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Her Royal Spazzness
Hippie Geek Girl
User: [info]gypsyjr
Name: Hippie Geek Girl
Quote Of The Moment
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and live up to it.”
~ Budhhist wisdom
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Back June 2004
Dare To Be Stupid
Dancing space potatoes? YOU BET!
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Meh.. why am I so freaking tired? >_<

Trimmed down my friends list a bit... mostly people who rarely update or I don't feel I have a lot in common with anymore. As usual, you're welcome to keep me on your list or remove me in return, it's up to you.

I'm Feeling: pensive
Current Musical Obsession: Alanis Morissette - Everything

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SInce [info]xsyntrik's kitten rescue seems to be taken care of, I thought I'd post this: A single father in San Francisco is raising funds to obtain a service dog for his four-year-old autistic son, as well as two more dogs to donate to other families that can't afford the cost of training. If you can't contribute financially, please pass this link along.

EDIT: He's also set up a CafePress store, with the proceeds going toward the fundraiser.

I'm Feeling: mellow
Current Musical Obsession: Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive

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And "Operation: Get A Life" commences
Filling out the last of five online job applications I've done today. MAKE THE INANE QUESTIONS STOP. *overdramatic sob*

I'm Feeling: tired
Current Musical Obsession: Great Big Sea - When I am king

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Sooner or later, I'm going to learn to STOP DOING EVERYTHING AT THE LAST FREAKING MINUTE.
It's DONE. (click on the downward-pointing arrow button to see it.)

The text effect at the beginning is my favorite part.

EDIT: Looking back on old journal entries.. this quarter really kinda sucked. :P

I'm Feeling: rushed
Current Musical Obsession: TMBG - The Guitar

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With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy. Sort of.
If you've ever slept with your backpack under your pillow so you don't forget to do your homework... you might have ADD.

I'm Feeling: awake
Current Musical Obsession: Presidential speech. Bleh.

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Uh.. just.. no.

I'm Feeling: pessimistic
Current Musical Obsession: The Who - Teenage Wasteland

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Why I don't write fanfiction, in a nutshell
GypsyJr427 (11:44:17 PM): Agh, stupid attacking plotbunnies. Mine are ALWAYS on crack.
GypsyJr427 (11:44:27 PM): IT's like I got the plotbunny farm next to Chernobyl.
PKChiChi (11:44:47 PM): *cackle*
PKChiChi (11:45:45 PM): any of em got two heads? :>
GypsyJr427 (11:46:37 PM): I think some of the crossovers might.

I need to find my "Plotbunny of Doom" icon. You haven't seen the face of fear until you've looked into the eyes of a sixteen-foot-tall inflatable pink rabbit.

I'm Feeling: silly
Current Musical Obsession: Still DVDs

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Two post-Firefly thoughts
Joss Whedon is an evil brilliant bastard.

The next time I see a reality show promo on Fox, I'm putting my foot through the TV. And my TV is on a stand, so that's not that easy to do.

I'm Feeling: enthralled
Current Musical Obsession: DVD commentaries

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... O_0
I know, taking a break from the crankiness... but this is somewhat morbidly amusing. People never fail to amaze me. And usually not in a good way.

I'm Feeling: indescribable
Current Musical Obsession: A3 - Woke Up This Morning (Sopranos Theme)

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My mom rented RotK for me tonight. Between that and the Firefly DVDs I bought yesterday, I forsee a highly enjoyable if somewhat unproductive weekend.

We who are about to geek salute you.

I'm Feeling: content
Current Musical Obsession: Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love

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Mine is an evil laugh.
Have done absolutely nothing today except eat, sleep and watch DVDs. Huzzah for temporary breaks from reality.

If anyone out there was still planning to record a line for my animation project, I need it by Monday at the latest.

... Why the hell can I not stop giggling? Must have had too much pie.

EDIT: Wow, it is pouring rain outside. *runs to open window*

I'm Feeling: bouncy
Current Musical Obsession: Baha Men - Best Years of Our Lives

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Feeling much better now.. thank GOODNESS. I've been way too cranky lately. >_< Have eaten pie and cuddled the resident rodent and will be going to buy DVDs whenever my parents decide to get home, so all is well for now.

Hmm.. do I rent RotK and spend the weekend sniffling or go see Shrek 2 again for a dose of much-needed happiness? CHOIIIICES.

I'm Feeling: okay

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I've only been up for half an hour and I already want to scream at someone.

I'm Feeling: bitchy

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So John Ashcroft will raise the terror alert level whenever someone in the middle east sneezes, but he won't raise it for a supposedly credible report of terrorist activity?

I must stop trying to think on this man's level, it's making my brain hurt.

I'm Feeling: cynical

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GypsyJr427 (11:27:55 PM): .. and Dom just started..uh.."singing" on my playlist.
GypsyJr427 (11:28:14 PM): *shakes a fist at the world for mocking her with adoable unattainable men*
GypsyJr42:22 PM7 (11:28): .. adoRable. *facepalm*
AvadaKedavra666 (11:28:28 PM): GAH stupid world ;-)
GypsyJr427 (11:28:51 PM): My freudian slip is showing.

... Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go crawl under my desk and hide for a hundred years.

I'm Feeling: hot
Current Musical Obsession: Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me