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My Whole Life is a Circle... [08 Jun 2004|09:27pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Bad Boys Blue - Fly Away ]

Erk! I've said I wouldn't do it again, but I fell right back into old habits and started skipping gym again. :/ I stopped about 4 weeks ago to catch up with coursework, and then to handle my bank holiday on-call, and I only just started going back today. And my GOD do I ache - there isnt a muscle that doesn't feel totally stretched out of all proportion. I also seem to have lost a great deal of my strength - I couldn't finish several sets that I could do with ease last month. I'm just gonna have to take it easy and try to gain back what i've lost - hopefully it won't take more than a month or two.

I think part of the problem is that I don't really have anyone to impress at the moment. I'm usually very easily pleased with myself, so I need someone else to impress, and I don't have that at the moment. In short... I need a boyfriend. Decent quality ones seem in short supply these days though. I may have to grow one *gets out the grow-yourself-a-BF kit and pours water + fertilizer on it*. ;)

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Wow, its BRIGHT! [15 May 2004|08:35pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Phaze - Der Klang Der Famile ]

Hey, my n00 monitor arrived today (a Viewsonic VP201b), and its really lush! One unexpected pleasure is the pivoting feature, which allows me to work with the monitor in portrait mode. I can't overestimate just how cool my desk looks now... although its a little empty without the massive bulk of the old CRT. I can't wait to see how it improves my productivity...

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MI Interview [27 Apr 2004|09:55pm]
[ mood | content ]

Well, I didn't get the job. In the end they gave it to somebody with half my skills, and who was making serious noises about leaving to work somewhere else (because they don't like their current role in the department). Ah well - its their loss I suppose - I still get my upcoming promotion in September, so i'm not bitter. If anything its made me a little more certain that I want to develop my role into medicines information in the future.

I'll just sit and wait like a patient tiggy. There's plenty of MI posts in the local area, so it can't be too long until another one becomes available. And then I pounce... ;)

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Server Host Woes [25 Apr 2004|08:40pm]
[ mood | Wrathful ]

Gah! Hostcentric are playing their usual game to draw yet more money out of me. A security breach here, a hack there - anything they can 'fix' to charge me another buck. Well, since the last 'hack' i've learned a lot about linux security, and i'm pretty sure that my server is secure from the kind of offences they are accusing me of. So, i'm gonna spend a little more moolah and move over to Servermatrix, which offers more bandwidth, a better server, an up-to-date distro, and managed services. This comes at the price of an extra $30/month, but it'll doubtlessly be worth it for the sake of my sanity. Oh, and they offer ddos protection too! I'm gonna be spoiled rotten... :)

Update: A brief chat with hostcentric later, and they've reopened my server. I then went on the offensive, installing an almost fascist firewall, BFD protection, and disabling all but the most essential services. All ports are firewalled out except those guarded by mega-tough security. Any hacker who gets through now has gotta be dedicated and rather experienced. Either way, its gonna keep the riff-raff out. I still hold to my word though - one more tweet from Hostcentric, and I'll be looking for a different ISP.

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Albinator [11 Apr 2004|07:21pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Madonna - Runaway Lover ]

The mods on my BioRust Forums asked for a script to combine personal artwork portfolios into the Vbulletin system. Not being one to disappoint, I did much searching and finally settled on Albinator. I am, therefore, gonna spend the whole of my day off tomorrow installing it *crosses fingers*. Here's hoping its easy to install and, most of all, that my bloody visitors appreciate the time and effort involved! :D

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Dawn of the Dead [11 Apr 2004|06:41pm]
[ mood | Sickened ]
[ music | PPK - Insurrection ]

Am I alone thinking it was quite a good movie? Sure, it had some definite differences from the original film, but the difference in violence has to be appreciated! I mean, in what other movie will you see quite so much chainsaw & shotgun-filled mayhem? I also think that the sheer speed of the zombies made the whole film much more tense, and the action better. There were several plotholes i'd have liked seen fixed (lack of stairs to the second floor in the mall anyone?), and some of the acting was a little hammy, but its well worth the time if you want to be thoroughly scared and sickened at the same time... ;). Overall, i'd probably give it an 8/10 rating.

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A Batty Weekend! [14 Mar 2004|08:00pm]
[ mood | Rested ]
[ music | Linkin Park - Points of Authority ]

Aaah, i'm nicely rested and content after a lazy weekend with Ssithl the bat, and his mate Brownkit. Didn't do much except watch movies, laugh at tv, and play on the PC, but that's just fine by me anyway - I spend the rest of my life in a seemingly eternal rush anyway, so a few moments in which I do nothing are very welcome indeed. It *does* amaze me how much cheaper things are up north though. I got a fish and chip meal for 3 people, and it only cost £7.50! In Bristol they would recommend a second mortgage! ;)

In other news, I got my provisional driving license on friday, so I can start learning as soon as I find an instructor who isn't booked up solid - it seems that everyone else decided to learn this month too... :/

Anyway, i'll be off to doze forra bit. I've got three large slices of coursework to write up before the end of the month. It may seem a long way away, but considering its all at postgrad level, its very scarily close indeed. Just where did all my time go?

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The Job I Was Born For? [11 Mar 2004|01:04pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Hmmm, the medicines information pharmacist, Helen, just came and gave me a small document with lots of info on it about the new C-grade position opening there soon. She didn't give one to anyone else. Hmmmm - do you think she could be trying to tell me something? ;)

There is no doubt, of course, that i'll apply for this new job - its varied, more important, has better pay, and is a further step towards my ideal career path. Applications have to be in by next week. Here's hoping... *crosses fingers* :)

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Skype Fun! [03 Mar 2004|11:31pm]

HEEEEY! This Skype thing is really cool! The voice quality is seriously impressive too! Anyfur out there use it and fancy a chat? You can find mew under 'man1c-m0g'. :)

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Back Into The Mix... [03 Mar 2004|08:42pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Endanger - Light Dissolves ]

Hmmmm, ok, now I *KNOW* i'm twisted! I went and did my ward today, ordering some antidepressants for a patient along the way. In the time it took me to get from the ward back to pharmacy, though, the patient passed away. Admittedly he was in for chronic heart failure and it was expected, but my reaction was wierd.... yes, I thought it highly humourous that he'd died in the short time I turned my back on him, and that he had every reason to be depressed now. I knew that hospital had a desensitizing effect on its staff, but this was just silly.

In less macabre news, I have decided to restart my 'slinkifying' regime of diet and exercise after I looked at myself in the mirror two days ago and realized I was getting fat again. So, without further delay, I have found the local swimming pool and will apply for a membership soon (I get a discount too because i'm NHS! *bounce*). I am also going to the gym on alternate days, so my week is getting rather full. Still, the same sort of exercise programme helped me lose 5st in the past, so I know I will be thin once again in a few weeks time if I can just stick to it. Here's hoping... *crosses fingers*

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SpendCrayzeeeeee! [29 Feb 2004|08:21pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Diary of Dreams - Mankind ]

Ahhhhh, thanks to a weekend visit by my parents, I have been given a substantial mental boost. We did tons of shopping around town and in Ikea and, you know, its right what they say - spending money DOES make you feel better. £350 may sound a lot to spend on new clothes, but it bought me a new coat (an Oakley one), two t-shirts, a jumper, a new pair of shoes, two ties, a belt, and a few other bits 'n bobs too. I won't be looking at my bank balance for a while though - this is a time to be generous with my cash, not thrifty... ;).

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Remote Updates Rock! [23 Feb 2004|10:45am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - Further Down The Spiral ]

My god I'm tired! Not content with starting the day at 5am, I've gone through 8hrs of boring cardiology workshops, 4hrs of travel, and i'm now rehearsing my talk for tomorrow on acute mi. Still, I had the pleasure of Orona and Foxberence's company for a couple of hours this evening. We didn't get up to anything exciting, but a quiet chat is good sometimes, ya'know?

Anyway, as I write this LJ entry, I'm sitting in perhaps the worst student halls of residence room known to man. To say its sparsely furnished is a bit of an understatement; the walls are so thin I can hear next door breathing, and the bed sags in the middle massively (a telltale sign of having being 'rammed home' too many times). Still, apparently it only costs 15 pounds a night - what else can you expect in London for a similar price? And hey, at least its nice and warm...

Anyway, the eyelids are getting tired now, and my saggy chariot awaits. G'night!

Update: Well, my talk went ok, and i'm on my way home now. I perhaps put a little too much content in it, as I ran 1min over the six min limit, but that's always been my downfall really. I think a night of rest in front of my PC is in order, and then I better get cracking with my coursework, because i've just remembered that the deadline for this module is in 5 weeks time! Eek!

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