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User:dybbuk67 (554178) Paid User dybbuk67
Name:Pay No Attention to the Evil Monkey
Location:Washington, Dist. of Columbia, United States
Bio:sometimes roleplaying game designer who has ended up in Washington DC following the woman he loved.
Interests:92: 7th sea, a nightmare before christmas, achinoam nini, ailil, alexander dumas, allison hannigan, animaniacs, antiwar, arcanum, ars magica, arturo perez reverte, babylon 5, bdsm, billy bragg, bloom county, bondage, caffiene, castle falkenstein, changeling, chow yun fat, coffee, crowded house, cybergeneration, dance hall crashers, david bowie, discordia, edward gorey, emperor norton, eris, espresso, eureka, ewan mcgregor, exalted, fading suns, fencing, fnord, foxtrot, frank mcconnel, george rr martin, george sand, gloom cookie, hunter s. thompson, invader zim, israel, iv, jimmy cliff, joe strummer, john gardner, judaism, jules verne, kabbalah, kate bush, kill dr lucky, kimchee, larp, linton kwesi johnson, madness, mountain biking, mythology, neil finn, neil gaiman, norse mythology, oingo boingo, peace, pete townsend, philip k dick, punk, ravenclaw, roleplaying games, san francisco, seth lindberg, ska, sluggy freelance, split enz, stiff little fingers, swashbuckling, the church, the clash, the kinks, the specials, the stranglers, the who, thomas dolby, thomas pynchon, tim burton, toots and the maytals, toy dolls, ucsb, velvet goldmine, william gibson, x, xtc. [Modify yours]
People152:2eclipse, _harbinger_, adderyn, aerinys, ajpursell, akshuman, amamachina, angel_thane, angeljester, anua, archgirl06, aryaluna, ashoe, auroracita, autumnsfire, bakerstacy, battlehampster, beckastar, bellajustbella, bettyscout, blindlyinnocent, bratty_princess, burningroses, caelestis25, catscar, cecerose, cheesy_beef, chestervhe, choel, colubra, corwyn, cr0wgrrl, cuddlejunkie1, danaeris, dark_sprite, dchockeyguy, desertroses, dhampir, digitalsidhe, divineseduction, djfanboy, elfmagic15, exirabit, exquiscadavre, eynowd, famularo, feyandstrange, fiducia, fungol, gallows_brother, gimmelgirl, glamtasm, glaurung2, goldenmean, gwydapllew, heart_of_flames, hopeyheartbear, iamfourninjas, idlesatire, internofdoom, irishhoney, jasonhill, jendavis77, journeyintoday, karrita, katrin21, kaytilake, kurosawa2005, laragoth, lemasquegris, lilmissnever, lotb, lucifermourning, lunaticsx, lyricagent, lystra, m4dh4tt3r, marckorbin, matrixmouse, mercede02, misterfenris, mithikall, mobtownace, mossneko, myladystarla, mzsa, niaha, ominoussilence, onomojaku, paradoxbacklash, paranoidangel, pathin, pheonix930, phoenyxmoonfire, plastictao, pudgykitty, purchasemonkey, qontinuum, qranky, quetzalcoatl_9, racaille, randomlady, redbeard13, redhound, redshrike, revspookydoom, rolnickr, ronicamun, rumpleteazaer, saighin, scanner_darkly, shadow_heart, shadow_prophesy, shadowexistence, shelooks12, sheniver, shy_kat, sidhedevil, sigrune, silvertongue1, sirenknight, snowchat, sooper, starlarose, stefhen19, strange_emmy, strontium90, swee_t_pi, tashewolf, tealsac, tessama, the_hoptoad, the_jetgirl, thedarksiren, theshadowsfall, toast3r, trollfriend, ugali, ulariyus, vale797, vampirequeen, vellanya, ventruehale, violinchick, wanderingbastet, wildpaletz, witlesslackey, wurmfood, zaribanith, zergarific, zsaugin, zyxwvut
Communities18:2_tone, 7thsea, asoiaf, dc_geeks, israelipolitics, mqt_etc, neovictoria, nightgathers, nobodysheroes, norse_mythology, oneworldbynight, owbnfiction, polysmut, secondage, sf_expats, traditionalska, weirdjews, westeros
Friend of:153: 2eclipse, _harbinger_, adderyn, aerinys, ajpursell, akshuman, amamachina, angeljester, angelsorrow313, angrybuffalo, anua, archgirl06, aryaluna, ashoe, auroracita, autumnsfire, bakerstacy, battlehampster, beckastar, bettyscout, blindlyinnocent, burningroses, caelestis25, catscar, cecerose, cheesy_beef, chestervhe, choel, colubra, corwyn, countryfire, cr0wgrrl, cuddlejunkie1, danaeris, dark_sprite, darthmike, dchockeyguy, desertroses, dhampir, digitalsidhe, divineseduction, djfanboy, drimodeous, elfmagic15, exirabit, exquiscadavre, eynowd, famularo, feyandstrange, fiducia, fungol, gallows_brother, gimmelgirl, glamtasm, glaurung2, glucovis, goldenmean, greghacke, grumpysmurf, gwydapllew, heart_of_flames, hopeyheartbear, iamfourninjas, internofdoom, irishhoney, jasonhill, jendavis77, journeyintoday, karrita, katrin21, kaytilake, kit_tien, kurosawa2005, laragoth, lemasquegris, lilmissnever, lonedragon, lucifermourning, lyricagent, lystra, marckorbin, matrixmouse, mercede02, merkury, misterfenris, mithikall, mobtownace, mossneko, myladystarla, mzsa, niaha, ominoussilence, onomojaku, paranoidangel, pathin, pheonix930, phoenyxmoonfire, plastictao, pudgykitty, purchasemonkey, qontinuum, qranky, quetzalcoatl_9, racaille, randomlady, redbeard13, redhound, redshrike, revspookydoom, rolnickr, ronicamun, rumpleteazaer, saighin, scanner_darkly, sdtirisheyes, shadow_heart, shadow_prophesy, shadowexistence, shelooks12, sheniver, sidhedevil, sigrune, silvertongue1, sirenknight, snowchat, sooper, starlarose, stefhen19, strange_emmy, strontium90, swee_t_pi, tashewolf, tealsac, tessama, the_jetgirl, thedarksiren, theshadowsfall, toast3r, ugali, ulariyus, vale797, vampirequeen, vellanya, ventruehale, violinchick, wanderingbastet, wildpaletz, witlesslackey, wurmfood, yessod, ...
Member of:18: 2_tone, 7thsea, asoiaf, dc_geeks, israelipolitics, malarp, mqt_etc, neovictoria, nightgathers, nobodysheroes, oneworldbynight, owbnfiction, paidmembers, secondage, sf_expats, traditionalska, weirdjews, westeros
Account type:Paid Account

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