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[11 Jun 2004|09:37pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

being indecisive really doesn't pay. i've (again) changed my mind on career-ish things which means i'm taking classes in the fall that i no longer want, but there's not much else to choose from.

but on a good note, i'm getting much better at throwing/giving things away. almost being ruthless even.

and will someone please tell june to slow down.
thank you.

break the silence

24 hours in june... [09 Jun 2004|05:11pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | death cab for cutie- tomorrow ]

things are continuing on their upward path. (as i look for wood to knock on...)
sometimes little things make a big difference...little things like:

-mysterious looks (& whistles?)

-strange shopping trips that result in $16 worth of candy, tea, and crackers from the oriental supermarket & me finding my beloved unfindable shampoo/conditioner.

-knowing i get to take yet another vacation next month.

-discovering when cure tickets go on sale.

-putting a huge mess of cruise pictures into their own photo album.


-abby finally visiting me over here. (and learning that her plans for next year include moving to lake mary. i really hope she follows through with that because i would ♥ having her that close.)

...a new haircut, my manager coming back, abby developing our other cruise pictures and actually acquiring cure tickets & i'll be set.

3 words like violence | break the silence

you knew i couldn't pass it up [07 Jun 2004|04:31pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Take the quiz: "Which 'Queer Eye' Guy Are You?"

You are Jai! If you're not really teeny and adorable, you should be. You're in the know on the whos and whats of being hip, and you're fully aware of how to treat a girl (or boy) right. You can sing, you can dance, and you're just so cute!

break the silence

[04 Jun 2004|09:45pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | death cab for cutie- champagne from a paper cup ]

i forgot to mention that my mother is now going to school.
the news was quite a shock to me and i'm rather proud.

abby swears she's coming over to visit this week.
we'll see...

work sucks.

break the silence

& just fly the whole mess into the sea [01 Jun 2004|05:55pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | the shins- young pilgrims ]

i'm not caring so much for the computer these days.

every time i talk to abby, she sounds very sad. she says there's nothing wrong. i personally don't believe her & it makes me sad & concerned.

i'm going through round 7 zillion of trying to minimize.
i'm maintaining a very long to-do list, but it never feels like i'm doing anything.

maybe things are beginning to kinda fall into place. (keep your fingers crossed.)

break the silence

"what, singing?" [23 May 2004|06:33pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | q and not u- little sparkee ]

there is too much from the cruise to even really try to write about.
perhaps a few of the more significant points...
(and maybe pictures later [they really are worth 1000 words]):

my cousin spent our day in the bahamas ill.
my uncle spent our day in st. thomas ill.

i seriously <3 st. maarten.

abby and i acquired a number of admirers.
and as a result of mine, several free glasses of champagne.
(i could go on and on forever...)

i have never laughed so hard in my life.
my silliness from being around abby will probably continue and confuse everyone.

my family was all "i want to get back because of insert noun here".
i didn't want to leave.

i have never had a better time, ever.

2 words like violence | break the silence

[16 May 2004|01:31am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

i will be on a cruise ship in 12 hours!!!

enough said.

break the silence

[12 May 2004|08:52pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | cat power- he war ]

this cruise is bringing out the crazy list-making fiend in me.
there's so much to do...

i'm getting tremendously excited.

(and i just realized that monday i'll get to sleep in! i shall cherish that as it is the first in a while and likely to be the last for a while to come. [thank you erin!!!])

break the silence

hang us out to dry... [08 May 2004|10:04pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | mates of state- fluke ]

saturday is almost over.
this might not seem important, but it's starting to be.

i need to work on this terrible habit of procrastination i seem to have developed.
(not to mention the terrible wussiness...)

but i'm out of here in a week & i'm much looking forward to it.

2 words like violence | break the silence

what the hell.... [03 May 2004|07:33pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | the incredible moses leroy- music makes the sound (of music) ]

who are you?
are we friends?
when and how did we meet?
how have i affected you?
what do you think of me?
what's the fondest memory you have of me?
how long do you think we will be friends?
do you love me?
do you have a crush on me?
would you kiss me?
would you hug me?
physically, what stands out?
emotionally, what stands out?
do you wish i was cooler?
on a scale of 1-10, how hot am i?
give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
am i loveable?
how long have you known me?
describe me in one word.
what was your first impression?
do you still think that way about me now?
what do you think my weakness is?
do you think i'll get married?
if so, who?
what makes me happy?
what makes me sad?
what reminds you of me?
if you could give me anything what would it be?
how well do you know me?
when's the last time you saw me?
ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
do you think i could kill someone?
are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what i say about you?

1 word like violence | break the silence

[30 Apr 2004|09:29pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | self- let's pretend we're married ]

these next two weeks are going to be ridiculous.
i can't even begin to imagine...

(& this rainy weather makes me want to sleep.)

break the silence

[23 Apr 2004|10:21pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | pete yorn- carlos (don't let it go to your head) ]

i'm not usually one to forget strange things, but for the life of me, i cannot remember why my (ancient) swatch phone is wrapped up in electrical tape...
i do remember that there is a story, i just don't remember what it is.

break the silence

i'm wrong, yeah, i love to be wrong... [22 Apr 2004|09:21pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | rasputina- you don't own me ]

this semester=over.
no more school for three months.
i'm going to immensely despise going back.
(yet in some sick way, i think i'm kind of going to miss it.)

break the silence

[21 Apr 2004|08:53pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | twelve hour turn- second story ]

done with my online class.
i just churned out my last assignment like a zombie and emailed it without reading a word.
have absolutely no fucking clue what my grade will be in that class and am quite beyond the point of caring.

(2 down, 2 to go.)

break the silence

[20 Apr 2004|09:04pm]
[ mood | spacey ]
[ music | the french- wu tang clan ]

right i seem to be suffering from a lack of focus. perhaps it's just being burnt out on school work...the fact that we spent, over the course of sunday and monday, say, in a matter of 31 or so hours, a solid 18 hours on our poster...
now that that's over, i have two finals and a paper to write...but i can't read more than a few sentences at a time, and i don't even comprehend those. (which is a serious problem considering i have to read a technical report about the challenger before tomorrow night & half of a textbook by thursday.)
i've spent most of my day daydreaming.

i don't even have enough of an attention span to eat a meal...for dinner i had some chips and dip, half of a turkey sandwich, and a pop tart.

i seriously need to shape-up before tomorrow evening, but i somehow don't think that 9 hours of work will help.
i'm doomed.

break the silence

[17 Apr 2004|07:23pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | planes mistaken for stars- copper and stars ]

this week shall be hell, but after it's over, no more school for three months!

a total of approximately $80 spent (between me and my partner) on a project for my psych of women class. and the only thing we'll have when we're done is a big collage on a presentation board, legos (which are really fucking expensive), jacks, army men and one point extra credit (and we damn well better get an a in that class).

at work, i feel like we're a bunch of kids being left at home alone for the first time. the good thing is that it means lots of $$$.

i have lots of decisions to make...rather soon.

1 word like violence | break the silence

[15 Apr 2004|09:54pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | (international) noise conspiracy- survival sickness ]

so, in the last 48 hours...

my boss had her baby a month & a half early...leaving us managerless & entirely unprepared for being so (and i mean unprepared as in almost no one in the company even knew she was pregnant).
(last i heard, she and the baby were doing as fine as can be expected.)


my grandmother's house got broken into. this after she was somehow involved with trying to break up a fight (a fight which spilled over into the middle of US1 and in which someone got stabbed).
(i didn't get many details...just enough to be quite disturbed.)

if my life didn't seem enough like a soap opera before...

break the silence

[13 Apr 2004|09:49pm]
[ mood | refreshed ]
[ music | ben kweller- harriet's got a song ]

today started off on a seriously sour note.
i think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed & everything just added to that.
(word of advice...if you ever drop a bottle of nail polish in a store, and it breaks on the floor, tell someone. they won't murder you, and it will save someone from having to pick glass out of half-dried nail polish. it's not fun to be that someone. thank you.)

but thankfully it took a turn for the much better.
(better like getting free muffins, getting an appointment for a haircut tomorrow, skipping class to sub a show, etc.)

1 word like violence | break the silence

because it seemed like an interesting thing to do. [11 Apr 2004|07:03pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

"To talk about human sexuality requires a notion of the material."

(curious? sexing the body- anne fausto-sterling)

break the silence

[10 Apr 2004|09:53pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | hum- stars ]

i feel like such a fucking girl right now.

a few months ago, i got free full-size "samples" of shampoo and conditioner. i am now in love with said shampoo and conditioner.

now i have the dilemma of almost being out, and not being able to find it anywhere. (i just emailed the company begging for a solution.)

this makes me very sad.

(getting free stuff shouldn't have a down-side.)

break the silence

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