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Latvian PM Indulis Emsis, Speaking on C-SPAN |
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I just got back in town today, having spent the weekend pretty much in media isolation at a convention. The only news sources at the hotel were USA Today (one step up from The National Enquirer, IMO) and CNN, which I didn't have time to watch.
I got home this evening, checked voice mail, email, and turned on C-SPAN; I'm currently watching or listening to the various speeches and Q&A; by the representatives of neo-NATO-member states.
My paternal grandmother came from Lithuania, and my maternal grandmother came from Latvia, both of which joined NATO today. However, both grandmothers were Jewish and therefore semi-outsiders. Grandma Margaret (aka "Nana"), especially, had to put up with progroms (usually cossacks) as a little girl in the first few years of the 20th century, living at the then-malleable border between Russia and Lithuania.
For that reason, I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about this event, although I think overall I'm happy to see Lithuania and Latvia come aboard. (I'd feel better about it if they weren't all so blatantly sucking up to the Bush Administration in their speeches.)
I find myself thinking back to a game I used to play with my maternal grandmother when I was a grade-school kid, which we called "Sailing to Europe." In the game, Grandma Sara (aka "Nanny") would be returning home to Latvia for a visit, traveling by ship; this made sense in the game's logic, as that's how she got to the US in the first place. I would play the ship's captain and everyone else in the crew. Also, I'd be myself, traveling with her. I've never been to Latvia, but I do plan to make that journey (preferably by ship, 'cause what the heck) sometime during my life.
I'm feeling nostalgic, thinking about both of my grandmothers today. (My grandfathers both died before I was born, so I couldn't discuss the Old Country with either one.) I can't help but wonder what Nana and Nanny would think about this development if they were still alive to see it.