I went to my 2 month LASIK appointment today. 20/20 vision. I wanted to have superman vision but I guess I can't be disappointed with 20/20. Also, my eyes are a little off today, so I bet it's actually better than that.
I had a mocha earlier and I'm shaking like mad. Thank god I don't have any patients this afternoon. I would scare the hell out of them going at their arms with a shaky needle. ;-)
Had lunch at Mary's Pizza. Two huge meatballs "as big as your head", a caesar salad and an iced tea. Mmmmmm. Just because I'm on the Half-Asskins diet doesn't mean I'm not eating well.
I want to go check out some swimming places this weekend for tri practice. There's a little lake up where Shan and I go mountain biking that I want to look at and also a spot on the river that has a beach. They also have camping near that beach on the river, so I want to doubly check it out. There's also a cool-looking bar in the town near the beach near the river (WITH A SHUFFLEBOARD TABLE, MY FAVORITE!) that I want to check out. And there's a mouse in the hole in the bar in the town by the campground by the beach by the river by.... Heee! I'm a dork!
This is the first weekend in a while that we don't have anything special planned. Here's me, this weekend:
I ran four miles when I got home today. I desperately need to buy new shoes, no joke. I'm going to injure myself if I keep running on these ratty things. Met a new friend online today. I was turned on to a local athlete's blog via our local paper's website. Well I responded to a post to congratulate her on her recent triathlon and she emailed back, having read some of my journal. I guess she is part of a local group that does tri training together. So I'm on their list now I guess. Looking forward to maybe doing some rides/runs/swims with them, or at least having a source to answer questions about training, etc...
Tonight, if things look good with my beer, I'll transfer it into a secondary fermenter. From there I'll wait another week then bottle it for a couple weeks before I pop one open. I'm still a little worried about the "young" yeast, but I'm hoping it'll be ok. I may just go ahead and start a new batch on the same day I bottle, that way I'll have another couple cases ready to go two weeks after my first come out.
OK, I just registered for the Big Sur Half Marathon (which is actually in Monterey, go figure). I am a fatass. As of today I am officially going back into half-ass Atkins + beer induction. I'm also going to continue trying to back off on my smoking and hopefully quit before I'm near the run. I've been smoking 2-3 a day as opposed to the 1/2 pack/day I was smoking before. My goal weight (for now) is 195 lbs, so I only need to lose about 15 lbs to get there. When I started half ass Atkins a year or so ago I was at 225, then I dropped down to ~205 and hovered w/in 5 lbs up and down from there for a long time and lately I've been stuck at 210. I figure as long as I continue to lose weight and get in better shape each year I'm doing ok.
I just want to look like the stud we saw running up Half Dome. Is that so much to ask?
Rode 22 miles when I got home. Kicked Crane Canyon's ASS. I also made a breakthrough. For a year or two I've had a knee that's been worrying me. It's given out on me a couple times. It started getting that way after I started running a lot. Anyway, there have been quite a few times that I've been riding where it's felt like it's going to blow or break in half or something and I always get scared and stop riding hard. Well today I got sick of it and threw caution to the wind, and just kept going. Well, my knee didn't explode and, eventually, I rode through it. So, that's a good thing.
We watched Simon Birch when I got back. I think it's a pretty good movie, although I'm super glad I read Owen Meany first, as it would have ruined it for me.
Time to crawl in bed and read. It's pretty cold here this evening. Weather.com says it's 59 deg. Brrrr! What's up with that?
Current Music: Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks) - Beautiful Child