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Hacking BSD, Part 2
Get the most out of FTP using macros and scripts


The Mythical Man-Month Revisited
What's still right? What's obsolete?


Dive into XML: The Atom Link Model
Mark Pilgrim explains Atom's linking model


Filtering IDS Packets  Intrusion detection systems (IDS) can scan your network for suspicious packets but someone has to review the logs. Even if you find something odd, can you wade through hundreds of thousands of packets looking for evidence? Clever security administrators understand how to narrow down the search. Don Parker explains how to use Berkeley packet filters and bitmask filters to improve your IDS use.   [ONLamp.com]

A Day in the Life of #Apache  In Rich Bowen's latest column based on his conversations on the IRC channel #apache, he attempts to answer a question that comes up at least once a day, but which doesn't have one clear answer: whether to use Apache 1.3 or 2.0. Find out why the answer is not a simple one. Rich is a coauthor of O'Reilly's Apache Cookbook.   [ONLamp.com]

Code Improvement Through Cyclomatic Complexity  Overly complex code is dangerous, hard to maintain if not already buggy. But what do we mean by "complex"? The metric of cyclomatic complexity helps show where the most complex code is. As Andrew Glover illustrates, finding the complex code is also the first step to refactoring it.   [ONJava.com]

Java Development on Eclipse, Part 2  In this conclusion of a two-part series of excerpts from Eclipse, author Steve Holzner provides still more examples of how Eclipse makes it easier to create Java code from scratch. This week he covers creating Javadocs, refactoring, adding certain skills to your Eclipse toolbox, and customizing the development environment.   [ONJava.com]

Web Services Integration Patterns, Part 1  These design patterns for web services arose from real-life implementation scenarios, using web services in banking applications.   [webservices.xml.com]

Interruptible Database Queries  Perceived performance isn't just about speed; it's also about responsiveness. And few things frustrate a user like an application that ignores user input because it's off doing something else. Slav Boleslawski introduces threading techniques to keep database queries and result retrieval from locking up an application.   [ONJava.com]

Mozilla and Opera Renew the Browser Battle  Mozilla and Opera have joined together to drive forward browser standards, in an effort to head off the threat from Microsoft's .NET plans -- and route around a lagging W3C.   [XML.com]

Sacré SVG
Going Mobile With SVG: Standards  While SVG 1.2 will arrive soon, the rise and rise of SVG on mobile devices is both important and exciting.   [XML.com]

Reading and Writing Registry Keys with Visual Basic  Need to use Visual Basic to perform basic operations upon registry keys? It's not tough to do, once you know the basics. Ron Petrusha shows you how.   [WindowsDevCenter.com]

Best Practices for Assigning FSMO Roles  Getting FMSO roles right is key to the proper operations of an Active Directory environment. Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell, shows you how to make sure you use them properly.   [WindowsDevCenter.com]

A Brief Introduction to GPS Photo Linking  Digital cameras record EXIF data that tells us "when" we took a picture, but what if wewant to know "where" too? Contributor to O'Reilly's Digital Photography Hacks, David Goldwasser introduces us to using GPS positioning data with EXIF timestamps to build interactive maps showing pictures of markers. What a sweet convergence of technologies.   [MacDevCenter.com]

RSS: The Next Generation  Syndicated summaries of web content are more popular than ever before, and the recent explosion of users has prompted some dramatic changes in the world of RSS software. Giles Turnbull takes a look at some of the latest offerings, including PulpFiction, Shrook, and of course, NetNewsWire.   [MacDevCenter.com]

Version Control with Subversion: Basic Concepts  Subversion is an open source version control system that can access its file repository across networks. Various users are able to modify and manage the same set of data from their respective locations. Collaboration is fostered, and changes can occur more rapidly. This preview of Chapter 2 from Version Control with Subversion highlights the bsic concepts of this important new version control system.   [oreilly.com]

Liberty on Whidbey
Liberty on Whidbey: ASP.NET Forms Security  Jesse Liberty shows how easy it is to provide forms-based security via login screens and authentication in Whidbey.   [ONDotnet.com]

Security Alerts
Security Alerts: Subverted  Noel Davis look at problems in Subversion, Apache's mod_proxy and mod_ssl, Squid, MIT's krb5, RealOne, RealPlayer, ksymoops-gznm, smtp.proxy, FreeBSD's Jail(), Aspell, Tripwire, and icecast.   [O'Reilly Network]

Introduction to Bioinformatics  Bioinformatics is the intersection of molecular biology and computer science. For software developers, it’s a fascinating area in which to work. Mac OS X is gaining popularity in this arena, and this article introduces you to the concepts and opportunities related to bioinformatics.   [MacDevCenter.com]

The Evolution of Perl Email Handling  There are many modules on the CPAN for slicing and dicing email, and we're going to take a whistlestop tour of the major ones. We'll also concentrate on an effort started by myself, Richard Clamp, Simon Wistow, and others, called the Perl Email Project, to produce simple, efficient and accurate mail handling modules.   [Perl.com]

Weblogs: Links & Commentary

Jono Bacon Jono Bacon's Weblog
The end of imitation
Linux is stepping forward in its maturity, and innovation is seating itself inside the community as the new messiah. Are we really see the the innovation honeymoon? (Jun 16, 2004)

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