Satiate my mind and calm my nerves [entries|friends|calendar]

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[11 Aug 2004|12:29am]
i am listening to regulate by warren g
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happy birthday, fan! [10 Aug 2004|12:13am]
[ mood | ahh ]
[ music | milk ]

love love love

all you need is love.


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[08 Aug 2004|12:10am]
[ mood | U R Y E I ]
[ music | S B T ]


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[06 Aug 2004|01:01am]
[ mood | holla ]
[ music | you know ]

Everybody's got opinions
On the way you're living
But see they can't fill your shoes
Life is made of half illusion
Forty percent confusion
Whatever's left I'm using to keep myself from losing
You don't know what I've been through
Hell I might go through you

All in all it's all in my head

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[04 Aug 2004|03:01pm]
[ mood | AAAHHH!! ]

today sucks.

[31 Jul 2004|11:33pm]
[ mood | aa hhhha aag ]
[ music | T B S ]

i love coming home and reading LJ. thanks to everyone on my friends list for writing. lots of love to you all.

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warped tour [29 Jul 2004|10:31pm]
[ music | new tbs ]

good times. saw:
all-american rejects
taking back Sunday
the working title
motion city soundtrack
over it
coheed and cambria

good show. good times. good friends. peace.

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[23 Jul 2004|10:47pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

yesterday i - went to the beach. worked. had a very fun time with aimee at her house. hooked up with aylee and stacy later on. ended the night with ryan. / he is housesitting so him and i slept there. it was lovely.

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:) [17 Jul 2004|09:08pm]
My Best Friend is [info]shortbusseasea
Our 13 common interests are: armor for sleep, brand new, coheed and cambria, dashboard confessional, food, friends, holding hands, making out, music, outkast, ramen noodles, reading, the starting line
Who is your best friend?
Created by [info]macoto
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[16 Jul 2004|11:52am]
anyone else going to the Orlando warped tour on July 29th?
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