July 11th, 2004
01:42 am I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything. I want to go to bed but don't want to go downstairs and tell Mark that I'm going to bed. Blah. Don't know why I'm so tired. Feeding Ivy is getting incredibly difficult, I think she's gonna need the esophagostomy tube. I keep trying and trying, with different foods and liquids and catnip. She and I end up covered in food but I don't think much ends up in her stomach. We had to give her more subcu fluids tonight. She starts to drool if she even sees me get her pills out. I just want her to be ok.
Other stuff:
Read the first chapter of 1984 tonight.
I want a caramel macchiato. Iced. Right Now.
Put some Kerry/Edwards stuff on Cafepress
Decided on my wedding dress
July 8th, 2004
02:13 am - "We have better hair." Ivy came home on Monday and seems to be doing better. She might need a feeding tube though. We don't know how her long term outlook is, I need to call the vet tomorrow. She's acting ok for now, sitting with me and purring as usual. She's a bitch about her pills and starts to drool the second you try to give her one.
Tonight Mark and I went to the Kerry rally. I was really excited about it. I wanted to see Edwards. We got down there and had to park at the Palladium Theater. So we walked a few blocks and tried to find the end of the line. Oh man, the line was over 6 blocks long. It just kept going and going and going. We waited for like 2 hours and moved about a block and finally it started to move. Waiting was kind of fun, we talked to people and people drove by and honked or yelled "Go Bush!" and then they got obsceneties yelled at them usually. People sold shirts and buttons. The blocked off the roads for a few minutes for the convoy to come through, that was really cool, all the black suburbans and tour buses and sherriff's cars all in a row. I tried to get pictures of that but it was just a bit too far away for my camera to pick up. Oh how I wish I had optical zoom. They would have gone right next to us but the line actually started to move like a minute to soon so we were around the corner when they went through. So people were dumb and had their Bush signs, and a few people had signs that said "Who would Osama vote for?"...Think about that...Uhh...he would vote for Bush! Osama is free right now, did Bush send people after him? Not really. Then there were the people that had the "My abortion hurt me" signs...Is that supposed to make a few thousand people suddenly say "OH! I must vote republican then, someone regrets her abortion!" Ya know, it's too bad for them but why should it change anything? Anyway, we got to the front of the coliseum...and the stopped letting people in. Oh man, I was so upset, I wanted to see them, I wanted to see Edwards come out! Grrr...Anyway there were a few hundred people that couldn't get in so we waited outside and we could hear the speeches, they had speakers set up to play outside. It would have been nice to see though, it sounded like fun. Music played when Edwards came out. The outside crowd got into it too, but we had to deal with the Bush people across the street being rude and making it hard to hear.
Some Highlights:
"We're both lawyers. His name is John. My name is John. He was named People magazine's Sexiest Man of the Year. I read People magazine."
"We have better ideas, we have a better sense of right and wrong and what is fair, and we have better hair. John Edwards and I don't just talk and not act. We have a better understanding of what we need in terms of a foreign policy that actually works and makes a difference in this country."
"We deserve a president of the United States who fights as hard for your job as he does his own job. We're going to make America stronger at home and we're going to make it respected again in the world."
"When we change this presidency, I will fight a more effective war on terror that actually brings other countries to our side and makes the United States of America safer in this world. The United State of America should never got to war because we want to. We should go to war because we have to."
( And some pictures )
01:02 am - <3
July 3rd, 2004
07:19 pm - Movie Thing Instructions:
1) Bold the movies you've seen, 2) Italicize the ones you've seen part of, 3) Underline the ones you own, and 4) Add three movies to the bottom of the list
( movie thing ) Current Mood: anxious
July 2nd, 2004
11:02 pm My Ivycat is sick. She went to the vet today and she has signs of liver failure. She's spending the next few days there, getting IVs and antibiotics. They said if she starts eating again it's a good sign and she can come home. Otherwise I don't want to think about it.
July 1st, 2004
03:14 am Why isn't LiveJournal emailing me my comments?
June 30th, 2004
02:57 am - Yaaaay!!
It was very good! Tobey is yummy!
June 29th, 2004
June 28th, 2004
01:28 am So I was busy typing my new update then Firefox went all crazy. Poo. Anyway, haven't been up to much. Last weekend I got new tires then we went down to Cape Coral to visit Mark's dad and stepmom. They have names. Greg and Debbie. So we meet them at a piano bar, it was fun but just a little too loud. I think the problem with loud places is that old people go to them and like it because the loudness isn't too loud for them because they've damaged their hearing by going to loud places. But it's bad for younger people to go because then they will damage their hearing and then have to go to loud bars and its just this vicious hearing-loss cycle. So anyway, Cape Coral. We went to a party on Saturday then saw Shrek 2 again on Sunday. A good time was had by all. Monday we drove down to Naples and saw Scott and then we went home. During the week we didn't do much. I was really looking forward to Fahrenheit 9/11 and so I kept trying to research it as much as I could, I like being educated. Oh I won a shirt at the theater, it's for The Terminal. I can wear Tom Hanks on my left boob. So what is the plan for this week? Shrug. Gotta clean some stuff, SPIDERMAN 2 on Wednesday at 12:01AM. Maybe the Terminal tomorrow? It's Music Night here so we should probably get out. We have homework though. Must get that done first. Wednesday hopefully seeing Fahrenheit again, yay. Well, that is it, I have only 4% battery left and my charger is upstairs.
June 26th, 2004
12:22 am - See it with an open mind!
I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I booed. This movie was very powerful and the parts with the soldier's mom was so sad and the parts in Iraq were so sad, I feel so bad for the people over there. No one's children or parents or brothers or sisters or friends should go over there to die for nothing. You could watch this movie muted and still leave it having gotten the same message. It's funny how like 95% of the people who say bad things about it haven't seen it. Ignorance is bliss, right?
June 25th, 2004
01:50 pm - Hehehehe
You are a neurotransmitter. You believe in the good-naturedness of man's biology and soul. You're happy, everyone's happy, and no one will ever take that away from you. Or else you'll make them go insane.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
02:36 am - Gay loverdogs and a smiling Ruben
( A Few More )
June 17th, 2004
10:23 pm Awesomeness
That is a huge proposed coverage area! If they went with that, it would include my house!
June 16th, 2004
12:33 am Saw The Stepford Wives. Pretty funny, not bad. I liked Roger. "Gay republicans...it's like being gay with a bad haircut." My cell phone is going crazy. It likes to randomly freeze stuff on the screen then fill the screen with black stuff. At least my contract is up next month. Maybe cellphones really aren't supposed to live for more than 2 years. I have Avril Lavigne in my head. I don't want to fall to pieces I just want to sit and stare at you. Tired tired tired. Gonna take my car in to the place tomorrow and see just exactly what is wrong with it, apparently Ben and my mom think it's about to explode or something. I haven't noticed. Works fine for me. Gotta do damn group work for this stupid project for physio psych. I hate overachievers. There are no guidelines for this project, why must we do so much work?! Do the bare minimum to get an A, not 900 times what is required. Well I should go clean the kitchen so I can go up to bed and see my bunny kitty. That cat is so weird. She is still terrified of everything beyond the bedroom, bathroom or computer room. She sleeps in the bathroom and when you go in there and you are doing your thing she tries to climb into your shorts. Like through them...to get on your lap. Yeah, just thought you might want to know. Cleaning time. Bleh.
June 15th, 2004
03:14 am - Jumping on the bandwagon
Who's been commenting in your journal?
These statistics were generated using the LJ Stats Web Interface by mpnolan. Original idea from scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard.
::cry:: I'm my top commenter... I hardly have any comments...
June 14th, 2004
06:09 am I had a good time at Walmart...I just wanted to skip right out of there after I found ( THIS!!!!!!! )
Also, Walmart has a live bait vending machine. LIVE BAIT. VENDING MACHINE.
01:04 am
How to make a jessica |
1 part :o)
2 parts skank
2 parts ho
4 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
6 parts happy
7 parts caring
Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity |
June 12th, 2004
07:46 pm We built a computer. We built a computer with no assistance from people who have experience building computers. AND IT WORKS!!!!!!! Current Mood: accomplished
02:11 am - Saved! We saw Saved! tonight. It was great, even Mark didn't say anything bad about it. It was so funny! And the audience got involved, and people pulled out lighters during the musical praying scenes. Definitely going to get it on DVD. And they played the trailer for Fahrenheit 9/11 beforehand! Good times, good times.