The Sirenic Souls of LiveJournal [entries|friends|calendar]
Sirenic Souls

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Stamped [20 Jun 2004|11:43am]

An attempt to keep this community alive )
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stamped. [09 Apr 2004|03:59pm]

i'm out guys, thank you.
have a good one. : )
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**STAMPED** New Camera Whoring!! [29 Mar 2004|09:23pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Nickelback "Figure You Out" ]

Dream Away )

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Stamped [21 Mar 2004|01:12pm]

Bathing Frisky Pictures )
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stamepd. [26 Feb 2004|11:55pm]

[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | agenda suicide - the faint ]

just trying to keep it alive =\ )

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Stamped [02 Feb 2004|04:11pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Korn - Shoots and Ladders ]

Viva was being an excellent model today. So I got to play with my camera some.

Here he is )

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PLEASE HELP!! [31 Jan 2004|07:35pm]

[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | HIM "Enjoy The Silence" ]

My community has been on the fritz since my other mod left , I finnally got a new mod and would really appreciate posting and any help getting it going again. Come, Join and try out if you're not already a member


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stamped [25 Jan 2004|03:24pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | thunder ]

Here's some recent pics of my kitties

just two )

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leaving. [23 Jan 2004|03:43pm]

i've met four of the coolest people through this community. jade, ana, kendra and ruthie, much love ladies, see ya in our personals.

i've really enjoyed this community.
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**Stamped** Bored Randomness.... [21 Jan 2004|02:45am]

[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | Saliva "Always" ]

Camera Whore?? Why yes, I am!! )

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[14 Jan 2004|12:48am]

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[14 Jan 2004|12:37am]

<>? <>chrome_angel <> and I are moderating a new rating community catering to all punks, goths, emos, deathrockers, etc. Come and submit pics.
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stamped [05 Jan 2004|11:42pm]

Hi, I was stamped under munkady...had a name change..just letting you know so make sure you add me back :D
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****STAMPED**** not themed [31 Dec 2003|01:51am]

I haven't posted in a while. I took some pictures of some of my parents' animals over Christmas. Here they are:

peeectures )
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*stamped [28 Dec 2003|08:04am]

ok so not quite christmas theme........but close. mischa is next to a christmas hospital uniform so it counts. and two of mom by the christmas fire.
i call her noodle )
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Stamped, not themed [23 Dec 2003|04:39pm]


Frisky's (the senegal) Betta fish Mr. Jingles

more pictures )
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stamped theme [18 Dec 2003|02:53pm]

Here's Ripley and Bart xmas photos

Ripley under the xmas tree

and bart )
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stamped [18 Dec 2003|04:19pm]

well i don't have any theme pics but i do have some from a trip i recently took.

anne )
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stamped theme [15 Dec 2003|11:59am]

[ music | kids in the hall ]

Hope these work

bart and silver at xmas a few years back )

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stamped [14 Dec 2003|04:30pm]

This is Mickey...again...hopefully this time it'll work. GRR.

Mickey )
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