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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Gene Starwind's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Friday, July 12th, 2002
    11:02 am
    I'm a Nut!

    What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!
    You're Nut, the Goddess of the Sky. You have blue skin and stars all across your body. Pardon the pun, but you're pretty spacey.

    What? A goddESS? The hell?!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport CD
    10:50 am
    "You yearn for personal freedom in every direction, including expression of free will; for change, variety, and constant new opportunity; and to learn about life in all its phases.
    The new, the unusual, the progressive -- these are where your enthusiasms are. Waiting around, being stuck in routine, and petty details are personal agitations.
    Because of your desire to experience everything in life to its fullest before you let it go, you may tend to overdo sensual experience such as sex, alcohol, drugs, and food.
    Instead of formal education, much of your wisdom comes from your tremendous range of activities and your contact with people of many classes and races and walks of life. This can put you in great demand as an alive and witty lecturer or teacher. You tend to be flexible, progressive, and restless.
    You can enhance your life experience even more by increasing your sense of loyalty and your patience, better defining your purposes in life, and not scattering your attention so much by going too many directions at once.

    You are seen as a colorful, cheerful, and entertaining person; a natural host or hostess. You can cheer up a lifeless party. Friends are important to you, and you are easy to talk to.
    In communication, you tend to elaborate and exaggerate in the direction of color and creativity, preferring to overlook the drab and mundane.
    If you take on too many activities at once, you can appear superficial or contrived.
    You probably enjoy wearing jewelry and fancy clothing. Just don't overdress or wear extreme styles in relation to the occasion.

    You are popular, attractive, and sought after. You are successful in one or more artistic fields -- designing, decorating, painting, acting, singing, sculpting, or related arts. A guest list is not complete without your name. You are applauded for your talents and spread happiness wherever you go. It all comes natural to you.
    Your thoughts and pleasure are related to seeding happiness and personal recognition of your artistic talents. ;

    Your destiny is accomplishment that gives you authority, money, recognition, and/or professional position. Fulfilling your destiny depends much on your determination, knowledge of life and its spiritual relationships, and financial effort. Personal satisfaction is greatest when you accomplish your goals while having the good of others in mind.
    Depending on education and experience, you are comfortable with finances, an effective leader, a master on all levels of management, and an authority on business. You are most successful with big business, and you nearly always win when you keep your broad outlook and admit no limitations. People respect you and turn to you for decisions. You have great potential as an executive.
    You are attractive, strong, efficient, dominant, sociable, and inclined to pomp and display.

    Your path is along the lines of research, investigation and mental analysis. This includes meditation and introspection. Your opportunities will often be brought to you without having to go get them. The manifestation of those opportunities tend to have something in common with quiet places away from bustle and confusion.
    You work well with theories and fundamentals, seeking wisdom and hidden truths. When you use your own ideas and judgment, dedication, and scientific attitude, along with your intuition, your decisions will enable you to reach your goals.
    You can be alone without feeling lonely. You respect intelligence and are continuously accumulating knowledge for yourself. You have an intense reasoning capacity.
    Others will perceive you as having more warmth and less aloofness when you balance your knowledge and its pursuit with compassion and human sensitivity. That combination inspires wisdom.

    This year you realize completion and/or fulfillment of some of your dreams. During the year you can let go of the old and undesirable to make way for the new and worthwhile.
    Things that have been lagging behind want to be finished up this year. Some things seem to finish themselves. In general, this is not a good year to begin new projects.
    Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and this can be one of the most wonderful years of your life. Keeping your mind open for broader interests and larger activities seem more natural to you this year. Make your interests more of a universal, rather than personal, nature.
    Love affairs get your attention, maybe even your own.
    You find yourself cultivating music, writing, and other arts, and expressing love to the many and toleration of all. The "brotherhood of man" is your keynote. Respond to the urge to do good works.

    For Year: 2003
    More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.
    Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.
    This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice."

    Heh. Numerology's a touchy subject. I'd say, though, that all of that is true, except for the uh... 2nd and 3rd... well, kind of...

    Current Music: Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport CD
    Thursday, July 11th, 2002
    3:29 pm
    Sephiroth put in perspective...
    "Standing strong, cool, and resolute, Sephiroth was the epitome of SOLDIER. Possessing exceptional skills of swordsmanship and his deadly Musamune companion blade, Sephiroth walked the world on behalf of Shinra, Inc. But his unnatural prowess turned out to be just that, "unnatural," as he found out 5 years prior, in an expedition to investigate a malfunctioning Mako reactor in the mountains of Nibelheim.

    "Along with Zack, a promising member of SOLDIER, and Cloud, a bright Shinra escort guard, Sephiroth enters the Mako reactor containing a large number of pods, occupied by living organisms being subjected to an entity known as Jenova. Dumbstruck by the realization that the name coincided with his mother's, Sephiroth for the first time begins to wonder who he really is. Driven by this troubling revelation, he decides to make an investigation of his own into his past history by entering Shinra Mansion and poring over the volumes of notes and diaries left behind by Professor Gast in the genius scientist's secret library and laboratory down in the basement depths.

    "From Gast's notes, a project was set up to research the powers of a legendary race known as the Cetra, or Ancients. This superior race was known to be associated with the Promised Land, a place where one can find supreme happiness and where it is believed that it is brimming with raw Mako energy that can be tapped for immediate use. Shinra, the maker of infamous Mako reactors, was frothing at the mouth to get its hands on this pure source of energy. 2000 years ago, a lifeform was found that was believed to be of Cetra descent and was named Jenova, and thus Shinra's Jenova Project took life. Professor Gast was appointed chief scientist to head the project.

    "Shinra, seeking to replicate the powers of the Cetra, commissioned Gast to produce an elite fighting corps exhibiting powers of the Cetra. Thus specimens were placed in the pods and infused and subjected to intense levels of Mako radiation energy provided by Jenova's biological cells. These specimens, once matured would later become the basic units of Shinra's much revered SOLDIER regime. Sephiroth was Gast's prize creation and ultimate success story from the Jenova Project. Sickened by the discovery that he himself was an artificial production resulting from a demented scientific project, Sephiroth went into isolation within Gast's library and later resurfaced, insane, and engulfed Nibelheim in flames. Entering the Mako reactor, he confronted his mother, Jenova, who was placed inside the reactor to provide sustenance to her incubating children in the pods. Zack, trying to halt Sephiroth's path of destruction, was injured during combat against his former leader. But it was Cloud who struck the fatal blow and felled the mighty Sephiroth. Shinra, flexing its political prowess, managed to underscore the Nibelheim incident and initiated a cover up, dismissing the possiblity that anything untoward occurred. Seeking to improve on security measures, Jenova was shipped back to Shinra headquarters where Hojo, Gast's protogé, continued monitoring the Cetra's status.

    "While his physical body was damaged, Sephiroth's being was not to be so easily destroyed. Armed with the power of Jenova, he bid his time and later manifest himself. Reclaiming his mother's body, Sephiroth thus began his rage against the world. Standing in his way was Aeris Gainsborough, the daughter of Professor Gast and Ifalna, a true descendent of the Cetra. Aeris, able to communicate with the Planet, discovered a way to thwart Sephiroth's true plans. Entering the Ancient City, Aeris met her death at the hands of Sephiroth, but in her death was a way to save the world, for Sephiroth's motive had nothing to do with the Promised Land, but rather to obtain the Black Materia and summon Meteor to destroy the land. If Meteor struck, the planet would gather all its Lifestream energy to heal the wound that would have been caused by the collision. Sephiroth would draw on the entire Planet's energy by appearing at the source of impact, where a vortex of intense Lifestream energy would gather.

    "Cloud and company, after retrieving the Black Materia back for the second time, approach the Mako crater located in the northern hemisphere, where Sephiroth's physical body is stationed. Cloud, unbeknownst to himself, was himself a creation of Hojo's, injected with Jenova cells. His inner being was wrought with turmoil between his true self and the incessant urge to obey Jenova's calling. Cloud loses the mental battle and thus hands the Black Materia over to Sephiroth, who then summons Meteor. But in the end, it was Cloud who would vanquish Sephiroth once and for all after discovering his own true identity with the help of Tifa Lockheart.

    "Although Sephiroth's actions and manipulations were vile acts, he himself was propelled by a devastating truth. He was living an ultimate lie and never did discover his true past. Even when he discovered Gast's notes, Sephiroth was living a falsified truth. Jenova was not a Cetra, but an alien being that the Cetra referred to as the original "crisis from the sky". It was Jenova who infected the Cetra race with a deadly virus which virtually wiped out the entire race, but not before the Cetra were able to band together and confine Jenova in the stratum. But Jenova was later found trapped within the ground, excavated, and mistakenly identified as a Cetra. Jenova was not Sephiroth's mother, nor did Gast "produce" him. Rather, Sephiroth was the bloodchild of Hojo and Lucrecia, Vincent's secret love. Hojo, in his demented quest to find scientific proof to his Reunion Theory, gave up his own son, while he was still in his mother's womb, to Gast's Jenova project.

    "One could say that both Cloud and Sephiroth were, in a sense, children of Jenova, brothers bound by a common thread to serve their parent's bidding. While Cloud managed to find himself, Sephiroth lost his way and sought vengeance upon the world. To a certain degree, one can't help but feel sorrow for this character. Sephiroth was a normal child, but was forced to live another man's dream. Living a life not of his own choosing and given the powers of an unnatural evil that would later drive him insane, Sephiroth is the ultimate tragic character." - (edited) by

    This all put things in a new perspective... I now realize the full extent of the story. It was confusing before, due to an awful translation (thanks, Ted Woolsey!), but now the story seems to project a much greater message, a story of magnificent proportions.

    I must play this game again. I had forgotten so much about it. especially the details behind Jenova's origin.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: FF7 - Crazy Motorcycle (Sounds trippy in Surround!!)
    Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
    2:22 pm
    Finally! YESS!!!!
    I finally got those referrals to an orthopedic doctor and for a sleep study that I've been trying to get for... 2 months now! Now, hopefully I'll be able to solve the two worse problems I've had for the past 2-3 years: knee pain and insomnia/snoring when I do sleep. Thank the gods...

    Yesterday I saw my girlfriend for the first time in almost a month... tomorrow's our 4th month together... Damn, wish I had a job, so I can afford to treat her the way I want to treat her; I'd buy her flowers, take her to dinner, go to concerts, etc, etc. It's bad enough that I can't be together as often as we used to, because we have to hide it from her parents... *sigh* Her mom thinks I'm crazy now. I told my girlfriend how fucked up in the head I am, and her mom got wind of it somehow. She has to make excuses just to leave the house for a few hours, now. Yesterday was the best day I've had in weeks, save for the fact that she had to go so soon. I literally felt like she had taken a piece of me with her.

    I listened to the FFVII soundtrack on the way back to my dorm. Actually just the first disc, and the depressing ones at that. I don't know why, but I almost had tears in my eyes. And it wasn't the music, either.

    I hate it downtown. It's such a shit place to live. Especially in Job Corps' oldest, most rundown building. That place has so much bad energy, and it's affected me in the worst way. The night before last, I was freaking out. I almost got teary-eyed at the horrible memory of waking up at Kyle's house one night and finding him on the floor looking terrified; all I could get out of him was that he had heard a unworldy voice calling my name, and the realization that that was what had awakened me, then stopped, filled me with dread so deep I could barely move. It was freezing that night. So it was the night before last. Last night it was warm, no breeze at all. This morning I woke up feeling like shit. I still do. There's no reason for it, either.

    The negative energy in that building has built up to a point where you can literally feeling it pushing, pulling, tugging and shoving at you. Something either wants us out, or is trying to warn us. I have felt a sense of doom whenever I approached the hallway leading to the basement. Brandon has actually been down there; he didn't stay long. He said there were a lot of hallways and doors down there, and you could look down the hallways, turn, and see out of the corner of your eye, something rushing at you. He is a spiritually stable person, very much so, but the evil vibrations down there got to him a such a bad way that he ahd literally ran for his life. He could barely stay down there long enough to retrieve the mattress he was told to get.

    There are speculations the the place was an insane asylum, or a mental hospital. The staff insists that the building had served as a hotel before the YWCA had bought it for Job Corps use. You can still see the name of the hotel painted, but faded, on the side of the building. But there are things that lead us to wonder if it really was a mental hospital.

    1. The rooms are all on the top floors. No one can hear you scream from up there. You can't lean out and yell to someone below because the windows are barred.
    2. The rooms on one side show signs of having had padded walls at one time.
    3. Most of the rooms and floors are hidden or can only be accessed by unknown passages or restricted areas.
    4. The rooms have doors with "observation" windows.
    5. The basement. It goes four or five floors below ground. It is HUGE. And from the description Brandon and other sources have given, it looks like a crematorium and a bomb shelter. Why they had a crematorium for a hotel is beyond me.

    This place gives me the creeps. I can't wait to go back to Studio Club. Even though that has it's own ghost stories as well, it's not even half as bad as the downtown building...

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Current Music: Dave Matthews Band - "What Would You Say"
    Sunday, July 7th, 2002
    3:53 pm
    Which Recurring Kevin Smith Character Are You? Take the test here
    Thursday, July 4th, 2002
    4:12 am
    Competitive eating: a man-eat-dog world
    By Jim Caple
    ESPN Page 2 columnist

    The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. A newborn calf weighs three tons and drinks 100 gallons of its mother's fat-rich milk per day, gaining as much as eight pounds an hour. During summer feeding seasons, the adult blue whale eats 8,000 pounds of shrimplike krill per day to maintain its 70-ton weight.


    Takeru Kobayashi revolutionized the hot dog eating world with his "Solomon" technique.
    If you really want to see an impressive eater, check out the Nathan's Famous world hot dog eating contest on the Fourth of July at Coney Island. Begun in 1916, the contest is to hot dog eating what Augusta is to golf, bringing together 20 champion hot dog eaters from around the world. Think your Uncle Ned can put away an embarrassing number of hot dogs at your Fourth of July picnic? Two years ago, Kazutoyo Arai ate an astounding 25½ hot dogs in 12 minutes to set the world record. Can you imagine that? Twenty-five and a half hot dogs in 12 minutes? More than two hot dogs a minute? Most people could barely believe it.

    And then Japan's Takeru Kobayashi won the contest last year when he ate 50.

    "It was mind-boggling and a little scary and like something from another dimension," said George Shea, the president of the International Federation of Competitive Eating. "I could not process it. I never thought anyone could eat 50 hot dogs. But I've come to accept it. He's gently, slowly stretched his stomach and that's all there is to it."

    Welcome to the world of competitive eating, a growing competitive field where Homer Simpson-like gastro-athletes eat unimaginable quantities of almost anything. Here are just a few of the world records set recently:

    In addition to the 50 hot dogs, Kobayashi ate 17.7 pounds of cow brains in 15 minutes (though not on the same day -- I mean, be serious). Jed Donahue ate 152 jalapenos in 15 minutes. Bill Simmons (not Page 2's Bill "El Wingador" Simmons ... at least we hope not) ate 137 chicken wings in 30 minutes. Eric Booker ate 15 burritos in eight minutes and 38 hard-boiled eggs in 10 minutes. Crazy Legs Conti ate 168 oysters in 10 minutes. And Don Lerman ate seven quarter-pound sticks of butter in five minutes.

    Eatin' It Up
    Will Takeru Kobayashi be able to defend the Coveted Mustard Yellow Belt? Darren Rovell will be at Coney Island on the Fourth of July, and Page 2 will offer complete coverage of the hot dog eating contest in Friday's edition.

    Seven sticks of butter in five minutes? Good Lord. I cannot imagine a more nauseating sight than watching someone eat seven sticks of butter in five minutes.

    "Oleg Zhornitskiy ate four 32-oz jars of mayonnaise in eight minutes," Shea said. "And mayonnaise is tough. I like to say he was using the spoon God gave him. He was spooning it out of a bowl and licking it up with his tongue."

    Trust me, you do not want these guys in the buffet line ahead of you on All-U-Can-Eat night.

    "What we're dealing with here is the perfect engine. An eating machine."
    -- Richard Dreyfuss in "Jaws"

    Competitive eating is rooted in state fairs and food festivals, where eating contests were a natural connection to the main event. But it has swelled like Alec Baldwin in recent years. There is a competitive eating federation and a world-wide circuit extensive enough that Shea says Kobayashi ate his way to $150,000 last year. Fox even aired something called the Glutton Bowl, which featured eight different eating events, including butter, hot dogs, mayonnaise and beef tongue.

    The American hot dog eaters are still trying to keep up with the Japanese imports.
    (For some reason, as I write these things I keep getting this image of the Monty Python skit where the waiter convinces the impossibly obese Mr. Creosote to finish off his visit to a restaurant with a "wafer-thin mint," which causes the man to explode.)

    Competitive eating took off in Japan about a decade ago, followed by this country about five years later. Even with U.S. obesity at alarming levels, we're still playing catch-up. No American has come close to matching Kobayashi's 50, though promising talent is out there.

    Shea, who got his start in the IFOCE when he was hired to publicize the hot dog contest, recently came across a rookie at a Las Vegas contest who ate 20 hot dogs his first time out. "He immediately earned the nickname, 'The Locust,' because he's from the desert, and the way he eats, his hands resemble mandibles."

    Naturally, three obvious questions come up when it comes to competitive eaters. The first is how do they do it? The second is why would they do it? And the third is what happens after they finish eating? (I'll only go into the first question, because the second can be addressed simply by asking why people pay money to see Adam Sandler movies -- the answer is people will do anything, especially when there is a TV camera involved. And the third question is simply too nauseating to consider. As Shea said, "Cookie Jarvis said when you eat mayonnaise there's a Jiffy Lube effect, and that's as far as I'm willing to go on that.")

    Naturally, there are three obvious questions when it comes to competitive eaters. The first is how do they do it? The second is why would they do it? And the third is what happens after they finish eating?

    For years, the assumption was that bigger was better, that your champion eaters should resemble some monstrous breeding experiment between John Goodman and Rosie O'Donnell gone horribly awry. Then along came Hirofumi Nakajima in 1996, when he set the hot dog record at 24½ despite being so trim he makes Ichiro look like he's on steroids. "People speculated he had two stomachs or was taking drugs," Shea said.

    But when Kobayashi (who weighs a mere 131 pounds ... that's right, 131 pounds!), Arai and Zhornitskiy came along with similar builds, it led to a completely different view about what a champion eater should look like.

    "There's a lot of speculation about this," Shea said. "First, everyone said the big guys are better. Then the Japanese come in, and they're all thin, and they're all better. Then the theory is that if you're too fat, it blocks the amount your stomach can expand. I now think size just doesn't matter."

    At least not as much as technique. The Japanese introduced the wiener-dunking method, where eaters separate the hot dog from the bun and eat the dog while dipping the bun in water to make it go down easier. Then Kobayashi won with what was dubbed the "Solomon" technique, where he broke the hot dogs in half to speed his eating.

    Kobayashi trains by eating cabbage and drinking water, which expands his stomach, but Shea stresses that he doesn't endorse any particular training method. The IFOCE's official safety standards state that "speed eating is only suitable for those 18 years or older and only in a controlled environment.''

    "There very much is a 'Don't try this at home' element," Shea admitted.

    Frankly, when it comes to the mayonnaise-eating contest, I don't think that's much of a concern.

    "Isn't it true that your husband once ate a 10-pound bag of flour when no other food was available?"
    -- Marge Simpson being cross-examined when Homer sues a restaurant for cutting him off on All-U-Can-Eat night

    Competitive eating certainly holds an odd fascination, but is it a sport? I mean, Babe Ruth supposedly once ate 12 hot dogs and drank eight bottles of soda between games of a doubleheader, but does that make competitive eaters athletes or just gluttons?

    For Eric Booker, a champion eater of burritos and hard-boiled eggs, bigger is better.
    "I do think it's a sport," Shea said. "All kidding aside, there is a parochial and elitist attitude in sports. But in what way is this not a real sport?"

    Ummmm, well, it doesn't involve a ball or a goal or hand-to-eye coordination or conventional athleticism or defense or fantasy leagues. But other than that ...

    "Look, you have tennis guys running around with a racket and shorts," Shea said with disgust in his voice. "Pick any sport. Mini-golf, which is in the World Games, or curling, which is in the Olympics. Curling, what is that?

    "My point is competitive eating is a very fundamental sport. The fundamental sports are running, jumping, pushing and fighting. Eating is even more fundamental: Who can eat the most to survive and in the quickest time when that mattered whether you survived. There are rules. We have a governing body, and we keep track of the records.

    "No question, it's a sport, but the issue is there are people resistant to change. Like it or not, competitive eating is here to stay."

    Of course, others aren't so convinced.

    "Fifty hot dogs in 12 minutes?" Seattle Mariners manager Lou Piniella said. "That's not sport. That's stupidity."

    Personally, I don't think competitive eating is a sport, but I sure as heck want to watch Kobayashi defend his title. I just don't want to be anywhere near the bathroom after he finishes.

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, July 1st, 2002
    2:08 am
    Sports are lame... *laughs maniacally*
    Play nice, kids
    By Jim Caple
    Page 2 columnist

    We are one step closer toward raising a generation of paste-devouring Ralph Wiggums.

    Is this what you want, wussies?
    If you thought some schools went overboard when they banned dodge ball last year, consider this: A Santa Monica elementary school principal recently banned tag, saying the game can only be played under the strict supervision of physical education teachers and not at all during the lunch hour recess. That's due to: one, the risk of injury; and two, a "self-esteem issue," because whoever is "it" could be considered a "victim."

    "We had some children who were not playing 'it' appropriately," Franklin elementary principal Pat Samarge said, adding that "Little kids were coming in and saying, 'I don't like it.' Children weren't feeling good about it."

    Well, I should hope not. Tag is about the lamest of the playground games, involving none of the requisites of real sports: a ball, violence, fantasy leagues, fanatical Brazilians or corrupt French judges.

    Every kid knows that chasing someone around the playground and trying to tag them isn't nearly as much fun as just standing there and throwing a rubber ball at their skull. That's why dodge ball is such a great game. It requires agility, lightning reflexes, hand-to-eye coordination, superb aim and a high pain threshold. Frankly, dodge ball is so entertaining it's amazing it hasn't caught on beyond the schoolyard. Imagine a game where Roger Clemens is supposed to hit Mike Piazza with a ball that Piazza can immediately fire back at Clemens, and you get just a taste of what dodge ball could be like at the professional level. I'm telling you, take dodge ball professional, and this company would have to add ESPN3 to the schedule.

    And dodge ball is as peaceful as an Amish barn-raising compared with other popular schoolyard sports.

    There is a certain sport that begins with the word "smear," where the object is not to gently "tag" someone, but instead to hunt him down in packs, tackle him to the ground, pile on the bodies and inflict pain until whoever is "it" -- and in this case, I think you could accurately use the term "victim" -- finally lets go of the ball. Or loses consciousness, whichever occurs first. Then someone else picks the ball up and runs away, while the bloodthirsty mob gives chase as if he were carrying an armful of Zotz, Sweet Tarts and Three Musketeers bars. It is an absolutely senseless game. No points are scored, and the only ones who win are those who emerge without a concussion, a cast or a ruptured spleen. It's terrific.

    Another great game our school played was something we called "squish 'em." It was an apt name for a simple game. One team would crowd at the top of a landing of stairs. The other would rush up the stairs and crush their opponents against the railings until they cried like figure skaters, felt their limbs go numb and begged for mercy while their faces turned blue. Then we would change places and do it again.

    Now, when I was a kid, I wasn't aware these games were inflicting any long-term physical and emotional scars (the nuns were responsible for those). I thought the games were just fun. Then again, I thought "The Six Million Dollar Man" was great, too.

    Thank God, we live in more enlightened times, guided by the gentle wisdom of child psychologists, school administrators and Dr. Phil. I now realize these games scarred me deep down with emotional trauma I wasn't even aware of until undergoing hypnotism therapy that drew out my repressed memories.

    To protect our children, these people will rid our playgrounds of any game that carries any risk of injury, trauma or sweat. No tag. No dodge ball. And come to think of it, no jump rope, either. Not only can children trip while jumping in place, they also are susceptible to repetitive stress injuries while twirling the jump rope. Better to replace it with "rope." No jumping or twirling. Instead, children would create wonderful belts, necklaces and wall hangings by tying the rope in macramé knots.

    No tether ball, either. The ball could hit someone in the head. Better to replace with "Tether." No ball. Just a rope tethering the children to the pole so they can't wander off and hurt themselves.

    Even those games might prove too dangerous, though. When you get right down to it, there isn't a competitive game in existence where there isn't a "loser," nor is there a physical activity that doesn't bear some risk of injury. Even coloring books carry dangers (think paper cuts).

    It's better to avoid that whole mess by swaddling the kids in layers of protective fleece and flannel like Randy in "A Christmas Story," doping them to the gills with Ritalin, then tying them up inside a Nerf-padded room. They can entertain themselves by playing with their Game-Boy cartridges and listening to Eminem, which is all the little bastards really want to do anyway.

    Of course, when the kids are all so fat, lazy and sensitive that they have to pay for two seats on Southwest Airlines, we may have to take further appropriate action by suing someone.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Xenogears- "Knight of Fire"
    Sunday, June 30th, 2002
    2:30 pm
    I LOVE this game! I must get the soundtrack for it, too! The soundtrack is awesome, and since Chrono Cross and Legend of Mana are composed by Yasunori Mitsuda as well, they are also extremely awesome soundtracks! Nust get them all!! Mwaaaaaa haaa haaa!

    Now if only I can find anybody who has 'em so I can burn 'em...

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Yasunori Mitsuda - Into the Sky
    12:47 am
    You are an insulting, pompous fool, and I'm going to rip out your intestines and tear off your head and shit down your neck!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Some French Trance song
    Friday, June 14th, 2002
    12:30 pm
    Everything falls apart! E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! !
    My girlfriend is wondering why the hell I act so differently from one moment to the next. How do you explain to someone that you're not all there? How do you put it in terms that they can understand? How could they know what it's like being schizotypal/manic-depressive/obsessive-compulsive? AND having to deal with so much stress? And knowing that you have to deal with other aspects of your anger and depression? Your hopes and dreams shattered, come to life in your own body? How the hell do you tell them? gods... I'm so confused...
    Thursday, June 13th, 2002
    1:15 pm
    Heh.... the Tediz' language...

    Supreme victory!

    Snippy snap
    Sniper rifle


    Listen up!

    The enemy have hurt mein eye!
    The enemy has blown my head off!


    Stay bi you!
    I got you!


    Gay Paris



    Hunde hunde heitzen eel!
    Help! Help! Under attack!

    Shitzen Shitzen heitzen eel!
    Shit shit! Under attack!

    Any last quester?
    Any last requests?


    Machany gun
    Machine gun

    Civilia Frenchie
    French civilian


    Fuller funder
    Good luck


    Sortie aim....
    Ready, aim...

    Choose a Tar
    Choose a target


    Kic ah!
    Kick ass!




    Shooty funder simbi!
    Shoot the fucking squirrel!

    Eel civilia Frenchies snippy snap
    Attack French civilians with sniper rifle

    Casquarte Simbi's muther
    Steal squirrel’s mother

    Supreme fucking victory!

    Fund you, simbi!
    Fuck you, squirrel!

    Soa fund your muther!
    And fuck your mother too!

    Svendi, shooty funding civilia Frenchie wiv bazooka ou snippy snap fo casquarting our Shitzey flager, mutha funda!
    Listen up, shoot the fucking Frenchies with a bazooka or sniper rifle for stealing our shitty flag, motherfucker!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Tediz.... screaming their vicious cries as they die...
    1:00 pm
    The Poo Song!!!!
    The Great Mighty Poo
    I am the Great Mighty Poo!
    And I'm going to throw my shit at you!
    A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish!
    How about some scat you little twat?

    Do you really think you'll survive in here?
    You don't seem to know what creek you’re in!
    Sweetcorn is the only thing that makes it through my rear!
    How d'you think I keep this lovely grin?

    Now I'm really getting rather mad!
    You're like a niggly, tickly, shitty, little tag nut!
    When I've knocked you out with all my bab,
    I'm going to take your head and ram it up my butt!

    Conker:  Your butt?
    Mighty Poo: My butt!
    Conker: Your butt?
    Mighty Poo: That's right, my butt!
    Conker: Euuuugh!
    Mighty Poo: My butt!
    Conker: Euuuugh!

    Current Mood: silly
    Current Music: Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Poo Song
    12:06 pm
    Ooooh, I'm evil!!
    Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)

    You are stubborn and like to hold onto things, not wanting to let go of anything or anyone. You are slow to anger, but when you do get worked up to a rage - everyone step aside! You also have a selfish streak and can be  quite sneaky as well. And although people may see you as helpful and  agreeable, you sometimes have an inner struggle the approval of  others while sticking to your own opinions. You also tend to be suspicious  of others and question their motives.

    Stop being mean and try to be nice. Learn to forgive and let go of your past disappointments. Learn from your mistakes and have faith in yourself  and others as well.
    8:45 am
    This quiz is fuckin' awesome!


    Read my previous entries! I need help with some things!

    Current Mood: dorky
    Current Music: Depeche Mode - "Dirt"
    8:20 am
    I like this song...
    "The Space Between" - Dave Matthews

    You cannot quit me so quickly
    Is no hope in you for me
    No corner you could squeeze me
    But I got all the time for you, love
    The space between
    The tears we cry
    Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more
    The space between
    The wicked lies we tell
    And hope to keep us safe from the pain

    But will I hold you again?
    These fickle, fuddled words confuse me
    Like 'Will it rain today?'
    Waste the hours with talking, talking
    These twisted game we play

    We're strange allies
    With warring hearts
    What wild-eyed beast you be
    The space between
    The wicked lies we tell
    And hope to keep us safe from the pain

    Will I hold you again?
    Will I hold...

    Look at us spinning out in
    The madness of a roller coaster
    You know you went off like a devil
    In a church in the middle of a crowded room
    All we can do, my love
    Is hope we don't take this ship down

    The space between
    Where you're smiling high
    Is where you'll find me if I get tickled
    The space between
    The bullets in our firefight
    Is where I'll be hiding, waiting for you
    The rain that falls
    Splash in your heart
    Ran like sadness down the window into...
    The space between
    Our wicked lies
    Is where we hope to keep safe from pain

    Take my hand
    'Cause we're walking out of here
    Oh, right out of here
    Love is all we need here
    The space between
    What's wrong and right
    Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you
    The space between
    Your heart and mine
    Is the space we'll fill with time
    The space between...

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: See above (Duh)
    Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
    9:35 am
    Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.
    -Mel Brooks

    "Windows 95: 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch
    to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit
    microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of
    competition." - Unknown

    REALITY.SYS not found! Universe halted. Reboot? Y/N

    BILL.GATES corrupted. Reformat? Y/N

    Cannot find YOUR.BRAIN!
    (i)gnore, (r)etry, (f)ail, (b)rowse...

    Running AMNESIA.EXE... Out of memory.

    Error: Too many errors.

    Press any key except... no, No, NO, NOT THAT ONE!

    Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner.

    This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another game?

    Windows message: "Error saving file! Format drive now? (Y/Y)"

    BREAKFAST.SYS halted... Cereal port not responding.

    COFFEE.SYS missing... Insert cup in cup holder and press any key.

    CONGRESS.SYS corrupted... Re-boot Washington D.C? (Y/N)

    File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

    Bad or missing mouse. Spank the cat? (Y/N)

    Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.

    Error reading FAT record: Try the SKINNY one? (Y/N)

    WinErr 16547: LPT1 not found. Use backup. (PENCIL & PAPER.SYS)

    User Error: Replace user.

    Windows VirusScan 1.0 - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/N)"

    This SkyRender guy's nuts. He has patches to translate Final Fantasy VI (the FamiCom version!!), but they require a header, and unfortunately, I have no idea where to get a ROM that has the right header! Crap! If anyone knows where to get one, let me know!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: PowerMan 5000 - "Nobody's Real"
    Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
    9:15 am
    Hwut duh phuck?!
    Here's the one I got:

    If I was an Invader Zim Character, I'd be:

    Click to see what Invader Zim Character you could be!

    Take the Invader Zim personality test

    Now here's the one I should have got!

    If I was an Invader Zim Character, I'd be:

    Click to see what Invader Zim Character you could be!

    Take the Invader Zim personality test

    Yeah.... I have a crush on GAZ?! The heck? I never knew that one.... unless this person made it up... Either way, if that's true.... well, Jhonen's got some, ahem, ideas on human-robot relations... heh....

    Anyway... things aren't much different... I've taken to calling Li by the nickname her dad gave her, Ever. I have no idea what it means to them, but it sounds cute for her, and it's quite fitting, so... it works, I guess. Anyway, I didn't mention it before, but she exited Job Corps May 20th, and she's back in Northridge with her parents. Here's the good news: She's got a part time job, she's taking her state exam for her nursing license in July, and her really nice aunt wants to get an apartment with her, so they can split the rent. Here's the bad part: She hates it at home because her stepdad yells at her a lot, her stepbrother is an asshole, she's really far away from me, and her mom doesn't approve of our relationship. In fact, her mom told her she should break up with me, and that if we got married anyway, she'd disown her. DISOWN HER! That's insane!! Especially nowadays! Most parents eventually give in and accept it, but her mom's dead set on it. It seemed that she liked me at first, because we had a few serious conversations about Ever, and she was really nice to me, but... now Ever has to lie to her parents, to risk their anger to visit me for a few hours. It's really depressing that we rarely ever get to see each other... maybe once or twice every two weeks at most... at least she can call me sometimes....
    Gods, I miss her....
    I'm gonna go... I feel kinda iffy....

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Current Music: Paul Oakenfold - Ascension's "Someone" (Slacker Mix)
    Thursday, June 6th, 2002
    12:40 pm
    Help needed muchly!!!
    Damn Dell! Why can't I seem to find a damn 22 volt power adapter for my friggin' laptop? Oi!!
    "Thanks for choosing Dell, how may I help you?"
    Yeah, I have a Latitude LT notebook, and I need a couple parts...
    "Well, we don't make Latitude LTs anymore, so you'll have to buy used parts for that type, and the part you need is... let me see... $45."
    Ok, so how do I pay for it?
    "You can use a credit card number or send a check."
    Later, I call with a check for $45. Where do I send this?
    "Here's the address, blah, blah, blah, and just pit the order number on the memo part."
    Ok, so can I order and get an order number, then?
    "Hold on, I'll transfer you there."
    Hi, can I order something? I was told I can mail you a check for a part I need?
    "Oh, we don't take checks by mail. Not this department. You need to use an e-check or credit card."
    Ok, so what's the e-check?
    "Just give us the number on the bottom of the check."
    Ok. I call later with that number.
    "Uh, well, this part isn't listed, so I don't think we have it in stock. Try calling in another week or so."
    Does anyone not know where I can get a 22 volt notebook power adapter??!! God damn it!!

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: Staind - "Pressure"
    Friday, May 31st, 2002
    2:02 pm
    I feel like this sometimes...... with anyone.....
    Your words to me, just a whisper
    Your face is so unclear
    I try to pay attention
    Your words just disappear

    'cause it's always raining in my head
    Forget all the things I should have said

    So I speak to you in riddles
    'cause my words get in my way
    I smoke the whole thing to my head
    And feel it wash away
    'cause I can't take anymore of this
    I want to come apart
    Or dig myself a little hole
    Inside your precious heart

    'cause its always raining in my head
    Forget all the things I should have said

    I am nothing more than a little boy inside
    That cries out for attention
    Though I always try to hide
    'cause I talk to you like children,
    Though I don't know how I feel
    But I know I'll do the right thing
    If the right thing is revealed

    'cause its always raining in my head
    Forget all the things I should have said

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Staind - "Epiphany" (duh, see above)
    1:26 pm
    Yeah... these tests are kinda lame...

    The Rebel

    You don't care what other people think of you. It's not like they really know you or anything. You've got your own projects (a band or maybe a Web site) to keep you focused, and a few good friends you confide in when things get rough. You have an air of mystery about you that you probably cultivated by trying on lots of different personalities online. People tend to tell you their deepest secrets.

    Your Summit High Alter-Ego: Ethan

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: Moo!
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