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Friday, October 22nd, 2004
5:31 pm
How does Roy Orbison know me so well.

current music: "It's Over" - Roy Orbison

(2 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

5:15 pm
I've been getting into Armed Forces. With Costello, I've got to take it slow; too much of his genius can be a bad thing. "Green Shirt" I find especially juicy.

"Wave of Mutilation" by the Pixies describes my mood so perfectly. Not the lyrics, really, just the vibe of it. So if you'd like to know how I feel right now [read: for the past two days], listen to that song.

I still can't believe the Red Sox won. I'm waiting for God to kill me.

I've got to do laundry. And stop propositioning girls on facebook.

I might be coming up to Boston this weekend. If I do, is anyone around that would like to hang out?

There's too much stuff that reminds me of her.

current mood: whatever
current music: "Here Come Cowboys" - The Psychedelic Furs

(get funky)

Thursday, October 21st, 2004
12:33 pm
Ah, it's a beautiful day in New York City (new motto: The Quietest City in the World)!

(get funky)

Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
12:39 am

(1 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Monday, October 18th, 2004
7:18 pm
"If I go to Hell, I'm taking you with me Derek Jeter!"

(1 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

11:20 am
My all-time top three favorite songs about masturbation:

1) My Ding-a-Ling by Chuck Berry
2) She Bop by Cyndi Lauper
3) Turning Japanese by The Vapors

Comment with others.

(8 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Sunday, October 17th, 2004
10:39 pm

(7 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
8:21 pm
It's disturbing that the successes and failures of a baseball team have more impact on my emotional state than any social-personal variables.

(1 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

8:10 pm
Fuck yeah.

(get funky)

Saturday, October 9th, 2004
3:25 pm
I'm feeling pretty good. I won't later, probably. But I'll deal with that.

I've been having crazy ideas about things. Stupid, pretentious ideas, but I like them. Also, they've already been thought of.

The line "We'll always have Paris" from Casablanca, I didn't really understand that before. Now, because of experience, I can. On the other hand, if I didn't have Casablanca, I wouldn't really understand my experience. So you need art to understand life, and life to understand art. And that gives meaning to both art and life. But Writing the Essay still sucks.

Also, love is a place you create with someone, or with your family, or with society. So the world is just one big relationship that we're trying to make work. But what's harder, making it work with one person or with seven billion? That's not a rhetorical question -- I have no idea.

And just like family or romantic love, we often don't know what we're getting into. But once we're into it -- once we find ourselves sharing a world with other people -- we've got a responsibility to the other person/people.

So, if we're going to make this big relationship work, we need love and understanding. That makes me feel squishy.

This is a long shot, but stranger things have happened: Israelis and Palestinians, if you read this, and you're tired of shooting each other and blowing each other up and bulldozing houses and spouting rhetoric and trying to get everybody on your side, why don't you put down your rifle? Take off your dynamite jacket? Seriously, give someone from across the wall or fence or whatever a hug. Kiss them on the lips. Make love to them. Buy them dinner. Go to the movies. Don't be afraid to share. I dunno. Just try it.

current mood: contemplative
current music: "This Must Be the Place" - Talking Heads

(get funky)

8:49 am
Owner of a lonely heart -- much better than none?

(2 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Friday, October 8th, 2004
8:05 pm
So it's over. Completely over. We agreed I shouldn't call her for a week or so, to help me get over it.

Please: no one talk to me about it; if I want to discuss it with you, I'll initiate that conversation.

current mood: numb

(get funky)

Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
10:41 am
How do we feel about the White Album?

(4 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
10:27 pm
Cyndi Lauper understands me on a cosmic level.

(2 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

1:38 pm - CVB!
Camper Van Beethoven is coming to NYC to promote their new album, New Roman Times! They're playing at the Bowery, and tickets are $15. Who wants to go with me?

(get funky)

Wednesday, September 29th, 2004
11:28 pm
I almost got lynched at Yankee Stadium. At first, it was good natured "Yankees suck" from me and "Boston sucks" from EVERYBODY ELSE! You'd all be proud -- they chanted louder, but I chanted longer. When things got ugly was when this one asshole kept saying shit about Boston, telling me it's full of "fags" and that it smells like shit. So I turn around and say, "Listen, I love New York, but it's one of the worst-smelling cities." Okay, I admit it was stupid to say, but it's true, and I wouldn't have said it if this asshole hadn't said the same about Boston. So everyone -- except some random Oakland fans I was with and like two Sox fans -- stands up and starts screaming for me to leave. It was intense.

I'm very proud, though. It was me against like the one-hundred or so Yankees fans in my section of the bleachers, and I stood my ground. Even though the night sucked -- 9 to 4, Pedro WHAT?! -- I still had a good time. Yay for adrenaline and for defending Boston and the Sox. And saying loudly that Jeter sucks A-Rod.

(2 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Friday, September 24th, 2004
4:32 pm
I need the following:
Pictures of Josh H.
Pictures of Tom T.
Pictures of David O. (that's me!)

(11 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
7:30 am - Dream
I had to transfer to BU for some reason, and I was moving into my new "room" -- which was, in fact, the size of a large appartment. There were five people living in this room, two of them girls. And the crazy part: we all had an insane number of pets! There were well over a dozen cats, a few dogs, several parrots, and many, many more. Also, for some reason, Will Farell was a mer-man who lived in our bathtub.

(get funky)

Sunday, September 19th, 2004
1:01 pm
Damn you Ivan! You took out my cable yesterday, and now I can't watch the Sox game!!!

(get funky)

Saturday, September 18th, 2004
6:48 pm - hAPs bIRTHs bETs!!!!!!!!

(3 funky raisinfunky raisins | get funky)

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