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Pirate Piggy

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WHAT?! HE'S KISSING A GUY?! OH MY GOSH, YESSSSS?! [13 Aug 2004|09:31pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Johnny Depp next for gay kiss?

by Ben Townley, U.K.

August 12, 2004

Johnny Depp could be the latest to join a string of straight actors playing gay roles, according to gossip.
And the heartthrob actor, star of "Edward Scissorhands" and "Pirates of the Caribbean," is apparently gearing up for yet another man-on-man kiss in the film, provisionally titled "The Libertine."

According to, the film follows the life of bisexual poet John Wilmot and will see Depp get to grips with an as-yet-unknown actor.

"His name is Rupert Friend, and he's a fairly unknown actor, but very handsome," a source on the film told the Web site's gossip columnist Jeannette Walls, adding that he was a "lucky guy."

Although the story has yet to be confirmed, if true it will see Depp become the latest in a line of heartthrob actors playing gay on the silver screen.

more )

oh, please tell me it's true!!

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Interesting! [08 Aug 2004|11:36am]
Depp and Dicaprio plan Kerouac movie?

World Entertainment News Network
Posted August 6 2004

Hollywood hunks Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio are reportedly planning an ambitious movie about the intense relationship between eccentric writer Jack Kerouac and his friend Neal Cassady.

The movie will be based on Ellis Amburn's controversial biography, Subterranean Kerouac, about the On The Road author and a dangerous drug dealer, reports gossip website
2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

dinosaurs! rah! [04 Jul 2004|05:32pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Jurassic Park 4

eee! raptors! ..and marine reptiles and the spinosaurus :-\ i want my t-rex back, gosh darnit! but i suppose change isnt always bad. the spino is spossed to be REAL BAD in this one! yeeeee haw! maybe that's a good thing : ) but no sam neil : ( *sigh* jeff goldbloom is always fun, though! i'm excited : ) they better release it during summer. i don't care if i'd have to wait longer. releasing it any other time would just be weird.

the end

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

[29 Jun 2004|02:22pm]
[ mood | eeee! ]

Johnny Depp Joins Burton's Corpse Bride
Source: Variety Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Variety reports the following:

"Before he toplines back-to-back "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequels, Johnny Depp will first pull double duty for Tim Burton and Warner Bros.

Already booked to play Willy Wonka in the Burton-directed "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," Depp has just made a deal to provide the lead voice in "Corpse Bride," the stop-motion animated film Burton is co-directing with Michael Johnson and producing with Allison Abbate.

Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson, Albert Finney, Richard Grant, Joanna Lumley and Christopher Lee will provide character voices for the latter film, being made in London simultaneously with "Charlie."

WB will release the Wonka pic July 15, 2005, and "Corpse Bride" in October 2005.

Latter film shares the stop-motion animation technique used in the Burton-produced "The Nightmare Before Christmas," as well as a similarly charming but macabre setting. In a 19th-century European village, Victor (Depp) travels to the underworld for a quickie wedding to a mysterious corpse bride (Bonham Carter) while his living wife (Watson) pines for his return."

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mtv movie awards [06 Jun 2004|04:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | nbc soundtrack ]

johnny depp won for best male performer last night at the mtv movie awards for his role as captain jack sparrow!!!

go, captain, go!;=598&ncid;=762&e;=6&u;=/nm/20040606/film_nm/leisure_mtv_dc

they're on this thursday!! and johnny was there! so yaaaay!!! i havent gotten to be excited about anything in a long time!! woooooooo!!!!!!!

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woooooow!!! [05 Jun 2004|02:40pm]
[ mood | amazed ]

this is THE SINGLE MOST AWESOME THING i have ever seen in my life

scroll down until you see the guy dressed like jack sparrow..then watch the is SO cool and i love those people

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

sjehfsdfkljpi [03 Jun 2004|08:02pm]
[ mood | rushed ]



but i dont know if i want to tonight, because it wouldnt be over till like 10:30..and that wouldnt give me much time to talk to my kitty : ( maybe i'll watch tomorrow : )

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ya best start believing in ghost stories, miss piggy..YOU'RE ABOUT TO GO THROUGH 2 YEARS OF ONE [19 May 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | excited, yet dissappointed ]


i dont wanna wait till 2006 for potc 2 and 3 to come out : ( i just wanted to wait till 2005..cause i was perfectly content w/ having to wait that long..but TWO YEARS?! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! well, that's going to be a nice year..they're being released 6 months apart..i dont really like that..but..oh well

eeeee!! jungle cruise movie!! i have a feeling it's going to be good

1 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

SKULL AND CROSSBONES [12 May 2004|10:36pm]
[ mood | sexy ]
[ music | potc soundtrack....*drooools* ]

tomorrow i'm gonna listen to some sexy pirate music played by my sexy pirate boyfriend cause i'm sexy and gee, all pirates are, so you're all sexy too and everything is just real sexy and yay

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*AHEM* [08 May 2004|12:53pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]!opendocument

1 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

[07 May 2004|09:09pm]
the IMMORTAL captain jack sparrow very nice-looking
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yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! [30 Apr 2004|09:44pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | potc soundtrack ]

aye, i've been meanin' to make this post for about a week now..and 'ere i go, loves!

my entire potc collection as of right now )

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH [10 Apr 2004|12:24pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

ohhhh wow!! the mail just came!!


i was only spossed to get the 2 blue bayou menus!!! they sent me the rest of that FREE!!! AHHHHHH

stuff i got free:

-haunted mansion trading cards
-cover of the hollywood insider w/ captain jack
-best actor oscar ad for johnny!!!

ohhhhhhhh this person is getting +298758347298374 feedback!!!

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

[17 Mar 2004|07:07am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]



ahhhhhh how did i not know about this SOONER?!

4 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

ssdkfjskjfksldf..WOW [13 Mar 2004|09:48pm]
[ mood | slkdjelwj WOW ]
[ music | potc soundtrack - the medallion calls ]

i love people w/ talent

they make my life so much better

i mean, REALLY..just look at that..*drools*

3 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

OSCARS!!!!! [29 Feb 2004|01:14pm]

oh my gosh!! tonight's the night!!!!!!! the oscars!!!! everyone watch and wish johnny good luck!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

i've printed my scorecard!!! I'M READY!!!! i'm SO ready for johnny to win!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! it will NOT be an upset at all if he'll be the greatest day of all of us crazy depp fans LIVES!!!!!!!

a bunch of websites about his nomination )


1 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

peas in a pod, darling [24 Feb 2004|04:04pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | potc sound clips ]


i won this auction sometime last month and still hadent gotten i emailed the person and told them if they werent gonna send it then i wanted my money back..then they emailed me back and told me that the post office was robbed and that some of the items they sent were stolen..ah ha..lame excuse..but ooo..

look what i got in the mail today! )

ee he..i's excited

yesterday i downloaded 113 potc clips because i'm insane

plus, i cant make my own cause we still havent got our dvd-rom for this LOVE THEM..

parsley..par-, partner, partner..howdy partner..howde partner HOWDEE PARTNER


that's the one! PARLEY! PARLEY!!

-parley?! DOWN to the depths whatever man that thought up “parley”!

french. latin-based, of course..inventors of mayonaise

-i like mayonaise

shame about the french, really. obsessed w/ raisens. humiliated grapes, really. think about it.

-dont know

terrific singers, the french. (snippy whistle) eunuchs, all of 'em.

--that's not right

-i used to date a eunuch

i'll get me coat

ahhhh hahaha

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

yay for me writing in this journal more often! [23 Feb 2004|06:57pm]
[ mood | happy ]

today something magical came in the mail

this is aztec of 882 identical pieces delivered in a stone chest to Cortés himself )

RAHARR RAHARR RAHARR - i'm a pirate cheerleader w/ cursed aztec gold!!

30 minutes ago on fitv(?) there was some superstar workout thing..or something..and they had johnny on there swordfighting!! YEE HAW!! love a pirate who can work a sword..hahahahahaha..that was funny..

2 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

*sigh* [23 Feb 2004|06:57am]
[ mood | *sigh* ]

i missed the SAG's last night..

i feel so horrible..

i completely forgot about them..


and that makes me feel even MORE horrible that i missed it..

i gotta get back on track!!

i'm missing too much johnny!!



i think i'll just die if he wins

4 Are Dishonest | What Kind of Person Are You?

do do do..tra lalalala [18 Feb 2004|08:32pm]
[ mood | bored ]

oh wow..i did quite a few of these )

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