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HEY CORRIE! THIS IS NIKKI! [Jun. 2nd, 2004|09:54 pm]
[mood |hoping]
[music |the washer]

I see that Corrie (prncslilysmommi) has an LJ to read Heather's journal or something and Heather didn't bother to note (am I surprised?) that Phil and I have journals as well (because him and I don't reappear on Corrie's list).  (Phil's: phil8402; Nik's normal: nkdrenni; Nik's photojournal: miafotographica).  So Corrie (who we haven't talked to in forever :-/) if you see this, please add Phil and I back if you'd like to read what him and I write about.. I don't lock many entries- but I lock a few. 

Other than that- life is fine.  Work is mostly boring but we SHOULD get paid tomorrow or Friday.  This past weekend was nice- Phil and I wen't to a Tiger's game Sunday afternoon... and we went to two movies with Kyla.  :D  The Day After Tomorrow was good but the wolves were too cheesy and Secret Window was good as well, despite it's predictability.

Anyway, Phil and I are doing laundry- and I'm going up to watch ER and put my laptop away.  (My laptop is hooked to the internet now because my parents computer isn't recognizing it's C drive...Jess is NOT allowed to use my computer- internet or not).  Perhaps tomorrow I'll get around to posting more pictures in my photography journal.  I have *4* rolls of film to develope from Chicago and stuff soon as well.  Dear me.  Well, they will get done eventually I know. 

I can't wait until July....... :-/

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If You Need Me To Be With You [May. 4th, 2004|08:16 pm]
[mood |still don't want to study...]
[music |Gilmore Girls]

Go read my previous entry about my photography first!

! I ordered myself a couple bday presents. New filters, some diopters and stuff. EEE! I should have them by the end of the week and I'm really excited. Having to finish my finals/arch stuff and pack will be hard when I have new toys to play with. I believe they are shipping tonight or tomorrow. :D

Anyway, here is my archaeology final (that I wrote last night while Phil was watching the game). I had 5 people proof read it and I already emailed it to Tim. So, I think I did alright. Kyla should read it especially because I talk about Fight Club. Here is the question I had to answer.

B. We repeatedly struggled with the connection between the individual (his or her actions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors) and the collective (group expressions of average action, thought, belief, behavior). The social sciences struggle to approach an individual-- indeed all the sciences do also. Can historical archaeologists do an archaeology of the individual? Would such a project even be meaningful? Should we focus upon group expressions, such as systems of gender, class, ethnicity, etc.?

A Culture of Individuals? Sticking Feathers Up Your Butt Does Not Make You A Chicken. )

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Attention! [May. 4th, 2004|02:59 pm]
[mood |i dont want to study!] is where I have decided to place all future pictures. You can add it if you want, I haven't decided if it will be friends only or not. It it becomes friends only, I will add you back- otherwise I might not. It might be a bit before I can really update that journal, but believe me- I will. It will depend on how much I can hoard a scanner at school or at home or if I can eventually *buy* a scanner. So... I don't have any pictures (or icons) posted there NOW; but all future pictures of mine WILL BE (unless I change my mind). So add away!!

PS: I promise to cut the pictures so I don't kill your (pathetic) telephone modems. ;)

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What A Day For A Daydream [May. 3rd, 2004|02:56 pm]
[mood |sickish/groggy?]
[music |Stuff]

Blah. That is what today is. I got up at 9, and haven't felt well since. Probably cause of last night and my sinuses. :( Anyway I worked from 10-12, training in both Yena and Dan for mail. A treat, really. Then I ate lunch, and went to see Sue. Except, she forgot that we had decided to meet at one, and so she was seeing someone else. :-/ I suppose I will see her tomorrow... but- still. *sigh* And now I'm back at the desk until 4. So I suppose I'll be doing my arch around dinner/work and 7th Heaven.

It's a week until my birthday. Hmm. The thing I *really* want, I can't have. Not yet anyway... and blah. I mean, there are lots of *things* I want... and some I could even buy. But it's not what I mean. I asked mom for some chicken lasagna, cake and ice cream for my birthday. And for her to go shopping with me for shoes for the weddings this summer and to look at camera lenses. I want to ask someone's advice and opinion... if I should stick with a Canon brand or is there another, better/equally good brand/lens for cheaper. I also want to know about film, filters and other lenses and stuff. Anyway, most people will forget about my birthday, which is okay. As long as the important people remember.

This weekend was alright, mostly. Friday was really nice... I finished my Lost Valley lab of death by Thursday (I'm sure I could have done BETTER, but I did the best I could at the time...) so I relaxed some and did research Friday. Phil and I went to Walmart, and Hardee's and to the movies to see Mean Girls- which was really pretty good. Saturday I worked at the desk from 10-12, and then we ate and watched a movie with Kristyn. Then we went to Shopko, came home, ate and worked and went to see Return of the King at Fisher. Sunday I relaxed and worked and stuff. :-/

I am hoping to get a bunch of my arch stuff researched, and maybe start writing tonight. Tomorrow I'll study mostly geohydro and some regs, as both those exams are Wednesday. Thursday I have collection and distribution. The only thing I really care about is arch, and that stuff is the easiest. My brain already feels mushy, and I've barely started. Or maybe it's aftereffects from the last few crappy weeks.

I have about an hour to go at the desk and I have to pee. Do I try and hold it, or do I "be back soon!"?

I picked street lamps (in New York City) for my material culture paper for arch- which won't take long to write and I think he's looking for mostly pictures. What do you guys think of that?

I would like to spend some time hoarding the scanner this week too, but I'm wondering if that will have to wait until I go home? I know my scanner at home is definately not so great, likely due to my sister's abuse of it (and the computer...). The big question is more if I will have *time* to get to the lab for a couple hours or not. :( I have so many awesome pictures I'd like to share with you guys! And I don't know when I'll ever get to buy my own scanner...

My nose is all dry and chunky today. >:| And my foot is falling asleep so I had to switch legs.

I'm really very excited to get my hair cut Friday. And Phil and I are selling back our books, and Phil said he'd give me about half of what he gets back (since I bought all of his books for this semester except diffy q and anatomy)! Which means I will have gas money, and money to pay a couple bills and finish getting Mom's present for Mother's Day. :D

And soon when I get home I should get my tax return. And we start work for that lawn care company (Phil and I working together :}) on the 18th. (We are going in on the 17th to fill out paper work and stuff). We will work 40 hrs/week; 8-5 with an hour break for lunch everyday. I have a feeling him and I will have quite the farmer's tan by the end of summer. :P

But I should get back to studying, I've taken too long of a break. Now read under the cut and gimme advice!

Please Give Me Camera Advice/Opinions )

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You Don't Like To Be Kissed On The Cheek [Apr. 27th, 2004|10:23 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Judging Amy (TV)]

Some humor for the evening:

Stolen from [info]zoozyq.

Phil got me a rose today!  :)  And I got my pictures developed from our drive Saturday.  Some are AWESOME.  I can't wait until I have time to hoard the scanner in the lab, but it might be until finals week!  *whines*

Oh!  And my uncle (godfather) sent me cake from my cousin Kevin's wedding shower :)  and I got my box from Kyla.  :D

*off to shower...*

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Or You Can Choose The Other Way Cause It's Right There In Your Hands [Apr. 25th, 2004|02:37 am]
[mood |i dont know anymore]
[music |the fan and the fish tank]

4/24/2004 10:48 PM
So today Phil and I had a lovely day driving around. Until about 5 minutes before pulling back into DHH when the engine was smoking. We will get that looked at Monday. Anyway, we drove out to Redridge and Freda. Beautiful (and windy). I can't wait to get my pictures developed but because I'm poor, it might have to wait. :( I took 2 rolls of film (one 400 and one 800) and I have 15 800 speed pictures sitting in my camera just WAITING... I want to use up the film so when I CAN get my pictures developed, I can do it all at once... but I also don't want to waste my film. I may have a "lot" of film now, but that doesn't last. And I don't like to be wasteful anyway. Anyway, well, after Freda we drove randomly and then went up to Evergreen cemetary and stuff. Cliff drive and the like. Except we couldn't find the cliff drive cemetery. The signs weren't up yet, and we tried but we couldn’t find it. So I want to go back in the fall and find it. :) Along with a bunch of other cemeteries. Yay! I hope I got some great pictures. Here are a couple *Phil* took )

I have a bunch more pictures that are (as said already) undeveloped. Eventually you will all get to see them. And I have some neat pictures from the Assinins, Laminga and Oskar cemeteries. There was one grave stone reading about how a child's (8 year old boy I think) cause of death was burning. The amount of children in these cemeteries is very sad. Babies upon babies dying. :-/ Twins/siblings buried next to each other in double headstones showing how one lived 4 months and the other 10 months. I can only think that it was devistating. The Schoolcraft cemetery was huge and in the process of being renovated. And I can see why, every step you tripped over a sinking headstone or shrub or underbrush or stump. It was old and huge and very interesting though. There was one really old grave that had sunk FEET, not inches. I think it freaked Phil out. Marvelous, really.

This week will suck horribly... I am already hating it. I know I SHOULD have spent all day today doing homework, but I knew Phil and I needed a day off, away with each other, escaping so many things. It was so nice. Awesome. I already miss it, knowing with the next week and a half will bring. I really hope I can get through it and not falter and become uncaring and apathetic- because I really need to do well.

And the rest of this superlong post will go under cuts because I know you guys can be (are) lazy and don't want to read it ALL, even though some of you should, and the other half I really want you to.

My views on relatives )

My views on self awareness )

The End (Pictures *I* Took, NOT Phil )
And I suppose that's all for now (2,496 words later...) I should get to bed. It's 2:34 AM and Phil's sleeping in my bed waiting for me, because he was kind and let me type all this because I needed to. It's also our 18 month "anniversary" today (the 24th, it's still "today" as I haven't gone to bed yet :P)

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RAWR! [Apr. 20th, 2004|10:18 pm]
[mood | angry]
[music |nothing]

Getting pictures of my daughter is a privilege NOT A RIGHT!

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Went Up The Water Spout? [Apr. 18th, 2004|06:41 pm]
[mood |tired-ish and hungry]
[music |boring nascar. :P]

Poll #280717
Open to: All, results viewable to: None


View Answers

19 (79.2%) 19 (79.2%)

5 (20.8%) 5 (20.8%)

Which way do you face the shower head, when showering?

View Answers

I face the shower head
2 (8.7%) 2 (8.7%)

I face the opposite way of the shower head (faucet to my back)
10 (43.5%) 10 (43.5%)

I spin in circles
11 (47.8%) 11 (47.8%)

What kind of shampoo do you use?

What kind of conditioner do you use?

What kind of soap/body wash do you use? What kind is your favorite?

Do you sing in the shower?

View Answers

2 (8.3%) 2 (8.3%)

I hum
3 (12.5%) 3 (12.5%)

14 (58.3%) 14 (58.3%)

5 (20.8%) 5 (20.8%)

Hardest thing you've ever done in your life?

How are you feeling today? (scale 1-10; 10 is the bestest)

View Answers
Mean: 6.75 Median: 7 Std. Dev 1.69
10 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
20 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
32 (8.3%) 2 (8.3%)
41 (4.2%) 1 (4.2%)
52 (8.3%) 2 (8.3%)
63 (12.5%) 3 (12.5%)
77 (29.2%) 7 (29.2%)
86 (25.0%) 6 (25.0%)
93 (12.5%) 3 (12.5%)
100 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

3 Pet peeves?

Most obnoxious person you know and why?

Something you read everyday, that's NOT ON THE WEB.

Favorite photographer?

WITHOUT LOOKING when is my birthday and how old will I be? When is your birthday?

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Shampoos [Apr. 18th, 2004|01:11 pm]
[mood |clean!]
[music |thunder ;)]

Hey. I have some extra (cheaper) shampoos/conditioners if anyone uses those and wants them?

I have freesia VO5 shampoo/conditioner; suave strawberry shampoo and VO5 strawberry/cream conditioner and green apple suave conditioner.

Anyone want these? Particularly if you live here.

Perhaps I'll make a poll later. I have ideas. ;)

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[Apr. 16th, 2004|04:07 pm]
[mood | okay]
[music |Steve Harvey Show (it just came on...)]

I have great hair today and no where to use it. Around 5, Phil and Kristyn and I are going up to St.Al's so that we can eat spaghetti (mine sans the sauce) and then Phil and I (and Kristyn?) are walmarting and seeing Miracle at Fisher (8:30). Anyone want to come to Miracle too?

I GET TO FETCH MY PICTURES TONIGHT! I'm so impatient when it comes to that... really. I wouldn't be any better if I learned to develope them myself because then I'd turn into a psycho perfectionist. I know it.

I'm on firewatch tomorrow night, so after work I and Phil are ordering pizza and relaxing with Kristyn for a movie or two. :)

Claritin is sponsering a movie on the hallmark channel. Too bad I don't *get* that channel. >:O

OOH! I stole some smilies Kyla might be jealous of.




I have more, later. Or Kyla can ask me for the link on photobucket. Cause I stole some of hers.

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Drowning Out Everything That's Slowly Coming Clear [Apr. 15th, 2004|12:53 pm]
[mood |lazy]
[music |Joan's Radio]

So I was up very late last night, I think around 3:30 or 4. Reading. I finished the rest of Thunderhead(?) by Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child (which was about 200+pages), and now I have the urg to buy more books by them. Except right now I have no money, so I'd have to wait until tomorrow. And then I might as well wait until I paid my $35 on my MC and use that on amazon or something. I know, I'm bad. :P In the meantime I have other books to read, but I prefer to stock up... just in case. You know, for in the summer... I think I would break out in hives if I had less than 2 books sitting there waiting to be read. (One in the hole and one on in track).

Oh look. Here's Phil. Talking to me about the Tigers. He got hired at the desk (where I am now, working) so congradulate him. :)

My daughter turned 7 months on Easter. I have pictures but I haven't uploaded them yet. But I did email them out to the special people. :P (! Except I forgot Jess and Kristen!! Hey if you want to see them, let me know and I'll forward them to you.) She's wearing her Easter dress. I miss her... I can't wait to see her in July. ;)

If you know Beth Blessing, and you don't know already, she and Dave got engaged the other night. And they are planning on getting married next summer (05) I believe. :D I don't know the WHOLE story because I haven't gotten to talk to her much. She, Dave and Kristyn woke me up at 4 am Tuesday night(Wednesday morning) to tell me. Beth asked "Oh, were you sleeping?" >:P So... yah. :)

So I skipped archaeology today, but that's cause I couldn't get out of bed when my alarm went off. Which is sorta bad because today would have been as intersting as Tuesday when we were talking about sexuality and gender.

I think after my shift today I'm going to be lazy. Yah I have homework, but I might play on the computer and stuff. Or watch TV. I have a new computer game, called Pandora's Box. It's pretty neat so far. :)

Hey! Tuesday night Phil and I took a really nice drive... and stopped at Oskar (sp?) cemetary on the way to Breakers (we went there to fly a kite, but it was closed) and then another cemetary on the way out to Redridge. We want to go back out to Redridge when it's light outside. :P Probably this Sunday (before I work) or next weekend Saturday or Sunday (4-24/25). Does anyone have directions on how to get down by the water there? Yeah. There are some fabulous pictures I could get....

!! Tomorrow night (evening) I think Phil, Kristyn and I are going to St.Al's to eat spaghetti. And sometime to pick up my film from Walmart (4 rolls! Plus I have a bw roll to turn in) and to see Miracle this weekend... Either at 5:30 or 8:30 Friday. Saturday I have firewatch so I'd like to order pizza and relax and watch movies and stuff.

Yeah okay. I think I will start a new book or two now. I have Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman or Island of Bones by P.J. Parrish. The only other thing I've read by Neil Gaiman was Neverwhere which was really good. I wonder if Kyla would like it? It was one I borrowed from Lynn (are you still on the face of the Earth??) a few years ago... and it was great.

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I Want You To Know That [Apr. 12th, 2004|10:09 pm]
[mood |nothing much]
[music |Everwood- On Tv]

4/12/2004 9:25:48 PM
So I haven't updated for real in a bit. So maybe I will now. My Easter was lovely. Phil and I drove down to Indian River (whip out a Michigan map for those of you.... it's in upper lower MI) for the weekend to see my doggies and my parents. Butchie and Aunt Penny even surprised me and came!! :) Friday we relaxed and made/ate pizza all night, Saturday we went to Gaylord to shop (and we got spoiled). And Sunday we went to church at The Cross In The Woods and left. I'm so glad I got to see them. The only bad thing is that poor Phil got really sick and hasn't felt well since. :-/ And now we have pounds of candy. Not exactly healthy, but that's why I hike up the hill twice a week, no?

And goodness my parents/godparents cook such GOOD food. We had my dad's FABULOUS ribs on Saturday night. *licks lips* Seriously. And they aren't doused in bbq sauce or anything. They are awesome. I want to eat them at least once a week.

I can type while Phil is kissing me. ;)

We also went to wallymart to turn in 4 rolls of my film. I can fetch them on Friday, after 6pm. *fidgets* And then I can hoard the scanner for a few hours and share them with you guys. That is, if I don't have to duel (joust?) [info]muiriam for it. >:P

Ooh, my boy sent me this: just now. Go play, then thank him.

I did well on the last few tests I've taken. In archaeology, the essay midterm from over Spring Break I got an A, in CE4507 I got a 76 and in GE3850 I got an 80%. Good to me anyway.

And in riflery, I shot a 79 (out of 100 possible points on the target) today! We are still sitting, and our teacher was abset but I was on fire, man.

And hopefully I get pictures of my darling daughter sometime this week. Corrie left me a message cause I left her a message Sunday night. I can't wait to see my girl in July!! I hope to have written her another letter by then. God I miss her. And Corrie and Jim.

I love Target commercials. They are so cool. I used to like GAP commercials too... but I haven't seen a good one in awhile.

I got two books at the mall today. A Nancy Drew, Secret of Shadow Ranch, because that's the next ND game that's coming out this summer/fall. *excited* And a random book by P.J. Parrish, called Island of Bones. It looks good. Since I couldn't find Ice Limit (Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child).

HA! I just called Kyla a "bra". Mostly by accident... but maybe not. ;) It was nice to talk to her most of the day on/off. I hope Phil and I get to see her muchly this summer. Suzz too... and I know Phil's all excited cause Suzz volunteered to go to Tiger's games with us. (Kyla or any of you can come too if you'd like?).

Hmm. Perhaps I might shower now. I had lots to talk about. Especially regarding Phil's family. But maybe I'll save that for another entry/ journal/ lock.

(EDIT: I got lots of girl clothes/ jeans (2) and pretty girly razors today. I feel like I should put a bow on my head or something.)

Here, have some pictures )

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Laugh I Thought I'd Died [Apr. 8th, 2004|05:43 pm]
[mood |headache :(]
[music |George Carline- Death and Dying]

Pictures )

Survey Questions

Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not really, I don't think. I'm not sure what I believe in right now... I think when I die, I'll be returned to the earth... and from there it really doesn't matter. And when I see/interact with assholes, I sure as hell hope they are not reincarnated. One lifetime of idiocracy is enough.

What's the longest time alone you've spent inbetween relationships? If long, did it bother you?
I never dated until after HS. Then I sorta dated for a year on and off with someone, and then we broke up... but it wasn't a big thing. I dated Ammanda for over a year and by the time we broke up- we should have been for a few months. And a week later I started dating Phil... but it didn't feel like, I broke up with someone and was dating a week later. Make sense?

What would you do if a friend told you they wanted to end their life?
It really would depend on which friend.

What do you think about capital punishment?
I don't. I do, however, believe in what goes around, comes around.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 & 10 years? What do you see yourself doing?
Graduated and have a job, I hope. I hope to be in archaeology somewhere. Maybe I'll be lucky and get to be a photographer instead that had a BS in envinronmental engineering and an MS in industrial archaeology. Maybe I'll be working in environmental engineering and industrial archaeology. Who knows? I hope I am satisfied with what I do, and if I'm not I'm looking for something else. Or maybe I'll have kids and I won't be working for awhile... It doesn't really matter. I hope that I am married to Phil and that my parents and loved ones are still alive. I hope my sister will have finally grown up by then...

What do you think about before you fall asleep at night?
Lots of things, silly. Sometimes I think about something I have to do... but don't want to forget so I have to get up and write it down. I like to read before bed.

Do you like Phil's family?
What you really want to know, is what I think of *you*. And you aren't mature enough/ready to hear that. The people that I truly like in the family and am attached to, know. It doesn't really matter otherwise. I don't believe that I should have to "like" someone just because they are related.

Are you really as good as you seem nowadays? I don't hear about how you're feeling as often. Does that mean youre ok/good most of the time?
I'm pretty okay most of the time. My sinuses are giving me hell as of late... >.< BAD. Felt like I got ran over by a semi when I woke up this morning. And you *know* about the shower incident the other night (but it doesn't hurt anymore.) I wish my eyes would focus better, so I'm hoping mom and dad can get insurance so I can get my eyes checked. Emotionally I'm alright, considering what I've been through in the last year. But god, I miss my daughter a lot. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her and hope she's doing well. I can't wait to see her in July... I'm psyched. When I'm pissed off, you know about it- cause I usually type about that stuff in my journal anyway... or other things and filter as necessary.

What is the best thing we have ever done together?
The drive we took on Sunday ranks pretty high up there. Our one year date was really nice, as was Valentine's. I like when we spend time just together... it doesn't matter what we are doing. And it doesn't have to involve sports. :P

Beyond the logic of the situation, do you wish you were raising Lily at all?
Yes, but I don't regret placing her with Jim and Corrie. (See a few questions above). I know I wasn't ready to be a parent, and I definitely couldn't have afforded it. But I love Jim and Corrie very much, and they are who should be raising her... and I know they will do it right. And as much as distance sucks, I am glad they don't live in MQT.

How do you come up with these questions? Are they questions that you ask yourself, and want to compare yourself to other people? Or do you just get curious about others?
I am totally curious about everything about everyone. ALL THE TIME. But I'm not the type that pries or forces... I just like to KNOW. And I have a decently good imagination. You can tell me anything...

Does having a baby hurt really bad?
Yes, but you won't be able to describe or recall that pain. And in the end, it doesn’t matter that much.

Love )

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Now There's No One Else Around To Find My Way Home [Apr. 3rd, 2004|06:28 pm]
[mood |waiting for work....]
[music |Saliva- Your Disease]

I haven't heard from my mom since I called her last weekend. :( I have emailed her several times this week even. It's kind of... I don't know. I'm worried I guess.

But, here is a new poll for you guys. Please fill this out. Perhaps I'll post more pictures later.

Poll #273043 More Serious Questions
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Who would pay a million dollars in ransom for you?

Who would YOU pay a million dollar ransom for?

Who is the most important person in your life? (Name no more than 3, and include their relation- mom/sister/friend/s.o. etc)

What is the one thing you want to do MOST in life and why?

Is there someone whom you'd do anything with or for, simply because they asked or needed you to? Who?

Think of the person that you are closest to, what song reminds you of that person?

Ask me a serious question?

Do you think you will get married someday? Why or why not? Do you already know who you want to marry?

What did you do this afternoon?

How old will you be on your next birthday?

Do you feel you are mature?

If your house was on fire, and all of your loved ones were saved- what would you run back in to get- given the chance?

Do you think I am beautiful or cute? (Kyla thought I should ask this question- so I am) Do you think of yourself as beautiful or something lesser than that?

How are you feeling right now?

Is there someone in your life that you simply tolerate? Because he/she is a relative or something? Who and why?

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Chickadees [Apr. 2nd, 2004|06:52 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |TV]

3 Pictures )

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New User Pics... [Apr. 1st, 2004|06:44 pm]
[mood |sinusely sick :(]
[music |Commercials]

About half or more, I took. I scanned a bunch today. I'll post the larger pictures sometime... after I'm done uploading them onto photobucket and I work and stuff. So... maybe tomorrow. :P

Anyway, tell me what you think of the userpics.

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HA! TERRY PRATCHETT ANYONE? [Mar. 31st, 2004|09:08 am]
[mood | sick]
[music |Nothing]

I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

EDIT: Oops, guess I was on firewatch last night. I thought I was on TONIGHT, not last night. Oh well. No one called me though... so I suppose it's fine. But had I realize I would have brought my phone to dinner and work and to the shower... etc. I'll blame it on the fact that my sinuses have been hell lately.

Okay. Back to homework, since I am missing riflery.

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A Study Break [Mar. 25th, 2004|10:22 pm]
[mood | silly]
[music |The Fan]

Most hillarious- but make sure you have flash plug in. ;)

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Easter Eggs [Mar. 24th, 2004|11:14 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Nuthin]

This is a site full of easter eggs. The DVD ones are really awesome. :) And I was playing with some of the others as well.

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Don't Be So Blind [Mar. 18th, 2004|10:23 pm]
[mood | aggravated]
[music |Saliva- Always]

I'm appalled at how some people can be SO RUDE to others. >:O GRRR! I wish I could chew that person out! *huffing around like Kyla*

...And the obnoxious people in my CE4506 class, but that's another story.

Now go read the entry previous to this one- it's more fun.

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That's The Thing To Do [Mar. 18th, 2004|04:41 pm]
[mood | anxious]
[music |Bill Cosby- Air]

Poll Results )
Friday night = Girls Night! :) I feel so special- I've never been invited to one of these. We are going to dinner and watching movies or something. :D

And I get paid tomorrow so I can get stuff that I would like to have! And I can pick up my 5 (or whatever's in now) rolls of film I turned in Tuesday. :) And Phil and I are supposed to have a date Saturday around work. :D I can't wait. We are buying new shoes too I think... going to Walmart and going to a movie (Taking Lives). So I really can't wait for Friday to appear... well, after I'm done with class and a group meeting after 2.

I don't want to be on fire watch tonight because I haven't been on since... spring break (?) and I'm not *used* to it anymore. Blah. What's for dinner? Pancakes! And beef philly sandwich, sour cream fries, sliced carrots, cream puffs, banana crème pie, and canadian cheese soup if there still is some. :)

Okay, bye.

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Tech Once Tech Twice... [Mar. 16th, 2004|10:48 pm]
[mood | complacent]
[music |Center Stage!]

Hi. So Mom sent me a package :) With girlscout cookies :D and a vicks vaporizer. Dad even included the vicks vapors incase you are really sick. Well, I keep my allergy/sinus meds in my underwear drawer because they fit. And it seems fine to me. So I threw the vicks vapors in there with everything else, because I don't need them this week. I toodle through the rest of my day... and after my shower I just opened my underware drawer to get something to wear to bed tonight (white :P) and got a nice wiff of vicks vapors. So if I walk by you, and you smell vicks, it's my underwear. >:P

Girls night Friday! :)

There was the most fabulous looking frost on all the trees this morning. Except that I didn't have my camera. *sobs* They were SO awesome looking.

And I turned in my photos today. You can go look at them in the MUB March 23-26, 10am-2pm in the Alumni Lounge. :) And wish me luck.

Maybe in the next post I'll give you the results of my poll.

For now, tell me about your sneakers (just one pair or all of them).

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My Face Is My Fortune, That's Why I'm Totally Broke [Mar. 11th, 2004|08:59 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |The Moody Blues- Your Wildest Dreams]

I need to watch Beaches again. I haven't seen it in a few months. I did watch Gattaca yesterday (on DVD!) admist the throbbing ear. (Which I've been ordered to the dr's - 3:20pm- to have checked out.)


I haven't created a poll in a few days. Perhaps I'll do that. Right now.

Poll #261731 More Random Questions
Open to: All, results viewable to: None


View Answers

Gerald's Game
1 (6.2%) 1 (6.2%)

14 (87.5%) 14 (87.5%)

1 (6.2%) 1 (6.2%)

Favorite Fish (NOT to eat- to LOOK at)

Do you use a calendar?

View Answers

9 (56.2%) 9 (56.2%)

Daily (rip off)
4 (25.0%) 4 (25.0%)

6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

Do you clean your room?

View Answers

Go ahead and pull on those white gloves
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Pretty often, always looks nice
3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

It's pretty decent most of the time
9 (56.2%) 9 (56.2%)

I have a path
3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

I'm Pigpen
1 (6.2%) 1 (6.2%)

Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? Was it on your birthday?

Have you seen Clue?

View Answers

Yes! I'm awesome!
10 (62.5%) 10 (62.5%)

No! I'm going to rent it *right now*
6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

What are 3 things that make you happy. THINGS NOT PEOPLE OR ACTIONS (no boyfriends or *getting* flowers)!!!


View Answers

Point and shoot
6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

SLR (go look it up... it's like mine-Canon Rebel 2000)
2 (12.5%) 2 (12.5%)

10 (62.5%) 10 (62.5%)

3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

I suck.
2 (12.5%) 2 (12.5%)

Ask me a question? (anything- I'll answer it when I post the poll results)

Why do you think I hide poll answers?

What kind of yogurt do you like the most?

View Answers

plain or vanilla- with or without stuff mixed in
4 (25.0%) 4 (25.0%)

Fruit on the bottom
6 (37.5%) 6 (37.5%)

Random weird flavor (like key lime pie or coffee)
3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

I don't eat yogurt (loser)
3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

Favorite Flower?

What would you rather be for a day?

View Answers

Fly on the wall in a girls public restroom
2 (12.5%) 2 (12.5%)

Spider looking out the window and can see a playground
14 (87.5%) 14 (87.5%)

Now tell me why you picked what you picked in the last question?

{EDIT: Apparently, the TAF stuff is due next week. So I enlarged some pics and matted/ framed them today. After the dr's. They got Phil's and Kristen's and Mr.Blessing's stamp of approval so I shall drop them off Tuesday I think. (Kristen = Kristen Thennes; Kristyn = Kristyn Blessing for all of you who don'tn know and think I can't spell.)}
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He Had Everything Except Desire [Mar. 10th, 2004|12:33 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |gattaca]

The Gattaca building (interiors and exteriors) is, in reality, the Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, CA. It was designed by American star architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1957. The largest Wright design ever constructed, it was largely built after his death in 1959. The central dome (prominent in the roof-cleaning scene) contains the county library.

I thought [info]heylush_havefun would find that interesting about the movie Gattaca- this was found in the trivia section.

And guess who else is in Gattaca, [info]burtonspaz? It's an actor you *like*.

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Until The Sky Falls Down On Me [Mar. 9th, 2004|05:16 pm]
[mood |the suns out!]
[music |all that you need will surely come]

Okie here are the questions, from Sunniedaze:

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I would like to be working in archaeology somewhere. Maybe in a museum or somewhere. Married to Phil... maybe having kids but if not with a kitty and a puppy (husky!).

2. Who would you like to be best friends in Hollywood with? Why?
John Cusack because he's fucking awesome. Him and his sister (?) Joan.

3. Do you think ER has become more of a soap opera rather than a kickass medical show?
I think it's still a great medical show. I think they are concentrating more on character development which is pretty cool I think.

4. Do you plan on having more children in the future?
I want to. Part of why it was a little easier to give up Lily is knowing that I will have kids later in life... it might seem strange. I'm really really afraid of getting pregnant again before I want to... but at the same time, I can't wait to be in that place in my life when I can really have kids.

5. Do you think the world is getting worse every day? Why or why not?
Worse everyday. All I have to do is take a look at the highschool or middleschool students I see floating around. Or hell, even the FRESHMAN at MICHIGAN TECH that I see. Some of them either walk around naked, pee on the toilet seat, cuss because they don't have mail, can't dress, can't brush their hair, can't vacuum their own damn room.... etc. Scary stuff man. Even my sister can't manage to keep her room clean enough to open the door. No thanks.
I think the world is getting worse everyday and people keep lowering their standards. Bad ideas. Make life hard, make people struggle to get good grades and to stay in this school- we are an engineering school- not a fine arts school- it's supposed to be really fucking hard. Don't let the stupid freshman's parents up to visit if they are going to harass the desk workers and do their childs laundry. Make your child learn manners, learn how to do laundry and shower and keep their room clean.
I think parents aren't what they used to be. And that, I believe, is a big root to the problem of the world going overboard.
And hope that's coherent enough for you. I'm sick, tired, PMS-yish, and hungry.

Look at these pictures:
I love owls. :D

Burt who I was working with last week kept talking about David Blaine and so he lent me and Phil the DVD. WOW. Crazy stuff. Go find and rent or buy it if you are into magic at all. :)

From burtonspaz's latest post:
So here's 25 random actors that weren't on the list the other day. So that means that the question of the day is what is your favorite movie that involves each of these people? So here are my answers:

01. Kathy Bates - Misery
02. Jeff Bridges - Arlington Road
03. Mel Brooks - Spaceballs
04. Steve Buscemi - Con Air or Fargo
05. Nicolas Cage - 8MM, Family Man, or Face/Off
06. Tom Cruise - Minority Report, The Last Samuri
07. Tim Curry - CLUE
08. Jamie Lee Curtis - Freaky Friday
09. Williem DaFoe - Spiderman
10. Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Carribean
11. Morgan Freeman - Sum of All Fears; Shawshank Redemption
12. Mel Gibson - Braveheart
13. Philip Seymor Hoffman - Red Dragon
14. John Malkovich - Being John Malkovich, Con Air
15. Steve Martin - Father of the Bride I and II
16. Bill Murray - Ghostbusters, What About Bob?
17. Eddie Murphy - Shrek
18. Edward Norton - Red Dragon/ Fight Club
19. Keanu Reeves - Speed, The Matrix, Something's Gotta Give
20. Tim Robbins - High Fidelity
21. Winona Ryder - Girls Interupted
22. Gary Sinise - The Green Mile, Forest Gump
23. Will Smith - Men in Black
24. David Spade - ew.
25. John Travolta - Carrie

Ever notice that it's always the idiots/ drama-attention whiners on LJ that lack a birth year? The 13 or 14 year olds with "in love forever" and "I just want to cut myself in pieces" icons that want to pretend they aren't still children? Yeah. The ones that can't seem to remember how to type or spell either. That annoys the hell out of me, I wish LJ would make people put in birth years. Maybe some would go away because they are too young then. :P That's another reason, [info]sunniedaze that I think the world will cave in.

BLAH. :( I don't like the weeks after spring break. At least Phil and I are leaving this weekend. Yay. Down to Marquette anyway.

I better go.

[EDIT]: Phil's too much of a wimp to bet me a dollar that his (our) car won't break before school ends (8-9 weeks). HA!

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And I Think My Head Is Caving In [Mar. 2nd, 2004|09:38 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |Christine Lavin- Shopping Cart of Love]

So, I just showered (ahhhh) and I don't want to go back to my homework quite yet.

Go to these links:

Infact, her entire site is cool. So read it all. I think [info]burtonspaz might especially appreciate the sarcasm.

Work is fine this week. I cleaned bathrooms Monday, and today we did the east chute, the basement library computer room, basement bathrooms, and I (and Phil) did the back east stairwell. The entire custodial crew/ staff seems so much more relaxed wiht Rhonda gone. :D

Apparently, my girl can roll over now and she is getting her first tooth! It's quite exciting. In <9 days she will be 6 months old. Corrie sent pictures today, hollar if you want me to forward them to you.

I've done quite a bit of reading for my SS midterm and I think I am almost about to start writing. But I probably won't start writing until Wednesday night or Thursday night. My goal is to finish by Friday evening (or earlier). So that I have Saturday and Sunday free. Friday I am not working.

My Poll Stats )

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My Arms Are Rubber Right Now [Feb. 29th, 2004|10:41 pm]
[mood |genius]
[music |seven]

So says that in Se7en when Detective Miller realizes what's in the box, a frame is flashed of what was in the box. So I had to find it and I just did. It's at 2:00:04 of the movie. Much like how Fight Club is done. But I haven't done that one frame by frame yet. :P

I'm a genius. Kyla proves it here:

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The Way This Was Supposed To Feel [Feb. 28th, 2004|04:16 pm]
[mood | content]
[music |tv]

HA!! Wouldn't Kyla be jealous if she knew what I was watching.

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In One Step So Easy [Feb. 27th, 2004|10:49 pm]
[mood | busy]
[music |Monk!]

Poll #255366 13 Random Questions
Open to: All, results viewable to: None


View Answers

Joan Cusack
12 (70.6%) 12 (70.6%)

John Cusack
4 (23.5%) 4 (23.5%)

Mrs. Doubtfire
1 (5.9%) 1 (5.9%)

What are/were the coolest slippers you've ever owned?

How interested are you in what I have to say?

View Answers
Mean: 8.94 Median: 9 Std. Dev 1.06
10 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
20 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
30 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
40 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
50 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
60 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
72 (11.8%) 2 (11.8%)
84 (23.5%) 4 (23.5%)
94 (23.5%) 4 (23.5%)
107 (41.2%) 7 (41.2%)

How often do you use a new towel?

Do you write letters?

What is your favorite bird? show me a picture (google a picture and give me a URL)

3 Things to do before you die?

What do you collect?

If you were in inanimate object, what would you be?

View Answers

8 (47.1%) 8 (47.1%)

Fish bowl
2 (11.8%) 2 (11.8%)

Cassette player
4 (23.5%) 4 (23.5%)

1 (5.9%) 1 (5.9%)

2 (11.8%) 2 (11.8%)

Tell me why you picked what you did in question 9?

If you decided today to do some serious soul searching, what would you ask?

If you had a 10 gallon fish tank, what would you put in it?

What makes you most nervous?

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Hoping Just For A Moment That It's True [Feb. 27th, 2004|10:17 am]
[mood |tiredish/ sick]
[music |I think Joan has on 93.5]

Yay! The obnoxious freshman are moving out. ;) You know, the other night one of their stupid boy toys broke a mirror in MY (a GIRLS) bathroom? Poor Kristyn had to clean it up. (Where was Lisa the RA who lives across from the bathroom? Not in her room- of course... probably down in Todd's room. >:O) I do hope he gets in trouble. All of them are gone for spring break thank goodness. These girls are as obnoxious as the summer kids were. They do things like run around pratically naked in the hallway and around to the mail boxes. Then curse and swear loudly if they don't have mail. They shout at each other about sex etc so that the entire front desk and anyone walking around can hear. Not to mention their underage drinking capades that are SO apparent. I've been hoping all of them would leave. And the girls I hear that are taking their spots will be much better. :) I can't help but think that if Lisa had been a responsible RA, those girls wouldn't be so out of hand and so trashy and so obnoxious to their hallmates/ stuff in the hall. Nor would they be having the obnoxious 3rd floor boys around all the time messing up our stuff or walking around naked. *disgusted*

I wonder where the mail is? It will be here eventually I hope. I'm on firewatch for the 3rd time this week. And I'm on again Monday; Thursday and Sunday over break. Oh well. At least I hope to leave the weekend after break: Mar 12-14 or something. Depending on what Phil has though. And we will probably bring Kristyn down too so she can visit her brother at Northern.

The mail! Better sort now.

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The Parking Go-4 [Feb. 26th, 2004|12:57 am]
[mood | tired]

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And Break My Heart In Two [Feb. 25th, 2004|12:21 pm]
[mood | amused]

We've reached that lovely point in the year where Tech's campus either becomes a sandbox or the ice capades as you walk to class.

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Dressed Up Like A Million Dollar Trooper [Feb. 24th, 2004|09:33 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |They Might Be Giants- Puttin' On The Ritz]

I changed a few of my user pictures. Go look. The one for this entry is my school :P. Isn't it awesome? Hell yeah. There are benefits to going to the school in the U.P.
Of course, this is more what it looks like now:
You get the idea. Piles of snow everywhere, and if not piles then sandy slush.

See this guys web page:
Well, if you scroll down, there is much Tech hockey pictures from last year I believe. Anyway, he had Brett E labeled as number 16. Well, I emailed him, told him he was wrong and Enngelhardt is #8 and has been for 4 years... and he fixed it. :) I didn't get that anyway because in a lot of the pictures you can SEE Engelhardt's number on his jersey. So that's my good deed for the week. I got pictures back of "everything" so I'm sending some to Mom/Dad/Jess, Kyla, Suzz and Aunt Penny/Butchie. Too bad for everyone else. I got some awesome Denver vs. Tech hockey pictures.

And several of the flying squirrel pictures look great. As well as the betta pictures.

The flying squirrel was what I had to chase out of the building last Thursday. It was so awesome and by far cooler than the bats, chipmunk and whatever else was in here this year. Mostly bats though.

I will be glad for Spring Break just for the break from classes- but not so much because I will have to work. And I have a mega SS archaeology midterm to do- that is based on the reading that I am... 7 weeks behind on. So, guess when I am doing while not working (custodial and sorting the mail). Yup. Aren't I lucky?

So I finished my Nancy Drew- Message in the Haunted Mansion game last week and started Deception on Danget Island yesterday. :D Perhaps I will order another this I have something for when I finish this one. I have 5 more to do after DODI, with the newest ND game coming out this summer: Secret of Shadow Ranch. :D

I think I'll shower now and play more ND until Phil returns or something. It's getting late. :-/

Winamp 50-65 list )

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Computer Question [Feb. 23rd, 2004|07:49 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |nothin']

What is a reliable program to remove spyware and other things on my computer like that? One that won't crash my computer.


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Interesting Article [Feb. 23rd, 2004|10:24 am]
[mood |okay/sick]
[music |TV]

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:D [Feb. 22nd, 2004|01:28 am]
[mood | amused]
[music |The Game just finished]

I share the same birthday as David Fincher! (+20 years).

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Still Waters Run Deep [Feb. 18th, 2004|10:46 am]
[mood | tired]
[music |Oh What A Circus- Evita (Antonio Bandares)]

So... tomorrow is Kristyn, Beth and Erin's bday. And we were all going to go out to dinner. And Phil can't go because he has a test and I don't know if I have the money to go. So I'm still deciding. :-/ I guess if I can't, I'll just work and give K and B their presents afterward and mail Erin her card- since I don't see her much and Liz has her gift from us. At least I get paid Friday... but most of that will go towards bills. So I'm sorta looking forward to SB when I work and gain more money (even though I won't get that check until March... 19th or something- it will be great anyway).

I didn't do very well on a test I walked out of thinking I did. I hate blows like that. :( I haven't gotten my geohydro test back- but I am so worried about that one I don't think I did very well.

My SS test, whenever we get it, will be take home- which helps because I am so behind on the reading. It is interesting to me, but then... I fall asleep anyway. I'm tired and sick, I think. Well, my sinuses have been bad for weeks and I feel exhausted.

It's almost 11, so I imagine Phil and Kristyn will surface for lunch. I just hope lunch is good.

I was going to listen to Evita (CD) but I decided to forget I had my Nancy Drew game running and so I ejected that drive. (DUH!). But my game is okay where it is now, and I put my CD in my burner drive. :P

So these Nancy Drew games. They are... something I'm grateful to have discovered. They are these games:
And are quite good for me. You become Nancy and have to go through and solve a mystery (without dying or getting caught- but if you do, you can "second chance"). Anyway, you have to solve lots of puzzles and gather stuff/ clues, talk to people and call people for help etc. I like them a lot. I solved Treasure in the Royal Tower, and Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, and I am working on Message in the Haunted Mansion. I just ordered Danger on Deception Island, so I can start that when I finish MHM. Which I know I am near the end so I'm a little... scared? And trying to stretch the game out. There are 9 games right now, and the 10th won't come out until-- August 2004 or something. (Secret of Shadow Ranch?- but they haven't said the release date.)

So, yeah. I never used to like computer games like that, but I really like these. And like reading and stuff- good stress reliever.

Kristyn's back... oh! Michele (K and B's cousin) had her baby early this morning. Boy (but we knew that, his name is Jack), and he was 5lbs something. Early somewhat- but as far as I know, everyone is fine. :)

I got this letter from the dean: )

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George Carlin, Feb 13 [Feb. 14th, 2004|02:15 pm]
[mood |valentines!]
[music |fishies]

"Think for a moment about flamethrowers. The fact that we have them at all. What it indicates to me is that at some point some person said to himself, "Look at all those people across the road. What I wouldn't give to set them on fire. But I'm much to far away. If only I had some device that would shoot flames on them.""

And the best part is, I can *hear* him saying this, in my head.


link4 comments|post comment

Questions!! [Feb. 10th, 2004|12:56 pm]
[mood | curious]
[music |TV]

Poll #246580 Archaeology Questions- only I can Read
Open to: All, results viewable to: None


View Answers

4 (30.8%) 4 (30.8%)

9 (69.2%) 9 (69.2%)

0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)


Major in school or what you are doing in life (job/ career)?

Please rank (1-5) your favorite/ most prized/ most personal possesions/ objects. List no more than 5, and feel free to comment with additional information, or if there is not enough room.

link15 comments|post comment

So Loud I Cannot Hear [Feb. 7th, 2004|11:20 pm]
[mood | sore]
[music |nothin']


I want a new Edward Norton movie, a new John Cusack movie, a new Jodie Foster movie, and.... a good Whoopi movie? Joan Cusack (besides School of Rock, that one's practically on DVD). Nicolas Cage... wait, Matchstick Men. And *looks* he's heading for a bunch of stuff this and next year. Hanks? (besides Polar Express... ) Claire Danes... *looks* oh I guess she was in T3 but that doesn't count.

Julia Roberts (no, guess I can't complain about her).
Meg Ryan
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Kathy Bates
Ben Affleck
Kyla's boy
Anthony Hopkins
Angelina Jolie... no wait. I think she has one coming out soon?
Jude Law (HAHA)
Jared Leto
Robin Williams
Bruce Willis
Jack Nicholson -- no, he just had one- it's pretty funny. :P
... Ashley Judd.

Who else? I don't know right now. I don't want my favorites to fall off the face of the earth. >:O

....look at that:

I have 2.56 GB's of music in my All folder, which is 939 songs, which are all in MP3 format- which makes my dvd player happy. My other folders have silly songs, disney songs, christmas, classical, etc.

I took TONS of WC pictures (cause Phil's mom and dad came up and we walked), so maybe I can send some people some if they want, when I get them developed in a week or so. Or earlier. Email me your snail mail address-
No email= no pictures. :P Except Jess (sunniedaze), I am planning on sending her some regardless. :)

Ah yes, we played broomball today, against the best team in our confrence/ league/ division: RabbidSnowBunnies. And we only lost 0-1. We played exellently. On slick, zamboni-like ice. It was beautiful.

Phil is showering so we can watch another movie before we both zzZZZZZ.

This is perhaps the first WC I don't have real homework. Just arch reading that I'm already way behind in- but really need to catch up on.

It hurts to breathe, as well as having bruised hips, and knuckles and sore wrists. I shall lay down now I think.

link6 comments|post comment

Completed Winter Carnival Statues! [Feb. 6th, 2004|10:47 am]
[mood | tired]

No, I didn't help build any. :P I went around taking some pictures of them building them, and today or tomorrow I'll go around taking pictures of completed statue-ness.

Congrats to all that built and did well. :)

PS: Fried snickers= very awesomely good.

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Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing [Feb. 4th, 2004|11:03 am]
[mood |enthusiastic]
[music |TV]


Hello 4 day weekend.

On to playing my computer game until I have to go to my last class until Monday. (1-2p).

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The Seven Intelligence Areas [Feb. 1st, 2004|07:41 pm]
[mood | sick]
[music |Superbowl]

Stolen from burtonspaz (Kyla). Besides I'm mostly what Kyla didn't know what it was.

Linguistic: 9

Logical-Mathematical: 11

Spatial: 8

Bodily-Kinesthetic: 12

Musical: 10

Interpersonal: 8

Intrapersonal: 8

A Short Definition of your Highest Score

Bodily-Kinesthetic - the ability to use the body and tools to take effective action or to construct or repair, to build rapport to console and persuade, and to support others, to plan strategically or to critique the actions of the body, to appreciate the aesthetics of the body and to use those values to create new forms of expression. Possible vocations that use the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence include mechanic, trainer, contractor, craftsperson, tool and dye maker, coach, counselor, salesperson, sports analyst, professional athlete, dance critic, sculptor, choreographer, actor, dancer or puppeteer.

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I'm Not Gonna Get You [Jan. 26th, 2004|07:56 pm]
[mood |sickish]


All get a prize because they are awesome and took my poll. If you haven't taken it, take it. (

Cause I'm thinking of getting rid of people who don't want to be on my friends list.... so please! I don't want to delete anyone who actually WANTS to stay on.... :-/

link8 comments|post comment

I See The Truth Inside Your Eyes [Jan. 24th, 2004|12:58 pm]
[mood | crushed]

Poll #238106 Journal Questions
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Do you read:

View Answers

Every word Nikki types, always
19 (73.1%) 19 (73.1%)

I only sometimes read
4 (15.4%) 4 (15.4%)

I skim most of the time
3 (11.5%) 3 (11.5%)

I skim sometimes
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

I want to

View Answers

stay on Nikki's friends list
26 (100.0%) 26 (100.0%)

be removed from Nikki's friends list
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Is it so wrong to say when you miss something? Why do people take what you say and twist it around to make you feel shitty? I don't get it. :( I miss it when romance is discarded...well, at least I try not to discard it- and I certainly didn't today...and I hope that it's not overlooked. Guess I'll see. I want to be someone's dream.

I get the impression quite frequently that I'm just someone people like to use...I'm only good when someone needs something, or WANTS something more likely. People don't like to bother with doing things for matter what. No matter what I've tried to do for them... no one wants to give me that extra effort. :( Not most people anyway.

I need a haircut but I can't go today. Firewatch. Though I did have to go up to McNair because someone called me on THURSDAY saying I had a package up there and the person I call this morning was rude/ obnoxious who didn't look at the packages OR the book good enough to realize yeah, I DID have a package up there that was delivered TUESDAY (but they couldn't call until THURSDAY...). I work at the front desk. We sure don't do that to people. We call them the SAME FRICKING DAY and aren't rude when/if they call back looking for their package (with or without a package number). Blah. So I went up there in my pajamas because I was still annoyed at the stupidness/ rudeness of the worker I talked to on the phone.

And now I'm here and I miss mom. Blah. I sent them a package yesterday though.

I'd be so much more excited for classes if they were all SS classes... even WITH the professor of death. Blah. :( The more I think about it, the more I know that's what I really want, that's the field that I'm confident about- I know I'd be good.

I missed Corrie's call this morning. :(

I guess I'll go shower... it's a quarter to 2, and I should get something done before I work at 4. I'll just starve until after work is done tonight.
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[Jan. 22nd, 2004|05:51 pm]
[mood | good]
[music |Nothing, Phil's talking]

From The Best of George Carlin (Day-by-Day desk calendar):

When you pick something up with your toe and transfer it to your hand, don't you feel, just briefly, like a superior creature? Like you could probably survive alone in the forest for a long time? Just briefly.

NEW ER NIGHT!! which makes me wonder about... Jess (sunniedaze). Is someone recording ER for you? Perhaps I should tape it independently and then send it to you. Silly, probably, considering... but I was wondering. :-/ I'm thinking of you. *HUGS*

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Watch Me Crumble [Jan. 20th, 2004|09:33 pm]
[mood | tired]
[music |Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen]

So I have a paid account.  Mostly for the purpose of having many, many icons.  Here they are:


Tell me what you think.  Bunch of Lily pics are in there.  If you want more Lily Cait pics, email me.




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No Where To Turn To [Jan. 19th, 2004|07:38 pm]
[mood | sad]
[music |TV is on...]

I did that thing where you make a list of what you really think of people but dont put there user names.  Well, I used movie quotes from Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Grosse Pointe Blank, Beaches, Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Fargo, Gattaca, Red Dragon, American History X, 7th Heaven, Daria, E.R.,  Cheers, Boy Meets World. 

And the user names I DID NOT DO: sarah8, deardonut, gl0wd218, fantasy53 or irisesinautumn.  And I ONLY did people on my FRIENDS (not friends of) list, leaving out communities.  They aren't in any order.  And if you can't guess, email me at and I might tell you.


  1. All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.
  2. And be grateful. Our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real.
  3. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.
  4. Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
  5. Do you have to have special clothes to feel special? I just put on a clean pair of underwear and I feel great.
  6. Even darkness must pass.
  7. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
  8. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.
  9. Friendship for example, is a real gift. It's given with no expectations and no gratitude is needed, not between real friends.
  10. Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
  11. I couldn't cry, so once again I couldn't sleep.
  12. I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more.
  13. I'd like you to be maid of honor at my wedding.
  14. If at first you dont succeed... try, try again.
  15. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.
  16. My hormones don't rage. Oh sure, they get mad sometimes, but then they just stop speaking to each other.
  17. My life's just fine and you know why? I'm alive... and I'm grateful for every second of every day.
  18. She's beautiful woman with a wonderful sense of humor and magical smile.
  19. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.
  20. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.
  21. The things you own end up owning you.
  22. There's more to life than a little money, ya know. Don'tcha know that? And here ya are. And it's a beautiful day
  23. Think to yourself that every day is your last.
  24. This is true love -- you think this happens every day?
  25. Where are all the good men dead, in the heart or in the head?
  26. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.
  27. You are a smooth smoothie, you know.
  28. You don't know my cat. It's very demanding.
  29. You don't know where I've been.
  30. You had to give it to him: he had a plan.
  31. You have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh.
  32. You make me feel like a person.
  33. You took your friendship away without even discussing it with me.
  34. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
  35. You're not your fucking khakis.

Also, if you had two names, then I had two different things for you. 



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And Now The Night Is Here [Jan. 13th, 2004|11:40 pm]
[mood |out of it/ lonley]
[music |TV]

obsessive compulsive

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

I miss everything about home right now. :(

My finger that I stabbed with the utility knife isn't really getting/feeling any better. But since I am insurenceless I'd rather not have it looked at unless it swells like a balloon or my finger falls off. But I feel sick with water eyes, a sore throat, stuffy nose, very tight shoulders, achy muscles (broomball does that too), crampy and hot/cold at the same time, headache, sinus pressure.

I hope to get my refund soon... books/ resnet repayment/ other stuff/ some nice things and necessities for Phil and I.... can be bought/paid.

I had some free money on my Dell Preffered Account thing, so I ordered an external cd-rw drive. I hope I really like it. I hope Phil likes it.

Oh. I think I either want to get a double major (or a second major) in SS with an anthropology/archaelogy or geographical/environmental concentration. Or, try to get a masters in industrial archaeology. Either I would be excited about... I emailed mom and dad to see what they thought. So I can talk to the people I need to soon if I have to.

Classes are okay. I think I'll like historical archaeology best... and the others might be crappy. But I guess I'll see in a week or two.

But I better go shower now. But I don't think it really matters to anyone anyway.

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Identity [Jan. 11th, 2004|10:47 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Identity]

One of my favorite things about Identity is when they all figure out they have the same birthday. As me.


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