Berlynn Wohl's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Berlynn Wohl

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[02 Feb 2004|05:59pm]
You know, I've had this LJ for a year and a half an I've never posted in it? And I don't plan to post again, after this. This is pure self-promotion that you're about to witness.

Hello, people!

If you want to read a superhero comic series about U2, click here:

If you like absurdist U2 slash fiction, click here:
The Man Corral

If you like new wave music, hobbits, classic video games, road trips, or fruit snacks, click here:
The Road to Fooksburgh

If you like (mostly dramatic) slash fiction about U2 or Lord of the Rings, click here:
The Complete Works of Berlynn Wohl

If you are looking for a site that is about U2 slash, click here:
The Processor

If you want amusing Lord of the Rings crossover icons, click here:
Icons By Echo

That's all I've got to say. Hope you enjoy.
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