OLLIVERZero's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in OLLIVERZero's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, February 27th, 2003
    11:49 pm
    so, I may be developing a slight problem. All these puss filled warts on my penis are starting to itch real bad...

    ha ha kidding. ha ha ha hah a ha ha ha good one me.

    the real problem I"m talking about is this:
    Sailor Jupiter

    I was all droolin, and thought, "Wow! only 325 dollars!" ... yeah only... not like I'd spend that, even if I had the money, but uh, I shouldn't say only. Besides it'll go way up, I'm sure.
    Still, it's fun to window shop.

    Things to do this weekend:
    protest war
    clean bathtub
    remeber something else I had to do.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: nuttin
    4:47 pm


    war protest on Saturday. be there or be square.
    I'll probably do both thank you.

    NCS is taking pre orders for the SOULCALIBUR Joystick!!!! a joystick for the Game Cube! Oh what a glorious day. I'm so happy. I can't afford one though. I'm not so concerned with a game like Soulcalibur either. I really only prefer the stick for 2D fighters. I do still want to pick up an extra GC controller in case I make a friend. IT COULD HAPPEN!

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: Sarah Harmre - Uniform Grey
    12:37 am
    girl crap
    single is cool. I get to keep the appartment ice cold, be a slob, eat the same thing every day, and save lots of money. I have lots of free time to do whatever I please.

    I don't have someone to share things with however. I don't have anyone to do fun things with. I can't hold anyone, or give them massages. I probably really suck at that now, since I haven't had any practice really, since that class. no sex. no long warm hugs. no watching movies on the couch.

    I dunno. I'm still happy with what I got, I'm just remembering the extras. man, it's been over a year now. That reminds me I want to write something about that too. just not yet.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Peter Gabriel - Up
    Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
    4:55 pm
    no shows are around. just about every band I typed in to pollstar isn't touring, or they're in europe. blah. CKY and Nonpoint will be comming in March, so I'm looking forward to that. Ben Folds will be in Ithaca I think or Utica... I forget. who else? uh... i forget. Oh, Less Than Jake I think it touring... wanna see them again.

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Simon and Garfunkle - Cecilia
    12:47 am
    my freakishness, rules for meeting women online, skateboarding, FF8
    I like these people at cav. they're really cool, really smart people that think the same way i do, in many ways. I'm not really friends with any of them, though I'm friendly with all of them. Somehow I don't want to be friends with them. Actually I know why. it's because I ASSUME that they don't have the same interests as me outside of cav. I try not to assume it's no good, but I've been doing it. I think I'm much less political than most of them, which could very very very well be true. This makes me not want to say, "hey wanna go... play video games?" or "hey let's go skate" I mean as much as I care about world peace, and fair elections and whatnot... I wanna have fun. for me. I can't spend my life fighting for what I think is right. I'm kinda afraid to convey that to members of such a group. it's all pretty interesting psychologicly and sociologicaly I suppose.

    in other news. I've come up whith steps to follow, when meeting women online.

    1. get to know them.
    2. remember step number one.
    3. don't forget step number one.
    4. repeat step number one
    5. have some hot chocolate
    6. settle down.

    I don't know what happens next. I never get that far without going crazy. once I work on these seven steps, I'll try and continue.

    I feel like making my list of things to learn this year on my skateboard!... but there's still lots of snow and wet shit on the ground...

    eh, I can't wait. I'll make a short list.
    1. nollie flips
    2. switch flips
    3. manual heelflips
    4. casper stuff
    5. nollie stuff
    6. and of course the never ending quest to get 360 flips.
    7. oh, crooks on rails... that would be neat. yeah. rail crooks.

    one more thing. what would be a post with out game crap?
    I like how Selphi says "up yours" every so often. people don't say "up yours" enough. Would the world be a better place, if more people said "up yours"... could be...

    I think too much.

    you know I never use the "Current Mood" setting "Horney". sometimes I pass by it and think, "man I sure don't use that one as much as I thought I would". I think it's because I'm usually not typing in my journal when I'm horney... I'm doing... other things... har.

    what did I just say?

    I think too much.

    ah, that's the stuff.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: squeaky processor fan.
    Tuesday, February 25th, 2003
    11:56 pm
    I don't think she's interested. I'm attracted to people who don't want to know about me. or at least it seems that way, because they don't ask me questions. I think people like talking about themselves in general, but I don't like to do it so much, unless I'm asked. Otherwise it seems like I'm full of myself. it's hard to have dialog with people if it's all one sided. I can't ask questions all time. This is a big sign to me that it wasn't ment to be ^_^ One the one hand, i'm relieved. One the other hand... well it would have been fun date someone. maybe things will change.

    I think I'm an arse...
    I should not meet people online.

    now the hardest part... should this entry be friends only?

    Current Mood: nervous
    Current Music: FF8
    4:23 pm
    I was looking at the inferno reissue on the NCS page and remembering how I would play Transformers with my friend Jeremy. we'd usually keep the extra parts in a little bag or container or some sort. 'weapons and fists' we called them. Their fists came off. and so did their weapons. it made sense to call the lot of them 'weapons and fists'. now, thinking back it sure does sound funny to have a bag of fists. I mean most people can only have two or less at one time. The other thing is that a fist is just a hand balled up. we're all walking around with potential fists. most people have hands, and most hands have fist potential. bag of fists. I dunno.

    and people wonder why I don't do drugs. sheesh.

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: Alice In Chains - Love, Hate, Love
    Monday, February 24th, 2003
    4:40 pm
    I'm out of it
    I have issues.
    i had a lot to say after that line, and then it blew up in my head, so I have to collect my thoughts... maybe they won't get typed.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Phish - Sleep
    Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
    10:07 pm
    now that my car is paid for AND has lots of rad stickers on it, it feels more like my own now. I still miss the old, and it will take a while for this one to really become my own. Like a new pet or something I guess.

    THe fish is gone. I'm all alone again.

    I need something to put my CD's in. I have about 200 in CD crates, and 200 in shoe boxes... blah. well, minus about a hundred strewn about the kitchen.

    it's that time of year again.... for CADBURY CREME EGGS!!!!! yes yes yes!!! excuse me while I kiss the sky...

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm creamy...

    oh man that's good. it's been too long.

    anyhow. I watched "one flew over the coo coo's nest" or however you spell it. That's one kickass movie. very enjoyable. oh I also saw "about schmidt" or however you spell it. That was good too. it was all sad one minute, then hilarious the next, and back and forth throughout the whole movie. quite weird, but very good.

    I typed my name in to Google to see what would turn up. Here are some of my favorite Page titles from the results:
    (I used my real name, not OLLIVER)

    The Wacky World of Murder: OLLIVER - yes!
    Rap Sheet - Person : OLLIVER - pretty good
    Charismatic Consortium - yeah right...
    Welcome to Adobe GoLive 4 - I'm so sick of that
    Samurai Spirits Mailing List: Re: snk fighting games - hummm...
    Atoms in intense Laser fields - I wrote the book. duh.
    The Legend of Tarzan - Crew Guide - yeah baby.
    Homosexual Serial Killers - or HSK for short
    Your Heading Goes Here - probably not golive
    WOMEN - you know it
    Vexing variability - huh?
    Heart Attack Prevention - Quotations. - "weighs in at 275"
    Geek White Pages - not me... I think.
    Fire - NOW we're talkin!
    .htm - some title
    The Eighties - yup
    World Industries ::: Offical Website of the World's Largest ...
    - largest what, I wonder?

    that was fun. my own resume didn't even turn up. it used to. oh well.
    now which was really about me?

    if you guessed "Samurai Spirits Mailing List: Re: snk fighting games" you're correct!


    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Portishead - It's a Fire
    Friday, February 21st, 2003
    4:40 pm
    skate stuff. journal.
    I forgot what I was going to write. oh yeah. I've been doing manual heelflips in the living room. I just know I'll be disapointed when I do it on pavment, since it's totally different from carpet. Still, the motion is the same so I'm learning something. I suck at kickflips THat tops my list of "tricks I hate to do" I suck at kickflips, and flip tricks in general. Heel flips, varial flips, even manual kickflips I like better than kickflips. stupid kickflips. I like frontside flips. THey're fun.

    a girl added me to her list of LJ friends. yes way. I've been skateboarding since she was 3 or so. I'm old ^_^

    axe wound is a slang term for vagina. ha ha ha ha. that's sick. ha ha ha ha

    mom's taking me to see a movie. The lameness continues. oh well, I like seeing movies for free.

    I was browsing the soul calibur forums on www.soulcalibur.com yesterday. Man, I really miss arcade play. I love talking strategy, characters, moves, trash. the arcade fighting game sceen is pretty cool, from my limited experience, and I'd love to do it more. I think the arcade here just closed. It just opened! wtf? I didn't go. all they had was basket ball games, gun games and stupid crap. not even a Neo Geo!!!!! the pool hall has a neo Geo.

    Current Music: Therapy? - Wicked Man
    Monday, February 17th, 2003
    10:53 pm
    I went ice skating Sunday. FREE ICE SKATING woo hoo, now I won't be all fat and lazy. THe surface is pretty crappy though. it was all blizardy today. Even so, I drove to Binghamton to get the Zelda bonus disk. Unfortunatly they were out at Toys R Us. I mean I could have saved myself an hour and a half of driving and gotton it at walmart, but I wanted to use my cupons. oh well. I'll just use them when I get SoulCalibur 2... which I played in the mall today. oh my freakin' drool. Such wonderful kickassness. There's an option to let you play for five minutes, win or lose for training. That's great! after that I played a regular game with Ivy. THe machine was set really easy, and I finished the game. It let's you type in lots of letters for the score board wich is also cool.

    now... Ivy.

    WOO WOO!!!! oh, they did so much great stuff with her. Lots of new moves, lots of new little things, like SNK does(did) with the KOF series. I can't wait for this one. THe one thing that bothered me was the english voices. It just seemed weird. Not that they were bad, but ... it just wasn't right for some reason.

    I beat Metal Slug Frist Mission Finally, after remembering I could SAVE my game... duh. THat's a fun one.

    I was in the paper today. "person on the street" sort of thing. They asked me if I thought the war protests would have any affect (effect? FUCK i hate that one) on what's going on.

    I have high hopes, but I'm not sure it's going to change things. at least not right away. I just hope more people see that they're not alone in thinking differently than the government. Besides, even if it doesn't do anything, I'm trying. at least I'll be able to say I did what I could to try and change things, rather than sit on my ass.

    Sometimes I feel guilty about not doing everything in my power to change things for the better. I see lots of people that do amazing wonderful things. I'm way to lazy and self centered to do such things, but that's alright I guess. I'm me, and as much as I want to help others I want myself to be happy as well. I think right now I'm in a happy balance, so I really shouldn't feel guilty.
    Sunday, February 16th, 2003
    1:32 pm
    I"m not done
    man that picture is funny. That's right up there with Ramsey.

    "did you think I was stupid Ramsey? Don't ever put your fork on my plate. I don't like that shit."



    (some of you might get the quote, however only the select few will be in on the joke. it's what I like to call an "inside joke". Some might argue that isn't not even funny, or perhaps I'm the only one on the inside.)

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Beastie Boys - The Maestro
    1:29 pm
    best quiz ever
    I highly recomend taking this quiz. Very accurate, very amusing.

    Yes you are the biggest fucking idiot I know.

    Are you a fucking idiot?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Beastie Boys - Stand Together
    4:32 am
    I won the the Nadia TV series on ebay. I'm excited. I wanted to get it, but I was reluctant to spend 25 bucks per DVD for 11 DVD. Thanks to ebay, I get it all in one chunk and save over 100 bucks.

    war protest was great. there were over one hundred people standing out in the 8 degree weather today. lots of middle fingers, but lots more thumbs up and honking. It will be interesting to hear what happened in New York city.

    I'm cold.

    I need to get a little batter for my Neo Pocket. I'm glad it takes the same kind as my Saturn and DC VMUs. handy.

    I fell asleep playing Final Fantasy 8. now I'm up late because of it. I think I want to go ice skating tomorrow. I don't know if it's free though. if it's not free, I won't go.

    neighbor is gone. I can skate in the livingroom again. i can do manual heelflips every now and then on the carpet. I can't wait to try it out on pavement. I'm watching her fish while she's away. it's good to have company. I started my taxes. I wonder if I can finish them early. that would be bitchin' kyaakone and I wrote some pretty funny comics. I started two story lines, each about 3 or 4 comics long, but I haven't finished them.

    I have Monday off. I'm pretty sure that's the day the bonus disk will be available with pre-orders for the new Zelda game. I think I'll make a trip down to Toy's R us to get it. Geoffffry dollars rock. I was going to spend the day at the skate park there, since it's in the same city, and I enjoy skateboarding, and I have the day off... however their website says it's closed on Mondays. oh well. I really should be going to bed. I keep thinking there was something about cats I wanted to say... maybe not. I like cats? sure. that was it. I'm tired. stupidcrap.

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: none
    Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
    10:36 pm
    cav web, SOI, wedding, animated film, acen, today
    first meeting of the cav web group friday. Pretty fun. nice people. Ihope I can help with the site. THey use dreamweaver. it would be nice to learn that. Ithink I could learn a lot from it. At first I thought it would only make some things easier, but I see now that it could teach me lots of stuff as well.

    I saw my friend's band play. They do a show every year, just them. Not a big crowd. just their friends mainly. It was still pretty fun though. I GOT A STICKER!!!! WOO WOO. stickers rock. shorty was there, and he was pretty freakin drunk. He was throwin his arms about the neck line in the pit. A big no no in my book. Some guy threw him to the floor cause he was being a dick. I kinda held them appart, but I think shorty knew he was in no condition to start something. Later he taps me on the shoulder and is like, "I broke my tooth" sure enough he had half a front tooth, and there was blood on the ground. He said he was ok though, and kept dancing. Ahh alcohol, wonderful stuff. My neck is sore.

    I'm not for the big expensive weddings and honneymoon crap. I think if I'm with the one I love, location, costume, ceremony, and tradition become pretty insignificant. Just a thought, and perhaps that will change.

    This film looks beautiful: Wonderful Days

    The trip to ACen is sounding more like a possibility. Two people are willing to carpool with me, but they still don't know if they'll go.

    today I took a bunch of old used candles and melted them down. I poured the wax into the bottom of 1 quart egg nog cartons. Now I have two little square blocks of wax for when I skate! heh. I was being creative.

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Current Music: Chris Cornell - When I'm Down
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
    1:16 am
    Elizabeth Kaitan or Cayton in some movies.
    it seems as though no one in the entire Live Journal community has listed "Elizabeth Kaitan" or the alternate spelling "Elizabeth Cayton" as an interest. That's odd. She's been in such great films as "Assult of the Killer Bimbos", "Rollerblade Warriors" (not what you think), "The Girl I want", several of the latter vice academy movies, "Pettycoat planet", "Friday the 13th part 7", "Aftershock"... the list goes on an on! oh, she had a bit part as a waitress in "I was a teenage Sex Mutant".

    she has the sexiest mouth ever. She's got lots of sexy other things too, but it's her mouth that stands out. oh my lord. And no one has her listed as an interest. ha ha ha she's all mine! MINE!.... ok, it's time for me to get some sleep.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: nothin
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
    12:01 am
    I had a bad day today
    I couldn't find my hat this morning. not unusual.
    I walk to my car thinking, "I don't need my hat really, I'm just walking from my appartment to my car, and from my car to work."
    I turn the car on, get my scraper, close the door, and scrape away. I try to get back in to my car, as a normally do after I'm done scraping and I'm ready to make the journey to work, and find that the door is mysteriously stuck in it's closed position. This was the only door I had unlocked, and now it was locked again somehow. The only difference between now, and a few moments ago is that my keys are now inside the car, aiding in it's ability to keep my CD player warm, and pollute the environment. Ever since I've been driving my new car, I've left the back hatch unlocked. The only reason being that my mom had left it like that, and I had never gotten around to locking it. That is until the night before. SO, there was no way for me to get in to my car. Not a big deal, I always keep an extra set of keys in my wallet... well, unless I haven't had a chance to make another set... which is the case here.

    I decide to go to a nearby business to call for help. Help tells me half heartedly that it will be about 15 minutes before a guy can get to my car. Fine. Good. I wait 10 minutes, and then walk back to my car. it's about zero degrees out, and I'm pretty cold when I get to it. I wait around for five minutes next to my car as people in the public parking drive up, and stop... waiting for me to go on my merry way. I have to wave then on, while they give me the finger with their eyes. Hey, I'd give them my spot if they could get me in my car. Anyhow, Help is a no show, so I go back to the business to warm up. I don't want to miss the guy, so I go back and wait by my car for another 5 minutes. I do this for about an hour... back and forth, trying to keep warm. After you toes go numb, and your hands go numb, your forhead starts to go numb. I never really knew this. It makes sense, but I don't think I've ever experienced it before.

    Guy shows up, opens my car (very neat little trick). I pay him his $37 and change, (what am I gonna say? "no, I think I'll wait till something better comes along, and be even more cold and late for work, thanks anyhow." ? and I'm on my way to work! weee!

    Fingers and toes feel tingly when they get warmed up... my head gets achey. yeah, like a head-ache. suck.

    anyhow. work is normal, and quite nice since Ed had birthday cake and I showed up almost 2 hours late, so the morning went rather quickly. The deputy commissioner wanted me to do work on her computer that evening after work, and I was kinda looking forward to that, since maybe I could make up for the $37 and change I lost this morning.

    Like most people in the area, she lives in the middle of nowhere, but I get there ok. I fixed most of her problems, except for one, and they were all happy. I got a nice home cooked meal too which was nice. I said 20 bucks would be fine (I guess I'm still too used to dishwashing money) but they insited on 50, which was pretty cool.

    so I'm on my way home, at about 9:30 in the evening. Interesting day, overall very productive, and I came out relitavely warm (though still unable to spell very well).

    Wait, why is my car being pulled to the side of the rode? my breaks and stearing don't seem to respond... *CLUNK*

    ohhhh ffffiddle de dee...

    Now, not only do I feel a great imbalance in the distribution of weight uppon my buttox due to the fact that my car is no longer parallel with the road, but my wheels wont move in any way that might aid me in correcting the situation.

    rather late in the evening
    middle of no where
    15 below zero
    ... no ... hat.
    (or boots or warm jacket and just regular old pants)

    Luckily there's a farm house with the light on. And very loud dogs. "nice dog" I say. "good dog." I know their language. I start to bang on the door, but there's no answer. The dogs get louder, and wouldn't you know it they're out side, and not chained up. I decide that the growling sounds they're making are a misinterpitation of my friendly greetings, so I go back to my car. I notice two houses a ways off, and decide to go to one. I can't for the life of me find the drive way. At one point I found a break in the snow, but that turned out to be some sort of dirt diggin' place with a big front end loader sitting in the middle of it, and a giant field of dirt piles. I decide it's not a good idea to see if this path takes me to the house, and takes me there in a manner that avoids any ankle twistage. Again, I return to my car.

    I'm quite cold, so I try warming myself up in the car. My head is getting that familiar numbness again. I think I'm about to die, so I figure it would at least look cooler if I die fighting off dogs, than sitting alone in my Ford Escort wagon. Back to the farm house. This time I bang really hard. There's lights on for christ's sake. Someone has to be home. The dogs don't like this. One of the dogs is gay because I think he tried humping my leg. Maybe he was just trying to keep war. I don't know, but he wasn't all that intimidating. Note to self: don't hump people you want to intimidate. I keep banging on the door, and the other dog starts sounding serious. I look at it, and it puts a big paw on my leg as if to say, "no... don't go there". I'm visibly shaking, it's so cold, and I think the dogs could sympathise with that since I heard their teeth chattering. We bonded! that didn't matter however, since my car was still in a ditch, and no one was answering the door. Again, I return to my life bubble.

    "let's see... I know my mom had tons of crap in here before she sold this thing to me... blankets... I need blankets..." And as a good mom should, she removed all her things from the car before selling it to me. "damn" I thought. But wait! there was a single tiny blanket left! Just enought to wrap around my head. I wrap it tightly around my head, and tuck it in to my jacket. I then set out to find the third house, the one furthest away. Not all THAT far, but remember I'm not dressed for 15 below weather, and it's quite dark outside.

    As I walk (running only made my face freeze faster) towards the house my breathing gets really heavy for some reason. I can feel the blood leave my face, as if my body is saying, "we're dead. toes? don't need those. Fingers? fuck that. waste of good warm blood. Lips? NO BLOOD FOR YOU!" It was like wearing a mask. you look like something but you have no control over your appearance. it's frozen. Now, maybe I'm over dramatizing, but I'll just say I've never been this cold.

    I got to the house and ran up the drive way. There was no clear way to get to the front door, so I just plunged through a foot or two of snow to get to the front steps. I banged on the door, and of course they had to let me in, I looked like an old beggar woman with that damn blanket around my head. A six foot three inch tall beggar women with dreads and a leather jacket... but a beggar woman just the same.

    They were a nice couple, and they let me use the phone to call Sue, who's computer I had just worked on. They said they come get me. I waited there for a bit to warm up, and the husband gave me a ride back to my car, just as Sue and her husband drove up. They figured they would try and pull me out before calling a truck. Luckily it worked like a charm, and there was no damage to my car. I wasn't going fast at the time. The roads around here are plowed so wide, you can't tell where the road turns in to soft shoulder. I just went off the edge, my tires just sunk in the soft stuff, and away I go in to the ditch.

    Sue's husband was nice enough to lead me to paved road to make sure I didn't need any more help. From there on it was smooth sailing. I guess the moral of the story is... don't forget a hat or something. I don't fuckin know. Oh wait! it's, "Don't hump people you want to intimidate". yeah, that's much funnier.

    the end.

    Current Mood: creative
    Current Music: nothin
    Sunday, January 26th, 2003
    9:01 pm
    ahh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh, and guest book, oh and a girl, oh and computer work. AND SINK
    from http://www.animeigo.com:

    "Jan 24, 2003 - AnimEigo closed today due to Blizzard of '03

    About 2" of snow has fallen in the past 36 hours, and temperatures here in Wilmington plunged to almost 20 degrees above zero last night. The Governor has declared a state of emergency, the schools are closed for the second day running (they don't close for hurricanes weaker than category-3), and pickup trucks are nesting in ditches alongside all the major roads. Residents who have recently migrated from Yankee parts are busy laughing their butts off at the antics of the natives."

    AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! that's good. About 2 INCHES! ha! "plunged" to almost 20! HA!

    oh man that's funny.

    I tried writing a guest book for my site this weekend. In some ways it's easier than I thought it would be, and probably in more ways it's harder than I thought it would be. There's something weird going on with missing text at the end, and I have to make it span pages. I'm surprised I got as far as I did though. I'm sure to any real coder it looks like ass, and could be done in a much simpler way. I just do it for fun though, so whatever works is good with me. I wanted to start simple with a form mail thing, but DR has disabled the mail() function.

    THere was a new girl at the CAV meeting last week. Very cute. she Looked at me and smiled, but me being me, I was confused and shocked so I looked away as quickly as possible. Later I rememberd I should have smiled back, but it was, you know... later. Sue wants me to look at her computer after work Tomorrow. She says "what do you charge an hour?" I don't freakin know. If I can't fix your problem, I'm not going to charge much... maybe gas money... but I'd feel shitty taking money for nothing.

    I picked up some drain cleaner since my sink is all shitty from slow draining. Man, that's stuff's cool. I just put some in, wait for half an hour and BAM! clean drain! every time I walk by the bathroom I run the water just to see it go down. It also took some of the rusty stuff off from around the drain! That made my weekend. DRAIN CLEANER RULES!!!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Tori Amos - Wednesday
    Sunday, January 19th, 2003
    2:00 am
    THe war protest in Washington D.C. was quite an experience. I couldn't have know what it was like from reading about such things. It was pretty overwhelming, knowing this huge force was there, all opposed to what our "leader" is doing. Lots of good things were said, lots of good people were there. It was exhausting and inspiring. I'm glad I did it for the experience, and I'm glad i did it period.

    on a stop at wendy's on the way back a person was hit by a car. Luckily there was a bus full of rad people to help (us). I hope he's all right.

    quite the Saturday.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: nothin'
    Wednesday, January 15th, 2003
    4:17 pm
    protest, SC2, job
    going to washington to protest the war on Saturday. Should be interesting.
    article in Washington Post

    SOUL CALIBUR 2 for console systems news!!!!
    I'm gettin the Gamecube version. That was decided long ago, but knowing that Heihachi will be in the PS2 version makes me think I'll try and find that version in a bargan bin at some point. All versions will have Ivy ... mmmm Ivy... *drool*


    a guy at one of the local colleges asked me if I was willing to be considered for a teaching job there. some intro to computers class. I said yeah. It would be cool to teach a class I think. I'd be hella nervous though. hella. twat. arse. shite.

    man, videogames have warped me.
    more so...

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Nickleback - Deep
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