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Thursday, June 10th, 2004 | 6:13 pm |
Things. Have returned from shopping with mother, enriched by the Sandman Book of Dreams, several records and a compilation entitled 'Robopop' which appears to be really quite good. Numbered among its virtues is an electro cover of the mostly forgotten Lynsey De Paul song 'Sugar Me'. I like. Have spent the last half hour panicking about all the people in the comments to my last post that I can't identify. I'm really sorry, all of you! It's not that you're not memorable, just that some things make brain connections and some don't... E. x Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: 'Summer Tide', . (2 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 11:35 am |
Meme. Because I can. Post anonymously, giving me three clues to who you are. Then let me try to guess.E. x Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: 'Rapture', Iio. (134 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 10:05 am |
Morning! My parents came home drunk last night. I love it when they do that, it gives me huge moral high ground to stand on the next day...~grin~ Especially as my mother's got to sing this morning. And, for those of you who know what I'm talking about here, Dad is off today to pick up the head of Sutekh! Which he gets to keep for a while and then has to give back, but he's trying to persuade someone to make him a copy. And later I shall be taking mum to Forbidden Planet and smiling angelically while she buys me things. I think today is probably good. Love to those as want it, E. x Current Mood: awakeCurrent Music: 'Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Dub', Apollo 440. (54 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 12:45 am |
Stuff. ( Ramble. )Mneh. ~curls up and pulls duvet over head~ E. x Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: 'Utopia', Goldfrapp. (2 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 12:15 am |
(6 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 | 2:51 pm |
If you can't stand the heat... ...well, actually, at the moment the kitchen is the coolest room of the house. ~sigh~ After a brief respite from the impossible heat this morning, it appears to be back with some kind of vengeance. I hate this. I hate this so much. Tired, which is to be expected. Also depressed, for no actual reason barring the heat, and miserable (which is different and has reasons), and irritable, and guilty for having been irritable at people I love. Argh. I want to curl up on some grass, in some shade, possibly with a nearby sprinkler. Instead I have washing-up to do, so I suppose I shall go and do that. Not to be all plaintive, but if anyone felt like cheering me up, this afternoon would probably be a good time to do it. E. x Current Mood: too hot, goddamnitCurrent Music: 'Friday I'm In Love', The Cure. (25 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 10:00 am |
Schedule ( Under here. )Anything I've forgotten? Anything anyone would like to add? Cancel? Change? Edit : Oh, and my e-mail's randomly down, so if there are any comments you want me to see or if you've e-mailed me, comment here to let me know? Thanks.Seems to be working now, if erratically. Possibly still best to leave a comment here if there's anything particularly urgent, not that that's likely on a sleepy Wednesday morning. ~smile~ E. x Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: I'd imagine it's going to be bits from Tommy for a while. (47 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 9:21 am |
If your child ain't all he should be now, this girl will put him right... So, what have I actually been doing, bar collapsing in the heat? On Monday, wechsler and I went to Greenwich to look at boats, models of boats, pictures of models of boats, and Tintin, otherwise known as the Maritime Museum. (The Tintin exhibition rocks very hard indeed. Yes, I am five.) We then went up the hill to the Observatory, which was worth walking up a hill in that heat, but, y'know, only just. ~s~ But seriously. It was a gorgeous day, the first time I've properly seen wechsler in a long while...and, well, Tintin. You can't go wrong, really. Yesterday was mostly spent collapsed, until I ventured out for a successful singing lesson and then to Liverpool Street to meet a giolla, with the added bonus of an unexpected ruis. Took the former home with me as he had with him a copy of 'Tommy', The Who's fabulous rock opera film, which I had seen before but had managed to forget almost all of. We watched it; it's great. Got up at eek o'clock this morning, though, so I may have to sleep again this afternoon. Once I've made the house presentable for the parents. The next couple of weeks are filling up pretty well, really. Shall post a schedule in a minute and see if anyone'd like to fill any more of it... Hope all is well with all, E. x Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: 'Pinball Wizard', naturally. (2 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 | 11:01 am |
Much as I would love to be able to update in detail and tell everyone what a lovely day I had yesterday with wechsler, the heat is doing its best to kill me and so I can't manage more than a couple of sentences. You're all spared. ~smile~ Off to drown myself in the shower, before I tackle the remaining housework, try to find my music, and head off for a singing lesson later today. God damn but I want a thunderstorm. E. x Current Mood: hotCurrent Music: It was Prodigy, but now it's Arthur Brown.(3 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Sunday, June 6th, 2004 | 10:22 pm |
"Lead my life, head's in the clouds, try to deal with city crowds..." Had an unexpectedly lovely day today - met asrana for a couple of hours and went to look at shiny things in Forbidden Planet (I'm getting a birthday present, yay!) and bought The Quotable Sandman because it was adorable and pretty, and, well, cheap. ~smile~ Then headed to The Dev to see, in no particular order, bootpunk, arkady, lolliepopp, djm4, valkyriekaren, wechsler, zoo_music_girl, zotz, steer, childeric, kitty_goth, ladycat, and some people whose LJ names I wouldn't know (or who may not have LJs at all, of course.) All of whom it was superlatively lovely to see. Chatted with childeric about Duran Duran duvet cover slash, with zotz about the potentially twisted mind of the singer of Creed, with ladycat about gloves and cute goths, with various people about music, with kitty_goth for the first time in a long while, squeaked over Emily Strange badges given to me by wechsler, and eventually went down the road to the noodle bar with arkady, before heading back to The Dev for a bit and then home. Gorgeous day, but It Is Too Hot and I wish it would storm already. Love to all, and extra love and ~hugs~ to ev1ldonut and kissycat1000 who've had something of an alarming weekend. Hope the rest of you have been enjoying yourselves. E. x Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: 'Last Train To Trancentral', KLF. (6 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 9:41 am |
~bounce~ Very odd dream last night which involved playing a Viking princess in a ballroom dancing competition (yes, I was watching TV last night) while rathenar tried to talk to the living dead in a shop that sold glow-in-the-dark animal stickers. Sometimes I wonder. Anyway, today I get to see asrana for lunch, which is A Good Thing, and then I shall be wandering over to The Dev to see if there's any goths there. If there aren't, I'm not sure what I'll do, but if there are I shall sit and talk nonsense with lovely people for a bit, which might help my general state of mind. And stuff. If you're going to be there, see you there. If you're not, well, fine then, be like that, see if I care. ~grin~ Love to any and all who want it, E. x Current Mood: awakeCurrent Music: Jethro Tull of some description. (5 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Saturday, June 5th, 2004 | 9:33 pm |
Latest : Have had a reply to *my* reply to that terribly worrying e-mail. And I quote : " interesting response - Your caution is admirable but sounds like you need to find some more careful friends. You do know me and you've just found out more - thats all. Here anytime for a chat - on any subject.... " That's it. That's all I get, which has irritated me - because I took a lot of time to think about my original response - and disheartened me, for the much more pathetic reason that I was kind of hoping for more of a reaction. ~s~ To say nothing of some answers to some questions; notable absences of these include the answer to the question "Your wife does know about this, right?". To be honest - and yes, my 16-year-old self is trying to reach out from the past and kick me for this - I'm not entirely sure I can be bothered with this. Though actually, I partly blame e-mail for that - I always hate doing this via e-mail. But still. I'm really not sure I can be bothered. Sigh. I know I didn't mind being on my own tonight, but now I don't half wish there was someone round to make a joke out of all this with. It's depressed me just a little, though I'm not entirely sure why. E. x Current Mood: discontentCurrent Music: Various TV theme tunes combined in my head. (45 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 6:19 pm |
"If you called your dad he could stop it, oh yeah..." I'd forgotten how amusing Saturdays in Camden can be - it was full of adorable little gothlets as spikeylady and I wandered around it today. She is wonderful and it was really really good to spend some time with her. Looks like a quiet Saturday night in on my own, though, which is a bit of a shame, but never mind. I can start repairing my cross stitch and stuff, and like as not watch dreadful TV as well. It's not so bad. E. x Current Mood: kinda tiredCurrent Music: 'Gothic People', Libitina. (1 new star in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Friday, June 4th, 2004 | 10:56 pm |
"It's funny how my problems stopped when we went for a walk..." After a faintly maddening day of unpicking cross stitch (I don't want to talk about it) and trying to handle one of the most worrying e-mails in the history of the world (that guy I mentioned last night? I don't think, somehow, that I'll be playing with him any time soon ever), things were generally put to rights by [caffeine] with giolla - that and wandering a tiny bit around the Liverpool Street area, anyway. There are some really gorgeous places around there that I'd never seen before - that I didn't even know were there. It was stunning, beautiful, peaceful (despite being thronged with yuppies) and generally lovely. The only thing that could have improved it would have been if the storm that was threatening overhead had actually come down to say hello. But it was very good, all the same. Tired now, though. There's not much else to say, I don't think. Really I should invent something terribly interesting, so that I keep your collective attention, but I can't think of anything just at the moment. You're welcome to invent something for me, of course. ~smile~ E. x Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: 'Life On Your Own', The Human League. (8 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 | 11:09 pm |
Why I Own The Entire World pt IV (I think it's part IV, anyway) In our show on the course, there were four people playing security guards. Of these, all were extremely attractive, three were convincing sadistic bastards, and one had a conversation with me about genuinely being into BDSM the other week. After this conversation he proceeded to ignore me, and I assumed at some point in the conversation I'd crossed some line or other and he just didn't want to risk going near the subject again. Which was frustrating, but fair enough. Except that tonight, when I came to leave the course (it's over! Yes! I made it!) I came up to him to say "See you around - possibly at Torture Garden!" (where he'd said he occasionally goes) and he launched into "You had me figured out from the start, didn't you? Look...if you ever want to play, you've got my e-mail." and so on. ~blink~ He wants to do stuff with me. This is good. Bizarre, but good. I was so sure he wasn't, in fact, interested. Um, go me. I think. I mean, it may not end up going anywhere, but I think I still rock. Improved my evening some, anyway. E. x Current Mood: surprisedCurrent Music: 'Mad World', Tears For Fears. (12 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 3:51 pm |
Oh, I don't believe it. One of the other things I bought yesterday was a video of The Little Vampire - partly because it was £2, partly because I remember thinking vaguely about going to see it when it came out, partly because random_haze squeaked at me about the kid playing the little vampire in question. Jailbait or not, she was right - he's gorgeous, he'd make the perfect Peter Pan (too perfect - I suspect he'd have made me cry a lot if they'd used him, so I'm glad they didn't), he's got a beautiful voice, he's not too bad at acting...(apparently he was in Girl With A Pearl Earring, as well, though I've not seen it, so I wouldn't know.) So I looked at the box to see who he was. Rollo Weeks. Rollo bloody Weeks. You've no idea who he is, have you? Of course you haven't. Unless, perhaps, you're asrana or thekumquat and you happen to remember his older sister, Honeysuckle. I, of course, was too young to have been around for her - I was at school at the same time as the younger one, Perdita. It's hard to put my finger on just why this is so infuriating, but it's had me muttering swear words all afternoon. Damn it. E. x Current Mood: irritatedCurrent Music: 'Bella Stella', Highland. (48 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | 9:51 am |
Charity shops++ Yesterday I went round Camden with random_haze, poking the charity shops and Camden MVE with a stick to see what fell out. ( Most of what fell out is under here to spare you from geeking. )There was also this, which I've been wanting to get for some time. I'm not going to spoil it for you by telling you what it's like. Come over and listen to it, or get it yourselves. It's...something else. And not at all what you'd expect. ~g~ And finally there was a book, namely 'Scaredy Cat' by Mark Billingham. His book 'Sleepyhead' is the most frightening, disturbing book I've ever read, and brilliant with it, so I have high hopes for this. And they're set in London, as well, which is always good. So, I feel better for Stuff, which probably isn't the way it should be but hey, I'm a materialistic sort of child. ~s~ I also - somewhat humiliatingly - feel better for repeatedly listening to 'Keep Me A Secret' by Ainslie, which as most of you won't remember (or even have known in the first place) was the single from one of the boys in Fame Academy. Not a great pedigree, but the song is just lovely. So that's me. How are you? E. x Current Mood: geekyCurrent Music: 'Keep Me A Secret', Ainslie. (11 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004 | 12:53 am |
"But when you turned around, I saw your eyes were fire, and you crashed out all my dreams..." That title is from Kim Wilde's 'View From A Bridge', and I just feel like that tonight. Can't. Take. Any. More. Yeah, things got worse today. Quite a lot worse, actually. And, I mean, I'm still surviving, which is great, but I don't know how I'm doing it. This is horrible. Never mind eh. Sleep and the ravell'd sleeve of care and all that. If I can get to sleep. (Which I probably can, mostly thanks to giolla, who is great and offered to meet and give me hugs before he headed home tonight. Thank you.) ~sigh~ What has gone wrong with everybody? Or is it just me that something's gone wrong with, and if it is, what has gone wrong with me? E. x Current Mood: indescribableCurrent Music: 'View From A Bridge', Kim Wilde. (10 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 | 10:46 am |
Writing. ( Morpheus is crying. )E. x Current Mood: sadCurrent Music: 'Jane Says', Jane's Addiction. (26 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) | Monday, May 31st, 2004 | 7:20 pm |
...how can life be going downhill and such an uphill struggle at the same time? ~sigh~ Oh well. This is just...not good. E. x Current Mood: distressedCurrent Music: Dodgy metal music. We watched 'Spawn'. It's funny.(11 new stars in the sky | Sparkle for me?) |
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