dirtylittlefly's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in dirtylittlefly's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, April 18th, 2004
    10:43 pm
    <----- Here's a piccie of me and my baby. ;) It's a really badd piccie but my account is going to expire any time now, it's the only thing I have of us, and I may never have a paid account again sooooo... I love me shweet pea. We just got in a kind of fight.... but I just talked to him on the phone and he says he's just stressed... and it's not me. Sooo... Blah. Anyway- Yea. Bedtime.

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
    9:20 am
    We lost Zeus on Easter. We tore the apartment apart but couldn't find him until a couple of days later. Jackie was making her bed and he was under her pillow. She screamed. HA! Sneaky little snake thought he could deceive us! Though, I must admit I was kinda wishing we wouldn't find him. (kinda) Seeee..... right now the pet store has Jackson's Chameleon's. The ones with those AWESOME freaking eyeballs that move independently from one another. They're only about 2 or 3 inches long right now. I want one so BAD!!!!! But alas, the pet store dude says they are high maintainence. I don't have the time now but one day I SHALL have my Chameleon!

    My right hand really hurts when it gets cold. Sometimes my left does too. It's like this really weird aching in my bones that been happening more and more lately. My Mommy says it's a sign of arthritis. I'm scared!

    Current Mood: odd
    Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
    5:09 pm
    So this quarter I decided to give myself a break and only take 5 credits. Inferential Statistics and Cadavar Dissection. I can go in pretty much whenever for the dissection class and Stats is only on Tuesday nights. 3 HOURS of Statistics with Aaron Bingham. He looks like Doonsburry and talks kinda like Eugene Levy. I guess that makes things somewhat entertaining.

    I'm just having trouble cuz it's only one night a week... so I put off all my homework until the last second. It's so unchallenging taking so few classes... I always do my best when I'm swamped with work. We'll see how this quarter goes. :P~
    Thursday, April 1st, 2004
    10:49 pm
    Quote Of The Day: "You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'. Need I say more?" -Chris Rock
    Monday, March 29th, 2004
    7:26 am
    I hurted myself
    Tyler picked me up from work the other day and he was skateboarding around. So I was like hey, teach me how to skateboard. And so he's like... ok, ya put your left foot on there.... no up farther... yeah. Kay, now push.

    I pushed... and then I died.

    I was on the board for a whole second before I was on the ground. And now I have a bruise the size of a grapefruit on my leg. Great Fun!

    Current Mood: clumsy
    Friday, March 26th, 2004
    9:20 am
    Whenever I'm at work we'll be listening to the radio and I'll hear a song that I need to remember to sing to Tyler later. And yeah.... My singing sucks but It's the thought that counts. Anywho, Here was last night's song that I think really fits us. Well, The courus anyways. ;)

    "You May Be Right" -Billy Joel

    Friday night I crashed your party
    Saturday I said I'm sorry
    Sunday came and trashed me out again
    I was only having fun
    Wasn't hurting anyone
    And we all enjoyed the weekend for a change

    I've been stranded in the combat zone
    I walked through Bedford Sty alone
    Even rode my motorcycle in the rain
    And you told me not to drive
    But I made it home alive
    So you said that only proves that I'm insane

    You may be right
    I may be crazy
    Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
    Turn out the light
    Don't try to save me
    You may be wrong for all I know
    But you may be right

    Well remember how I found you there
    Alone in your electric chair
    I told you dirty jokes until you smiled
    You were lonely for a man
    I said take me as I am
    Cuz you might enjoy some madness for a while

    Now think of all the years you've tried to
    Find someone to satisfy you
    I might be as crazy as you say
    If I'm crazy then it's true
    That it's all because of you
    And you wouldn't want me any other way

    You may be right
    I may be crazy
    Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
    It's too late to fight
    It's too late to change me
    You may be wrong for all I know
    But you may be right

    (sax solo)

    You may be right
    I may be crazy
    But It just may be a lunatic you're looking for
    Turn out the light
    Don't try to save me
    You may be wrong for all I know
    You may be right

    You may be wrong but you may be right
    You may be wrong but you may be right
    (repeat till end)
    8:41 am
    Guess who got a 4.0 last quarter!
    Me baby! Yeah!

    I am shocked and amazed. I was expecting nothing higher than a "B" in my English class. I wrote my 12 page research paper on our society's negative attitude towards sex and how it got that way. It focuses mainly on religion and our government's support for conservative views formed by Christianity. The material was really interesting and such... but I don't feel like I wrote it very well... It didn't flow so good in places, and as Tyler mentioned the writing and sentence forms were really dry and boring. I wish I did better on it because I've been wanting to write that paper for a long time, but I was just too busy to really give it my all. Oh what am I bitching about It got me an "A" didn't it? I'm such a damned perfectionist. I'm scared that I'm slowly becoming one of those bastards that are distraught when they get a "B". Those are annoying fucking people.


    Anywho. In other news! I gotta second job, working at a Kiosk just a few doors down from Cinnabon. "The Charmed Source." The cool thing about it is my managers are good buddies and will figure out my schedule so I don't have to worry about conflicts... and they don't have to worry about some manager they don't know screwing them and scheduling me wrong and blablabla.


    Jared made it sound like I would be getting a heck of a lot more hours than I will be, so I might not stick with it. Also, Jared (the manager) is the only one that gets a commision check. So I'm like, "So I should work hard and sell lots so you get all the commision? He says that if he gets a big one he does share, but that's bullshit cuz he'll only share 20 bucks whether his check is 150 or 500 dollars. At Cinnabon I get paid more than minimum wage plus tips. GRrr. Oh well. I have a second job for now... I'll probably get a better one later.

    What else. hmmmmmm

    Tyler almost died! WEll kinda. See... He was fixing his car over at his buddy Don's house but they didn't get it done on time and his car was all taken apart and undriveable. SO, since Andy just bought a new truck he's been borrowing the Bonnie. Now Tyler has been Telling Andy for the last year that any minute now the axle on the Bonneville is going to snap in half while he's driving it. And of course, during the 2 days that Tyler is borrowing Andy's car it snaps in half. They had just finished fixing his mustang, Don was driving Tyler's car and Tyler was following him in the bonnie. The fact that Don took 4th Plain and not SR500 was a miracle! Luckily he was only going 15 mph when it broke but if he was going 50+ on SR500... things could have been very BAD.

    But he's ok... he didn't crash or anything so I guess he didn't almost die... but I guess he almost could have maybe died. or something. I'm just glad my baby is ok. I love my shweet pea. ;)

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: "Crazy" -Billy Joel
    Thursday, March 11th, 2004
    12:04 pm
    I'll be so trashed next weekend
    I have not gotten Fucked up since New Years. (And boy was I fucked up) This has been the quarter from hell! I think all my professors got together and said, "Hey you know that chick Stephanie? Yeah, lets fuck up her shit and have all our tests on the same weeks. Yeah lets do that!" All my midterms fell at the same times. It blew big old monkey chunks. But things are getting better I beleive... As long as I can wade through that research paper and have it perfect by Tuesday-things will flow smoothy... like buttah!

    Next quarter will be super easy. I'll only be taking statistics and.... AND! (I'm so excited) Cadavar Dissection! Yes indeedy I will be chopping people up! Well not like chopping or hacksawing or anything, but more like cutting gently... peeling... pulling... prodding..... I'm so excited. ;) Yeah Yeah.. It's morbid I know but I think it's damn interesting! Everything in our bodies works together so perfectly it's amazing! Well I shouldn't say perfectly. But your body can take a lot of shit before it starts complaining. Anyhow.... I could go on to talk about all the viruses and microorganisms that I'm learning about in microbiology and how freggin cool that is. (cuz it sooooo iz) But I wouldn't want to bore you I guess.

    Dustin IMed me the other night! I was shocked and amazed considering we haven't spoken for over a year. heh... He told me he was suffering through a Physics class but All I could think is how freggin cool is that! Physics Class! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy

    I'm such a geek.

    Current Mood: awake
    Monday, February 9th, 2004
    3:39 pm
    I am now officially Crazy Aunt Stephanie! Yay I have a nephew! AND I won the bet on when he would be born. ;) Yay for TJ and Erin.

    That aside- I've been really stressed out.

    The other Sunday I was on my way to work and this girl runs out in the middle of the road cuz her boyfriend was freaking out and wouldn't let her take her baby... So, she wanted help, but when we offered to give her a ride or call someone- she changed her mind and decided she would be ok, just please don't call the cops. So- she wouldn't let us help her and my dad just took me to work.

    At work I was scared I would be in a bad mood all day cuz this girl really had me worried and I felt bad for not helping out more. But, Kevin Cheered me up like he does and I felt lots better.

    Later at work I'm at the cash register and realize there is a ton of ones in my till so I'm asking Noah what to do and this dude comes up for a minute, but leaves once he sees that I am preoccupied. I fix the ones... and help the next guest. Once I'm done w/ that I'm over fiddling w/ the coffee machine and I see the man who had come up earlier fixing his coffee. So I smile at him... like I always do and he starts to shake his head and say something. So I go over to him... And he starts accusing me of being racist! "Why wouldn't you help me earlier? What is it? Is it the color of my skin? you don't like how dark I am?" And I tried convincing him that no- I was just preoccupied but he wouldn't budge. And you know... he wasn't yelling or throwing a fit or anything he just looked really- honestly hurt. So that bummed me out again.

    And then later at work- I'm on break, Kevin has left and Sarah (Kevin's wife) is working and we're chatting and joking around aboot something or other.... And she says, "you know stephanie... At work, I'm really nice- but outside of work, you don't mess with me. I'm serious- You don't fuck with Sarah! You don't believe me? Ask Kevin!" So she calls up Kevin and hands me the phone. And so I say... Uhh.. Kevin? Do you fuck with sarah? And then realized I just asked Kevin If he fucked his wife.... And both me and sarah were laughing so hard we couldn't speak for five minutes. So I was all happy again.


    Later at work Sarah calls Kevin in to have a talk with me and Bobby. So here's some background info: Bobby is melissas boyfriend who was hired on for holiday help but stayed because they're having a baby soon and I think sarah felt sorry for them. But bobby makes me feel really uncomfortable, like he's always touching me and saying things about his sex life with melissa to me and just causing all this tension at work. So he's been warned by Kevin, Sarah, and even the owners of the store to shape up or he's gone.

    So- WE all sit down and I'm not really sure what is going on. But- to make a long story short, Bobby and Melissa told Sarah they don't feel it is fair for bobby to get in trouble for his behavior when Kevin and I are always flirting. They took a couple of situations and twisted them around to look worse then they were- so now Sarah, who was my good buddy, hates me because she thinks I'm trying to seduce her husband. And I'm sooooooo not. Sarah hasn't spoken to me unless she's had to for 2 weeks. I feel really bad and I wish I could just talk to her but Kevin's told me he can't convince her otherwise, and I'm just terrified of finally getting together the courage to talk with her and not have me apology accepted. So I've been stressed... and lots of other stuff has happened too. :P~

    And I'm sick- my fever was 103 last night. I won't be able to hold my nephew tonight. ;~(

    Current Mood: stressed
    Tuesday, January 27th, 2004
    2:01 pm
    It's been a bad week.
    Sunday, January 4th, 2004
    1:59 am
    So you know those toffee covered peanuts?

    Tyler really likes those

    But he doesn't like the peanut part. Just the toffee.


    The other day I'm at his apartment... chillin. He's in the bathroom or somethin and I'm watching TV. and oo! there's toffee covered peanuts on the table! MMmmmmm. I love peanuts. the toffee is a bit much on them... but that's ok cuz there is a cup of plain peanuts next to them... so I can alternate between the two and get the perfect Mmmmm ratio of toffee and peanuts.



    Apparantly Tyler just likes to eat the toffee off of the peanut and spit out the peanut.... cuz peanuts are gross

    I was eating pre-sucked peanuts.

    He says I shouldn't care about pre-sucked peanuts cuz I suck his Cock. so It's really not all that germy in comparison.

    And I must admit....

    he has a point

    But I still felt gross.

    I made him buy me mints.

    And he did.

    I love my boyfriend. ;)

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: "Glycerine" -Bush
    Thursday, December 25th, 2003
    8:28 pm
    It's Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! *Happeee Dance*
    I Got:

    From my mommy: A palm pilot, herbal wraps, White Stripes CD, and toe socks
    My Bruver: A cool hat wif pooofies!
    My other Bruver and Erin: More herbal wraps!
    My grandma: An ugly sweater that doesn't fit over my head. (yay for gift reciepts)
    My secret santa at work: Barenaked Ladies latest CD!
    Managers at work: Gift certificates to the sweet factory and baskin robbins
    Owners at work: $10 gift certificate to the mall
    Tyler's parents: A candy dish, christmas socks, lotion, bodywash, christmas ornaments, and potholders
    Tyler's Aunt and Uncle: More christmas socks
    Tyler's grandma: dish towels, potholders, and chocolates!
    And Tyler: DVD's of the sword and the stone and finding nemo, a fuzzy monkey, Dirty minds game, and one of those cool miracle scarves!

    So much stuff! It was crazee I don't know what i will do with it all! Yay christmas is the season of giving!

    I got Tyler a $250 guitar for Christmas. And Boy- he LOVED it! it sounds so much better than his old one and I'm so happy he likes it! When I bought it a month ago I thought- man... I spent too much, I need to save money for school, blahblahblah. But now that I've seen the look on his face and I don't think about the cost one bit. He's my baby- It's what he deserves...I know that! And really, It's not THAT much money. just my food for the next few months. I can sacrifice SOMETHING for him I suppose. ;)

    Things are going great at work, I've become good friends with the managers and I got a huge check with 9 and a half hours of overtime. This next one should have even more.

    I'm happy. ;) I made out well this year. Things in my life are moving right along and in the right direction. I can only hope next year will be even half as wonderful as this one was. ;)

    I just noticed there is a dead mouse staring at me. I thought we had gotten rid of those buggers. Time for bed.

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Current Music: Tyler playing that sweet sweet sound on his guitar. I ∑> him
    Tuesday, December 9th, 2003
    11:07 pm
    Psxthomas: i need a job
    dirtylittlefly: yes you
    dirtylittlefly: do
    dirtylittlefly: you should come work at Cinnabon w/ me
    Psxthomas: im sure the commute to vancouver is a bitch though
    dirtylittlefly: ehh
    dirtylittlefly: not if you leave early enough
    Monday, December 8th, 2003
    3:25 pm
    You are a neurotransmitter. You believe in the
    good-naturedness of man's biology and soul.
    You're happy, everyone's happy, and no one will
    ever take that away from you. Or else you'll
    make them go insane.

    Which Biological Molecule Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    3:07 pm
    I have laryngitis. so I sound like a tortured cat. I'm not really feeling bad... like not sick or anything. just snotty and I can't speak. Is weird

    Tyler turned 21 yesturday! Yayy! Now we won't have to jump over all these hurdles callin a million people and waiting a few hours just to get trashed! Woo Hoo!

    Tomorrow is my last final. ANd then I get a month off! yayyy. I'll be working the whole time... but at least I won't have to think. Meeee so excited!

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Santa Baby
    Thursday, November 6th, 2003
    11:20 pm
    Rascal-Kee-Kee is dying
    We took my baby into the vet a couple days ago because he's been losing a ton of weight. In fact, he's gone from 11 pounds to 7 in the last year. That's like if I dropped from 120 pounds down to 75. So... they ran some blood work and found out his kidneys are failing- at least 75% of their functioning is gone- my kitty can't clean his blood well or tell his body to make more red blood cells. There isn't anything we can do except give him fluids every morning with an IV to make him more comfortable but he won't gain back the weight. He could last another 2 years but I doubt it, he's in pretty bad shape.

    And I have been bawling! A Twenty-year old woman crying over a little ball of fluff! Sure... he's 13 and had a long life- But I've had Rascal since I was seven. I used to snuggle with him, and talk with him, and let him sleep on my head... but lately I haven't been taking care of him as well as I should have. I've been busy and out doing shit but even when I'm home I ignore him a lot. I probably don't even pet him every day and it's sad that it's taken this to make me feel bad about how lonely he's been. I'm gonna do better and hope I can make it up to Rascal in these last few months... and maybe years?

    Current Mood: distressed
    Sunday, October 26th, 2003
    10:25 pm
    Wuv... Twue Wuv...
    Tyler and I finally broke down and said we loved each other. Well- I broke down and Tyler just got sick of waiting until I was ready to hear it. This was a few months ago actually but I haven't had the time to sit down and write about it. I'm just going to ramble on now about how I feel and not rewrite anything so it's as true blue as possible, so forgive me if it's choppy...

    I'm so glad we've finally said it. I know I've been a lot happier since then. I was just in such denial about it for so long... Not just my feelings for him, but just all of my emotions and needs. I don't have anyone to talk to about the things that bother me or a shoulder to cry on. I've kept Tyler at such a distance for so long because I was afraid of what may happen or the feelings that could grow or who would get hurt... and it hasn't done me any good. It's just made me very alone- and I don't want to be that anymore. It used to make me happy to be free of all that responsibility- to just mess around and drink and have fun. But now just the thought of being single again is scary. For awhile there when things were bumpy I missed it some- the lifestyle that is. But when I hear the girls at work talking about their single life and guy problems... they just sound miserable. And I'm so happy with Tyler. I've never felt so appreciated and Truly loved before. It's the most wonderful thing. I've found myself coming at home at night from work and missing him so much. I want to be coming home to him and hug him and kiss him and hold him tight. Which is just great cuz he's been asking me to live with him for months now, and I've been hesitant. Incredibly so. I've been worried that it would mess up my plans for school... or it would mess up the good we have in our relationship... all this crap. And I shouldn't be- I haven't been doing right by him for doubting the strength of our relationship. And I do love him so much- I just doubt all of my emotions, I never listen to my heart anymore... and if I don't start listening soon I may never. We're moving in together when his lease is up with andy. That's not until July, enough time to get our finances straight and really think about what this next step means and how it will change things.

    I'm sleeping
    And right in the middle of a good dream
    Then all at once I wake up
    From something that keeps knocking at my brain
    Before I go insane
    I hold my pillow to my head
    And spring up in my bed
    Screaming out the words I dread...
    I think I love you! (I think I love you)

    This morning, I woke up with this feeling
    I didn't know how to deal with
    And so I just decided to myself
    I'd hide it to myself
    And never talk about it
    And did not go and shout it
    When you walked into the room...

    I think I love you! (I think I love you)
    I think I love you
    So what am I so afraid of?
    I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
    A love there is no cure for
    I think I love you
    Isn't that what life is made of?
    Though it worries me to say
    I've never felt this way

    Believe me
    You really don't have to worry
    I only want to make you happy
    And if you say
    Hey, go away, I will
    But I think better still
    I'd better stay around and love you
    Do you think I have a case?
    Let me ask you to your face
    Do you think you love me?

    I think I love you
    So what am I so afraid of?
    I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
    A love there is no cure for
    I think I love you
    Isn't that what life is made of?
    Though it worries me to say
    I've never felt this way

    I don't know what I'm up against
    I don't know what it's all about
    I've go so much to think about
    Hey!I think I love you!
    So what am I so afraid of?
    I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
    A love there is no cure for

    Except- I KNOW I love you. ;)

    Current Mood: relieved
    Current Music: Also... "Unchained Melody" -by The Righteous Brothers
    Wednesday, October 15th, 2003
    9:50 am
    Quote Of The Day: "Gina is not a woman. You can smell the ball sweat coming off of her." -Andy
    Monday, October 13th, 2003
    5:29 pm
    Quote Of The Day: "May the fleas of a thousand Afghan camels infest the crotch of the person who messes up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch...." -tabby6767
    Wednesday, September 24th, 2003
    10:02 pm
    Quote Of The Day: "I've Learned That You Cannot Make Someone Love You. All You Can Do Is Stalk Them And Hope They Panic And Give In." -aimlessthought
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