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[06 Apr 2004|10:19am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Happy Birthday Maria!!  <3

Lol, I love you :)

4 clients with me | Sleep with me tonight?

Friends Only [21 Dec 2003|10:49pm]

Comment/Contact me if you want to be added.
9 clients with me | Sleep with me tonight?

[18 Dec 2003|04:43pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Read more... )

Sleep with me tonight?

[15 Dec 2003|08:53pm]
[ mood | content ]

Stolen from [info]slicepaperscars

[x] I ____ Liz.

[x] Liz is ____.

[x] If I were alone in a room with Liz, I would ____.

[x] I think Liz should ____.

[x] Liz needs ____.

[x] Liz will never ____.

[x] I want to _____ Liz.

[x] Liz can ____ my _____.

[x] When I think about Liz, I ____.

[x] Someday Liz will _____.

[x] Liz reminds me of _____.

[x] Without Liz, ____.

[x] Memories of Liz are ____.

[x] Liz can be ____.

[x] ____ is how I describe meeting Liz.

[x] Worst thing about Liz is ____.

[x] Best thing about Liz is _____.

[x] Liz _____.

[x] I read Liz's journal because _____.

Mrwa.... :P

3 clients with me | Sleep with me tonight?

[13 Dec 2003|01:23pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

Stolen from [info]jods

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

Read more... )

Sleep with me tonight?

[09 Dec 2003|06:48am]
[ mood | loved ]

“I'm not content to be with you in the daytime,
Girl I want to be with you all of the time.
The only time I feel alright is by your side,
Girl I want to be with you all of the time,
All day and all of the night,
All day and all of the night,
All day and all of the night.

I believe that you and me last forever,
Oh yeah, all day and nighttime yours, leave me never,
The only time I feel alright is by your side,
Girl I want to be with you all of the time,
All day and all of the night,
All day and all of the night,
Oh, come on...

I believe that you and me last forever,
Oh yeah, all day and nighttime yours, leave me never,
The only time I feel alright is by your side,
Girl I want to be with you all of the time,
All day and all of the night,
All day and all of the night-time,
All day and all of the night.”
He’s so sweet :) Alex sang that to me in the car, whispered it right in my ear. I love him so much, sometimes I can’t understand it. We’ll be sitting on the couch, just doing nothing, when this feeling overcomes me and I want to cry because I don’t know how to express this any other way. Or sometimes I’ll just sit still and wonder why God gave him to me… It was such an amazing twist of fate that brought us together. If I hadn’t moved into computer applications, then I wouldn’t have been in Ms. Crary’s class, then I wouldn’t have sat across from Alex, then I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to sit next to him that one day and give him my number… If I wasn’t friends with Zach then I wouldn’t have asked he and Alex to go out to dinner with Erin and I, I wouldn’t have thrown Zach a birthday party where I got to know Alex better… So many things have worked out. It’s funny, because a lot of the time when something seems bad they usually create something good.

An example… Me getting drunk and cheating on Alex. If I had not gotten drunk and cheated on Alex, I think our relationship wouldn’t be as deep and as trusting as it is now, nor would I feel so compelled not to party, drink, or flirt with other guys. I believe the reason most of my relationships don’t last is because I want to move on so bad and I get so bored with my current relationship. With Alex I feel like I did something so wrong, but nevertheless he forgave me and stayed with me, so if I did something to him again, I don’t think I could get past that. Doing something to someone who’s been able to forgive you for such a wrongdoing is just sick :\

I’ve wondered why do I not want to spend time with anyone but Alex? I’ve gotten past the whole infatuation phase, I know him, he knows me, we’re comfortable around each other. Yet, why is it that when I’m not doing something with him I’m not as happy or I don’t feel as comfortable? I can sit around in my PJs with my hair crapped up, and I feel so content. I’ve found that less and less I like spending time with other people, I don’t like putting up with their interpretations of my life or their shallow views on how I think and act. Of course, not everyone is that way, but the majority of people are. They think they know me, they act like they know what I’m thinking and pretend to relate when I have something to say. It feels like people think I’m sex, sex, sex, boys, boys, boys, hair, blonde, makeup, boobs, and Abercrombie. Yes, I know I like sexuality, boys (boy), hygiene and Abercrombie, but that isn’t me. That’s just as much as I want to share with the 98% of the world who I could give a damn about. I trust people, just not enough to let them in.

Every day I’ve been able to stop and think how lucky I am to be with him, that makes me a lot calmer and helps us work through things a lot faster. He’s gotten over September; we’re so much closer and trusting… I just feel like I have to do everything I can to protect him and to make him happy, it’s overpowering and new. I’ve never felt like this before.
1 client with me | Sleep with me tonight?

[05 Dec 2003|10:32pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I just got home... So tired. I really want to talk about how fun Thursday and Friday have been... But I'm too lazy. I'll update tomorrow morning.

Sleep with me tonight?

[02 Dec 2003|09:17pm]
[ mood | awake ]

Yes! My parents leave tomorrow for 3 weeks! YES! I'm so excited, it's going to be so wild.

And Marc, you seriously need to stop being such a fucking procrastinator. :)

Weds, Thurs, Fri., SATURDAY! :D Tongue piercing day! Yahoo! I am so excited about that especially... By the time my parents get back my tongue'll be fine and almost totally healed *glee* I've always wanted to get my tongue pierced, so I'm feeling so relieved.

5 clients with me | Sleep with me tonight?

[02 Dec 2003|05:11pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

you are orchid

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.

Enter your username to see your friends colors:

the spacefem.com html color quiz

I think that's pretty damn accurate :)
Sleep with me tonight?

[28 Nov 2003|10:28am]
[ mood | anxious ]

Yesterday was perfect. Alex and I spent Thanksgiving together, and it was just the perfect way to spend a holiday. I’d found perfect recipes for stuffing, gravy, potatoes, pie and such… Well, overall I wasn’t pleased with dinner. It was just okay, in my opinion. The reason I usually don’t like Thanksgiving is because you load up on carbs, all of which have the same sort of boring flavor. But I must say, the pie was quite nice :) My sister and my brother-in-law came over, Alex met them and they liked him a lot.

After about three hours at my house, we went back over to his house… Eh. I saw gramps, which was nice, because I like him; but I was introduced to Kurt and the other bumpkins. I had a good time :D Alex had a good time because Kurt was openly jealous of him, and the rest of Harold’s family was openly astonished. I’m just glad I didn’t look like a usual wreck when I went over. We didn’t eat anything at his house because we were so full from our dinner, so we sat around and played Breath of Fire III, which is infinitely awesome. But damn, I miss my SNES games. Today I’ll have to look for the cords to it… So many games! :)

Anyway, as Alex left his bumpkin step-uncle said to him, ”You’re playing with fire, don’t get burned.” If only they knew.

We came back to my house and watched The Cube and the beginning of Pink Floyd: The Wall… He took Floyd home; I can always watch it some other time.

This morning my dad went to Best Buy, Fry’s and such at 6 a.m. looking for post-Thanksgiving sales. My mom left to go work out, and I woke up at 8 a.m. and raided the mailbox. *shrugs* I’m good. So I snagged my progress report and destroyed it, so now I’m happy and quasi-anxious to get back to school and get my math and science grades up. I’ll have to make some deals… EH. I hate wheedling with my teachers, I feel like a schmuck, but you know, you do what you gotta do. My dad would be so proud to know his ickle girly is following in his footsteps.

So today I want to do something with Le Dukerich, Alex and Jessika… If they want. Mostly because I don’t want to play SNES alone :P I don’t like doing much alone. Alex should be up soon, he said he’d call. Tomorrow we’re going to the Festival of Lights :) We’ll go to my house, then we’ll walk down there because usually it’s sort of crowded car-wise down there. Today I want to make the Christmas baggies… Whee :D Alex’ll probably come over and I’ll not bother to put normal clothes on or do my hair. Haha, my poor boyfriend :P

Well, I need to go mope around some more :D

Sleep with me tonight?

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