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Sacré SVG: Going Mobile With SVG: Standards
Antoine Quint charts the rise and rise of mobile SVG.


Dive into XML: The Atom Link Model
Mark Pilgrim explains Atom's linking model


Web Services Integration Patterns, Part 1
Max Bigatti on design patterns for web services integration.


XML.com XML-Deviant: Mozilla and Opera Renew the Browser Battle
by Kendall Grant Clark
Mozilla and Opera have joined together to drive forward browser standards, in an effort to head off the threat from Microsoft's .NET plans -- and route around a lagging W3C.

XML.com XML and Dreamweaver
by Kevin Ruse
Our brief tour of the XML features of Dreamweaver MX 2004 demonstrate how to read, write and manipulate XML.

XML.com Tomorrow's Web Today
by Daniel Zambonini
How today's web technologies enable the sci-fi scenarios of the future, and how something as simple as using XHTML can let you play a part.

XML.com XML-Deviant: Something Useful This Way Comes
by Kendall Grant Clark
The Semantic Web appears to be powering ahead: so why are there so many doubters in the XML world?

XML.com Sacré SVG: SVG and Typography: Bells and Whistles
by Fabio Arciniegas A.
This third installment of our look at typography in SVG introduces the SVG versions of well-known effects such as blurs, shadows, gradients and bevels.

XML.com Hacking the Library: Putting ISBNs to Work
by Kendall Grant Clark
Continuing his "Hacking the Library" series, Kendall Clark starts the implementation of a web service tool to retrieve Library of Congress identifiers given the ISBN of a book.

XML.com Transforming XML: Entity and Character References
by Bob DuCharme
In this month's Transforming XML Bob DuCharme examines some of the issues surrounding entity and character references in XSLT 2.0.

WebServices.XML.comJava Web Services Security: Implementing XML Encryption in Java
by Bilal Siddiqui
In the third of his series on Web Services Security for Java, Bilal Siddiqui joins together the pieces and adds XML encryption support to his WSS4J project.

XML.com Features: To Tag or Not to Tag
by Patrick O'Kelley
The fascinating story of the new world of opportunities opened by bringing the New Variorum Shakespeare Editions into XML.

XML.com Features: WWW2004 Semantic Web Roundup
by Paul Ford
Reporting from the WWW 2004 conference, Paul Ford surveys the state of the art in client and server side semantic web technology.

XML.com XML Q&A;: From XML to SMIL
by John E. Simpson
In this month's XML Q&A; column John E. Simpson explores the interaction of plain text, SMIL, and XSLT.

WebServices.XML.comFeatures: Trust Networks in a Web Services World
by Paul Madsen
How do interconnecting web services know who to trust? We examine the role of Security Token Services in mediating trust netweem services.

WebServices.XML.comFeatures: Schema Binding for Java Web Services
by Mitch Gitman
Thanks to the use of W3C XML Schema in WSDL descriptions, data binding can be used to implement web services in Java. We examine some implementation strategies.

XML.com Features: Berners-Lee Keeps WWW2004 Focused on Semantic Web
by Paul Ford
Delivering the opening keynote to the WWW2004 conference in New York, Tim Berners-Lee encouraged developers to aggressively adopt RDF.

XML.com Non-Extractive Parsing for XML
by Jimmy Zhang
Changing the way XML parsers are written can make parsing more efficient and more flexible.

XML.com XML-Deviant: The Courtship of Atom
by Kendall Grant Clark
The Atom syndication specification may move to a new home at the W3C. We look at the advantages this would bring to all concerned.

WebServices.XML.comFeatures: What's New in WSDL 2.0
by Arulazi Dhesiaseelan
A look at the changes to the W3C's Web Services Description Language in its upcoming second version.

XML.com Sacré SVG: SVG and Typography: Characters
by Fabio Arciniegas A.
In this second part of our discussion of SVG and typography we explore some time-honored practices of typographic excellence.

XML.com Python and XML: XML Namespaces Support in Python Tools, Part Two
by Uche Ogbuji
In his latest Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji continues his tour of XML namespaces support in Python tools, focusing this time on 4Suite.

XML.com XML-Deviant: Politics By Any Other Name
by Kendall Grant Clark
The recent News.com interview with Bob Glushko spawned a rash of debate among XML developers. The topic? Standards, of course! Kendall Clark offers his own views, and reports on the surrounding community debate.

XML.com Features: Document-Centric .NET
by Eric Gropp
Centering an application around XML exchange brings many benefits in flexibility and loose-coupling.

XML.com Features: News Standards: A Rising Tide of Commoditization
by Jo Rabin
How can news providers persuade customers to accept new standard formats? Does RSS threaten or present opportunity to the news industry. Jo Rabin comments on the state of standards in the news industry.

XML.com Features: XML Europe 2004: Refactoring XML
by Eric van der Vlist
The recent XML Europe 2004 conference showed that it's time to use the experience gained in the last 6 years to optimize the use of XML. Eric van der Vlist reports on sessions from the show.

XML.com Transforming XML: Utility Stylesheets, Part Two
by Bob DuCharme
In this month's Transforming XML column Bob DuCharme continues his tour of generic, utility stylesheets.

XML.com Six Steps to LCC@Home
by Kendall Grant Clark
Continuing "Hacking the Library", Kendall Clark shows how to use the Library of Congress Classification on your own book collection.

XML.com UBL: A Lingua Franca for Common Business Information
by Dale Waldt
The essential facts on the Universal Business Language, the nuts and bolts for business documents in XML.

XML.com From One String to Many
by John E. Simpson
In John Simpson's latest XML Q&A; column he describes several ways, including those for XSLT/XPath 2.0 and EXSLT, to tokenize strings.

XML.com The State of XML
by Edd Dumbill
In this closing keynote speech to XML Europe 2004, Edd Dumbill summarizes XML's recent changes and enduring strengths.

WebServices.XML.comProtocol Design: Structure and Syntax
by Itamar Shtull-Trauring
The syntaxes used in protocols should be simple and consistent, says Itamar Shtull-Trauring. He examines the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Buyer's Guide

Document Authoring
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Java & XML, 2nd Edition

Learning XML

Perl & XML

Python & XML


SVG Essentials

XML CD Bookshelf

XML In a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

XML Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition

XML Schema

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brian d foy brian d foy's Weblog
Why does web news suck? Web news sources frustrate me again. Is it bad journalism or technological ignorance?

more weblogs

Some folks definitely don't want a Gmail address [Andrew Savikas]

Extreme Markup taking shape [Simon St. Laurent]

SVG arrives on Series 60 [Antoine Quint]

Alpha release of XOM 1.0 [Michael Smith]

Alastair Rampell doesn't get it [brian d foy]

More on DidTheyReadIt.com [brian d foy]

Word's giant leap forward [Andrew Savikas]

XML News
• European Commission's IDA TAC Publishes Recommendations on Open Document Formats [The XML Cover Pages]

• IETF Forms New Atom Publishing Format and Protocol (atompub) Working Group [The XML Cover Pages]

• Last Call Review for IETF Indication of Message Composition for Instant Messaging [The XML Cover Pages]

• W3C Web Services Working Groups Release New Drafts on Handling of Binary Data [The XML Cover Pages]

• Tags for Identifying Languages: IESG Issues Last Call Review for IETF BCP [The XML Cover Pages]

• W3C First Public Working Draft for RDF Data Access Use Cases and Requirements [The XML Cover Pages]

• Proposed Technical Specification for Web Services Addressing and Referencing Framework [The XML Cover Pages]

• Email Spoofing Targeted in IETF Draft on MTA Authentication Records in DNS [The XML Cover Pages]

• Open Mobile Alliance Releases Working Drafts for OMA DRM Version 2.0 [The XML Cover Pages]

• Open Mobile Alliance Releases Draft Versions of OMA DRM Version 2.0 [The XML Cover Pages]

Web Services News
• Multimap Adds Microsoft's MapPoint Web Service to its Service Portfolio [WebServices.org]

• SCO Announce the SCOx Web Services Substrate [WebServices.org]

• Oracle Buying Web Services Startup Collaxa [WebServices.org]

• The Open Mobile Alliance Release Standards for Interoperable Mobile Services [WebServices.org]

• Building Rich SOAP-Based Clients with J2SE Technology - Webinar, June 14th, 10am PST [WebServices.org]

• Enterprise Software in an On Demand World - Webinar, 17th June, 10am PST [WebServices.org]

• Proposal for W3C Web Services Addressing and Referencing Framework Working Group [WebServices.org]


2004 Wireless & Mobile WorldExpo  [Jul. 21, 2004]

Tri-XML 2004 Conference  [Jul. 22, 2004]

SIGIR 2004  [Jul. 25, 2004]

XML Summer School 2004  [Jul. 25, 2004]

2004 O'Reilly Open Source Convention  [Jul. 26, 2004]

Open Publish 2004  [Jul. 28, 2004]

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