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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
8:09 pm - new toyz!
ya ya ya! I went out and splurged on a vocoder, a high-order filter, and an FX unit!! w00t! The best thing is... They're all midi capable! yayayayayay

current mood: good

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Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
9:32 pm - graded...
I got my grades for last semester about a week ago, but i didn't want to look at them cuz i knew they'd be bad... Well my suspicions were confirmed tonight..

oops! fucked that one off...
Something tells me I won't be on the President's List this semester...
ahh, just like the good ol' high school days

current mood: disappointed

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
10:36 pm - we don't 'just say no', we too busy sayin' YEAH!!!
i've been away from LJ for a while now... So i decided to pop in and see what's up! It's pretty tough working 9-10 hours a day, but it's actually better than school! So i'm not going to complain. Sorry for not posting more!

current mood: blank
current music: Happy Hardcore - Rave - Send Me An Angel

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Monday, June 11th, 2001
10:10 pm - Androids
I hope the day where androids walk amongst us humans never comes in my lifetime... Although it could be possible to have a world like that of Saber Marionette J, where we all have an android to do work & make money for us, it's just as possible to have androids that are programmed for crime & chaos.. And unlike humans, androids wouldn't have a moral center to stop them from, say, performing a bank heist by killing everyone inside, taking the money, then blasting the bank to smithereens...
With that in mind... Androids = Bad!

current mood: pensive
current music: Slinky Wizard - Funkus Munkus

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
12:05 am - ???
wow.. had a nice little 'cosmic ascension' just now... I was listening to some Opus3 & watching the Milkdrop visualization plugin for Winamp when... wow.. i just closed my eyes and ascended.. Don't know how else to describe it... wow...
More on this later.. gotz ta sleep

current mood: elevated
current music: it's a fine day

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Thursday, May 24th, 2001
11:45 pm - hellz ya
11:33pm up 76 days, 20:37, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
sean pts/0 11:33pm 0.00s 0.09s 0.02s w

See that? my server's been up for 76 days without a crash or reboot... sweet...

current mood: geeky

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2:44 pm - *^&$*@
Didn't get my apartment... My potential roommate flaked out on me... So now i'm left with a choice...
Continue living at home - rent-free but no social life
Look for a studio - get my own place, but still living by myself..
Find another roommate - could be good or bad

So we'll see what happens!

current mood: frustrated

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2:42 pm - Mission Accomplished
All finals down... (probably) only 1 failed class.. let's hope so!!

current mood: relieved
current music: still don't have my system back :*(

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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2001
10:37 pm - Notes to self...
* Cars with hydraulics that drive on 3 wheels are pretty kool..
* Bristol Street in Santa Ana (between Edinger & Warner) is the new cruising capitol of Cali
* Latinas with blonde hair look really really good
* Get sound system back!! i miss music

current mood: giddy

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10:27 pm - ....... almost done ........
3 finals down.. 1 more to go ( well 2 more but i'm not taking 1 so :p )
gotta do 3 programming projects by Friday.. AHHH!!!

hmm. in other news i'm running out of *water*.. :(

And... I start full time work again next week.. I wonder if i'll be able to wake up before 10am this summer... nahhhh
At least i'll have $$$$$$$$$ cha-ching!

Oh, and i'm going to try to put a deposit on my new apartment tomorrow.. ya!!!!

current mood: happy
current music: none.. Dan has my sound system :(

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Thursday, May 17th, 2001
8:44 pm - tha good ol' dayz
I was really bored today so I bought a couple of DVDs.. one of them is B3773R Living Through Circuitry - a BAD FUCKING MOVIE!!!
If you have a DVD player, go get this!!
Basically it's a documentary on the rave scene. It's very well put together, and there's interviews with a ton of producers and DJs that I really respect.
Actually, this movie made me cry more than once.. It made me really remember the good times i've had partying - times i haven't really had since this movie came out (early 99)..
Still, I hope that one day things will return to that state. If you remember the old days, or even just want to see what it's all about, then get this movie.
Oh, and there's quite a few So Cal shots in here.. I even recognized a couple of guys dancing!

current mood: rejuvenated
current music: Uberzone

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1:12 pm - So my friend made me a Fatboy...
Not much to look at, but it works!!

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Sunday, May 13th, 2001
9:50 pm - weekend review
Wow! What a crazy weekend! My weekends seem to be getting that way for some reason.. Anywayz.. Went to Red (as usual) Friday night & had a super duper time.. Capped it up Saturday morning & afternoon, then went to Knotts in the evening (in an altered state of consciousness).. =)
Fun stuff!

current mood: complacent
current music: X-Files (yes, i know that's not music)

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Thursday, May 10th, 2001
4:03 am - h00t!! h00t!!
er.. that's the sound an owl makes.. Anyways.. Just realized that my nights are getting later.. and later.. and later.. I used to think 2am was a good time to go to sleep.. then it became 3am... now, here I am, writing on LJ at 4am. DOH!

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4:02 am - work that body!
Went to the gym today with Dan & James... w00t!! I worked out for the first time since... dayam... since a long time.. And I feel great! I used to like going to the gym but all my friends would always flake on me, and it's hard to do the gym thing by yerself.. Anyways, Dan & James & I are going to make this a weekly thing...Kick arse!

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Monday, May 7th, 2001
11:05 pm - mix it up?
Is it just me? or is it terribly odd to be listening to melodic, upbeat trance while playing Bushido Blade?
Oh well.. At least my playstation works again. I'm kinda bummed that it's an older model, tho.. my friend Dan's PSX can do some trippy visuals when playing audio cds. Mine just sits there like a chump :(

current mood: disappointed
current music: Doran - EDC

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Sunday, May 6th, 2001
3:28 pm - review of the weekend
Friday @ Red was great! Had 1 helluva good time.. But ended up staying out later than I thought I would, and missed work (oops)..
Saturday we (new friends Dan & James & I) went to Universal City Walk, and ate sushi! Lemme tell ya, that place is nuts.. First of all, it takes about 45 minutes to get into the parking area.. Then.. People are EVERYWHERE! We played a game where we stood in the middle of a busy walkway and watched how many people had to swerve around us. Then we were playing catch with a big rubber ball, and I accidentaly nailed some gangsta-G guy in the back. OopS!
Saturday night was a bit less fun. We waited around for something to happen.. And nothing happened. And now here I am on Sunday... With nothing to do!
For all those of you who are wondering, no I did not get to go on that much-anticipated date I was hyping about.. But I did get a nice apology email! I suppose that will have to suffice.

current mood: thirsty

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Friday, May 4th, 2001
8:48 pm - Damion! Damn you & your pics...
Had a nice daydream just now... I dreamed that i met Kaila Yu at Club Red.. She liked my nerdiness & came to my apartment where we shared a beer & listened to trance.. LOL! The sad thing is.. i know exactly what i'd play too!

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7:54 pm - i'm seeing rEd!
T-minus 2 hours and counting... w00t!

current mood: jubilant
current music: Various Artists - Saturn Mix - CD2

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Thursday, May 3rd, 2001
6:29 pm - non stop action
Almost time for another Red session.. yeah!!! T-minus 27.5 hours and counting...
This week, they have Thee0.. hmm.. to bean or not to bean.. that is the question...

current mood: excited
current music: Tunnel Trance 14

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