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[22 Mar 2002|05:18pm]
oh so much to do! I just woke up..I decided that sence I have to have lots of energy tonight I needed to defently get some rest so I didn't just like pass out tonight on the couch or something.

We all are in the same boat! Like 2/3 of the soft class girls are on there periods and we all have to shave today! Damn that being a woman shit I thik I'm going to become a sacwach and never shave agian..Ewwwwwww!!!

So alex drew me a picture of winnie the pooh today and wrote happy day on it...he gave it to Jack to but not really..." Happy Day Lacey &jack;" He was just added!

So excited!!! but I do need to call Ashlee and go shower so See everyone tonight!

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[22 Mar 2002|07:12am]
my hair is blonde and'll see I'm leaving for school right now. OH my lord I'm sorry about everyone startig! Shit now I know we all were so bitchy last week!
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[21 Mar 2002|04:05pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Britney Spears ]

For all you guys that read this I'm very sorry just skip over this one...
I know why I don't belive in god cause if there was a god he wouldnt make me start my peroid the day before a fucking awsome pool party!! Whatever other then the fact that I'll have killer cramps I'll be good to go. I'm very excited....Today was an all around long ass day with ups and downs all day. In Drama 3rd period I was rummaging thru the costums and I found the coolest lil' asian pant suit thingie, I wish I could describe it I know you all have seen one, anyways I put it on and like wore it all period..I swear I'm gonna steal it before school is over!! It was sooo comfy! "your a sexy guy, I'm a nice girl, lets turn this dance floor into our own lil' nasty world" random.....anyways 5th period was sooo funny cause Charlie starting telling dead baby jokes like: Whats the difference between 1000 dead babys and a corvette? I don't have a corvette in my garage! oh my god they were soo funny, so of course my English teacher starts telling ones from when he went to bay..oh my god then I told this really stupid story about cows and had to be there it was very intertaning (huh Vanessa!) So I'm being really good I decided not to really like guys for a month, I can do whatever I want but I can't like obesses over anyone...speacly not Alex! So far I'm doing great! I'm finaly getting my hair cut and dyed tonight. My appt is at 5:30 and I still have no idea what color I'm gonna dye it! Sugestions anyone?
Well this has turned out to be way longer then I intended...Lace

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[20 Mar 2002|04:40pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Britney Spears ]

you learn things you've never know everyday. It seems as though Karri and Skyler broke up finaly. I hate the position I'm in though. I have to be best friend to both of them and I have to understand both of them and still like hate them for eachother...grrr! Its been a long day but I guess fun. I've been very pruductive in almost all of my classes. In photo my Frame was one of the A projects shes taking pics of for her next beginers class! Oh I don't know what to do with myslef right now. My A went down to a C in Algebra..I need to start working hard agian..Whatever

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[19 Mar 2002|07:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]

so so tired! I was saposed to go and get my hair cut today but I guess my mom is having a really bad day or something so she not even home yet...Damn! I really want to get it colered but I don't know what color to dye it. I was thinking like a bergandy with blonde highlights...hmmmm would that even look good? So I found out Alex likes someone was so out of the blue! I dunno what to even think yet. I got my tarot cards read today by this chick in my Drama Class I asked her a question about Alex and what she say was true so I'm totaly beliveing well see she gave me a time limit on the answer so I'll just watch and wait. My brother said that he just saw on the news an astrode almost hit the earth today....holy shit!!!

Laurens Party is Friday I'm so excited!!!!! I really hope she doesnt get in trouble for the amount of people comeing..I guess the number is about 45 right now! WOW!!

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[19 Mar 2002|03:31pm]
[ mood | high ]

I feel really good today...its been a bad day! No its been a bad last 48 hours!

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[18 Mar 2002|08:29pm]
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[17 Mar 2002|09:32pm]
new pic
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[17 Mar 2002|04:34pm]
[ mood | flirty ]

Ok I'll update an acual entry.
Happy St. Paddys day!!! Oh yea I wish I had something to drink cause you know I am almost half Irish, I would been almost full if it wasnt for that damn indean blood from my dad. But all in all I'm proud of who I am. This weekend has been fun, not spectacular but fun. I've had something to do all weekend except fot right now cause its a sunday and there never anything to do on Sundays....sports?! Anyways I hope everyone is having a good day, I really wanted to go out and do something but I guess I'll just stay here and clean my room..somehow it got really dirty this weekend...hmmmm. I've decided on some of my new favorite things, things that are my favorite as of like this month:
6.belly button rings
7.Good Charlotte I do have more but thouse are all I can think of right now. So off to cleaning my room

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Laurens [17 Mar 2002|01:30pm]
[ mood | awake ]

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Find your inner rubber ducky.

Very cute duck! I wish I had a little purple one just like it. Anyways last night I ended up at Laurens cause of yea anyways Alex, Katie, Megan, Lauren and I just hung out until like 12-12:30 it was saprisingly really fun. We all played air hockey..let me tell you Alex is a soar winner! I think he has a little thing for Katie...hmmm anyways yea I can't wait till next friday Laurens Party is gonna kick ass! But getting into a bathing suit in front of everyone is no that great!!! Yea I really have nothing to say right now so I'll update later
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Alex [16 Mar 2002|02:03pm]
[ mood | blah ]

I had a good time yesterday and tonight. I went to Alexs last night and hung out there until like 10 then Ashlee, Jenna, and Rochelle came back to my house and spent the night. Ro and Ash were asleep by like 11 so Jenna and I played bored games and talked until like 2:30 when we rolled over and fell asleep. It was so funny we were playing up words and useing words like eep! and oh....the we were staking all the letters until they feel....64 baby! This morning we woke up at like 8:30. I really need to stop doing that its just not me! We all got ready and Jenna and I went to Alex's. Alex wa sbeing really quit so I went out and talked to him while he was doing the dish's while Micheal and Jenna watched a really bad movie. I don't know whats up with Alex lately but I'm like the only person he will talk to...hmmmmmmmm. Oh man Its so much shit, Katies dad read her livejoural! I know thats horable.

Ashley I need you to call me and tell me whats up so I now what I'm doing tonight! Call me now!!!!!!!!! I want to Party!!!!!!!!!


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[15 Mar 2002|06:54pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I'm so very bored I really should have went to the soccer game tonight. I hate 3 day weekends so much! There always the weekend when you have nothing to do....hmmmmmm I'm very troubled. Today has been a good day though:
9:00 Karri and I woke up
10:00 went to Bay to finish Photo Project
11:00 Finished project and went to McDonalds with Jack
11:45 Karri and I call Skyler and fight with him
12:30 Alex comes over and goes to Meguals with us (didn't eat)
1:30 Got home and went to my moms McDoalds
2:00-3:00 Varuos shit with mom
3:15 Came home and Painted Lighters with glitter (very cool)
Now nothiing.........hmmmmm very exciting

I'm really really bored and I have no clue what to write, someone save me!

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[14 Mar 2002|07:11am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Its to god damn early for me! My tummy hurts really really bad!!! I need coffee!!

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sad [13 Mar 2002|07:31pm]
I'm sick of everything right now. I'm in the kinda mood where I'll be great one min then the next I'm ether a complete prick or I'm just really quit and to myself. Why does it awlays have to be like this? I don't understand why I care about half the stuff thats getting me down. And theres like no one to talk about it to. I don't get me. Pinks new song describes my life so much:
never win 1st place
I don't support the team
I can't take direction
And my socks are never clean
Teachers dated me
My parents hated me
I was always in a fight
'Cause I can't do nothing right

Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
Can't take the person staring back at me

I'm a hazard to myself
Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don't want to be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else

So me except for a few things. Oh today I sang with the Vocal Jazz. We did Phantom. I miss that so much!

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This one's for you Ashlee..... [12 Mar 2002|09:43pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Popsicals.........Pillows........Bambi.......Flip'n'Flap Jacks...........

I thought you needed a reminder of good times!

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[12 Mar 2002|05:04pm]
My leg hurts very bad..I have like this freaky bite thing and now my whole calf is really swollen and stiff! Oh man I have like nothing to write about cause most of everything I have to write I already wrote in a note to Jenna and Vanessa...Oh I wrote a song today in drama, it just kinda came to me. Hmmmmmm Well Asta Pasta Lace
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[10 Mar 2002|07:21pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Today has been a really long and bad day! My mom and dad are being complete assholes so now I'm grounded for not really doing anything. I cleaned my room and did the dish's other then that I havent done shit. Last night sucked too. I fought with alex and I fought with my rents like always. I really need to get out of my house! But what can I do now that I'm grounded....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......I have so much to say but I have no clue how to word it so maybe later


I don't know why I let him get to me!

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[09 Mar 2002|10:25pm]
I really don't like fighting with people on line let alone alex! Hes the worst fighter ever!
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[09 Mar 2002|05:55pm]
[ mood | dirty ]

I'm so bored right now oh man I need to get out of my house tonight...but noone is doing anything! I hope I don't have to stay here. Ok last night was a very very good night like I said before. We went to seans and had fun, then at am-pm we met up with Alex who ended up hanging out with Ashlee and I all night. I hate that boy sometimes!! He trys to make me jelious all the time and it works oh man it works. I'm so wraped around his finger! Thats shit its just not right but what can you do? I need to take a shower and shave my legs. Maybe I'll even brush my teeth again.

Asta Pasta Lace

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[09 Mar 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | awake ]

ok so last night was great! Yea the only problem was germen was being really anoying and we had to walk our happy(high) ass's home! Anyways Alex ended up spending the night...he was being really unlike himself like all night. Oh boy but we now know how to turn him on...jesus give the boy a popsical and ohh yea!!!


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