Sunday, May 9th, 2004
6:56 pm - my new obsession
this happens to me every now and then, but it's usually about animals. Rabbits and Goldfish are my normal "Cannot stop reading about" topics.
so, last night. I watched "The Last Samurai" with my parents (shut up, its cool to hang out with your parents on a saturday night). Now, i know its got Tom Cruise in it, and its a big time picture and not real historical. But, I cannot stop thinking about Samurai's.
I've spend all day on the internet looking for books, i want the history i want picture i want stories and i want everything and it want it now.
I went to Orca and couldn't find anything, but i was calm about it. no problem. sooo, i went to the Library. Of course nothing is in, so i ordered stuff. i became less calm. I deiced to go to Barnes and Nobel. They had NOTHING. no more calm was left in me. it leaked out my ears. "we could order it, but it will be about a week"
I don't have a week, understand. I need it now.
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| Thursday, May 6th, 2004
7:34 pm - Over-time makes me grumpy, in a good way.
In order to have an excuse for not calling some guy, I've decided to just work a shit-ton of overtime. It's awsome, i forgot how much I like to work 10+ hours a day. I'm really not kidding. I'm not sure it's healthy.
By request, I will now post more pictures of my rabbits.
( Bring On The Bunnies )
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| Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
9:12 pm - baby, say you ain't.
I have 2 rabbits, Thistle and Rosie. I got Rosie to keep Thistle company. The problem was he HATED her. He bit her so bad once that she bled like a stuck pig. He would attack her THROUGH the cage bars. So, for almost a year Rosie lived right next to Thistle. The fighting though the bars stopped after about 6 months, but if they were together they would rip each other to shreads.
About 3 weeks ago, I had to redo their bedrood. Yes, they have their own bedroom. Anyways, i was too lazy to keep them apart while i ripped everything up. For some reason they suddenly got along with each other. When i put their pen back together I didnt put in the part that seperates them and they have been living with each other quite happily.
The only problem is that Thistle has not been using the litter box like he should. so i've had to cover everything in plastic and hope he starts peeing in the box again. Every night before bed i mop up rabbit pee and cuss the hell out of the rabbits. Rosie gets really mad and pulls at my pants and Thistle hides with embarssment.
Tonight I went in to clean up and I find Rosie sitting in the litter box. The litter box that she has filled with: Hay, a paper bag, paper towels, newspaper and her own fur. Somebunny thinks they are preggers. keep in mind that Thistle was fixed well over a year ago after he was caught raping the cat.
Now, I know why Thistle won't pee in the litter box, Rosie has been chasing him out because she thinks its her nest. Poor Rosie. Anyways, here's a pix of the happy couple.
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| Thursday, April 29th, 2004
9:03 pm - another in a long line of annoyances...
i like my neighborhood. bums sleeping in their cars and on the lawn of the library, the uppity couple that keep their children locked in-doors while they keep up the lawn, drunk college freshman and a smelly old man. those are the people in my neighborhood.
but also in my neighborhood, is this nasty...beyond nasty house. there is always this weird old man sitting on the porch and the house is full of so much garbage that it spills onto the lawn.
Today, on the 3 X 5 square of lawn that is not covered in garbage (you know that weird part between the street curb and the sidewalk) There laid the most horrible sight. The mans grown son and daughter in law (or maybe daughter and son in law) were in their smallest outfits trying to get a goddamn tan! it was horrible, i had to shield my eyes against it all.
There they were, in front of god and everyone...laying next to the garbage cans and the rusted "Ab Rider" sun tanning, while pops sat on the porch.
* on another note of things that creep me out... at work, we have a strict dress code. very strict. On of the many codes is: "if you are wearing a skirt you have to wear pantyhose" I never really thought of it. who the hell doesn't wear pantyhose or tights when they wear a skirt to work?
So today we had "the new girl" (ok woman, she's like 35) and we are walking out to the parking lot together and she is telling me her life story (all because i said "so how did today go?"). Then, I looked down to kick a rock, and i noticed...She was wearing a skirt and she didn't have PANTYHOSE on. I suddenly realized the only thing protecting me from her pussy was her underwear and skirt!!! then i was thinking, OH GOD, a woman who goes to work (at a place with a crazy strict dress code) with no pantyhose might also be the kind of person who wouldn't be wearing UNDERWEAR.
So basically, at anytime...she could have tripped and her skirt could have flow up and i would see her vagina.
I ran the rest of the way to my car.
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| Saturday, April 24th, 2004
11:55 am - New lows in Porn email.
Ok. everyone knows i love animals. right? i mean, you all know that. But you also know i dont want to do the nasty with them. Right?
right now in my in box i have emails titled "She Ma sterbates while watching cats S cre w!" and the newest one is "Cyan wants to do the nasty with cows" you know, thats great and all...i mean, to each their own... just don't send me the emails.. Sheesh, talk about kiss and tell.
let see, work is fine. The most annoying co-worker in the world has left. She was one of those people who have to make noise while doing everything. Every damn time she took a drink of water, she had to swirl it so the ice would clink. I know that sounds petty, but THINK about "clink clink clink " "ahhh" every 5 minutes. every time she shifted in her chair "oh mmmm" many days i was close to shoving pens in to my ears just to stop her sounds.
I'm going to Phoenix soon. It's gonna be fuckin' hot there, i can't wait. I feel strangely worried about my pale skin tone.
OH, I watched "Stoked - The Rise and Fall of Gator" holy hell, sounds like some weird porn... but it wasn't! it was about Gator, you know Vision Street Wear! it was pretty good. it was fun to see all the old skate clips and shit. god, i dont know how many hours i spent watching Bone Brigade and all those other tapes (i think i stifle have one some where). I never liked Gator, i thought he was a prick. but this movie showed how much of a nut case he really was, killin that poor girl.
I'm going down to the Procession of the Species tonight. Two of my friends dressed up like Sea Cucumbers. i think its gonna be pretty funny. (and the kids are fucking cute)
I'm going to vaccume.
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| Monday, January 5th, 2004
5:11 pm - i had to walk 2 miles in the snow, up hill..BOTH WAYS!
item one. lost debit card (see attached below)
item two. drank till i barfed like a dog (see attached below)
item three. lost cell phone (see attached below)
item four. lied to an old man. (see attached below)
item five. snow (see attached below)
--Attached Below--
#1 fucking crap! It's Not a crime to write a check. don't sigh like a fucking inter tube when i write my check out and dont ask me for my phone number. if i stole these checks, i think i would be smart enough to give you a fake phone number. duh. HAS anyone EVER been called by a store? "Hi, your check bounced!"
#2 way confused. i drank a much as i usually do but instead of being witty and cute i projectile vomited all over downtown olympia.
#3 see #2 and consider this: its a good thing, i mean, REALLY 1995 has been calling and asking for their phone back.
#4 so, im being anti-social. the old man who lives below me (who barfs in his living room because of his drinking problem) was at the grocery store waiting for a cab. "oooh Bess, Are you going home? I called a cab and its going to be a while can ya give me a ride home?" I pointed out the door and said "I Have a Meeting To Go To, Sorry." I parked my car away from my apartment and im sitting in the dark, so when he comes home it looks like im not here.
#5 don't be a fucking pussy. i know its fucking cold out, get those damn kids in school and go to work.
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| Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
5:00 pm - Fucking Crap.
Dear S.
oh my fucking god... 8AM fucking hell... fucking hell.
i have to work on the 2nd, i wasnt able to get the day off :(
We'll drive up to porkland then... at 8 in the AM but you need to get good directions... cause driving in portland sucks donkey balls. but if its snowy, your gonna have to take the trainola (im sure it wont snow)
Just so you know, its snowing here right now
So, i just got a fucking letter in the mail from my landlords that says they are doing an inspection of my apartment on the 8th. FUCK THAT SHIT!!! fuck that.
that means, i have to move the rabbits and Chloe to my fucking parents house on the 7th. FUCK THAT SHIT. why dont they just mind their own fucking business (wait, i guess this apartment is their business)
Im guessing they are comming so they can UP the rent or some crap like that.
god im fucking pissed off!!!
Great now Chloe just BARFED under the computer. fucking crap, then i jumped up and ran into the bass drum with my knee.
I hope someone buys your drums. you should add "Free Knee Skin Included!!!!" that would be funny.
im going to the store to get some food and i need to get an oil change...WEEEEE.
Much Love, BEth
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| Tuesday, July 22nd, 2003
8:01 pm - new new new!
alright, here we have my new tattoo... you will note that it is a coverup of a small goldfish, and kinda looks like the koi ate it. its not done yet. i spend 4 sweaty hours in the chair! Damn the greenhouse effect! Damn that hole in the ozone layer! i really recomend Chris down at the electric rose. he was very nice and very talanted. i still have another 4 hours left i think... you know, to get this baby colored in.
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| Thursday, July 17th, 2003
7:35 pm - I know i know! Writing Writing! Double Double!
i went down to the shop and i got to see my tattoo design! its right on. i mean Right On. I really think that Taz smoking a bong with a huge pot leaf in the background, suits me. i mean, i want people to know How much i Love the Pot. but i Also want them to know that im playful and funny, Just Like the Taz! (alright thats enough of that)
but Taz aside, its gonna rock. ok ok, its not gonna have the Taz or a Pot leaf (much to everyone's dismay, im sure). it rules the skool. it does mean i cant drink on Saturday, because my appointment is on Sunday. I sure as Hell don't want to be bleeding like a stuck pig or hung over... and drinking is bad for you. i guess i don't have to drink ALL weekend. i'll live, im sure.
hummm... what else. OH YEAH. im gonna get me a House! i'm gonna buy a house, i know it... it will probably take all year for it to happen, but im gonna do it... no more throwing money away on stupid things like RENT. I HATE paying rent! it kills me, i feel like when i pay rent im like "here, fuck me up the butt, see if i care. i dont own anything"
ok, im gonna go and take a shower. i smell dead people.
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| Tuesday, July 15th, 2003
8:08 pm - What the hell All Star game.
yeah yeah. So much madness. i worked 70 hours a week for almost 3 months. Thank fucking God, because it got me a new kick ass job. can we get a hell yes. "hell yes, sister"
now i have a new job. it rules. i don't have to provide direct care to people. i dont have to TALK to anyone but co-workers. the best part is that i just do my work. i just do it and leave. its like when you run to the quickie mart, grab that pop you wanted and LEAVE. i do have to wear fancy clothes to work, but its not that bad.
now, the "ALL STAR GAME" is on the TV. im not sure why because i fucking hate hate baseball. any how, the baseball stadium's organ just played "Bandages" by the hot hot heat. what the fuckin' hell. i dont know crap about crap, do people know that song? i dont have cable, im outta touch. i can't keep up.
because i worked my ass off, i get to get a big tattoo. its all set up. i think its gonna be drawn up on Saturday, and i'll get it on Sunday. kick ass, i get to get my tattoo during lake fair... my last one i got during Arts walk (farts walk). its like being on TV. "hey, does that hurt" hell yeah it hurts.
keep on rockin' in the free world.
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| Saturday, April 12th, 2003
10:05 am - for fucks sake...
i felt depression coming on... i've never felt it like that before, i usually just end up on the couch watching TV waiting to die wondering "What the fuck is going on?" but I FELT this shit creeping up on me... like some sort of peeping tom. i decided that i wasn't going to take it laying down. fuck the worthlessness.
lets see, what did i do first. i called that old friend and we hung out, it ruled. absolutely ruled. i felt so much hurt because of her i forgot about how great she is. we talked about EVERYTHING (something i never do) it felt good to have a huge debriefing with her. i got to tell her how mad i was (something else i never tell people) and how much it hurt when she disappeared.
next, i asked for a guys phone number who i was really hot for. i never do that, im lucky if i can even TALK to guys i like. What do you know, he gave me his number AND he wanted to hang out. Whoa! people do this all the time and LIVE. SO we hung out, we made out, it got PG-13 then NC-17 very quickly. Then just as quickly he told me "your going to go and wash your hands" WHAT!!!???? i was left COMPLETELY unsatisfied, and he said "Well, i have to get going" WHAT!!!! so i told him "Well, you got what you wanted now your going to leave." he made some weird comment like he didn't quite understand what i had said (i dont fucking mumble) but i repeated it for him. he told me to call him the next day... WHY??? so he can go home with a smile on his face and i get left with wet undies. fuck that.
also on the list... i accepted a second job. it's a temp thing, and it rules. so now i work my regular full time job from 8 to 4.30 then from 5 to 11 i work my temp job. i sit at a computer in this fancy ass medical research place and type shit up. this was my first week. ask me again in about 2 more weeks how im doing.
last night i went to see the gossip at a party. we made the floor bounce and got real sweaty. i love that shit. after words we went and drank. ONE of the best things that happened last night, is that two people who were drifting away from me have come back again. thats great.
the weird thing about working two jobs is that its 10.30 am, i was out until 3am and im awake. like some spun junkie im awake, and doing a load of laundry. say what?
today, im going to play music. we found someone to play guitar with us and she's really excited. all this week i've been daydreaming about playing... i just sit at work thinking... "i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait"
soon, when this temp shit is done and i've paided my 6 month car insurance payment off. im going to get more tattoo work done. i need it so bad, like i want to rip my skin off.
oh, and i'll add this too... if you managed to wait though this. i read my friends list everyday on livejournal. i dont comment much and i sure as hell don't write much. but i read it. i smile, i laugh out loud, and even sometimes my eyes well up.
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| Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
6:01 pm - like, im so sure.
i guess it's time to write!
my first shout out goes to J-Rad because he lent me his bass a long ASS time ago... and i FINALlY bought a bass amp AND Steven and i are rockin' (me on bass, steven on drums) and we kick ass. and we are loud (and i think i used "AND" too many times) We dont have a band name yet, thinking about band names is almost as fun as playing music. any suggestions in the house?
my job still sucks... but i now know how to use the Microfilmer. it is called the Kodak Reliant Intelligent Microfilmer 2000 it was made in the 80's and it looks much like a robot and makes robot like noises. "cha-chung cha-chunk cha-chung cha-chunk"
i feel like other things have been happening but i can't seem to remember...
i've been having alot of weird friend issues as of late. what makes that happen? suddenly old friends are coming back and wanting to hug and make up. people who i was excited about being new friends with have become freaky and distant. when this kind of crap happens it makes me think there's something to the weird mystical bullshit. maybe its the fucking moon.
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| Tuesday, February 25th, 2003
9:21 pm - ooooh dear, thanks for the link
---------------------------------------------------------------- From the Greek root meaning "Obsessive" ----------------------------------------------------------------
Characteristics bunnybite annoys the hell out of everyone.
Personality bunnybite laughs at others' pain.
Natural bunnybite likes sheep a great deal.
Emotional bunnybite refuses to show emotion.
Character bunnybite whines to get attention.
Physical bunnybite brushes their teeth with chedder cheese.
Mental bunnybite talks to the walls.
Motivation bunnybite likes to see others fail.
NoNoFastBinder Linkage
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| Friday, January 10th, 2003
12:28 pm - everybody sing "i hate my job, i hate my J O B"
so i came home for lunch today... first because Chloe my kitten just got Fixed and i wanted to check on her. Second, i didnt bring a lunch to work because i was tooo tired after seeing Spirited Away late last night. Lastly, my guts hurt.
Now, i dont wanna go back... like im sitting here thinking... maybe i'll just not go back.
oooh, i hate them... ooooooooooh do i.
i think i really like hating them... sitting and Stewing on the fact that i HATE the company i work for... its almost like "if i Suffer enough though life, my after life will be kick ass."
oooh, making poverty level wadges oooohhhh gawd... pooooor me.
Now Give Me Some Candy.
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| Monday, December 30th, 2002
10:04 pm - "everytime i look at you, you look the other way"
damn... so christmas has come and gone brother and wife visited, cool. being tricked to go to church, horrid. i opened many presents, i love gifts. i ate so much food i thought i was going to have a baby or die, i was hoping for the last.
next event was a party at hipsterslut... where i met another livejournaler cabrutus who has some sort of powers over bathroom doors. i fell down the stairs (i wasn't even drunk) and now i have a big bruise on my butt. i was stocked by some weird guy who saw a pix of me online (im still not sure of his intentions). Lastly a drunkass guy followed me around and told me that he thought i was beautiful, had a nice body, and then asked to come home with me "Dont worry baby, i won't try anything".
now the next event is something i swore i wasn't going to do... get more pets... i know i know... but i couldn't say NO to 3 rats... they are coming home tomorrow, i have their cage all set up... im sure i'll put up pix soonish.
OOOH yeah, i also received a letter from "The State" they want me to take a test for a job i applied for. im gonna rock the house.
have a good New Years! please dont make any New Years Resolutions, because your not gonna be able to follow though and nothing is sadder then saying "im gonna lose weight" suckers.
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| Wednesday, December 18th, 2002
6:30 pm - sifl and olly sifl and olly sifl and olly sifl and olly sifl and olly
i can stop...im cracked out on Sifl and Olly... im addicted to watching my Download Bars on Kazaa... fucking HURRY the fuck up!!! oooh god... i just want all 40 episodes... what are these morons doing keeping shared files on Commodore 64's ...gaaawwwwwddda. *throws self on floor*
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| Tuesday, December 17th, 2002
10:00 pm
"i've been a longtime perpetrator of hate crimes against myself, and i am turning myself in. i have had enough" - Margaret Cho
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| Sunday, December 15th, 2002
2:49 am - Welcome to the gates of hell. (please feel free to screw your brother and make babies)
whatthefuck. my day/night was going so well... until i got a call to go and get a drink... we walked into our regular bar and it was fucked up. it was so sleezy i couldn't even stay... everyone was knoddin' out and everything was in slow motion... it was the worst case of Lacey incest i've ever seen. i looked to the bartender and server for help... my new favorite server was kinda rockin back and forth and chewing on her finger nail...
we backed out slowly, trying not to upset this freak scean any further... we thought maybe we should just get a pabst at the voyer...
that shit hole was full of white nasty dirty dready hippies.. one jackass was wearing sandals (its been pouring down rain for 2 days, and freezing fucking cold out side) and his feet were so black and dirty it looked like he had boot rot.
we had to get out... i needed to drink... i didn't want to drink a beer... i wanted everything to go back to "normal"... we shook our heads and ran to China Town. there seemed to be less inbreeding... but there was no bartender in sight... it was my own personal hell.
we had to got back to the reef... i had to make sure it was ok. it wasn't ok, but i was ready to face it head on... i was ready to fight with any of those fucked up mullet wastoids... we were able to suck down on drink before last call... outside we saw 2 fights and 2 girls arguing with their pimps/boyfriends.
outside we ran into a friend and asked him what the fuck was going on... he said he wasn't sure... but that earlyer that day he saw this freakyass guy and the guy pulled his ass cheeks apart and said "Smell This AssHole!" and farted at him.
all i want for xmas is Norplant for the city of Lacey.
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| Saturday, November 30th, 2002
2:52 am - maybe this pill will make me small.
having 4 days off from work is great.
i went to 3 Thanksgivings. one with my dad and step mom. my weird step brother was there as well as 3 koren ef students. my family is strange... trying to explain Thanksgiving to exchange students. my dad was thankful that i didn't menction that after the native americans saved the pilgrims asses, the U.S. government gave tribes small pox and is still attemping genocide.
Thanksgiving number 2 occured at susies house... her food was better and we got to watch Mr. Show before the food was laid out.
Thanksgiving the third coming, was at my other friends apartment. buy the time i got there i didn't even wanna look at food. everyone got sick and tired... somehow i ended up in the hallway, so i went home and played vids. oddworld couldn't hold me....
im currently hooked on www.kazaa.com its like napster, but it doesn't suck as bad. but as a warning, the BullGuard (free download thingie) makes your computer go on a killing spree.... stay away.
today was spent downloading music im to broke to buy. yes, i feel guilty for stealing music... but i feel as though there is nothing truly good left in the world...nothing is sacrid.... so im taking it all. i went out for drinks and took some pill and now im relaxed.
have you heard of "...and they will know us by the trail of our dead" yeah, so have i they are called Unwound.
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| Wednesday, November 13th, 2002
10:45 pm - fuck me up the ass and call me your hourly employee.
god, can i say this again! "it can't get worst then this!!!" now my ass fucking job... has decided to RE-hire me...to do the SAME job (but with out clients) for $7.55 an hour. for any of you keeping track, that is about 100 bucks more a week then unemployment would pay me....
my boss brought doughnuts for us. i should have asked her if she wanted us to balance them on our noses and bark with joy Thank You Thank You Bark Bark, you look so great in your new Lexus! Thank You Thank You, i don't need to pay my rent! i've Got Doughnuts!(i wonder if my apartment manager would take payments in doughnuts?). to think, that bitch signed a contract for MORE money and she wants to pay me 2 to 3 dollars LESS then before.
the good thing is that i can come and go as i please... so i attend to march my ass to a temp agency and tell them i can work anytime as long as its for more then $7.55 an hour...
i love spyro.
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