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Saturday, June 5th, 2004
7:30 pm - A sad day indeed
President Reagan died, leading to my crying inconsolably for about 10 minutes. Had Johnny been a girl, he'd have been Reagan Elizabeth.

I know he's slipped the tethers of his broken mind and body to go touch the face of God himself.......but my heart aches for Nancy Reagan, it truly does.

current mood: sad

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Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
7:38 pm
By some absolute miracle it isn't pouring today so Dave is at golf league tonight. There is supposed to be a thunderstorm "mid evening" so I am wondering if Dad will get his ABC game in tonight at 8:30.

I experienced a sonic assault of the worst kind a few minutes ago......I was flipping channels and saw--and unfortunately HEARD--Jessica Simpson caterwauling what was allegedly a cover of "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin. Brutal, sheer agony. It may very well be the worst thing I've heard in a long time. Is her 15 minutes up yet? Is all her "talent" in her breasts? If she's the best we have to offer, no wonder William Hung got a record deal. HE'S A BETTER SINGER!

Johnny Bear is sound asleep. He fell asleep in his new big boy car seat on the way home tonight. He didn't so much as stir when I took him out of the car seat, took off his bib, or put him in his crib. I have a bottle ready to go for him if he wakes up, but last night he never woke up for his last bottle. Usually once he's down for the night, he is DOWN for the night. I refuse to wake up a sleeping baby, since if he gets hungry he will wake up.

I am getting excited about Harry Potter on Friday. Rose and Meg and I are going to the 8:25 show. I have a pedicure appointment for 10 a.m. the next day. This may be the single coolest 24 hours ever.

Speaking of excitement, I also arranged a "date night" for next Friday wherein my parents will keep Johnny--Mita was THRILLED--so Dave and I can go out and have some quality time.

current mood: calm
current music: birds chirping

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Sunday, May 30th, 2004
9:11 pm
Today was a pretty good day!

Johnny was up at 6:30 for his first bottle, then consented to morning snuggly nap in bed til about 8:30 or so. AT that point, bananas and oatmeal were in order which he pounded. He's so cute, just like a baby bird, just opening his mouth waiting for the spoonful of yumminess to go it. Precious.

After I got up and dressed I shot over to Wegmans for stuff for tomorrow. Next stop was St. Pius to buy tickets for the church picnic next Sunday. I had a nice chat with the older lady in the parish office who happened to be at the mass when Johnny got baptized. She mentioned how cute he was and how good he was throughout the service. The picnic is catered, but each family is asked to bring a dessert of some kind or a fruit dish. Time to think about this......but I am leaning toward a frog-eye fruit salad or cookies of some kind. Decisions, decisions.

Next stop was Mita and Dad's wherein I dog sat Sammy all day. I got there at 10:30, immediately made my melon balls for tomorrow. I just think that the pink, orange and green look so pretty together so I got cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon for the melon balls. I also rinsed three packages of raspberries (3/$5!) and two pints of blueberries. They are ready to go in a tupperware bowl in their fridge, just waiting for whipped cream and sponge cake! Ditto on the strawberry and cream jello mold being in the fridge ready for the barbecue.

This frenzied activity deserved a reward so into the hot tub I went with a copy of Sean Hannity's "Let Freedom Ring". I really enjoyed it because he writes the way he talks on the shows, and I could just about hear him in my head while I was reading. I like him a lot, and now I need to pick up his "Deliver Us From Evil" to read that. Once I got out of the hot tub I fed Sammy, then we both sat in a deck chair, eating cherries, me sipping lemon water, the Yankees game on the radio. More hot tub. More reading. More hot tub. Pepsi then finished off book. Hoit tub.

Left at 4, came home and made a roast turkey breast in a lemon garlic marinade. Very moist, totally overcame turkey's tendency to be dry. It wasn't bad, not at all.

Bummed at this being a Sopranos free weekend. My anxiety level going into next Sunday night will be high! The amount of chaos I expect to see will no doubt make me crazy until new episodes premiere next season. Given the past track record with this show, god only knows when "next season" will be.

current mood: happy
current music: The Smiths---How Soon Is Now?

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Friday, May 28th, 2004
9:37 am
I finally got to watch my ROTK video last night. Being on the couch was far preferable to seeing it in the theater for several reasons:

1. I was in a sleep shirt.

2. DVD fast forward allowed me to skip almost a full 40 minutes of Sam and Frodo and Gollum. Mostly they climb, and mostly Frodo looks tormented. Mostly, I didn't need to see it again.

Elijah Woods bugs the crap out of me. Seriously. He's too femme looking, eyes are too big and buggy, and he never blinks. Very distracting in a not good way. It's not good that when he's on screen my finger hovers over the FF button.

The weather sucks here again.....still.....whatever. More torrential downpours last night, more to come, just more and more damp, dreary gray weather for he holiday weekend. Bah.

I have to dogsit on Sunday. I am definitely taking my bathing suit and making use of the hot tub at Mita and Dad's while Johnny naps. I wasn't allowed to go in while pregnant, then this winter it needed repair, so finally it's tubbing time for me! I will soak til I hear the wee one, then I may soak some more. Actually I am quite looking forward to it.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Bette Midler singing Rosemary Clooney songs

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Thursday, May 27th, 2004
2:00 pm - Seriously.....the ACLU must be stopped
This borders on being the most retarded thing I have ever seen:,2933,121039,00.html

It's high time people stood up to these lunatics and told them to piss off. It's also high time that TAX DOLLARS better spent elsewhere stopped being wasted on stupid, mindless, MORONIC lawsuits from these imbeciles.


current mood: so mad I am sputtering

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
1:35 pm
I don't know if I have the strength or patience to watch the American Idol results show tonight. TWO HOURS? Is there really a reason to tune in for anything but the last 10 minutes? Is it really necessary for me to watch an hour and 40 minutes of Ford and Subway commercials? How many times can Ryan say "AFTER the break" before either a riot or mass suicide ensues? I say get the "special" Kool-Aid ready just in case.

Tamyra's song sucked, in my opinion. Just stupid and overblown and bad. Gah. I didn't like either version of it. Just not good.

It seems to me that Fantasia will win, deservedly so. My favorite was LaToya but she's gone so that's neither here nor there. While I am not a huge fan of Fantasia's, her voice is immediately recognizable because she doesn't sound exactly like 90% of the female singers on the radio today. Not so much the case for Diana, who while having powerhouse, high volume vocal ability, doesn't really stand out to me.

Having said that, I loathe the use of "yeah, yeah YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH" riffs which are just vocal histrionics. Fantasia's entire first song was made up of yeah yeahs. I didn't think there were actually any coherent lyrics to it.

On a brighter note, I did watch the HBO First Look for Prisoner of Azkaban last night and I am now almost sputtering I am so excited to see the movie next Friday night! Rose and Meg and I are going to see it for a girls night outing. It looks amazing. The Dementor scenes look incredible, absolutely cool beyond words. The kids also look so grown up. I have heard that they have to recast all the children for the next film because they are just too old for the roles now. I believe that, since these third year Hogwarts kids, who should be about 13 look like they are 17 or so, which is real life accurate. I can't imagine how they can replace Daniel Radcliffe in particular but if there can be multiple Bonds there can certainly be multiple Harrys.

current mood: chipper
current music: something classical on the radio, sounds like Vivaldi

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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
11:56 am
On my lunch hour I went up to Hallmark to buy a card then to Don Pablo's to buy a gift certificate to give to my parents for their anniversary. It's not real Mexican food but it's all we have here in this Mexicanless part of the country. I also have a mariachi CD for them.

I am standing there at Don Pablo's waiting for the gift certificate when I get this sharp, stabbing pain in my left ribs. Yes, ladies, the 38D's underwire snapped, the left twin broke free, and I may have punctured a lung. Only me, honest to god.

Luckily there's a WalMart a couple blocks away so I ran in (Okay, I walked in to avoid lopsided flopping) and nearly had a stroke trying to find a bra that did NOT have underwire that was bigger than a 32A in the 10 minutes I had left in my lunch hour. FINALLY found one, grabbed a copy of ROTK on the way to checkout, and just managed to get back with 30 seconds to spare.

I wrapped the dead bra in a bag and put it in the kitchen trash bin in the breakroom. There was much laughter from Kara and Bev at my plight.

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Saturday, May 22nd, 2004
10:09 am - A good one while JOhnny sleeps and washer runs....
Pick two of your absolute favorites for each category.

1. CD's---- Purple Rain by Prince and the Revolution, The Captial Years by Frank Sinatra

2. Movies--- The Quiet Man and Sound if Music

3. TV shows--- American Idol and Biography

4. Actors (male)--- John Wayne and Mel Gibson(female)--- Maureen O'Hara and Dana Delaney

5. Musicians/Singers (male)--- Dean Martin and Harry Connick (female)--- Patsy Cline and Maire Brennan

6. Books---Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and pretty much anything by Nora Roberts

7. Real life friends--- Meg and Rose

8. Real life lovers--- David and no other

9. Journals to read-- Tough call......I'd say Dana because it's so random in terms of I love hearing about her music projects, her yard stuff, the transformation of the house, whatever it is she hits on that day. Also Irene because I frequently laugh out loud and snort beverages up my nose at her descriptions and the brilliant images she paints with words.

10. Places to eat--- Guido's Pasta Villa and almost anyplace on the Riverwalk in San Antonio

11. Websites--- Livejournal and Babycenter

12. Drinks (non-alcoholic)---unsweetened iced tea and cranberry juice

13. Snack foods---Cool Ranch Doritos and Chex Mix

14. Healthy foods---grapefruits and cashews

15. Holidays---Christmas and Halloween

16. Movie Soundtracks---Purple Rain, Sound of Music

17. Cancelled TV show---China Beach and original Star Trek

18. Guilty Pleasures--- American Idol and pedicures

19. Pizza Toppings---extra cheese and black olives

20. Things to do on a Sunday afternoon---watch football in season, go the zoo

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9:53 am
Dave never called back last night. I stayed awake until 10:30 but was totally exhausted from Johnny's rough night on Wednesday night. I just *had* to sleep. He has turned off his cell phone or sent it directly to voice mail when I tried to call him.

Johnny awake and chattering at 5:45 this morning. We got up, changed diaper, put on outfit for the day and then had a lovely, warm 8 ounce bottle on the couch watching the news. Flipped over to Noggin.......Johnny likes Elmo and Natasha! I need to keep Noggin in mind more often for him. Those bright colors and crazy voices make him laugh and coo.

Oatmeal with apples and cherries for breakfast. It seems Master John thinks this is a VERY good thing. He totally pounded a whole bowl at 9:30.

Cell phone still off. It's now almost 10 in the morning.

Dad has a double header at the Valley today starting at 12, but it's kind of chilly and threatening to pour later this afternoon. I don't want the baby to get wet or catch a chill, but I also don't want to spend another weekend stuck inside with nobody to talk to. I already had to back out of the movie with Rose and Meg last night because of this unexpected trip to Cleveland. It's just as well because I started not feeling too well last night and feel a little less well this morning. It's tea and crackers for me today I think. My bowl of Cheerios for dinner didn't set well at all.

current mood: sad
current music: Spin cycle on the washer

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Friday, May 21st, 2004
1:39 pm
Another work week without air conditioning. Another week spent sweating my metaphorical balls off 8 hours a day. I just feel sticky and gross all day long. It's so stuffy in here, we have windows that don't open for security purposes and the "room unit" they brought in blows tepid air in the 3 square inches around it and does nothing else for the rest of the room. Absolutely absurd! There are two trucks here every day with the AC company's logo on them but nobody has actually SEEN anybody working on the AC, including the building manager who I ran into at the copier. Curiouser and curiouser, I say.

I have read about dUrAnIe dRaMa today. I am seriously curious as to whether this degree of completely freakish behavior occurs in other band's fan base, or is it truly a Duranie phenomenon in terms of fervor and psychosis. While fully realizing that every group has a weirdo or two, there just seem to be *legions* of the whacked, delusional and otherwise mental in the Duranie ranks.

Maybe it's just that I much more blessedly normal than I thought, but I don't get why you'd lie about being married if you aren't, why you'd lie about having a miscarriage, why you'd lie about being a double amputee with a colostomy bag, and more. I think back to the various and sundry looney tunes encountered at the old Blue board at B5, at TTP and the board that I avoid like the plague because my IQ drops 100 points if I even go to the site.

I guess it's the fine line between liking the music and being a Duran fan and being a Duranie. Or a Johnner. Or whatever. The nice, relatively normal people I have met (hell, and even married!) make up for the mental cases but it's interesting in the way you slow down and look at a traffic accident. I am so over John Taylor not taking me to my senior prom that I am baffled by people who still spazz at that level.

Maybe it's that I just don't understand obsession of any kind. I really enjoyed the LOTR movies, and own them. We'll be buying ROTK on Tuesday and then getting the super cool version later in the year when its released. Having said that, I am astonished at people naming children after elves and canceling family trips because a guy who played Orc 6 On The Left may be at the mall for some reason. Lives, people.......GET ONE.

current mood: pensive
current music: local talk radio

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Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
10:03 pm
It needs to be stated that I would like a *small*, non-lethal tidal wave to strike in the general vicinity of the Hawaiian islands tonight and keep those idiots from dialing AI toll free numbers for at least 24 hours. Since I am not like X-Men's character of Storm and cannot manipulate weather, I would like alternately for someone to repeatedly beat Jasmine with a coconut or two. I find absolutely NOTHING endearing about her, NOTHING. She looks like an animated Disney character with something missing. One of my pet peeves about her is that she is incapable of smiling unless she almost unhinges her lower jaw and becomes literally sort of slack jawed, open air between her upper and lower teeth......and could she freaking BLINK please? Bah. She's a phony little snot and I don't like her. And oh yeah, she's not much of a singer.

Screw all this voting......they should just let Simon pick the winner because he's always right. He's also oh so pretty in his snug fitting silk t-shirts. All screen time needs to be for him.

current mood: tired
current music: The Church---North, South, East and West

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Monday, May 17th, 2004
11:18 am
Totally uneventful weekend.

Grocery shopped Friday night. Woke up Saturday and picked up Dad to go get his new hottub cover. Putzed around the house because it was raining and freezing cold all day.

Sunday was too cool (50s and damp) to take Johnny to the Lilac Festival so we went out to brunch instead at River Edge then to Walmart for diapers and baby food. Dave ran into Home Depot and grabbed some potting soil and and purple hanging basket of petunias. It's so pretty, hanging on the front porch.

Meg is watching Johnny all day tomorrow because Dad has a sigining cermeony and scholarship luncheon to go to for one of his students. He is already missing Johnny and worried that Johnny will feel abandoned or something. Poor Dad!

current music: I Will Carry You---Clay Aiken

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Friday, May 14th, 2004
10:16 am
It's getting to be 85 degrees here today with over 73% humidity, so it stands to reason that we still have no air conditioning in our building. The guys doing the remodel on the second floor did something that killed our AC down on floor 1, so here we sit cooking. The portable unit they brought it 2 days ago makes it barely passable down here. Sadly, sometime last night the unit blew up or something because when Bev came in there was water all over the floor in here. Thank god it's Friday!

I went to Kitchens Etc. yesterday to contemplate the spending of my Mother's Day certificate. It's official, that IS my happy place. I could have spent days in there. What a cool store! They had a whole section of Japanese tea services. I don't NEED a Japanese tea service since we got one as a wedding present, but if I did I'd know where to go. I was brave, or smart, but for whatever of the two reasons, I successfully avoided the fine china and crystal section, despite it glittering invitingly at me. I will probably go back Monday and make my final selection.

Tomorrow morning I pick up Dad at 9:30 in the van because we have to go to Clover to pick up their new hot tub cover. After that I think it's probably just a house and yard work kind of day. Our lawn looks like the jungles of Laos.

Spent part of the morning researching car seats for The Boy. He's just about outgrown the infant seat he's in now. There's no way he could stay in that til he's a year old. He's pushing the 20 pound mark now. We'' be buying the Graco model that scored A's across the board. Nothing is too safe for my little guy!

current mood: moist
current music: Bette Midler---One More Round

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Monday, May 10th, 2004
9:58 am
I just had the realization that 18 years ago today was my junior prom. I am practically Methusala! Had I thought of it earlier, I'd have worn sea foam green and ivory in homage to my gown that day. Ha!

Systems are down so Bev and I came in early for nothing. It's not a total loss though since I get to leave work early anyway. I like not having such a rush to get home and get supper started. Also, the difference in traffic at 4:30 versus 5 means that I can pick up Johnny in 15 minutes instead of 35 minutes. The quicker I can get to The Boy the better I like it. Once Bev retires next month, the 7:30 to 4:30 shift becomes mine.

Pondering what kinds of flowers to put in this year in the front beds under the two trees. I know I want a hanging basket of pink wave petunias for the front porch. The bright pink against the blue of the house and white of the porch just looks so homey. For the trees I am debating on the little fuzzy blue Hawaiian flowers whose name I forget, violets or maybe petunias. I am sick to death of marigolds so nix on them. For the big white stone I would love to put in phlox or some other flowering ground cover. It'd look pretty with the pink and white and green. I am thinking that the deck planters should have wave petunias in them this year, or maybe geraniums. I also need to consider the hanging baskets along the fence line too......I wonder if they could handle wave petunias too?

current mood: aged
current music: Lisa Marie Presley

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Sunday, May 9th, 2004
9:07 pm
My first official Mother's Day was lovely! Last year I was pregnant and got a big bag of baby stuff from my parents but this was my first real, honest to god Mother's Day. I love qualifying for holidays!

I went to bed early last night, just before 10, and slept straight through until Johnny woke up this morning which was about 6:15. Bless that little angel! I had a card presented to me over a diaper change which of course made me cry. It was very cute and contained a gift certificate to Kitchens Etc. which is very cool indeed.

We headed over to Mita and Dad's for Mother's Day at about 1:30. Mita really liked the Willow Tree "Grandmother and Boy" sculpture we got her as well as the flowers. Dad and Dave's dad seemed to hit it off fairly well. We had fried chicken, Dad's patented macaroni ring salad, a massive tossed salad chock full of veggies and assorted relish items, with angel food cake with Dreamsickle ice cream on it for dessert. We all ate way, way too much but it was way, way too good to not eat it. Mita and Dad gave me a $25 gift card for WalMart, which means free formula and gas drops this week!

After dinner there was chatting on the deck. I miss the deck in the winter months, I really do. It's so nice to sit out there on even a marginally nice day like today, rocking in the chairs, watching all the different birds and critters in Dad's feeders. In a similar vein to the Field of Dreams "Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa" statement, I think heaven must be very much like Dad's deck.

I went grocery shopping after we got home. They had some nice ham steaks on sale so I picked up a few for Dave to grill outside tomorrow night. While he does that I'll steam up some asparagus and pop a pan of scalloped corn into the oven. That just sounds so good. When I grocery shop, I go with a basic list of items I know we need or are close to running out of, but I don't tend to menu plan too far ahead of time. Rather, if I see a particular food on sale or that looks good, I try to build a meal around it in my head then pick up what I need for that. I did that with the ham today, as well as getting stuff for a nice lentil guizo later this week.

I need to be in a more regimented diet and exercise mode. I just feel gross right now in a way that has nothing to do with my leg. I picked up some cottage cheese, some apples, some low fat yogurts and veggies for work lunches. I also need to get on the treadmill or weather permitting (meaning it won't rain almost every night) I can get Johnny into his stroller and cruise the neighborhood. If I can also get some walking in on my lunch hour, I think I'll feel a little better.

The never ending pan of dishes needing to be done awaits me upstairs. Then I hit the sack, because I have to be in early tomorrow for routes.

current mood: cheerful

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Saturday, May 8th, 2004
9:23 pm
Today is a GOOD day.

Johnny proved he loves me today by sleeping in. When he sleeps in, I sleep in. My sleep deprivation is such that I am psyched because he didn't wake up until 6:17 this morning, which to me might as well be sleeping in until 11 or something. It felt awesome. Very good early morning cuddle and bottle, then back to sleep while I made coffee and showered.

I got my van today. It just totally kicks! I got used to the 4 cylinder in the Alero, so when I drop the gas and it purrs instead of the telltale 4 cylinder whine, it's music to my ears. Handles like a dream and I enjoy all the gizmos.

Johnny and I met up with Mich at Country Landing for lunch. I'd heard good things about them and they were true. Mich got Italian wedding soup and a toasted tomato and cheese sandwich. I had a taco salad that was quite good. Most importantly, Johnny had a tiny dish of whipped cream for me to dunk his pacifier in. He completely charmed 2 waitresses, a seating hostess and several old ladies in there drinking tea. He is such a flirt.

Got home, tossed a load of baby clothes and linens into the wash, then made spaghetti and meatballs for supper. I made a big batch to ensure several Glad Ware containers will make the trip back to Los Angeles. Futzing and catching up on emails while waiting for clothes to finish drying.

For some reason I am absolutely dying for a really good fruit salad right now. I haven't grocery shopped for the week yet, and currently only have 2 pears and an apple in the house. Actually, green grapes sound really good.....or cherries!

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Friday, May 7th, 2004
1:52 pm
Had my follow up to look at my leg today, the doctor says it's draining well and to keep taking the antibiotic. They're going to send me a card with the date for my surgery on it.

I am so excited about going to pick up the minivan tomorrow! It's been years since I had a BRAND NEW car before, since 1990 when I bought my Dynasty. Is it wrong that I still miss that car?

Tomorrow I am meeting Mich for lunch at 1. She and the kids were in New Orleans with her mom to visit her grandmother so they couldn't come to Johnny's baptism. She told me on the phone that they are looking at houses. For the life of me, after defaulting on a mortgage and losing the last house so recently, I can't imagine any bank in their right mind approving them. I don't even think Roman has a full time job yet. All I know is the whole thing makes me sad.

Ran home at lunch to throw the makings of lemon pepper chicken into the crockpot for supper. I think I'll make some lemon herb rice and maybe some cooked carrots with it tonight.

current mood: chipper
current music: Only You---The Platters

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004
11:25 am - Blame Jane for this......

First best friend: Teddi, the daughter of an Okinawa Marine and Japanese woman who lived next door to us in the GI Bill neighborhood until they moved to Hawaii when I was 8. I cried for days and days.

First car: 1977 black LTD Brougham, with maroon velour interior. I parallel parked that beast for my road test!

First date: Hmmmmm......I assume that means a member of the opposite sex asks you to a social function of some kind. If that is accurate as a definition, it would be going to Skate USA with Don Mastroberardino in 6th grade for the Valentines Skate Party.

First screen name: Tigger1 on B5

First self purchased album: I remember buying Donna Summer's "On the Radio" album on vinyl in 5th grade.....

First funeral: my friend Cathy's dad when we were in 4th grade

First pets: A goldfish named Happy

First piercing/tattoo: Ears when I was 7, first tattoo at 18, second at 21, third at 24. I've gone 11 years without new ink!

First credit card: I think it was a Lerners card

First love: Paul Cucciarra

First enemy: Nancy the 8th grader who picked on my friend Christa when we were in 6th grade

First musician you remember hearing in your house: There was much Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Patti Page, Elvis.

Last cigarette: Lessee.......I quit smoking sometime in late 98

Last car ride: this morning's commute

Last kiss: I kissed Johnny this morning

Last good cry: I cried in physical pain on Monday night. I got girly ver klempt watching last week's Friends episode

Last movie watched: "10.5" about Los Angeles falling off.

Last beverage drank: coffee with 2 Splendas

Last food consumed: an Empire apple and 6 Triscuits

Last phone call: Rafael

Last time showered: roughly 6:35 a.m. EST

Last shoes worn: wearing cream colored leather slides at the moment

Last cd played: Clay Aiken

Last item bought: gas for the Alero

Last annoyance: extreme difficulty trying to put on sterile gauze and bandage by myself this morning

Last disappointment: Didn't win the Lotto AGAIN

Last time scolded: I really don't recall

Last shirt worn: cream colored shirt with salmon and mauve flowers

Last website visited: Live Journal

Last word you said: "day"

Last song you sang: "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks when it came on the office radio


Current mood: leg hurts, annoyed at umpteenth IT virus update that has made me have to log back into everything a zillion times today

Current music: office radio on soft rock radio station; at the moment it's some Enrique Iglesias song about taking breath away

Current taste: apple

Current smell: Bonnie's microwave popcorn

Current hair: auburn and somewhat frizzy today for some reason

Current clothes: salmon colored capri pants, cream shirt with salmon and mauve flowers, cream colored slides, underwear

Current annoyance: IT people who suck

Current desktop picture: Dave and Johnny at the Garden Show

Current favorite artist: the little girl next door who makes drawings for my fridge

Current book: "Let Freedom Ring" by Sean Hannity

Current color of toenails: some fancy name that means "burgundy"

Current hate: people who bleat for the sake of bleating


What is in your cd player?: Clay Aiken at work, Bon Jovi in the car

What color socks are you wearing?: none

What color of underwear are you wearing: cream

What's under your bed?: God knows

What time did you wake up today?: I woke up at 5:25 but I got up at 5:45

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Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
1:52 pm - I guess I would jump off a bridge if my friends did.........
1. Something happening to Johnny
2. Spiders
3. Political correctness gone completely amok

1. Sine and Sister Immaculata, I did NOT ever need to know this in the real world, just as I predicted at age 16!!!
2. How somebody can strap a bomb to a child and think it's a good thing
3. Why men in particular find the Three Stooges hilarious

1. How to crochet
2. How to play golf so Dave and I can do it together
3. How to pick winning Lotto numbers

1. Sterile gauze and surgical tape
2. Black shirt
3. Dark gray sweat pants

1. 2 zillion sticky notes that are FUPS and To Dos
2. Picture of Johnny and Dave
3. Bottle of Sparkling Lemon Water

1. Raise a happy, healthy, morally upright human being
2. Go the The Holy Land without fear of being blown up or caught in crossfire
3. See my grandchildren

1. Ascerbic
2. Sarcastic
3. Assertive

1. Ascerbic
2. Sarcastic
3. Assertive

1. Spanish
2. Irish
3. English

1. My eyelashes
2. My teeth
3. My ears

1. My nose
2. My height
3. My weight

1. I have an astonishing knowledge of utterly irrelevant trivia information stockpiled but can't remember my cell phone number
2. I am borderline innumerate......I have total blocks when it comes to anything mathematical
3. If I win the Lotto I want to become a caterer

1. "Where's your baba?"
2. I love you
3. Clearly

1. Back to Ireland
2. Hungary.....I have always wanted to go to Budapest
3. Back to Spain

1. Grace
2. Gagi
3. Gracielita

1. TigMode
2. Tigger1
3. B5Tigger

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1:30 pm
It was all going well then BLAMMO, reality check!

Friday night I got home to greet my FIL who is here from SOCal for a visit. He and Dave went out for supper while Johnny and I stayed home and made up the guest bedroom, etc. I was having some weird soreness on the back of my upper thigh, right near the place where the elastic from panties sits. I shrugged it off.

Saturday morning I got up early and went and bought my minivan! Wooo hoooo! I got a 2005 Grand Caravan in Midnight Blue, sans stupid stuff like DVD players and LCD screens built in, no X-box and PlayStation hookups, etc. Power everything, but no nonsense. Unfortunately, people love the nonsense that makes their children electronic zombies so they had to go find me a van that didn't have all that crap in it. I'm picking it up first thing Saturday morning.

More back of upper thigh issues, and sitting causes a twinge. Hmmmmm. Made a scrummy supper of teriyaki marinated beef tenderloin on the grill, orzo primavera (thanks Rachael Ray!) and cuke salad.

Sunday: FIL and Dave go to Niagara Falls for the day. I am unwilling to drag a baby and all the metric tons of stuff required to have a 6 month old in another country for a full day so we stay home and decide to go boppy pillow shopping. Just as well because it poured the whole time they were in Canada. Limping noticeably by end of day Sunday. Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce for dinner.

Have Dave look at what is on back of leg Sunday evening. Reaction: "JESUS! You need to go to the doctor! It looks like that thing you had removed on your stomach."

Monday: get into doctor's office at 9:30. Sitting causes extreme pain. Walking like 95 year old woman with stick lodged sideways in rectum. I am informed that I have an abscess similar to the one I had on my abdomen last January. It's slightly bigger than a golf ball in size. Get script for antibiotic, Vicodin for pain, referral to same surgeon I went to last year. Go back to work, physical pain level VERY high. By the time I get home from picking up Johnny, I am at DefCon 5 pain level. LIterally crying from the pain. Take hot bath and 2 Vicodins.

Tuesday: arranged with boss to take 1/2 day because surgeon will see me at 2 pm. Gingerly get into car to drive to work. Thing on back of leg now size of an orange. Arrive at work and start to get out of car when abscess thing bursts, much pussy goo and bloody stuff all over leg and formerly cute sky blue capri pants. Pants look like a massacre occurred in back pocket now. =( Turn around and go back home, take full day off, clean myself up (gross, gross, gross), apply gauze pad and wait til 2pm.

I have to have surgery in about 6 to 8 weeks to have the sac removed just like last time.

current mood: sore
current music: some Josh Groban song on the radio

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