Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
2:50 pm - Update finally
Hello everyone, haven’t updated in ages have I? Nah I know. Not much has been happening recently anyway. I found out some sad news yesterday though that my great uncle Bob died, apparently he died in the back garden taking some photo's of birds, I think it was a heart attack, I hadn't seen him in years not since I was 4 or 5, I was meaning to see him as well :¬( Anyway I'm going to his funeral next week, never been to one before. Ah it will be sad.
On the 10th to the 13th of June I am going camping in the Lake district with a few people, you's can come if ya want, the more the better really :¬)
I have flu.
Anyway got to do stuff, I'll update again some time. Bye.
current mood: groggy
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Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
11:44 pm - Whoooooops!
So I was out tonight in my car at the lighthouse with people and I decided to do a handbrake turn, guess who was behind me? Ah ha the police. When they asked me why did you do it? I intelligently said "coz it was fun" so I got done anyway, only a warning though. Ah well.
Moral of the story: Drive like a twat get done like a twat, which is fair do's.
current mood: thankful
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Saturday, March 20th, 2004
11:46 am - Last nite
Went to Town got really pissed had a really good nite. Still semi pissed too. Woo!
Work at 5 FUCK!
current mood: drunk
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Thursday, March 11th, 2004
11:11 pm - Fuck.
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
11:47 am - Back in 03/03/03...
I passed my test exactly a year ago today, plus I'm getting my very own car today to. That just occurred to me, umm.
I have a sore throat and a bunged nose.
Where is everyone?
current mood: groggy
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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
10:28 pm - Sun, Sea, Sand
Aw my lip hurts, I put a reduction sticker on my lip tonight at work and ripped it off then my lip started to bleed quite a bit... somebody said they did it and it made there lip bleed, so I did it coz I didn't believe them. Ho ho ho. It now hurts anyway.
I think I'm getting a cold.
It's a strange date 02-03-04 today, yes yes but it wont be as cool as 04-04-04.
..um bye.
current mood: groggy current music: Boogie Pimps - Don't you want somebdy to love
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Monday, March 1st, 2004
11:23 pm - Stuff
Well should be getting my car this week. I just need the insurance to come through and I'll get 6 months free road tax from the garage. Sex on legs. I'm not going to tell anyone what it is though not until I finally get it heh.
Things on the lady front haven't been good. I made an arse of myself last night at Sammy Jacks, Sorry Caroline.
Been to work today 4 till 10, it was very shit, plus the vending machine ripped me by £1.60! C***S!
Night Babies.
current mood: tired
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Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
11:50 pm - Heh funny I suppose
♥Frentzen and ♥Cazicals | - May one day have all e-girls.
- Schedule times to actually see each other when the time is right.
- Are metaphorically attached at the hip.
| | |
Goodnight everybody.
current mood: no better :¬(
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Monday, February 23rd, 2004
10:30 pm - I dunno :¬(
Monday, February 9th, 2004
11:24 pm - Wow look at all the places I have visited!?
Thursday, February 5th, 2004
11:26 pm - Fanny!
Friday, January 30th, 2004
12:24 am - Friday Night
Argh Charva's..... that’s enough of that anyway, well 2moro (or today now) its my Birthday so that will make me 19. Anyway loads of peeps are meant to be going up to town to celebrate, which is nice :¬) It should be fun although a few people as expected have dropped out saying they don't have any money - so why say you would come in the first place then? argh, but anyway out of a possible 29 only 11 are coming that I know of and the other people haven't bother telling me yet, so I don't know what’s happening. I could always go to Whitley Ha, umm no Martin I can't believe I've just heard you say that. It's better then nowt though. LOOK I'm having a conversation with myself, ok stop.
Anyway you're all very welcome to come along. What about you boxit lol :P
current mood: cynical
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Thursday, January 29th, 2004
11:54 pm - Fucking Charva's!
Today I was driving back from Newcastle and as I went through North Shields 2 little scruff's threw a snow ball at the car. As soon as it happened I slammed the brakes on, reversed then chased the little cunts, but I lost them. So I carried on driving back and went passed Knots flats, then about 10 Charva cunts were throwing snowballs at random cars and one hit me so again I slammed the brakes on and reversed and chased them but they just stood there and threw more! What cunts! So I drove off, for all I knew they could have had stones hidden in the snow balls, so I wasn't gonna take that chance.
Lets have a Kinnon moment - ARGH! I wish all Charva's would just fucking die! those ugly cunts with no education! - For once I agree with him. CUNTS!
current mood: angry
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
12:41 am - Uh?
I just received an Email from UCI saying that my registration was complete? wtf? What registration? I've never signed up to anything with them. Anyway I seem to have an account with them now. Strange.
Oh and how come the more you earn the more you get fucked up the arse by the Government. I'm not surprised people spend there lives on the dole.
current mood: curious
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Sunday, January 25th, 2004
11:29 pm - Update
Went to a party last night, some kid's party from Buskers, John I think he was called. I was meant to be in at work today but I phoned in sick, it's my first day off since I started that place so they shouldn't be too arsed. Hopefully. Woo me and Caroline are going back out, so I'm alot happier. Weee thats proper sex.. on the beach that is!
Need sleep.
current mood: happy
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Friday, January 23rd, 2004
12:30 am - Ello
I get paid today, Friday I mean. Hope I get a lot. Me and Caroline split up on Tuesday, which was sad. We would have been going out 8 months on the 25th. We don't hate each other though which is always grand, but it's still not good :¬(
Oh well, goodnight.
current mood: melancholy
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Sunday, January 18th, 2004
11:44 pm - Weekend
Weekend was okay, on Friday me, Caroline, Thomas and Jared went down to Tynemouth and then Whitley, wasn't too bad actually ended up in Blue and saw loads of people like Crawford and even Kenny. What was more shocking was that Kenny had half an E, I mean WTF? Kenny? taking drugs.. sorry but that just seems scary lol :¬P On Saturday I just stayed in most of the day and practised being sick a few times, that was enjoyable. Today I went to work at 7 till 4, went quite fast although I only had 3 hours sleep last night coz I couldn't get to sleep, so I'm pretty fucked at the minute, I'm soo tired.
current mood: sleepy
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Friday, January 16th, 2004
12:09 am - Umm
Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
11:26 pm - Tesco & my birthday
Well work wasn't too bad. I only ended up doing a 7 hour shift instead of 9 hour shift coz they had put a stop on overtime this week due to there budget or something. Fools :P I'm also off 2morro and from Friday this week I'm doing my normal hours again. I get paid next week, woo hoo! :¬D
Oh on the 30th, which is the Friday (2 weeks time) does anyone want to come up to town coz it's my birthday and some lass at Tesco's birthday. All the Tesco crew are going.. fun :¬P So everyone better come and keep me company :¬D So is anyone coming? You're all invited.
Make a comment now dammit :¬P
current mood: hungry
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12:09 pm - Ace!
12:00 am - "Channel 55 and a box of tissues that’s what I use for my sexual issues"
Ahh 9 hour shift 2morro...nice. Or in the words or Burtrum "Ace". It's not really ace though coz it's incredibly boring and crap, and it makes me get headache's, but on the other hand it is money and I do really really need it so it's not all bad. How is everyone then? Haven't seen people in a while, is everyone okay or ace lol?
current mood: tired
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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
12:03 am - Cunt
Went to work at 4 today, when I got out at 10 I found that my car was covered in black tape and 'go faster stripes'. Yes some cunt had put black tape and 'go faster stripes' all over the car. Guess which cunt this was. Yes it was Keith. Cunt.
current mood: pissed off
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Sunday, January 11th, 2004
5:05 pm - It's 2004
Hello, I haven't made an update this year so I will now I suppose. Oh Happy New Year to everyone and hope you all had a good Christmas. Well I had quite a good Christmas got a fair few presents which I wasn't expecting which was nice, but my new year was a bit shitty coz I didn't get to spend it with Caroline, instead I was stuck in the boarders of Scotland eating dogs leg with Thomas :¬P which was nice.
Sorry I haven't updated sooner, just been really busy with everything really, except college. Been working like a Japanese prisoner of war too, but a happy one. Worked every day last week except this weekend. I'm rambling now, am I rambling? Umm.
It doesn't really feel like 2004 at the minute, but I dunno how its meant to feel anyway. Umm yes. I forgot to make a new years resolution too. Argh cook a cat.
I told Mathew that me and Thomas find Tee annoying, dunno if that was the best move I made but Thomas was never gonna tell him so I thought I would. I'm only being honest, it's better than being two faced isn't it? So anyway I doubt we will be seeing Mathew for a while :¬/
Me and Caroline decided to take a break from each other yesterday for a week or two to see how things go, I'm not gonna go to much into why it's happened (not on here anyway) but it's just one of those things.
It's my Birthday soon, on the 30th, I'm gonna be 19. Christ what a scary thought.
I'm eating at the minute so I'm gonna go off here and finish my tea then go out.
current mood: confused
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Sunday, December 21st, 2003
11:10 pm - My 12 Days Till Christmas
Friday, December 19th, 2003
1:16 am - Thought of the day
It's a proper bastard!
current mood: cynical current music: Damon Albarn - Half a song
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Friday, December 12th, 2003
1:12 am - It's hip to be mother fucking square, here there and everywhere yeah!
I've bought nearly all my Christmas presents. Bo'selecta indeed.
I haven't updated in a while and sheeshkebab told me so, so I decided to update. This entry is for my little friend Frodo who I never see anymore... and the other people.
Night night.
current mood: tired current music: Foo Fighters - Times like these
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Sunday, November 23rd, 2003
6:42 am - Argh
Can't believe I’m up this early just to go to work. This is the last Sunday I'm doing in a while like. I hate doing Sundays, so boring. Argh too tired to stay awake.
current mood: tired
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Thursday, November 20th, 2003
10:59 am - Woo
Sunday, November 16th, 2003
12:25 am - Always remember to put a subject
Fuck me I haven't been this npissed in ages. Sexual. Tonight was good. I didn't thinkikt would bepout it was great stuff.
Andrew rothwell is gay.com. WTF.
[EDIT] in the words of ian k. I have work 2morro and I have to get up at 6 for fucks sakes on a bike in hekll. arghrghrhgrhrgrh. cunts.
night nigfht nice pll in hell.
[EDIT] AHGAIAN. I wish JMie B was pout tonight, he is gret funy dstuff and I also have the same phoine as him. this ids good bar the spelling mistakes fuucccckkkkkkkkkk.
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Monday, November 10th, 2003
11:17 am - Bah
College was faeces today, had one lesson. I'm not enjoying college at all :¬( I might leave after Christmas or something. Got work at 4 today, till 10, then lovely college in the morning.
Bah I don't have time to do anything anymore. This is faeces.
current mood: disappointed current music: Blur - This is a low
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Saturday, November 8th, 2003
7:35 pm - PS2
Ahh sod it. I bought a PS2 from Argos today rather than shitty Woolworths coz ya get a better deal at Argos. It's a silver one too which makes it more shhhexy. I got a steering wheel and a remote with it but I'll probs sell them on Ebay and get some money.
Rite now I need to download some phone unblocking software.
current mood: chipper
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Friday, November 7th, 2003
9:16 am - Last Night
Last night I ordered a PS2 off the Woolworths site coz my old one is broken and 2 live Blur video's from the Blur site. Sexual.
Anyway must dash need to get ready for fun college and I need to go to the bank before hand.
current mood: rushed
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Monday, November 3rd, 2003
8:31 am - I tell thee!
Nooooooooooooooo not college! College is bad!
current mood: pessimistic
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Saturday, November 1st, 2003
6:40 pm - Found out my dad's gay... nah not really but I got your attention didn't I?
Got paid on Friday - £230 for 2 and half weeks work, not bad, but I got taxed like 50 quid arghhhhhhh. So it works out I got 180 quid. Ahh at least I can pay Mel and Ryan back... then I'll be back to 'Nil' in my bank account again.
Anyway I'm bored. Very bored. Anyone want to do anything?
current mood: bored current music: Divine Comedy - National express
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Thursday, October 30th, 2003
6:46 pm - Woo hoo!
Saturday, October 25th, 2003
7:28 pm - Hello
Been going out with cazicals for 5 months now, woo. Argh I have to get up at 6 tomorrow morning for work to do a 9 hour shift, God it's gonna kill me, but oh well. I might go out tonight with Tom, Pete and people for a few drinks or something.
Do the clocks go back tonight? I was told they do anyway. Umm.
current mood: bored
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Thursday, October 23rd, 2003
5:26 pm - Oh very big huge dear!
Monday, October 13th, 2003
3:59 pm - Ah yes
Haha Morrisons phoned up before to ask for me to come to an interview. The thing is I would have accepted if only they replied sooner. Silly knobs :P
Start Tesco tonight.
current mood: nervous
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Saturday, October 11th, 2003
12:01 pm - Argh!
Argh fucking Barclaycard, stop charging me money I dont owe. Retards. On the up side I do have a job now, so thats sex.
current mood: frustrated
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Thursday, October 9th, 2003
4:12 pm - T-E-S-C-O
Just came back from Tesco's for a job interview, I think it went ok at least. The pay is pretty good £4.72, then if you stay for 6 months it goes up to £5.02 then after 12 months £5.50. Not bad at all, hope I get the job. It's better then fucking PC gay World which is £4.16 - I went for a job interview there too on Monday. I hope I don't get it, it's such a unprofessional shitty place.
Well I've still got Curry's and Argos to look forward to if I don't get the job. Although Curry's and PC World are the same company so the pay will probs be really shit, but I dunno about Argos though. I'm guessing the pay is gonna be crap there too, I should ask Keith.
Anyway tonight I'm going to Buskers, mmm.
current mood: optimistic
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Tuesday, September 30th, 2003
11:30 pm - Today
I got an application form from Argos today. I half watched the Italian job too at the UCI, not a bad film really.
current mood: bored
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Saturday, September 27th, 2003
11:07 pm - Rah.. scary
I've got a letter and a CV to give in at Tesco's tomorrow, none of the other places have replied back yet. In the words of sheeshkebab.... Cunty bastards!
current mood: tired
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Thursday, September 25th, 2003
11:28 pm - This week & today
Monday, September 22nd, 2003
11:10 pm - Umm hello
Found Leo finally he was locked in a cellar up the street, heh mad cat. Got the car sorted too for 60 quid. I need to take it back om Monday though to get it finished off. Not bad job in all though.
College is ok. Not excellent but college never is.
God I wish my mum would stop nagging FFS!
current mood: pleased
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Thursday, September 18th, 2003
11:07 pm - ARGH! FUCKING ARGH!!
This week has not been good. Yesterday I backed into a car in my street and fucked the paint work on my dads car, so this morning I went to Charlie Brown's and try to fix it with some shite that I bought for 20 quid. Did it work? Did it fuck! The car now looks worse than it did in the fucking first place. FUCK. Then yesterday I get a E-mail from Chernay asking me to get the money to Mel as soon as possible for the broken window from her party which is 150 quid. Then today I get a phone call from Ryan out of the blue asking for his 30 quid for the REM ticket. On top of that I'm in debt all ready at about 650 quid on my credit card, plus I need 25 quid for Tynemouth college as a deposit.
All this shit would have been sorted out if I had been able to get a fucking job, but no it's impossible! I mean Mel and Chernay have asked about the window money for ages and I've said I'll give you it when I get the money, I mean for fuck sakes I can't grow money! Jesus!
I've applied to soo many jobs and haven't got nothing back except one interview at Walter's and I didn't even get that for fuck sakes! I mean 3 people got interviewed, me this other lad and sheeshkebab and the other lad and Kinnon got the job. I mean why not employ another cunt!? For fucks sake! Just my fucking luck!
My cat decided to run off to, so I dunno where thats gone plus my fucking piece of shit computer keeps cunting crashing!!!
What did I do to deserve this?
current mood: enraged current music: Graham Coxon - Bonfires
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12:32 pm - Jobs
I'm gonna do some CV's later today and hand them in at most places round the Silverlink, I've also got a application form from Morrisons and the Shell garage.
current mood: cynical
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Thursday, September 11th, 2003
12:04 pm - Ahh yes
Well not much has been happening recently, but 2 things have developed;
- Got an interview at Walters 2moro, I’ll probably cock it up though. - I've got an interview for Tynemouth College on Tuesday.
I wrote a letter to Sainsbury's too for night shift work but they haven’t got back to me yet which is a bit bot. I might try Tesco's actually.
And Goodbye.
current mood: optimistic current music: Blur - Red necks
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Thursday, September 4th, 2003
11:49 pm - All sorted now
Got the insurance sorted for the car finally, woo. I'm now insured for a full year starting from today. It's going to take a few weeks though until I can drive it coz my dad has to change the ownership of the car over to me, so he has to inform the DVLA, and you know how long they take to do things, it will take forever, argh. At least it's sorted anyway.
Caroline came round tonight, she was quite upset, I know why, but it will be alright, we'll get it sorted :¬) I was going to go to Buskers tonight but couldn't be arsed in the end, I had no money anyway.
Umm well I'll be going out tomorrow night no doubt, to the pub or summit, so that will be alright. Ah there's a party on Saturday at Nugie's girlfriends house, Sam. So I'll be going there. Ahhh yes Freddie.
Ahh this song is soo funny.
current mood: thankful current music: Divine Comedy - Generation sex
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Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
9:18 pm - Insurance
Does any body know of any really cheap insurance company's for car insurance? I know it's a bit of a long shot but it's worth a try.
current mood: hopeful
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8:09 pm - Quick notice
Just to say that there's another gathering/party at Peter's 2morro during the day/night. Anyone is welcome. Ring me if ya wanna come: 07952030202.
current mood: tired
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