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AOL not accepting LiveJournal mail

Thursday, Jun 3rd, 2004 -- 11:34 am

So I'm told that AOL is rejecting all LiveJournal mail. I guess we send out so much mail (comment replies and such) that we look like spammers.

There are some hoops we need to jump through to get "white-listed" so this doesn't happen again, and we're starting down that road, but in the meantime be aware that AOLers won't be getting mail from us.

Update: I guess the problem isn't how much mail we send, but how often AOL users click "Report as spam" instead of "Delete" in their mail clients. So if you'd like to help prevent this from happening in the future, please don't report comment replies as spam. Thanks! :-)

Update #2: AOL has noticed this news posting and removed us from their blacklist, onto their whitelist. (effective tomorrow evening by 7pm EDT/EST) Thanks, AOL! Notice to AOL users: your normal spam filters may or may not still mark LJ messages as spam (depends on your settings), but at least now you have the possibility of receiving our mail at all.

May Status Post

Friday, May 28th, 2004 -- 8:30 pm

We won the People's Voice Webby Awards! We're still pretty excited about that, and we're grateful for all of the congratulations we received.

In staff news, we recently hired [info]bleything to help take on some of the technical support and customer service duties. Go team!

This past month we made a bunch of changes to how communities are maintained. There's a new page for creating communities that makes the whole process a bit simpler, and community maintainers can now use the "Transfer Community" page to transfer communities. We've also brought back the community invite feature, but we've changed it so that people are no longer e-mailed invite notifications. You can see if you have any pending invites on the Manage Community Invitations page.

We've also been working on a new S2 style during the past two weeks called "Unearthed", available for all users. It's brand new, so we're still working out all of the kinks. We figured we'd let everyone try it out while we're working on it, so you can go to the "Customize Journal" page and choose the new style. If you have comments, questions, or bug reports for the style, please join the [info]s2unearthed community and post there.

In [info]paidmembers news, we've added a few new phone numbers for our Post by Phone service, and The Text Messaging Team added a bunch of new options to our supported providers list. We also wrote a new mood theme editor, which should help make mood themes easy to create and maintain.

There's a new comment management option when you delete a comment: you can choose to delete all of the comments that were in that "thread" (all of the reply comments). You can also "freeze" comment threads by clicking the ice cube button next to the comment, which will disable replies to the thread but keep the existing comments visible to the public.

For a summary of all new features, be sure to check out the communities [info]featureannounce and [info]lj_nifty.

In FotoBilder news, we had to make a bunch of optimizations in our file management and quota integration tools, and we ran into a few unexpected hardware problems, but we're almost ready to start beta-testing the new photo hosting service. Once we work out any bugs our beta-testers encounter, we'll start allowing people to upload their pictures and purchase more disk space.

Have a great June!

We won!

Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 -- 12:58 pm

2004 People's Voice Winner We are proud to announce that LiveJournal won the People's Voice Webby Award for the "community" category!

We'd like to thank everyone who voted for the awards, and we'd like to thank all of our users, because we wouldn't have gotten anywhere without you!

Whoa -- teen pregnancy stuff

Wednesday, May 5th, 2004 -- 12:33 pm

In regards to our previous post about the "The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy":

We didn't mean to piss anybody off. We're not dissing teen parents or products of teen parents.

We didn't know the site/campaign was so slanted, and we definitely didn't know some of their ads were so tasteless.

We weren't trying to push a political agenda. We're definitely not hard-core conservatives around here. (quite the opposite, generally)

What we wanted to say was: If you're a teen and don't want to get pregnant, there are ways to not get pregnant. That's all.

We'll try and do a better job at either not being "oppresively political", or reviewing what we do support to make sure the campaign accurately reflects our beliefs.

That said, HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!!!!

National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Wednesday, May 5th, 2004 -- 10:43 am

We were approached by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy to help them spread the word about teen pregnancy and its effect on society. The third annual "National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy" takes place today, and they're asking that teenagers nationwide take a short, online quiz to reflect on the best course of action in a number of tough sexual situations. We don't usually post things like this, but considering the average age of our userbase, we feel that this is a worthy cause. If you have a few minutes to spare, and you're between the ages of 13-19, please consider taking the quiz.

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