Thu, Apr. 22nd, 2004, 07:17 pm
Been a while

It's been a while, but I still stay here and post.

You're a Ferengi! Sly and opportunistic, you are
the consummate businessman (or woman!).

What Star Trek Race Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

This sounds about right for me :)

Wed, Mar. 31st, 2004, 09:40 pm
My new blog

I have finally entered the official ranks of blogdom with my new weblog: I will stil use the Opinion House, but I hope all of you enjoy my blog as well, plus it will have psost by my beloved Karen as well :)

Sun, Mar. 28th, 2004, 08:14 am
My NY Times Persona

Courtesy of Damian Penny

David Brooks
You are David Brooks! You're exceedingly smart, but
your writing is as compelling as wallpaper. You
are a thoughtful though hard-line conservative,
but lack any of Safire's verbal pyrotechnics.
In addition, you dress like you're colorblind.
Fall down, juvenile.

Which New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I also hope that Sdelmonte and kent_allard_jr take this quiz, too, and I'd love to see their response to me as David Brooks :)

Thu, Mar. 18th, 2004, 06:26 pm
I'm crazy

Paranoid:Very High
Schizoid:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Well, I always thought I was nuts, but I'm not anti-scoial..I guess the Army has helped me a bit :)

Mon, Mar. 15th, 2004, 08:26 pm
Got Meat!!!!!!!!

Do you hate wacko fanatic activists? Well, I know I do, and today is PETA's day. March 15 is International Eat an Animal for PETA day.

Here's the story behind it:

and here are some mildly offensive and insensitive ads:

So eat an animal to piss of PETA, and if you're reallyhungry eat a PETA member :)

Fri, Mar. 12th, 2004, 10:21 pm
A Brother in Distress

Con las víctimas, con la Constitución, por la derrota del terrorismo
-With the victims, with the Constitution, for the defeat of terrorism

courtesy of Frozen in Montreal

My view source isn't working on my computer, otherwise I'd post the Spanish flag.

For those who don't know, terroists have bombed Madrid. Spain's resident terrorist organzation, the ETA, has denied responsibility, and Prime Minsiter Aznar as well as His Majesty, King Juan Carlos of Spain have not mentioned them. Instead, Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility. After almost four years, those thrid world savages have struck again. This time in Spain, a brother nation in Iraq's liberation, and an ancient enemy of the Arab world, ever since they kicked the Moors out in 1492.

As America suffered on 9/11 and Israel suffers daily, Spain has been subjected to similar attrocity now. In addition to those killed and wounded, all of Spain and all of Europe has been affected. Of course all decent human beigs are affected by this savagery, but as an American I recognized Spain's assistance to us, and as I am a Baron with no liege, I pledge temporary fealty to His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain, for today we are all Spaniards.

Sun, Mar. 7th, 2004, 05:59 pm
Canadian politics

Now, for my Canadian readers, and because I should be more international, here is your moment of Canadian politics.

Guess who will spend next year in Hamilton:

Damian Penny, you may b ehappy with this one.

Read more... )

But is that the end of Sheila Copps? One Chretien crony down. How many left to go? I guess if Brian Tobin is found in Corner Brook with skid marks on his body from a mobile scooter, I'll know that is another Chretien team-member out of Ottawa.

Score one more for the Blue Liberals, and Canada once again has a Prime Minister who can speak English :)

Sat, Mar. 6th, 2004, 02:00 pm
A different take on cloning

Now I have mixed feelings on cloning, mainly because I am not in favor of xeroxing human beings, as I am also against in vitro fetiliazation, fertility drugs, and even laser birth surgery. I belive if you can't have a kid, there is always adoption and if you have a problem with a kid not being of your blood, you have no business raising kids an dinfecting them with that bullshit. Now a site I discovered rather recently, The Ayn Rand Institute, defedns cloning. I am not syaing my views are going to change, but I'll let their argument sink in, and give it some thought.

Now, for your reading pleasure:

Read more... )

I am not saying I agree with everything in the article, but I leave it for you to think about, too.

Wed, Mar. 3rd, 2004, 10:09 pm
LOTR Parody

Now, I know many parodies have been done of Lord of the Rings, including stuff with Captain Euro and Gerado, but here shall be one by Frank J, Grand Master of political parody.

In My Fantasy World: U.N. Emergency Meeting on the Subject of the One Ring
'So there's trouble in Middle Earth again,' Bush sighed as he headed for the U.N. conference room, 'I guess we better nip it in the bud to protect our oil interests.'

'You're thinking of the Middle East,' Condoleezza Rice told him, 'We have mithril interests in Middle Earth.'

There was a pedestal at center of the great room, upon it sitting the small golden ring. All countries and races filled the room, ready to debate its fate. Bush entered along with Condi, Donald Rumsfeld, and Buck the Marine, all taking seats near the center.

Bush leaned over to Condi. 'Remind me again why we care about this?'

'I can answer that,' said Gandalf the Grey, 'The Ring is an evil power, and the forces of Mordor will stop at nothing to regain it. It will also corrupt any mortal who tries to use it.'

'It is pretty,' Condi said, slowly reaching for the Ring.

Bush slapped her hand. 'Beardo said not to touch.'

'This meeting shall begin,' announced Kofi Annan. 'The Ring, thought to be lost, was found by Frodo Baggins and brought to our council. At the pleas of Middle Earth, we shall now decide what is to be done with it.'

'France shall takeses good cares of the ring,' Jacques Chirac said, rubbing his hands together greedily, 'Yesss. Give the precious to France.'

'Sounds like a plan,' Bush said, 'Beardo said the ring will corrupt those who possess it, and France is already corrupt. So, nothing to lose.'

'No!' Gandalf yelled, 'If the ring is wielded by anyone, then its evil shall eventually find its way back to Sauron. Then all will be lost. The ring must be destroyed.'

'While we're deciding whether to destroy it or not,' Condi said as she reached for the pedestal, 'Why don't I hold on to it.'

Bush slapped her hand again. 'Stop that.'

'Fine!' proclaimed Gimli the dwarf as he drew his axe. 'Let's destroy this thing and be done with it.' Gimli then hit the ring with all his might, his axe blade shattering to pieces on contact. The ring remained unblemished.

'Pansy-ass midget!' Rumsfeld shouted, 'I'll show you how you destroy things.' Rumsfeld then called for his dog. 'Chomps, see that gold ring? It's a hippy!'

With a terrible growl, Chomps leapt at the ring, mouth agape.

'Ah! A warg!' Frodo shouted as Samwise Gamgee shielded his master from harm.

Chomps grabbed the ring fiercely in his teeth as his head shook frantically about. When he spat the ring back onto the pedestal, it still bared no mark of wear.

'Well this is getting nowhere fast,' Bush said. 'Why don't we just take it to some desert and nuke the damn thing.'

'Why don't I hold it while we choose the desert,' Condi stated as she reached for the ring.

Bush grabbed her wrist. 'I'm serious; stop that!'

'There is only one way to destroy the ring: to take it it's origin,' Gandalf announced, 'the fires of Mt. Doom within the heart of Mordor.'

'We'll have to ask the permission of Sauron then if we can go into Mordor,' Kofi Annan said.

'But it must be done in secrecy!' Gandalf objected.

'Then you’re asking for the U.N. to sanction an invasion,' Kofi Annan rejoined, 'And that has to be voted on by the Security Council.'

'May I have a few words about this matter?' asked the Saruman the White.

'That guy sounds smart!' Bush exclaimed, 'Let's do whatever he says!'

'Careful,' Gandalf warned, 'Saruman can bend weak minds with his words.'

'Luckily everyone in my cabinet is strong minded,' Bush said, and then thought for a moment. 'Oh, wait! Me!' Bush then covered his ears.

'This Ring has great historical value,' Saruman said, 'and the land of Mordor is simply misunderstood. Plus, we have to take in to account any environmental impact of throwing the ring into Mt. Doom.'

'Yess!' Chirac hissed, 'Jacques will use his vetoses to save the precious.'

'But America is our ally,' Chirac then said while cowering, 'We need to help them.'

'No!' Chirac shouted back at himself, 'Nasty America trixies poor France! The precious should be ours!'

'Okay,' whimpered Chirac, 'I surrender.'

'How long does he get to go on like this?' Bush asked impatiently.

'Since he is debating himself, he gets twice the floor time,' Kofi Annan answered, 'Then we have to have debate from all the other countries and let them cast their meaningless votes on the matter.'

Bush looked about the large room. 'G'dammit! How many countries are there?'

* * * *

The debate raged for hours upon hours as all countries and all races that walked the earth weighed in... and then weighed in again until the most ancient and wise of the Ents, Treebeard, said, 'Speed this the f**k up!'

Finally a resolution passed 144 to 4 that the problem was all the fault of Israel.

'The more we bicker,' Gandalf said, 'The stronger the forces of Mordor grow.'

'I'm still confused about one thing," Bush said, 'What exactly is Tom Bombadil?'

'He's a joooo!' shouted the ambassador from Syria.

'Let's just leave Tom Bombadil out of this,' Gandalf said, 'You need to compromise with France to have the Ring destroyed.'

'Fine,' Bush whined. He then called out, 'Hey, Jacques-strap, will you agree to helping destroy the Ring if we include you in the coalition?'

'Maybe,' Chirac answered, 'but you Americanses better not trixies Jacques.'

'So all we need to do is take a helicopter right into Mordor and drop the damn ring in the stupid volcano,' Bush said, 'That there's strategery.'

'You can't do that,' Gandalf stated 'You must go by ground.'


'For the same reason we can't have it flown in by the great eagles,' Gandalf answered.

'Which is?'

Gandalf was silent for a moment. 'Well... uh... er... because of... uh... secrecy and stuff.'

Bush rolled his eyes. 'Then we'll send in a ground force.' He looked to the Secretary General. 'Hey, Coffee! We're going to send a group into Mordor by ground to take care of this ring business. Okey-dokey?'

'But who shall bear the ring?' Kofi Annan asked.

'I'll take it,' Condi said, reaching for the Ring.

Bush pulled her back. 'I'm really getting tired of this.'

'I'll take the precious,' Chirac announced, 'Yesss. Jacques will protect the precious.'

'No way I'm letting him touch it!' Bush yelled.

'And I won't trust it with an elf!' said a dwarf.

'Nor I with a dwarf,' responded an elf.

'And no jooos!' shouted a Muslim.

The bickering soon filled the entire room, but eventually one voice struggled to speak above them all. 'I will take the Ring,' Frodo said, 'though I do not know the way.'

'And wherever Mr. Frodo goes, I will follow,' Sam stated 'and help him in ways that will make people question my sexuality.'

'I object!' Bush yelled, 'Those two are short and don't have shoes.'

'Perhaps others can help them,' Gandalf suggested.

'I will lend my bow,' Legolas the elf announced.

'And I my axe!' proclaimed Gimli the dwarf. ‘Wait… I broke that.’

'And me my strangling,' said Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense.

'And I'll lend my M-16... and my KaBar,' stated Buck the Marine, 'and whatever else is good for kill'n.' He then thought for a moment. 'Who we fight'n anyway?'

'You shall face orcs and goblins,' Gandalf answered.

Buck squinted his eyes menacingly. 'They sound foreign.'

'And Jacques will lead the way,' Chirac hissed, 'Yessss. Lead the precious.'

'So be it,' Kofi Annan announced, 'Frodo Baggins shall be the Ring Bearer, and Samwise Gamgee shall stay at his side. Representing the elves will be Legolas son of Thranduil. For the Dwarves will be Gimli son of Gloin. Representing the humans will be Donald son of George and Buck son of Chuck. And, for the weasels, there will be Chriac, son of a bitch. Together they will be known as the Multilateral Coalition of the Ring... after some more lengthy debating and votes.'

'Dammit!' Bush exclaimed.

Frodo drew his sword to see it glowing a dim blue. 'There are orcs near... or hippies!'

'There's some protest outside,' Bush stated, 'Bunch of signs saying "No Blood for Rings."' Bush walked to a window and opened it. 'Shut up you stupid hippies!' He then threw out a chair. Finally, he returned to his seat. 'So where were we?'

'We had decided...' Gandalf started to say, but then noticed the pedestal was empty. 'The Ring!'

'And where is Condi?' Bush asked, looking around.

'All is lost!' Gandalf said as he put his face into his hands.

'I'm tired of this!' Bush announced as he got up and started to leave, 'I have some fundraisers to go to. Screw Middle Earth; the military is working on a mithril substitute made from plastic anyway.' He then left the building.

'Do you think we'll ever make it back to the Shire?' Frodo asked Sam.

'I sure hope so, Mr. Frodo, sir," Sam answered.

'One more thing, Sam,' Frodo said.

'What, Mr. Frodo?' Sam asked with concern.

'Could you not stand so close?'

Sun, Feb. 29th, 2004, 10:57 pm
The Hitch strikes again

Now, with Mel Gibson's the Passion of Christ out, I will probably see it in the theatre to at least critique it. Is the film anti-semitic? Well, that would be an obvious yes, as the Gospels are anti-semitic. While I am a Catholic, I have no fondness for the early Christians. As soon as St. Paul decided Christians don't need to become Jews first, Christianity entered a dark path that we have only recently veered from. As a Catholic, I felt a great deal of guilt over the Holocaust (even though my family had no part in that, except they may have desired world peace after WWI and it was a desire for peace that allowed Hitler to grow his forces and murder six million Jews, while Stalin may have killed an equal number of Jews, as he was very anti-semitic, and had twenty years to kill). I also feel a guilt for 2000 years of anti-semitic persecution that coudl have been avoided or reduced if Christians were simply circumcised, as St. Peter wanted, but I fear when St. Paul was converted, he may have started to despise his Jewish heritage blaming it for his persecution of Christians).

Even though anti-semitism still infects the Vatican, we have a Pope who has decalred Judaism the elder brother of Catholicism and was raised with Jewish friends in a suburb of Krakow. Even with a Pope who would support Christ's kinsmen was with faults as the Vatican has only recently recognized Israel and is way too fond of the UN,a dictator's club rife with anti-semitism and a desire for peace that fertilizes potential Hitlers.

Another interesting fact about Mel Gibson is his fondness for the Latin Mass. I have an affection for the Latin Mass which is permitted under Vatican II, but I do not believe that that is the only way to Celebrate Mass nor is Catholicism the only true path. I do not believe that we should be so arrogant to even assume we are anywhere close to truth, and I have many problems with Catholicism, though I have even more problems with other Christian faiths...while I regret Catholic persecution of Muslims, Pagans, Jews, and Orthodox Chrsitians, I really don't think too much about what happened to other Christians, and I think the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre was semi-justified, and I hate Puritans enough to wish the Mayflower sank, but I am getting off topic.

Without further ado, is Christopher Hitchens and his thoughts on Mel Gibson's latest movie:

Read more... )

BTW, the United Pentecostal Church was mentioned. I have friends who are Assembly of God (this is Ashcorft's Church, mind you) and they think the United Pentecostals are a bitch of right wing wackos. Pretty scary, huh?

Wed, Feb. 25th, 2004, 10:18 pm
Votes and Bush non-support

I am a Republican, but I am not a Buch fan. I admit he's a loveable little chimp, but the only thing I can back him on is foreign policy.

Here's how I woudl have voted and have voted:

1980 GOP primary: Reagan...ok I was 3 but I would have voted that way
1988 GOP primary: Jack Kemp, in retrospect
1988 Election: It used to be Dukakis was the other choice, but if I could vote then, I'd go for Ron Paul, the Libertarian
1992 GOP primary: OK, Bush, but the other choices were Duke and Buchanan
1992 General election: Ross Perot
Now to where I have voted.
2000 GOP primary: John McCain
2000 General election: Libertarian Harry Browne

For 2004, I will endorse Libertarian Gary Nolan

Now I was leaning this way, but I was going to vote for Bush if he made Condoleeza Rice his VP. I also find John Kerry a prick among pricks and I can't see what the hell Teresa Heinz sees in that self-righteous sack of botox.

Neverthelss Bush is a dissapointment. He has doubeld the budget of the NEA and plenty of domestic rpograms that don't need more money. His tax cuts were good, but there is soemthing about reducing spending, too.

Socially, I completely differ with him. Myabe 10 years ago, I'd agree with him, but now he does crap like this:

I support same sex marriages. Granted I don't believe in divorce, but I have no problem with two men or two women engaging in a monogamous relationship, and by monogamous I mean lifelong. Now many are not ready to accpet this change that is coming. I mayself would support a phase-in of same sex marriage that would span maybe 30 years...after all I am a conservative and that means I support slow progress that wiould work to win over people who are not taited with bigotry but are instead uncomfortable with change.

A Constitutional Ammendment banning same sex marriage will not be approved. Liberals oppose it out of human rights and justics reasons. Many cosnervatives do too, but the more conservative reason to oppose this Ammendment is that this impinges upon the 10th Ammendment and unlike some "cosnrvatives" I stay consistent insupporting state's rights.

If I wanted a fiscally liberal, socially conservative President, I'd back Bush, but I have grown increasing liberal on social issues and increaisngly conservative on fiscal issues, as I support euthanasia due to the aging of the Baby Boomers, though the "eu" portion of euthanaisa is purely optional to me.

Also, the so called "Defense fo Marriage Act" which I then backed and now oppose makes marriage purely a state issue and ironically can allow Massachusettes or Vermont to legalize same sex marriage without any effect on Alabama or West Virginia, which allows first cousins to marry.

George W. Bush, I was going to vote for you in 2000, but you decided on a Medicare expansion so I went Libertarian. In 2004, it's your social views that have cost you my vote. I imagine there are others who feel exactly as I do. 25% of homosexual svoted for you in 2000. Instead of alienating a voting block that may have won you Florida, you should be trying to increase that number. I imagine the GOP could get oevr half the homosexual vote if they dumped the social conservatism or just made it more inclusive, as there are scoially conservative arguments in favor of gay marriage.

What is even worse you may very well be defeated by the Lt Governor of the midget your dad beat in 1988, and the US could face 4 or even 8 years of John Kerry. Maybe I should have voted for Gore in 2000, because I could be imgaining how John McCain woudl be ripping him a new one this November. Instead, I'll have to have John Kerry for a Commander in Chief and actually think fondly of the Clinton Presidency. Thanks a lot, George. No bananas for you!!!

Tue, Feb. 24th, 2004, 11:20 pm
Kerry bashing time

Well, I haven't posted in a while and I haven't done much politically.

I guess it is time to make fun of John F*cking Kerry who btw, served in Vietnam, but protested it later by throwing his friend's medals.

Courtesy of the wild and wacky Frank J:

Know Thy Enemy: John Kerry
Since it looks like John Kerry has a lock on the Democrat nomination, being the uber-partisan I am (hell, I'd vote for a retarded mule if it had an 'R' next to its name and said it would cut my taxes) I've set my crack research staff out to find the dirt on the haughty, French-looking Senator who - by the way - served in Vietnam. Here's what they got:


* In his campaign, Kerry is planning on relying on his wife's ketchup money. That's a lot like blood money, but more tomato based.

* Kerry has enough botulism in his face to wipe out a small African village.

* Kerry wants people to know that he is a friend of the common man... he just doesn't want to talk to any of them, see any of them, have any in his country club, or even be near any of them unless they have lots of special interest campaign contributions.

* John Kerry's hair is the source of his important lookingness. If you shaved off his hair, he would no longer look important.

* Like George Bush, John Kerry was a member of the secret Skull and Bones society at Yale. They will actually determine who will be president, and this whole election is just for our entertainment.

* The Vietnam war was going great and was extremely popular in the U.S.... until Kerry joined in.

* Sometimes Kerry has simultaneous flashbacks to fighting in Vietnam and being a Vietnam War protestor, causing him to spit on himself.

* Kerry knows for a fact from Vietnam that eating the heart of your defeated enemy will not gain you his non-French-lookingness.

* Some hippies had called Kerry a “baby-killer” when he returned from Vietnam, but, in reality, he wussed out and ran away when caught in a baby knife fight.

* Though he likes to tout his Vietnam record now (he was in Vietnam, you know), he was also involved in the same protest group as Jane "Why in God's Name Wasn't She Hung as a Traitor" Fonda.

* Jane Fonda was married to Ted Turner who is a total jackass. That has nothing to do with John Kerry, but it's worth saying.

* If you are in the military and Kerry drops by your place, hide your medals. Apparently he likes to throw other people's medals.

* Senator John Kerry has a more liberal voting record than Senator Ted Kennedy, which people used to think was scientifically impossible since the way to judge how liberal one's voting record is was to see how close it is to Ted Kennedy's.

* Wait, who was I zinging there? John Kerry or Ted Kennedy? Hell, they both deserve it.

* John Kerry is so liberal...

How liberal is he?

He's so liberal, that he thinks minors should be able to get abortions without even their own consent.

* In a fight between John Kerry and Aquaman, I'm not sure who'd win, but the battle would involve a lot of effeminate slapping.

* Some say Kerry looks like Lurch from the Addams Family, but that's not fair; Lurch is not French.

* Kerry comes from the most evil/liberal state in the union: Massachusetts. Some say Hitler was born there.

* According to sources, Kerry's name rhymes with "fairy". I'm not saying to call him John "Fairy"; I'm just putting that information out there.

* Kucinich rhymes with spinach... but I'm not sure what to do with that.

* Oh, wait:

Vote for Dennis Kucinich
'Cause he eats his spinach.
He's Kucinich the crazy man. (toot) (toot)

* Back to John Kerry, according to lots of anecdotal information, he loves to play the "Do you know who I am?" card. If he does that to you, the best response is to say, "Yeah, you're the guy I'm going to punch in the nads," and then punch him in the nads. If he complains, hey, he asked.

* The last guy from Massachusetts who ran against a George Bush for the presidency of the United States lost. That's precedent for you!

Bush may dissapoint me, but I really can't stand Kerry. I actually liked Joe Lieberman, though.

In other news, someone flamed a comment I worte almost a year ago:

and to quote Anonymous:

i love michael moore! he is my hero! genius! for one thing half of america is fat. why not criticize mcdonalds or burger king for making them fat.

Now I give you the opportunity to reveal yourself, and I'll even post soemthing mocking soemoen fo your choice if you comment and give your identity :)

Sat, Jan. 24th, 2004, 11:36 pm
E-mail and updates

I delinekd some people form my friends list. Nothing personal, but I never see commentary from one, and I think the other only posts in Friends only and hasn't friended me. And the other one rarely responds to me, but I still love them all.

In some really cool news, guess who e-mailed me,

The one and only Andrew Sullivan. I sent him some encouraging words in e-mail and he worte back:

From : <>
Sent : Friday, January 23, 2004 3:32 AM
To :
Subject : Re: Keep up the good work.

thanks so much for the encouragement.
and thanks for what you're doing for our country

Plus he e-mailed me back in a day. I feel special :)

Also, It is my beloved Karen's 23rd birthday. Her link is at the bottom of my links. She has some inetresting posts and is worth a read, but yeah I'm biased, and this is my Spin Zone :)

Sat, Jan. 17th, 2004, 11:38 pm
Idiotarian of the Year

Well, I haven't posted in a while and I feel the need to be political....and today I'll be on the right to enjoy a little laugh with Little Green Footballs.

Every year this website has an Idiotarian of the Year Award, Last year, Jimmy Carter, "Historys Greatest Monster" won the award, with Michael Moore getting second place. And this year, the Fat Bastard is once again denied that honor as the winner is Rachel Corrie.

and here is another picture that we may have seen of her, before she was hit by a bulldozer.

Note: Picture has been lj-cut because the hateful look on her face and her burning an American flag may be offensive to some readers.

Read more... )

Personally I wanted Michael Moore to get it, but his next movie and another movie about Mike may get him the award for 2004. I do hope he wins :)

Tue, Jan. 6th, 2004, 07:29 pm
Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to Irene Adler!!

::cues the music::

Well, I have a Village People CD in my player, so have a Happy YMCA birtdhay ;)

Tue, Dec. 30th, 2003, 07:30 pm
Another funny picture

Maybe it's because my hatred of Ted Kennedy has spilled over to his Junior Senator, but I just enjoy making fun of John F*cking Kerry, who also served in Vietnam if he hasn't mentioned it :)

Tue, Dec. 30th, 2003, 01:44 am
Happy Dance!!!

Today my Firefly DVD came in. I will soon a case full of Joss Wheeden DVDs as I have five seasons of Buffy and two seasons of Angel. So for this I do that Happy Dance from Baseketball :)

For some more good humor, I prsen this list couresy of Sylvain at Chapel Perilous

What NOT to do during the Return of the King
Date: Saturday, December 27 @ 10:51:53 PST
Topic: The Daily Prophet

1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"

2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

3. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."

4. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.

5. Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts.

6. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."

7. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"

8. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.

9. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.

10. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"

11. Every time Elrond appears, shout out (in your best 'Dobby' voice) "Clothes! Master gave Elrond Clothes!"

12. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"

13. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.

14. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"

15. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.

16. Start an Orc sing-a-long.

17. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.

18. When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!"

19. Imitate what you think a conversation between Gollum, Dobby and Yoda would be like.

20. Release a jar of daddy-long-legs into the theater during the Shelob scene.

21. Wonder out loud if Aragorn is going to run for governor of California.

22. When Shelob comes on, exclaim, "Man! Charlotte's really let herself go!"

24. After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."

Sat, Dec. 27th, 2003, 10:06 pm
Christmas pics

Now for my Christmas updates, I present some Christmas pics:

Her ei sthe link to them

Now for some pics:

Here is my beloved Karen with a new haicut for Christmas

Here is Karen with her 13 year old cat, Emily

And here is me after an hour of Caroling. The background is a Caroler's on-base housing, not my hovel of a barracks room.

That is all for now.

Thu, Dec. 18th, 2003, 10:50 pm

20 most recent