate's film "dominatrix waitrix". tommy also said the first time he "saw" me was in dale's porn "spin the bottle" and he thought it was really hot. beautiful is actually the word he used. which made me feel really good. and he said that watching us during the filming of the final scene for D.W. reminded him of that. yay. i can't wait for that to come out.

ok. the sun's out and the birds are chirping. i hope i can actually get some sleep. when liberte gets home tomorrow afternoon we're supposed to go looking for an apartment. i'm so stressed and scared aboutwhere we're gonna live and how we're gonna afford it... shitshitshitshit!

Current mood: drunk
Current music: don byron- nu blaxploitation
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Sunday, June 8, 2003

2:32AM - warning: depressing ramblings...

sometimes i feel like i'm being slowly crushed by the weight of the world. i don't mean to be a drama queen, but everything seems to be going wrong all at once. liberte and i were both fired from the same job and our housemate is moving out and our lease is up so there's no way we can afford to stay where we are, but we can't really afford to move either. and we've been putting a lot of work into unbound books, especially our upcoming benefit, which may not even happen now because the venue we were supposed to have it in was busted by the cops for not having an entertainment license. wouldn't want people in chicago to have fun without getting permission from the city first. so now we have to find a new place to host the benefit by saturday. and i'm sooooo stressed. i should be loking for a job. i should be looking for a place to live that i can afford on unemployment.

and on top of everything i'm having a real hard time with body issues. i'm not a pretty girl. i'll never be a pretty girl. i just saw bitch and animal for the third time tonight and every time i see them i get this pain inside because they sing all these trans-positive songs but they still support the policy at michigan women's music fest. they thiunk they're trans-all-of-that but still support gender binaries. they want space for women that were born women and some men who were born "women", at the expense of excluding women who were born "men". women who face a great deal of hatred and violence, yet its ok to exclude them from safe spaces. and it pisses me off that every time i see them i'm too scared to talk to them about this because they'll just see me as a man trying to invade women's spaces, even though i'm trans-all-of-that. and i'm pissed at myself because i'm scared to become the woman i know i am. scared to tell my parents, even though they know i'm bisexual, nonmonogamous and basically all kinds of queer. i'm too scared to take hormones because i know i'll never "pass" and know that the shit i get on a daily basis will be multiplied by ten, and i still won't deserve to be in safe spaces away from men and their violence. not that i need space away from all men. not even all biologically male men. not even all straight men. i need spaces where everyone is safe and free to express their gender however they see fit, and express their sexuality in a healthy way. that's what i need.

also tonight i saw just about every boss that has fired me, because the queer as folk fest tends to attract a lot of older, sell-out assimilationist queers (excuse me, gays and lesbians), in spite of the fact that its put on by this awesome underground kick-ass queer punk sweetheart, scott free. so i had to sit two rows in front of this piece of shit authoritarian who fired me from my dream-job at a glbt thrift store. at least she had to sit through anti-war, anti-bush sets by kitco and bitch and animal. she was all rah rah rah lets kill em all about the war on terrorism, never caring how much of her tax dollars have gone to supporting terrorism on a world wide basis. fuck her. but thats why i got fired. i flipped her off. i missed liberte so much tonight. i really could've used her holding my hand. but we screwed up and told two different people we'd be at thier events. so i went to queer as folk, because liberte got to go without me last year (i had to work at the facist/racist chicago diner- i couldn't get the time off even though i was on the guest list and thanked in the program) and liberte went to the bathroom show at billy's. i really wish i could have gone to that too and supported billy, he was publicly showing a lot of his work for the first time.

there is so much more, so much more that's too personal. and i'm just fighting to stay above it all. i don't want to fall back into old self-destructive patterns. i don't want to hurt myself. i won't. i refuse. but its so hard...

Current mood: depressed
Current music: blair from urban folk collective- solo & spoken word
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Sunday, May 25, 2003

11:40PM - new adult community!!!!!

i just started a new community for alternative mtf/transgirl porn called [info]mtf_undressed, inspired by the extremely popular (and extremely sexy) [info]ftm_undressed.

mtf_undressed is for transgirls, genderqueers, intersexed people, friends, lovers, allies and admirers! it has an mtf focus, but is for all gender expressions and sexual orientations.

what's the site for? posting pictures of yourself (from pin-up to hardcore), erotic fiction you've written, true tales of your genderfucked adventures. it's for talking about sex and being trans. it's for feeling funny "down there" whatever you have down there. :)

if you want to be added to mtf_undressed send me an email at with your lj username and stating that you are over 18 and would like to join. also you must have your full birth date listed in your lj profile.

xox, jennie

Current mood: bouncy
Current music: mix tape- clash, chumba, beasties, bikini kill, crass, doa
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4:45PM - "i will not take your hand and marry the state!"

i miss liberte sooooo much! stupid wedding. :(

why do people think they can put a dyke in a dress and expect her not to talk about how marriage is reinforcing a heterosexist norm that puts heterosexual, monogamous relationships above all other relationship styles. not to mention letting the church and the state into your bedroom. that's always messy.

and everyone's being so mean to her because her whole life doesn't revolve around her sister's wedding, and shower, and brunch, and rehearsal, and reception, and on and on and on.

not to mention, she has the nerve to be vegan and inconvenience everyone with her dietary habits. at least the meat-eaters and lacto-ovo vegetarians can put aside their differences and come together and pick on her together. "can't you just eat the salad?" is ignorant enough when a meat-eater says it, but another vegetarian?

liberte! come home!

Current mood: sad
Current music: disposable heros of hihoprisy (michael franti)
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Saturday, May 24, 2003

9:18PM - emotional rollercoaster, it was the best of birthdays, it was the worst of birthdays (ha).

i haven't posted in a while cuz things have been crazy busy, and i've been really up and down emotionally. haven't felt like cutting/burning myself in a long time. just ever since losing my job i haven't felt like i can function in society and my self-asteem has just shot to the ground, which is stupid because i hate everything about the modern workplace, about the authoritarian structure, i just generally hate capitalism. so why should i let them get me down? fuckers. i know that i kick ass, and i work hard at what i care about, and i know that together we can build a better fucking world. so fuck them.

fuck all that, i really want to write about how fucking cool my birthday party was (and how cool liberte's is going to be)!

if you wanna read it click here if you dare! bwa-ha-ha!!! )

Current mood: bouncy
Current music: beastie boys- hello nasty & the clash- london calling
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if anyone wants to see naked pictures of me they can go here... but please don't click unless you're over 18. i have to say that legally and whatnot.

i'm still waiting to hear back from nofauxx! :(

Current mood: horny
Current music: speakeasy collective- various acid jazz & rare grooves
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Sunday, May 11, 2003

1:58PM - it's funny cuz it's true.

Sex... please read.
I use sex to get people to read my Livejournal

Why do people read your Livejournal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current mood: hungover
Current music: sly and the family stone- there's a riot goin' on
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Saturday, May 10, 2003


yay! today i'm going to table at a wesley willis show for loop distro with krystle ([info]dapper_skank). loop distro is a really cool mostly chicago based zine distro, which carries both me and liberte's ([info]polybianarchist) zines.

liberte and i are working on setting up our own distro (, with the eventual plans of opening up a worker-owned collective bookstore.

we should have the distro up and running in a month. it will take that long to get all the legal papers processed so we can open up a business account. once that's set up we'll be able to accept checks made out to unbound books and we'll also be able to set up the site with something like paypal so people can order from us online with credit/debit cards. sweet. we already have a po box, and we have quite a few zines and books and CDs to distro. we need a lot more. we're looking for zines and music by grrrls/women, people of color, queers and trannies. we're also looking for zines, books and music on anarchism, anti-capitalism, radical politics, feminism, animal liberation/vegetarianism, etc.

we've been doing a lot of fundraisers, mostly parties and shows. may 17th and may 31st we're having two house parties to celebrate our birthdays. if you live in chicago, email me and i'll send you the address. on the 17th scott free will be playing a set in our living room, and mistress minax will be administering my birthday spankings. and there will be a pansexual kissing booth! it's $5 at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds (cuz we hate capitalism).

on the 31st operation busride aka jessica disobedience ([info]bluevalentines) and chriss piss from three dollar bill will both play accoustic sets in our living room. and of course the pansexual kissing booth. also $5 at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds.

also our big benefit will be on june 14th 8pm at T's in andersonville (girl's town). we've set up a show with homo-hop artist god-des!!!! mistress minax (aka ravenous gorge) will be hosting the show, betsy chainsaw (aka mistress carmen li, aka natalie from apartment) will be doing a performance piece, and DJ boywonder will be spinning after the show! it's going to be $5 (more if you can, less if you can't). unfortunately its 21+

all the money we raise will go to buying more books, zines and music; paying for copies; or paying our storage bill (we have 2,000 pounds of used books in storage- most of them radical, queer, feminist or sociology. all just sitting there waiting for us to open a bookstore)!

i'm soooo excited to be on the way to subverting the system, by being niether boss nor exploited worker. i don't want to be a boss any more than i want to have one. and like liberte always says, you don't have to become the oppressor to stop being oppressed. there are other options!

for a free society, for anarchy!

ps: i'm also really excited because tonight is [info]_trenton.'s birthday and he and git ([info]dykestar) are coming over, along with some of their friends. yay! happy birthday trent!!!!

Current mood: geeky
Current music: deep dickollective- BourgiBohoPostPomoAfroHomo
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Wednesday, May 7, 2003

3:42AM - "it's a jelly, eh."

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!

ok. so far i've learned from internet quizes that if i were a donut, i'd be a jelly donut and i'm a kiny bisexual with medium sized anime boobs with a freakiness level of ten. these are all things i knew already...

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Sunday, May 4, 2003

5:59PM - technophobia

ok. i've had a pretty technologically fucked couple of days. somehow i managed to not only delete my entire website ( while trying to update it with a stupid ftp program called smartFTP. its called smartFTP to make you feel stupid for not being able to figure it out. somhow i managed to not only delete my site, but also the home directory, so i can't even log in anymore, not even to my control panel. the good news is that i still have the updated files on my computer, but it still suck because i don't just want it on my computer, i want it on everyone's computer! [insert evil laughter here]

also, i'm having computer problems in general. i lost my hard drive a while ago, completely locked up. i lost so much information because i never back shit up. i know, i know, completely my fault. but the new hard drive my brother put in is not really cutting it. there's no space left on it, and the whole system is running so slow. it takes me forever to do simple things like lay out a flyer, or update a website. i guess i solved the latter problem alright. just delete it! hell, i wouldn't be surprised if i was able to just delete the whole internet!

why!?! why must i destroy everything i touch!?!?

yeah. um. well, the thing is i was really trying to save up and get a new computer, before they fucking fired me, for no good reason from what would've been the best job ever if my coworkers weren't all a bunch of racist trannie-hating bisexual-hating fuckheads. so that plan has seriously been put on hold. i wanted to get a brand new system, with a much higher speed processor, much more RAM, a readable-writable DVDrom, video in and outs. i need a multimedia system, not just for my personal use but because i'm trying to start a collectively run mail-order distro for radical, queer and anarchist books, zines and music. we need to be able to keep up a regularly updated site, with a lot of information. we need to be able make flyers for benefit parties, shows and events; without having to spend all day just to come up with something that looked like a five year old did it because we don't even have enough hard drive space to have a good graphics program like coreldraw or photoshop.

ok, i'm just whinig at this point. but i'm so angry about losing my job and all the shady shit that was behind it and the fact that i hate that we (all of us) have so little control over our lives. like i can just be let go like that, with no regard to how that will effect me and my life. yet when you leave a job, they expect a full two weeks notice, and if you don't give it to them they act like its the worst thing in the world. "how can you do that to us? we're just a poor multinational corporation!"

all i want to know is: couldn't they have fired me after i got a new computer?

Current mood: annoyed
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2:04AM - kinky-ass queer-as-fuck bisexual...

what kind of bisexual are you? quiz )

Current music: liberte watching harry potter dvd...
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Wednesday, April 30, 2003

3:08AM - mmm... anime boobs...


(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

i would have been happy with flat. medium is cool though. actually big would have been fine as well. just as long as i have anime boobies i'm happy! oh god, it's 3am and i'm taking stupid online quizes...

just had a house full of sexy people over and no one got naked. what's *that* about? trent and git are sleeping in liberte's room (the spare room), bailey and linda went home and liberte's asleep in my (our) bed. i think i'm gonna look for online porn. speaking of anime boobs, maybe i should look for hentai...

Current mood: horny
Current music: god-des' sample promo ep (queer hip-hop)
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Monday, April 28, 2003

2:35PM - of subhumans and rotten fruits...

well, the subhumans were amazing! i jumped around a lot and screamed along to fucking classic punk rock songs like mickey mouse is dead, religious wars, walls of silence, subvert city and parasites, which they dedicated to george bush, tony blair, putin, and saddam hussien! yeah, fuck all these parasites! all leaders, all regimes, all bosses, all cops! fuck em all!

the only thing i didn't like about the show was the venue. because it was the metro it was filled with all the punker than thou types, fashion punks, apolitical assholes and macho fucks who shouted stupid fucked up shit like "i love beef" to the vegan kids (emelda and jay) at the animal rights table, when the fucking subhumans are vegatarian. and these same assholes were moshing it up during evolution, an animal rights song.

another thing about it being at the metro is that it was much more like a rock show than a punk rock show. the fucking bouncers are thugs and tried to stop people from slam dancing and body surfing and there was no way anyone was going to get up on stage. the whole point of punk is there is not supposed to be any devision between the band and the crowd. there's no fucking spectators, everyone's in it together. fucking anarchy, right? not this rock star bullshit of having bouncers keeping people in line. we can watch eachothers backs, we don't need fucking cops.

but i had a great time at the show with liberte, e-boy, crystal and billy. e-boy's a diehard subhumans/citizen fish fan, so i think it was equally hard for him to be surrounded be all these apolitical punks. he keep saying "the circle A doesn't stand for apathy" over and over.

not a diss on the subhumans at all, but i wish i had seen them at an underground venue or an anarchist infoshop or someone's basement, not the fucking metro. still, i'm glad i got to see them at all. especially with liberte.

however, the following night i saw a real punk rock show at the fireside bowl. no backstage, no bouncers, and only a few macho assholes (but they were so outnumbered by queer punks and emo boys and riot grrrls anyway). i went to see the rotten fruits but the other bands were all really good too. but the fruits tore shit up. germ had asked me if i could drag him out of the bathroom in a bodybag and pull him up onto stage. it was hilarious! i don't know if the rest of the band knew what he was doing because i could hear them yelling "where the fuck is germ?" and out of the bathroom i come pulling this bodybag through the crowd and people are laughing and clapping. billy from loop distro is taping it. i tried to pull germ up onto the stage by myself but i couldn't, so i ask ken (queer poet/spoken word artist) to help. we lug him up there and i jump down off the stage. liz tries to open the body bag and can't figure it out, so germs in there thrashing around. so funny. so i get back up and unzip him, and out he pops in the trashiest drag i've ever seen. awful wig, awful evrything. it's beautiful. i thrash around to all my favorite fruits songs like school shooting, fuck media faggots and homo riot! my back hurts like fuck, but i don't give a fuck. at one point they drag ken up on stage and he does a little topless go-go dance. the only time i heard a single homophobic comment during the show was when i went up to simulate fucking germ in the ass after he kept sticking his wedgied half bare ass out saying, "c'mon somebody fuck me." some straight boy punk rocker was all like "that's soooo gross." whatever. only disappointment of the evening is that germ didn't spit on me or throw a beer at me. i felt so unloved. ha. but billy did take my suggestion- after he offered me some fruit loops i told him he should throw them at the rotten fruits. see, cuz they're fruit loops. it'd be funny. so during their last song, we're here, we're queer, get us another beer! billy pelted them with fruit loops. maybe that can be a new tradition, like people throwing mac&cheese; at the barenaked ladies. oops. i guess i get negative punk points for referencing BNL during a punk rock rant. ha.

Current mood: happy
Current music: CRASS "the feeding of the five thousand"
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Sunday, April 27, 2003

1:47AM - i'm a bad, bad girl...

My freakiness score is: 544
Are you a freak?
Find out your freakiness level.

i think some of the questions were kinda vanilla and limiting. like for sexual orientation they only gave the choice of straight, bisexual or homo. so what about pansexuals and omnisexuals? and for favorite sexual position they only listed four choices. what's *that* about? ok, so i'm a slut and proud of it, but i think i only scored so high because of all the porn i've done in public places with sex toys while masturbating in groups while handcuffed and flogged. good thing they didn't ask anything about feet...

Current mood: freaky!!!
Current music: curtis mayfield's soundtrack to superfly
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