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Below is user information for Asmodevs. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:avatar651 (178505) avatar651
Location:"?", "?", Romania
Bio:I was Born in Romania in the city of Sighisoara...i emigrated to Canada when i was nine years old.And here i am today.

I despise most of what modern society has to offer,and am only using this infernal machine to write my journal.

I hate anything and everything to do with our modern times,the degenerates that dwelleth on our streets,the fought by plane for oil's sake.The more we progress,we doom our souls to an eternal hell of illiteracy,and lameness and "i dunno?" stupidity.Hate is such as strong word,therefore i won't hesitate to use it,i HATE technology,and methinks the only good thing we achieved so far,are the advancements in the field of medicine,inoculation being the chiefly and most appraised of them.

Read my journal if you choose,but post none of your newage bullshit in it.You'll live to regret it.I for one promise you that.

Interests:45: ., abolitionism, albinoni, and various other., archery, bethoven, bosch., claudio monteverdi, composers of the baroque., composers of the classical., debussy, e.t.c, enyo morricone, favorite hobbies/sports, favorite writers:stephen king, fencing, francois couperin, greece, gun collecting, handel, hanz zimmer, henry purcell, ian hus, italy, j.s bach, jean baptiste lully, jeremiah clarke e.t.c, john dowland, john milton, karate, marais, mhuai thai, modern musicians., mozart, old music, peter straub, plato, romania, serbia, sighisoara, target shooting, thomas campion, vanghelis, william byrd., william shakespeare. [Modify yours]
People54:000sundancer000, _dorina_, _ilia, akarichapelo, amenlover, americnjewl, andreearaducan, ascending_light, atheenah, blondcanadia, bobanna430, chibichan, cosmogonic, cutieny02, dixon, doara, duo_makksuweru, eugenionni, faerietalesdie, farkaska, flashpoint, fuschia, girlwithagun, gracealicious, hellhole, iindiigo, in_effigie, ingenuemuse, jesuscooter, juicy_eli, krispen, ladyfirebird, laurakrycek, maat_ra, melpomeine, minnalavendar, misguided_angel, mtn_dew_boy, muse, sarcastica, sashiez, schatzie21, sexykristeena, sidevi, sidhedevil, sioneld, surd, surioara, szeretlek, thefaytss, tombedelagrace, triad_of_terror, venera, xk8tx
Communities3:a_wiccans_cove, balkans, millenniumgroup
Friend of:15: allhail, amenlover, ascending_light, butt_buddy, farkaska, in_effigie, ingenuemuse, krispen, laurakrycek, schatzie21, sidhedevil, surioara, szeretlek, venera, xk8tx
Account type:Free Account

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