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11:56pm 03/06/2004
  What's a .gne file?

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Critical Art Ensemble   
11:46am 03/06/2004
  One of my favorite artists' groups is being investigated for biological terrorism. NO JOKE!

"Early morning of May 11, Steve Kurtz awoke to find his wife, Hope, dead of a cardiac arrest. Kurtz called 911. The police arrived and, after stumbling across test tubes and petri dishes Kurtz was using in a current artwork, called in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Soon agents from the Task Force and FBI detained Kurtz, cordoned off the entire block around his house, and later impounded Kurtz's computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and even his wife's body for further analysis. The Buffalo Health Department condemned the house as a health risk."

Read more:

For those unfamiliar with the genius of Critical Art Ensemble:

O'Reilly vs. Porn   
01:38pm 31/05/2004
  Hey my friend Joe Gallant is going to be on Fox's O'Reilly Factor tonight. Check it out! It starts at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central time. LIVE!

11:37am 31/05/2004
  What is authorship?

If a photographer takes production stills on a set of a short movie or modeling session, wherein the concept, set, players, costumes, make-up, and lighting are designed by the director, but the photographer poses the subjects and composes the shot, who is the author of the photograph? Can the photographer claim authorship on those photos as part of his or her own portfolio of original images, or should they to be credited simply as "production stills from [director]'s movie [title]." For example, if an article is being written about the director, should the photographer who took the production stlls be credited on the photos?
How is such a thing usually handled?

And again, what is authorship? The elements would not be in place without the director, but the composition is the photographer's. So who is the author of the image? Or is it simply a collaboration?


I am thinking of doing a series of photos that bring this into question. The title of the project is "Parasite," because a parasite is an entity which lives and grows on the functions of another being.

The idea would be to tag along with certain model friends and take photographs at other photographer's shoots, or on the sets of videos they are in. I would use the pre-existing conditions of lights, costumes, props, sets, make-up, etc. and attempt to create my own unique compositions.

If the photos are unique enough in their own right, then the question of auhorship is challenged. If not, then authorship will clearly be in the set-up, and not in the taking of the photograph.

What do you think? And, furthermore, does authorship even matter (to you)? Please respond.

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Back home   
07:35pm 29/05/2004
  I'm back home at last. Back in my habibi's sweet arms. Ahhhhhhhhhh....

My dad is leaving the hospital today and going to stay with my mom and her boyfriend (who is a nurse). I don't envy that situation. It's going to be rough for everyone.

My dad narrated the entire storyline for his anime script to me today (after the pain pills kicked in). Sounds good. He said he's going to use this opportunity to finish the script, since he can't go back to work for at least six weeks. I think that's a very good idea. I know he he didn't have something to focus on he would go nuts. He was having nightmares about them pulling the tubes out of his chest. He said it was the worst experience ever.

Word to the wise: take care of your body. And stop smoking! It causes pits in the walls of your arteries, making it easier for the crappy stuff to stick to the sides. If the walls of your arteries are smooth, at least you have a fighting chance at flushing the stuff out. My dad didn't know this. He said if they'd given him the technical details before he would have taken it more seriously. Smoking is a leading cause of heart failure because of this. As habibi once said "nothing good has ever come of smoking."

So glad to be home...

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