The new 'quick comments' thing on system-style comments view pages - some people love it, some people hate it. If you like to use the user icons as part of the grammar of your replies, or if you semi-regularly reply from a secondary account, this is really annoying, because neither of these are options, and it means you have to wait for it to rehack the page, and then hit the 'more options' button. And there's no switch to turn it off, except for using a browser that simply doesn't support the Javascript hooks needed. Or turning off Javascript entirely. Or other similarly blunt-instrument solutions. [ addendum: There are less... geeky... ways around it in the comments. Each has their own upside and downside. I added a filter to my chosen ad/popup/evilness blocker because it's what I already had running, and Privoxy works on MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Hopefully there will be a response to the suggestion that a switch be added. ] ( Here's a relatively precise, if super-geeky fix. )
Current Mood: geeky