LiveJournal for lauren tiggasmelly.

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Wednesday, March 12th, 2003

Time:1:10 pm.
Mood: sore.
Music:less than jake.
yay for a gorgeous day!! oh how exciting.. lol, dressing up like i have to all this week isn't bad when it's like this outside.. err, except for the fact that the used-to-be-treacherous-ice has now deteriorated into eww-i'm-sinkin-in-mud. but it's worth it, cause it's pretty!

so yeah... i thought this was going to be a crazy week and it has been and is, but it's not neccessarily bad-crazy.. all i have left before i go home friday are a 5 page paper and some chem homework. yeeeah. and initiation tomorrow night, and pre-initiation tonight.. but those are fun things, so they don't really count.

OMG... I'M SO READY FOR A POOEY-MOOEY FROM THE MOO COW. i think we're goin there for a study break tonight anyway though... so that'll be cool.
kathy hardy, if you ever come out here, we're going to the moo cow for ice cream... just in celebration and remembrance of paco and duckspot. yep yep...most definitely. talk about good stuff, man.

yay, talk about good memories.. it's been pretty sweet this week on im.. talking to some people i haven't talked to in way too long. it's good to hear from you guys!! yay!

alright... i'm going to get started on that english paper. excitement!

2 more days!!! then i'm home... thank goodness... even though i'm not doing anything particularly exciting.. just working, visiting cmu (and maybe msu?) and chillin with joel and some hillsdale kids too. hope you're all doin well.. have a great day!

love ya.... tig
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Monday, March 10th, 2003

Time:12:37 pm.
Mood:excited but not..
Music:sometimes silence really IS the only sound... like now..
bad day for english papers and exams.

great day for the mail. i needed that. ixnay on the last entry-ay. (yeah, i know that's not the proper pig latinish way to say it but i like it. bite me.) my words weren't neccesary in fixing the situation.

too bad it's hella ugly and chilly outside, and too bad i've got waaay too much stuff going on today and this week to get super excited. but thank you.

have a good one....
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Sunday, March 9th, 2003

Time:2:39 pm.
Mood:shoot me now, please..
Music:nickel creek..
if i could say what i wanted to right now, all just might right itself in my little world.

but i can't.

there goes that idea. i'm holding back... words, tears, emotions.

that doesn't happen often, and now i'm seeing why i hate it.

btw, i'll eventually get back to replying to the comments from my last public entry. i do have things to say, just not the time or ambition currently.

see ya.
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Thursday, March 6th, 2003

Time:3:53 pm.
as received in a forwarded email today:

Hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion and let a
Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face
covered this is an editorial written by an American citizen,
published in a Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read
on, please!
IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. I am tired of this nation
worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their
culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced
a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust
from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct"
crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was
offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone
who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is
almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there
are a few things that those who have recently come to our country,
and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of
America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our
sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own
culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials,
and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, learn the language!
"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some
Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto
because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded
this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly
appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends
you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your
new home, because God is part of our culture.
If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then
you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we
really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR
COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives
every! citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you
every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining,
whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto,
or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one
other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.

well, i found it interesting, at least.
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2003

Time:2:01 pm.
Mood:a wee bit sneezy.
Music:tim mcgraw... that's why god made mexico.
yeah... so it's been forever and i really don't have much interesting stuff to post, but has that ever stopped me in the past? nope, i don't think so. i just kinda wanted to let ya'll know i was still alive.. so yeah, i am. here's what's goin on in my life that you may or may not know or care to know:

i'm actually getting a's this semester
i quit the swim team
i pledged a sorority (alpha xi delta)
my lovely beretta still sucks (it just came back out of the shop last week and there's already somethin broken on it)
i have a sniffly nose and a sore throat
i'm still with ryan (almost 5 months now)
i have a pretty sweet roomie and some fun new friends here... but i still miss the kids from home
my spring break does not align with anyone else's that i know, so i'm probably just going to work a few days and then visit people.. so if you have any desire to see me let me know and i just might make an effort to come see you
as far as i know, most people that i know still don't give a shit about me, but the ones that do are the ones that actually matter to me
i haven't read LJ in approximately 2 months, but as much as people change, they still seem relatively the same

yep, that's about it. i've come to realize a few things this year...just about who i really am and what really matters to me... and it seems that though i'm still the same, my perceptions of people and things have really changed... it's kinda fun to come on here once in a while just to see how everybody that i don't talk to on a regular basis is doing. some good, some not so good, some you can't really tell from their journals. anyway, i think i'm going to go study (yeah, something i've kinda started to do this year, lol) so i'll talk to you later, maybe.. uh huh. have a good one...

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Monday, December 16th, 2002

Time:9:06 pm.
Mood: blah.
k, so i have 4 essays due and 2 exams to study for... yet, here i am, chillin with linds and laura.. and filling this out! i don't think i'll be sleeping tonight.. ah well.

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards - nerual
[ x ] The story behind your LJ user name - err, it's a combo of nicknames.
[ x ] Where do you live - romeo and hillsdale
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - procrastinator, friendly,


[ x ] Wallet - navy blue and orange... with a big A for aeropostale.. it's overflowing with stupid random things that i really don't need but keep anyway
[ x ] Toothbrush - blue/orange at hillsdale, blue upstairs at home, green downstairs. oh, and another green one at the pool.
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - my watch.. i can't standing wearing any more than that, cept maybe a necklace once in a while.
[ x ] Pillow cover - penguins, which match neither of my beds
[ x ] Blanket - well, green electric blanket, green/yellow quilte, blue quilt, blue blanket, white blanket... yeah, i get cold a lot.
[ x ] Coffee cup - 2 froggie ones, and 1 blue one with a smiley face and a nose that sticks out
[ x ] Underwear - pink!
[ x ] Shoes - err... too many to actually describe, and i'm getting 3 pairs for christmas! right now i'm wearing the fuzzy purple slippers. oooh,
[ x ] Favorite top - hmm... i'm a big fan of my hoodies... but i love my white aero shirt
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - clinique happy
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - dixie chicks, home.. it's on repeat, and i don't feel like getting up to change it even though it's been in for a few hours
[ x ] Tattoos - none
[ x ] What you are wearing now - calvin klein t-shirt, fuzzy gray pants..
[ x ] Hair - too long! almost shoulder length, and it's gotta go.. i need a good 3 or 4 inches off, at least


[ x ] In my mouth - subway kids club meal!
[ x ] In my head - rocks.
[ x ] Wishing - my nose wasn't stuffy and i was home!
[ x ] After this - hahaha... probably another way to not do my studying or essays
[ x ] Talking to - linds, laura, and the chicks across the hall
[ x ] Eating - my cookie
[ x ] Fetishes - shoes.
[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - kari! she's the psycho bitch from the team that's moving in next door next semester. yeah, we all hate her.
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - ryan
[ x ] Is next to you - my bed! maybe it's time for a nap..
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - 3 amigos, kate and leopold, matrix, 10 things i hate about you, I'M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKAAA, lol
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - going home!! and seeing everybody there.. and going to FLORIDA!! yay...
[ x ] The last thing you ate - my subway cookie.
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of- spiders.
[ x ] Do you like candles - aww, yeah. but it's not like i can have them here!
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - ewwww... vampire?
[ x ] Do you believe in love - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soulmates - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - i'm tempted to..
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - yep
[ x ] Do you believe in God - yes
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die- donate everything i can... then go six feet under.
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - my bio, english, and history professors.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - a cow... i've always wanted a cow.
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - err.. how about not going to bed?
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - no, but i have some fam there
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - i try to!
[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to- ft. lauderdale, venice, nashville, los angeles, denver
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - dark chocolate, and lots of it. pizza... chili cheese fritos.. peach-o's..
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand- people in general: i'm really not quite as unintelligent as i sound.. i mean, i'm no genius, but i'm really not as ditzy and stupid as most people think. my family: i'm not 6 years old, and for the most part, i can make somewhat intelligent decisions for myself, and yes, my car REALLY is a piece of shit that breaks down every other week, and it should go to a junkyard never to be seen again.
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - why i can't get motivated to write these darn essays.. why people drive like crap (and i mean worse than me)... why i have to be here when i wanna be home... why i get so lucky in some things and so dicked over in some other things.. why life is the way it is... why i believe what i do..
[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - joel! that kid is crazy, and i miss him! and some of the kids from home that i haven't seen since last summer. i mean, i've kept in touch with most of the ones i want to.. but there's still that few out there i haven't seen!
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow - for me to obtain motivation.

well, it's after 9 now, and i can start usin up my lotsa minutes on my cell... so i guess i'll go do that for a little while! have a great night, everybody... and a great holiday if i don't talk to you!

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Sunday, November 24th, 2002

Subject:yeah.,.. it's been a while..
Time:9:37 am.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:yep, that dude is still snoring, lol.....
well... i'm at cmu.. yay, good times. ryan already left cause he had to go to church early b/c he's singing, so now i'm just chillin here til i can go too!

i hate doing these things... but they are a good time filler, so here ya go...

1) Single or Taken: taken
2) Sex: female
3) Birthday: 10/2/84
4) Sign: libra
5) Siblings: sister tracy, 23
6) Hair color: brown... ooh, how exciting
7) Eye color: green
8) Shoe size/height: 9 / 5'3.5"

*-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~*
1) Who are your friends?: err... usually people that are a lot like me, but in really different ways from each other. they're a pretty diverse bunch!
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yep!

*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: i'm a huge aeropostale fan... but i've somewhat been converted to liking charlotte russe.
2) Any tattoos or piercings?: nope, and i don't see it happening..

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;*
1) Do you do drugs: no
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: well, in my dorm i have neutrogena... but at the pool i've got the yummy suave coconut stuff.
3) What are you most scared of: spiders! aaaahhhh!!
4) What are you listening to right now: some guy snoring on the couch... i'm not sure who he is or where he came from.. he appeared while i was in the
5) What vehicle do you wish to have?: 1971 el camino! sigh, i've always wanted an el camino. they're so trashy, yet so much fun! or how about a seafoam green 92 berretta gt! wait.. i already have that.. well, a shiny new red mazda miata convertible might be nice..
6) Who is the last person that called you: hmm...tiffy, ryan, or my mom.. i can't remember.
7) Where do you want to get married: a church
8) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now? i'm not online right now.. but since it's 915 on sunday morning, i'm guessing not very many.
9)If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: i'd be less of a procrastinator.

*-;-* F a v o r I t e s *-;-*
1) Color: green
2) Whats your fav. food?: anything chocolate! but lately, i've really been craving a hani. is it that difficult to put up a national coney anywhere near hillsdale? sigh..
4) Boy's names: jake, joel, jonathan..(err, i have a thing for j names with boys..)
5) Girls names: elizabeth, natalie..
6) Subjects in school: chemistry, math
7) Animals: my babies! bella, lucky, toes, blondie, holly, lucy, and yes, even monster.
8) Sports: to watch, nascar and baseball.. to play, swimming and golf!

-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-
1) Given anyone a bath: yes (i babysit 2 kids... all the time when i'm home. what do you expect?)
2) Smoked: no
3) Bungee jumped: no (err, does that thing at 6 flags count? cause i did that.. it was fun!)
4) Broken the law: once in a while (LOL) i tend to drive a little over the speed limit. BUT, i have yet to be ticketed for it.. so really, if i wasn't caught, i wasn't breaking the law!
5) Made yourself throw-up: no... that's yucky.
6) Went skinny dipping?: no
7) Ever been in love: yes
8) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: well, only to get myself out of a speeding ticket! whoops! heck, it worked though.

What C o m e s T o M i n d *-;-*
1)Red: my new nail polish on my toes
2)Cow tipping: home!
3)Socks: my awesome collection of funky ones
4)Greenland: so, greenland is full of ice, but iceland is full of green stuff... what's up with that?

w h a t ' s w o r s e ?*~-;-~*
1) Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you?: oooh, that's a toughie... i'd probably say barfing on the date. i coulde probably handle him barfing on me more than the embarrasment that would come from me barfing on him.
*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*
1) Do you like filling these out: well... when i have time to kill! (hehe, only 10 or 15 minutes now!)
4) Gold or Silver: silver.. but gold can be fun sometimes too. i guess it depends on the outfit!
5) What is the last film you saw at the movies: i think sweet home alabama. good movie.. i saw it twice!!
6) Favorite cartoon character: tigger.. jonny bravo.. smurfette, buttercup
7) What do you have for breakfast in the morning: well, if i have morning practice, i go to the cafeteria.. so i usually have a waffle and some juice. otherwise, i don't usually eat it. i prefer to have breakfast for dinner, as can be seen by the fact that i have had lucky charms, apple jacks, or frosted mini wheats for dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY that i've had dinner in the cafeteria.
8) Who would you love being locked in a room with: hehe... my ryan! or some of my friends out there that i haven't had the chance to talk to in forever!!

1. What do you most like about your body?: err, my eyes are kind of fun, i suppose...
2. And least?: err, my side fat that refuses to go away no matter how much i swim/work out.. and lose weight. rah! and i'm not a big fan of my height, either.
3. How many fillings do you have?: none!
4. Do you think you're good looking?: well, i've heard that i am from a few people.. i'm not so sure i really honestly believe it though. i'd say mildly cute at best.
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: well.. one person does
6. Do you look like any celebrities?: well, lol, i seem to recall hearing something about minnie mouse at some point..
1. Do you wear a watch?: yep, it's silver and green and it rocks!
2. How many coats and jackets do you own?: well...i think 6?
3. Favorite pants/skirt color?: i love my brown pinstripe pants.. and my blue skirt.
4. What kind of shoes do you wear?: sandals usually.. and my new balance running shoes... and skechers, of course, since i have a crazy amount of them.
1. Do your friends 'know' you?: i would hope so!
2. What do they tend to be like?: me!
3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked?: errrr.... sure?
4. How many people do you tell everything to?: well, no one really knows everything, different people know different things.

okie, and that's it! and it's just about time for me to leave. sweetness!
hmm..what else to say.. i'm going back to hillsdale sometime tonight.. going to practice and 4 classes tomorrow.. taking coach to the airport, dropping off linds and colleen, and then i'm going home!! ahhhhh!!! i'm so excited. up north wednesday/thursday.. shopping with ryan and chillin with the romeo kids friday.. and then there's breakfast on saturday! sweet! hey, i gotta get movin.. hope you're all doing well and having a great day!
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, November 13th, 2002

Time:6:20 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Music:third day.
one small word of advice:

never swim 5.2 miles on 3.5 hours of sleep and 1 meal.

yep, it's just not a good idea. just thought maybe you'd like to know!!
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Wednesday, October 30th, 2002

Time:1:00 am.
Mood: loved.
Music:rascal flatts.. love you out loud.
i love my life.

blondie is home safe.
my car is back with me, all fixed and healthy for only $232.98.
i didn't even have to max out my credit card.
coke dates are fun.
the fork has been retrieved out of our sink drain.
the new rascal flatts cd is fabulous. go buy it!
my electric blanket is soooo warm.
it snowed today.
even practice rocked my socks.
i got to bust out my fuzzy red scarf and wooly socks.
subway cookies.
i have never ever felt this loved's awesome, but almost unreal sometimes.
the faucet is getting replaced soon.
i kinda feel ready for my bio test. watch out gpa, you're about to go up.
i get to go home for dinner on sunday, after campaigning in port huron.
we're watching 13 ghosts tomorrow night and going to the cemetary. creepy!
cmu, just one week from friday.
campbell's soup twice in one day. yum!
i know what's up with my choir concert and notre dame meet weekend.
i figured out the chem homework by myself, and helped 2 people with it.
my toe lost almost all purpleness, and i can bend it without screaming.
i honestly really like hillsdale. yeah, it's not big, in a suburban area, affordable, or remotely near easy, but i love it anyway.
my roomie rocks.
i quit swearing today.
i'm really going to try to quit gossiping. that will be a little tougher.

yep, i'm feelin the love, and i'm sincerely thankful for it.
i am more amazed every single day that i can feel like this.
it's been a long time since i've been this happy.

"some people say we're too good to be true, but they don't get to be loved by you!"


i hope tomorrow rocks as much as today did.

i love you guys, and i hope you have a great night, and an awesome day tomorrow, and a fabulous week, and a wonderful life. i'm sorry if you were annoyed by my ramblings, but i couldn't help it. i had to write it down somewhere, and this is as good a place as any, i suppose.

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Monday, October 28th, 2002

Time:7:05 pm.
here's my girl alissa...

"i always think.. if God took the time to create a mosquito...He'll take care of the animals/people that we love."

it's times like this that make me thankful to have so many great people in my life. you're all so darn supportive!

i feel the love, and i'm going to stop freaking out and just wait patiently until she comes home safe. so, back to bio, and hopefully mom will call soon!
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Subject:GASP... i really AM a hick!
Time:2:29 pm.

lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

it's sad... i used to be so anti-simpsons... and now i watch it like 4 nights a week. for how stupid it is, it's pretty damn funny!

the beretta fixit man has not yet called!!!!!!!! i'm going to cry...

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Sunday, October 27th, 2002

Time:12:24 pm.
so yeah. i jammed my toe 2 days ago. it's fat and purple. and it hurts. and it's not thanking me for all the flip turns i did yesterday in the pool.

my baby is in the shop... and i miss her!!! come back soon, old seafoam!!

so i set my alarm with the intention of getting up to go to church this morning. i'm halfway out of bed before i remember that I DON'T HAVE A CAR. lol, oops. back to bed for me.

so now here i am... still alone, as lindsay has not yet returned. last night was the first night i was alone in our room! it was strange.. but ryan kept me company on the phone for a few hours cause he was alone too, but 3 hours away..(while i was supposed to be studying, ooops) so that was cool.

okie, back to my evil bio. grawr.

have a great day...

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Friday, October 25th, 2002

Time:9:35 am.
Mood:worried... but loved!.

my beretta is sick.... i think she's dying.. she nearly DID die this morning over on galloway. it was scary. i think it's an electical/alternator problem... at least, that's what it seems like to me. who knows though... i knew she was having issues, but i hoped that she could get over them! now i'm not so sure..


what the heck am i going to do without a car? nooooooooooooooooooo................. this is not even good.


other than my seafoam green baby, everything else in my life is going pretty darn well... i've been way extremely happy for the past 8 wonder why...almost.

okie... great books awaits... have a great day everybody.

Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, October 13th, 2002

Time:10:41 am.
Mood: amused.
Music:our lady peace.
i don't think i've ever been handed so many beers and gotten freaked and groped by so many people in such a short period of time.

and this is all without me drinking.

sigh... drunken people really are entertaining. but it's always nice to leave them... order pizza, and watch a dumb movie with your sober friends.

yep, that's all i currently have to say. bye bye....

Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, October 9th, 2002

Time:12:26 pm.
OMG... my scary suitemate stole my toilet note!!!!!

i think i'm going to make a new one. THIS one.. is going to be even more fun.

hahaha... yeah.... no more pooping on the toilet seat... or talking to yourself on the toilet, or singing strange tribal tunes in the shower loud enough to be heard over my hair dryer, or barging in when i'm sleeping and eating my cupcakes WITHOUT being invited first.

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Time:12:13 pm.
Mood: hot.
Music:little big town... strange name for a sweet band....
the following is one of my new favorite inspirational songs... purely for my benefit only, unless you're halfway interested in little big town... who i think is frickin sweet!

One in a million mama that's good enough for me
And you can't make me stay here anyway now that I'm 18
With everything she had in a duffle bag she set out to show the world
She was more then just a homecoming queen and daddy's little girl

In a cloud of dust on a Greyhound bus she crossed the Cook County line
Slept all the way to Nashville,big dreams running through her mind
She said sure as I'm breathing I'm gonna be a big someday
Yeah,she was jumping right into the deep end on a leap of sweet blind faith

It's about hoping
It's about dreaming
It's about never not believing
It's about taking a walk on the wire and never looking down
It's about living instead of dying
It's about spreading your wings and flying
Yeah,yeah,yeah,it's all about tryin'

It's been six years since she left home and she hasn't made it big yet
Oh but there's no second guessing baby,she's got no regrets
She still works late shift down at the Greasy Spoon cafe
When she brings you out your milkshake you just might hear her say

It's about hoping
It's about dreaming
It's about never not believing
It's about taking a walk on the wire and never looking down
It's about living instead of dying
It's about spreading your wings and flying
Yeah,yeah,yeah,it's all about tryin'

It's not whether you win or lose
It's getting in the game

It's about hoping
It's about dreaming
It's about never not believing
It's about taking a walk on the wire and never looking down
It's about living instead of dying
It's about spreading your wings and flying
Yeah,yeah,yeah,it's all about tryin'

It's about hoping
It's about dreaming
It's about never not believing
It's about taking a walk out on the wire and never looking down
It's all about tryin'

that's all for

in case you're curious whatsoever... i'm doing really well! it's been a good past couple of days (except for feeling somewhat poopy), and a fantastic weekend..

i'm pretty darn happy... the only things that are going to get in the way of that are my history essays and my great books paper that are due WAY too soon.

and these little itchy red spots. those are kinda starting to get me down. so what are the other symptoms of chicken pox? yikes. i don't think i have that though... doesn't that involve a fever and such? i don't really know if i do.. i have no thermometer.. i have the whole cold/hot phases constantly.. i'm darn sleepy (but that's nothin new). i'm tempted to go get this checked out. i reeeeeally don't have time for the chicken pox. the spots seem to be spreading though. i bought some benedryl... maybe it's just an allergic reaction to something? doesn't look like the reaction i usually get to strong chlorine though... and i haven't changed any soapy/lotiony things i use.

WHO KNOWS... it's just rather annoying.

ah well... i'm going to go eat some more food. then i have bio, and practice... and dinner, and the simpsons... (yeah, i've become addicted, it's so sad) and i think it's going to be another movie night. that's two in a row! what up... slackers.

okie... bye bye for now.. any suggestions as to what my ailment might be are gladly accepted.

Comments: Add Your Own.

Thursday, October 3rd, 2002

Time:1:11 am.

i must say that today went rather well. it wasn't the absolute BEST birthday ever... but it'll work.

sigh, i'm sleepy. thanks to everybody for all the awesome birthday wishes and cards and such! i feel so's fabulous. haha... and the hillsdale kids? wow.. good times cruising in

okie.... it's time for bed.. happy birthday jeffrey!!

night everybody..

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Tuesday, October 1st, 2002

Time:12:23 am.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:nickel creek.... again, lol.
good charlotte cd comes out tomorrow... looks like we're due for a road trip to the best buy in jackson!


ít's been a sweet day today... but also a really really long one.. i won't bore ya with it, too much. practice (4000 meters). class (boring as heck). lunch (moldy orangey hamburgers, lol). kroger (me: "andrew... why are the crackers in the diaper aisle?")studying for bio (eww, gonna fail). study table (yeah, i fell asleep with the illiad and mike's arm). caramel apples and various other snacks and 10 things i hate about you ("that's because you don't HAVE a prada backpack! ohhhhh...").

yep, and that's my day. excitement, isn't it. and here's what's in store for tomorrow... it's going to be a super-predictable day...
chem lab (me: "mike, don't you dare spill anything else this time...") best buy (yeah trin! we got the cds!) taking the other mike for a haircut (yeeeeeeah... you needed that) practice (you're honestly timing my 3000? hahaha) choir (mike...john..touch my hair again, and i beat you up) dinner (k guys.. either we run the loop, or we play frisbee tonight) frisbee (this is NOT tackle frisbee, boys) study table (nap time!) study for the chem test (ah... shouldn't be too bad..)

wow, is my life predictable or what. lol.. not that it's bad though... cause i love it!

i'm going home this weekend.... planning to chill with mickell-kell and jenni.. and whoever else is home! hey, if any of you u of m kids wanna ride home... i'm driving right through there on the way! just let me know.

i'm making pasta this weekend. yummmm yumm.

k.. so my yucky suitemate leaves poop on the toilet. like, every other day. like she's on a schedule or something. today... i left her a note: "please do not leave poop on the toilet seat anymore. it's really quite yucky, and there are four of us that must use this toilet! so if you feel you must mess on the toilet seat, please clean it up when you are done so the rest of us have a pleasant toilet experience!" thank you.. and have a good day!"

yep... problem solved... toilet seat cleaned.

i think i might cut my hair off tomorrow. it's like past my shoulders now.... very strange!

okie.. i'm thinking i'm done now...


night everybody...
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Monday, September 23rd, 2002

Time:12:53 am.
Mood: giggly.
Music:this side.... nickel creek.
i must say... it is so nice to read through my LJ friends page and see and read about so many happy people! yay... it just makes me even happier than i already am. sigh... i'm glad college is all doing us good.

i can't complain much about my experience so far.. i've had a blast, i must say. i love my roommate, i love my friends (new and old)... my classes aren't bad... and i'm not even the least bit bitter or upset about last week's episode, lol. i'm actually even happy about it!

and i'm going home to my other home next weekend, to watch my chicks at romeo relays.. and to hang out with various other people that will also be home! i think we're celebrating my birthday at some point too... so that is also exciting.

well... i should really get back to my homework. i have 6 am practice tomorrow... yeeeeeahhh! sweetness. lol... have a good day everybody!!!

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Time:12:47 am.
soooo... there is no virus... but i got about 10 emails tonight about the possibility of it!

lol... entertaining, at least... and now, back to my rhetorical analysis crap that's due tomorrow morning..

night all.

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