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new journal [02 Jun 2003|05:39pm]
i wanted a new friends only journal.
fuck you x's!
add me and i'll add you. or comment on the thingy at the new journal.

i'll miss my old journal. :( almost 3 years with this one.
i love you. hehe

i'll leave the link for this one on the new one.
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you make me feel like dancing...dance the night away [31 May 2003|01:17am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | brand new ]

school. you know. preakness. boys. hehe. lots of tv. SEX2K! i cant belive i fell asleep, its the only thing that really makes me happy in this horrible, horrible world.

after school: bk. my park. JFK park. Mr. Drebic <3 5th grade <3
mommy and daddy. dinner. bonding. going to a butler party of zach's. met lots of people. these girls knew my cousin and it made me happy. a lot of people knew pequannock people, like scott. they were really nice.

now im really tired and i want a hug. real world hawaii is on. YES! *i wish it was sex2k though*

and why am i always so paranoid that people hate me? lisa says they really don't hate me. i hope not.


GUESS WHAT?! [28 May 2003|09:09pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | J Giels Band - My Angel is a Centerfold ]

school was school.
after school i went to the student counsil meeting.
then me, jeff and dave went to sunrise. jeff almost fell. haha
then lisa and i went around by us. she "got" me a keychain. so cute. thanks lisa.

so tonight i got really mad because i cant go to the matchbookromance/anatomy of a ghost/keepsake show on friday :( or sunday in the city. plus i couldnt find my sims code for the cd. :( i told lisa i think god hates me...
...and then i got a phone call. from who you ask? Vanessa. Who is Vanessa? MY NEW BOSS! WET SEAL!! I start after the end of school. But, i may work the weekends. i'm so excited. i have to wear their clothes. but thats okay, because i basically do anyhow. i can't wait. I'm going to have $$$! my first pay check i'm taking you all out to dinner...MCDONALDS BABY YEAH!!! (i'll still continue to be cheap, so bite me. take mickyd's or leave it)

:) :) :)

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picture time [27 May 2003|08:22pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | matchbook romance - promise ]

well, the memorial day bq turned out great. my cousin, nicole, moved to california and we haven't seen her in a very long time. we're very close to her, so when she moved away, we all really missed her. she was driving home with her brother, myles, and my aunt told us that they were running late and would be getting in on thursday. but, i was running downstairs and the door slammed open and who was it? nicole. it was a great surprise. everyone was crying. nice nice.
my other cousin, jay, brought his girlfriend, heather, and her dog, i forget its name. it was sooo tiny. plus nicole had her dog, ella, and we have misty. talk about craaaazy.

today at lunch damian, danny, and mark took me out to lunch at wendys. fun...thanks guys :)
after school diana and i played tennis at schuyler and then went to erics to play tennis. i played considerably well, in my opinion, for not playing for about 8 months.

pictures from this weekend... )

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aaaaah shut up janelle!! <3<3 [27 May 2003|08:29am]
so, here i sit in english. janelles next to me talking about jay stromyer. talking, talking, talking, talking!!!!

anyhow, my dog threw up this morning. :(

this entry is stupid and pointless. yes.

ugggggggggh [26 May 2003|08:37pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | american football - the summer ends ]


ali, im so sorry. i did it because i was upset. i really hope you're not upset about this. i know you thought i was better than that, but i'm just an idiot sometimes. that you know. im sorry.

now i will continue to want to die. thank you.

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summing up yesterday in words, rather than paragraphs [26 May 2003|02:01pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | msi- golden I ]

ethel. friendlys. my house. steve-o. swimfan. damian and dan. dan's house. wendys. boys leaving us alone in the parking lot and dan trying to make us get into his ghetto ass van. liquor. bloomingdale to get zach. lost. gas stations. dans house. jay renee patty mark jesse damian ethel darren cops and cones. clintons road. freaking out. smelling skunk. leaving. ethels. damians system being haunted by annie from clintons rd. home. yeah!

i really wish i knew what the fuck to do about other things. it's so damn confusing. all i do is cry. why do i let myself? why is this so fucked up? why do i care? just stop, seriously. BOYS SUCK!


[26 May 2003|12:24pm]

[26 May 2003|11:40am]
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i think i love you isnt that what life is made of and tho it worries me to say...(nadda to do) [25 May 2003|12:08am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | incubus- i wish you were here ]

went to the mall via bus with lisa.
went to bebe shirt and put a :::gasp::: BLACK SKIRT INTO THE BLUE SECTION!! aaaaah the horror! we had so much fun today!
went to lisas
then to skaters world. saw ali and d6. can i just say how much i really hate that place. i used to like it like, the first 3 times i went. now it should die. it consists of freshman girls and 10 year old boys and i only like 2 people who happen to be my cousins friends!!!
then we went by lisas, a since shes home alone, the world stopped by and we went into the jacuzzi in our underwear haha. JEFF I REALLY DONT THINK YOU SAW MY BOOBS AT JANELLES PARTY! stop it!! zach you didnt see anything either EVER so STOP IT EVERYONE! haha
besides that, i really love you guys. sitting in the hot tub, i realized that i really love you guys. we've all gotten really close and im glad that i feel so comfortable with a group of totally different people. i<3melody,lisa,jeff,zaCHary,jj,ethel,kristy,jay,janelle,davey
i wish alissa and dianawhore were there. i miss my bro zach tooo!
tweeter was there. havent seen him in ages. he drove me home, good times, good times. lol
tonight was a lot better than last night, thank god.
melody, you okay? <3<3<3

postscript: tonight was quite an incubus evening. it reminds me of the summer. oh, i wish it were summer. fuck, i wish it were last summer!!

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well, well, well. [24 May 2003|02:24pm]
[ mood | jealous ]
[ music | slow coming day - mixed emotions ]

last night was truely sucky.
but i really thank janelle. you're not a tool nor a slut. and i dont want you to think i hate you and i don't want it to be gay between us. the sleep over was the best part. i <3 you girls.
anyhow, i've been sitting here all day practically, because it's incredibly gross out. i feel like shit and i want to leave. i wonder why this is even bothering me. i should be happy right? right. but, of corse not. because i'm so used to "it" and i guess i don't adapt to change very well. last night was change. sometimes i wish i wasn't as sensitive as i am. last night i did it.

i re-did my journal AGAIN...i like lighter colors for the spring.

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this is what makes me happy on this rainy afternoon. [24 May 2003|02:23pm]

You're a modern/pop artist. You have the ability to
turn your problems into bright, colorful works
of art. People like being around you because
you make them smile. Kudos!

What type of artist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i hate last night with a burning passion. i'm not talking about it now. maybe later. [24 May 2003|12:24pm]
thank you, slow coming day, for making this perfect song for me.

Here I am confused. So unsure of where I stand. Consumed by emptiness. Sick of being used by this world. When will it end? This game I play with you. When will I stop to pretend and go standing on a black line? The misery breaks my heart. Deep down inside, I know I can't go on living this way. When will it end? This game I play with you. When will I stop to pretend and go follow you? I have not forgotten your whispering voice or the sweetness of your presence.


mmm hmmm [23 May 2003|12:04pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | waiting for autumn ]

last night.jon simons house. nice kid to let us all come. dave was so surprised. although he doesn't like cake, he liked the IDEA of it. haha. we played on the ouji(sp?) board and asked who it knew in the room and it said melissa, she freaked out, and then we moved onto another "spirit" and it did the figure 8, ethel blew out the candle, we all freaked and screamed and made fun of jon because now hes got a pissed of dead dude in his basement.

fucking ali called and woke me up!! STUPID BITCH! haha jk i <3 you. i didnt really ditch you though, my mother made me. we'll go for chinese like sunday or something, i promise!

today i have a job interview!!!!! @ wet seal. i'm really nervous because i've never been to an interview and i don't know what to expect. i hope i get it. DISCOUNTS FOR EVERONE!

this afternoon= dyeing hair. YEAH, again. i have an obssesion.

tonight is gonna be crazy. everyone in the world is going to janelles. im so excited and so looking forward to everything. the sleep over is gonna be the fun part. AH i'm not gonna give a fuck!


$$$ [21 May 2003|10:55pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | eerie silence ]

im so proud of alissa and jeff and lisa and dave for getting up there and saying great speeches. the best shall win. yeah!

tomorrow needs to get over fast.
i have 29809213 things to remember to do.

tomorrow im going with mom to the mall to get applications and some clothes perhaps? then im going out to eat with zachary...then FUN FUN FUN.
no school friday. thank you god.
friday night=its gonna be great and im not gonne care about anything


well, well, well [20 May 2003|09:54pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | the reunion show - thinking vs.doing ]

i got my hair cut. it looks the same. surprise, surprise. i'll make it lighter later this week...like a strawberry blone...only not really.

so anyway, i get my hair done at preakness and there was this car on fire and people freaked out. wow, like you've never seen smoke before. then mom and i went to macys and i realized that it's sad when you're moms an entire size smaller than you and about 3 times your age.

anyhow, i just can't wait for janelles. this week can't end fast enough. im slacking so fucking much in school. oh well, too bad. its 4th marking period and soon no more shit.

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[20 May 2003|05:24pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

italian bake sale went well. $ $ $

i hate my mom. she's such a bitch about money and me trying to get a job, when she can blow her money where ever the hell she wants.

mark, damian, and danny stopped by today. then linda. we chilled outside for a bit. its nice out today.

dan stopped by again to give me the steve-o videos. yay

i'm going to get a hair trimming.


STOP GETTING UR HOPES UP BITCH. [19 May 2003|09:00pm]
[ mood | let down ]
[ music | slow coming day - watching it fall apart ]

yeah so. i asked a few of you girls to do me a favor, and nothing. THANKS A WHOLE FUCKING LOT "FRIENDS"!!!!
school. gay. to kill a mocking bird: black & white. lame.
project adventure is the devil and so is walking all the way to field, only to find we were in the wrong place and in deep shit. not too deep though.
dermond. ohhhh lord kill me.

after dinner i walked to starbucks and met up with lisa. she got pizza and we visited henry and jeremy. went to stop and shop to look at hair color. saw jay. walked to cvs. hair color and HALF THE FREAKING SCHOOL was there. and by half i mean about 4 (2 beings twins, so maybe they count as 1). went to cost cutters. hair bleach for lisa. saw simon and jay yet again. went home to mrs baron blasting crockadile rock, like shes notorious to do with the windows down. my grandma danced in the drive way. quite frightening. then she was embarrased.

and yeah, basically nothing goes as planned. ever. or how i want it. its because i always want what i cant have. bitches.

4 arrows shot through| <3

it must be grease lightening!!! [19 May 2003|08:54pm]
Starr I3rite: we go together like...

C r A z Y D i 24: like ram-alama-alama ka dinkity dink de dong?
C r A z Y D i 24: together 4eee
C r A z Y D i 24: like shoo bop soo bop
C r A z Y D i 24: wada wada ka dinikity dkink de do?
C r A z Y D i 24: chang channng change chang- ge bop we'll always be like waaaaa wa wa w a waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
C r A z Y D i 24: ok im DONE

Starr I3rite: we go together like...
sirpunkalot85: lalalala

fluffnlollipops: bababaloo bop a bop bamboo

CrAzY sTaR dAnCe: lallalalma dingigning diding
CrAzY sTaR dAnCe: together for ever
CrAzY sTaR dAnCe: like shoobaobjb yippoty boomdeboom


Starr I3rite: we go together like...
Living Contradic: im afraid to finish that sentence
Starr I3rite: lolol
Starr I3rite: ur supposed to go
Starr I3rite: ramalamalamalmadingitydingadong
Living Contradic: well
Living Contradic: i think i would
Living Contradic: expect
Living Contradic: ramalamalamalmadingitydingadong
Living Contradic: freakign creeps me out
Living Contradic: and if thats what you think when you think of henry and ashley
Living Contradic: i dunno i can look at you in the eye anymore

[18 May 2003|10:00pm]
i miss melody a lot. i hope she didnt fall off any rollarcoasters. that'd suck
1 arrow shot through| <3

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