Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
3:04 pm
What better way to freak out the freakys than walk around the house with a gun!
*Why are all you stareing at me?!*
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
11:19 am - Puppet Master kicks (Nazi) ass!
Blade was created for revenge! He wears a skull face that is modled to look like the killer of the puppet masters wife,elsa.Also Blade seems to be the head of the gang of puppets Rar Rar Rar 3 Cheers For my Fav Puppet of Doom! What Horror Movie Villian am I?
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
9:38 am
| kils house. He doesnt know im here. Kinda cool shit today. Yesterday fouund out the car insurance went poof* Mom should be taking care of that, but that was bad stuff to happen. Wound up staying home today since my mom dident want me driving (so im not driving to work) My mom needed a ride to school though, so while I was waiting for her to get ready I took my pellet gun out back to shoot at stuff. I walked out onto a log into the cattails. While I was looking around at something to shoot at I looked down and saw a black bag. Kinda frightening, I pulled it out with a stick and brought it to the bank of the swamp. emptied to water and eventually carried it back to my house. I wanted to wait to see what it was. Me and my dad opened it to find poorly protected "indoor" fireworks. At first I thought it was bomb componets. They were sticks with electronic blasting. We will probably turn them over to the cops later so we dont have to deal with them. Pretty sure there usless since they were saturated in water probably all winter.
So I drove my mom to school, headed to the hadley mall and decided I dident feel like going in and wound up here at Kil's.
So..... HI Kil!
current mood: accomplished current music: Beats comming though the ceilling
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Monday, February 25th, 2002
7:15 pm - I feel apreciated.
Thank you for recently taking the Self Discovery Workshop's IQ Test. Because of the Internet's ability to mishandle transmissions, we are reconfirming via email that your IQ Test score was: 136
Our test usually gets within 5 points of the professional tests--a remarkable feat for a 13 minute test.
Our test gives you a quick and fast measurement of your abilities, and that can indicate directions for you to take.
Average: 85 - 115 Above average: 116 - 125 Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135 Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145 Genius: 146 - 165 High Genius: 166 - 180 Highest Genius: 181 - 200 Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200
current mood: loved
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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
11:06 pm
I just determined that Bauhaus reminds me a lot of the Jeep.
current music: Bauhaus - Spy in the cab
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10:14 pm - Hey Jess...check it out. (Honestly)
9:55 pm
Jess has an evil twin...and it gets worse than that...but thats a whole nother story all together.
current mood: shocked current music: Apoptygma Berzerk - Until the end of the world
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9:49 pm
"I know im lost, please let my suffer in silence"
current mood: Apologetic current music: Apoptygma Berzerk - More Serotonin...please
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
10:30 pm
Queen of the Damned... yawn. Kidney Theives did the end song though!!!
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11:36 am
Thursday, February 21st, 2002
7:54 pm
7:51 pm
¶ I got me a airgun, its sooo delicious...gonna go fishin', gonna go fishin'! ¶
current mood: cheerful current music: My self singing.
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4:39 pm
I feel good now...sleep whatever it was off and get though the next day at work.
current mood: accomplished current music: Silence
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1:09 am - Its all getting worse.
Fuck, I dont know if I can do club stuff anymore. They've been the worst times of my life. It only seems to make me miserable to go. Otherwise I can figure someother way of dealing with it.
Maybe I can just deal with things as they happen. I usually just forget about everything by the next day.
Im scared im going to end up hurting someone else.
current mood: scared
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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
8:58 pm
Dinner at my grandmothers...dident go. Probably disapointed my g-ma. Parents brought back some chocolate milk that my g-ma always makes for me. Kinda painful to think about it.
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8:27 pm
Loss of life and sudden responsibilities what feels like not all that long ago which is comming up on a years past. The change destroys the will. Not a second of free time without always feeling the return aproaching.
current mood: crushed current music: Loreena McKennitt - Prospero's Speech
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7:33 pm
My old room has a weird feeling about it, but I cant remember any good memorys about it. I took the signs off the wont be the same passing it everyday.
current mood: nostalgic current music: Loreena McKennitt - The Dark Night of the Soul
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6:00 pm
Heh, regularly scheduled programing...its so comforting.
current music: Star Trek theme on tv.
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5:04 pm - Saturate the soil in Iron and the flowers will be blue.
4:02 pm - I miss Poke'mon
I think cartoons were the last thing that really made me feel happy.
current mood: nostalgic current music: Pokemon on tv
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