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a day off. [30 Nov 2002|01:49am]
today was boring i guess.
theda and i didn't get anything done.
*shrug* we watched tv and slept. didn't even open the extra bedroom door. ha. it was cold and stuff. so i was there from 2-10. i mean. whatever. i was hoping we would get some stuff done today so i didn't have to be there so long tomorrow, but whatever. i need to go do some shopping tomorrow. need to get rat food. whatever.
im in a pissy mood. and i don't know why. i think im tired. but i can't understand why i would be tired after sleeping 12 hours last night, and a good 3 hours this afternoon. i've just been sleepy all day.
i feel real anxious. like i've almost forgotten what to do with a day off. that spending time doing nothing is not right. and. 2 days off from school and i feel like i should be going back, and in bed sleeping. i just can't relax. every 5 minutes i get all panicked that i need to be in bed, and have to remind myself that tomorrow is only saturday and that i don't have to work. so being up at 2 is ok.
im playing the sims. and just about ready for bed.
so far away

everybodys looking for that something, one thing that makes it all complete. [13 Sep 2002|09:48pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Brian Adams - I Do It For You ]

could you love me for who i am? is that possible?

do you love me for who i really am? or who i am trying to be?

do you know the difference? is there a difference? could you tell me who i am?

could you tell me why i am here? what my purpose is? do you really know me? do you want to know me? do you wish you hadn't met me? are you glad you met me? do you regret knowing me?

do you really love me? what does love mean? how can i be sure you love me? how could you prove it? should you have to prove it? do i love you? how would you know? how do you know? how could i prove it?

do you really care? about me? about life? about anything? what do you care about? what is the single most important thing in your life? was that a hard question to answer? or did you know the answer right away? what would happen if it was gone? would you die? would you lose the will to live? would you give up? stop fighting? what do you believe in? why are you here? what do you stand for? what are you living for? what makes you complete? are you complete? whats missing? have you found that special thing, or person? are you flying? with out wing? with wings? can you guess what i am living for? do you know what is the single most important thing in my life? do you know what i am living for?

and the biggest question of all? who are you? tell me about you.

i dare you. to answer these. half of these. i dare you.

5 miles closer|so far away

more [18 Jul 2002|06:12pm]
part 2 )
so far away

questions. [18 Jul 2002|06:12pm]
1015 )
1 mile closer|so far away

help me stay awake, i'm falling alseep. [13 Jul 2002|01:28pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Perfect Blue Buildings - Counting Crows ]

&this; journal takes its move into friends only (thus if you didn't see my message from this morning you either aren't logged in or not there) this is also your chance to remove or add me to your friends list. i won't take offence if one wants to remove me - please do. i don't want anyone sticking around for the hell of it. (not that i wanna lose any of the journals i read.)

anyhow. don't you love these messages. so annoying - but its that time, its past that time.

so far away

there's much more that i needed. [13 Jul 2002|03:48am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Westlife - If I Let u Go ]

the kitten just tried to jump up on to my dresser and missed. (well because the brid cage is there, and there's not really enough room for him) i tried so hard not to laugh. then he hissed at natalie, who is half asleep about 4 feet away. then i couldn't help it. the way he looked at her, like she did it to him or something.

this kitten is really something else. i don't know if i have the patience for a kitten like him. just when all my babies are cats - there's a kitten in the house, and not JUST a kitten, we're talking a very hyper kitten -- im enjoying it fully.

it will be a month this week since Ryan's been gone - i set the month date as a time to give up. maybe more on myself, than on Ryan coming home. i don't know.

im not sure i want to touch that. victors been presistant in telling me i need to get over him. i find that a very difficult thought. (first in that its something one can NEVER 'get over') its still so much agony. so much pain. i'm not ready to give up hope - im just not. even though i believe, im not gonna see my orange kitty with the crooked white face again. i felt that the first hour he was gone. the same way i felt the strongest desire to call Kayse - giving up that hope, that thought - makes it hard.

tonight. i was showing off this sweet kitten to Mel, and she outta the blue said she sees ryan in him.

it stopped me in my tracks, because i keep looking at him, and something in his face, something i haven't put my finger on - is like, hard to explain, something that said i wasn't going to turn my back on this kitten. the fight inside of me.

the way my mother didn't freak, hasn't said a word about him.

i don't know.

i love having words )

so far away

i could never reach you - so far away. [13 Jul 2002|02:55am]
looking at my reflection in my gerbil tanks on the opposite wall, makes me look extremely fat and disgusting. always.

i don't look that fat in the mirror, and i certainly hope i don't look that fat to other people.

ugh. i think its time to throw them gerbil tanks in the trash - actually i've felt extra fat all day. &i; hardly think eating what i've eaten has helped at all.
1 mile closer|so far away

ick. [13 Jul 2002|02:47am]
penut butter chocolate cookies = tummy ache.

of course. i know its because all i've eaten today was the cookies, a cookie from starbucks earlier and a can of vienna sausages - i bet if i ate something healthier, i'd feel better.

i suck.
so far away

this kitten is hissing at my birds. [13 Jul 2002|02:18am]
what a little shit.

in the last five minutes i've cut myself on a drill bit. and the gerbil tank. both times i've bled. both on my left arm. i've got to stop beating myself up - even if its not on purpose. cuz it hurts.

&i; reserve the right to call anyone younger than me kiddo - sorry dear. :) bad habit. i hope it didn't really offend her.
so far away

i am ready [12 Jul 2002|11:30pm]
my stomach keeps turning knots.

i talked with my mom this evening. it was sorta, lets see her reaction. which was a firm NO. blah. the whole deal is I have to be 18. period. no if ands or buts about it, so she says.

i drop it. not worth an arguement. well. it is, but it wasn't. because my mom was in a good mood, and running me to do my things.

blah. so we were in the starbucks drive through.

"so are you sure I can't go in december?"
"NO. sarah. we've talked about this. you have to be 18."

this is the biggest factor against me really.
i keep pressing her. she asks once more how old Chris is. i get a kick out of that "NO!!"
its not like i talk about a dozen guys with her, from on line - and its not like i haven't mentioned him a million times. if not a million times a day. geeez.

she asks if i'd have sex with him. it almost broke the tension. its not something i would talk to my mother about, or would admit to her.. so i give off a no, in which i knew i couldn't keep a straight face. which made it even funnier. i don't think i could lie to my mother about something like that, but i couldn't really tell her. i mean. yah. what was the point of that question again.

yah. but to make this long story short. she ended up by telling me that she doesn't care, really. that i have to pull it together. i have to find out the details. the legal regaurds. and such things. and take care of any financial business.

she's more worried about my safety and i don't think so much with him. but the whole idea.

at least she dropped the whole "you have to be 18"

meep. yes. just meep.

there's been comfort in knowing April of next year is a long ways away. i mean. december. thats like less than a half a year away.

she asked if i'd come home. i told her yes.

my stomach is still turning knots.

however. im pleased with the way the conversation turned out. i feel like i made progress, good or bad i don't know. she offered to go with me. that was certainly progress on my moms part. i'd rather take chiara or tera, but yeah.

i don't really need my mommy holding my hand - my mom and i don't have that kind of relationship. but i wouldn't tell her no, really.

still. it was progress when she seemed ok with next summer (not that she has any say then, except if im still living here) then it was always the animals had to go long before i left. but honestly - yes i would plan on returning before i never came home again. going down in december would give me that chance.

i don't know what to think. i don't know what to say. i don't even know how i feel right now. like a dream could be coming true? perhaps.

i really truly honestly don't know.

anyhow. today wasn't bad. we went and saw halloween ressurrection. it didn't really do anything for me. it wasn't a bad movie. i just. i can't watch movies. i started watching shallow hal last night. i actually can't wait to finish it tonight.

im not looking forward to work tomorrow, though. not in the least. i want to sleep, and sleep, and sleep.
so far away

its been so long since i've felt safe. [12 Jul 2002|02:44pm]
gah. people knocking on my door when im sleeping drive me crazy, even if it was time to get up. :P

so who was at the door? someone with flowers. *nod* so yes, thanks Victor, certainly a wonderful way to start the day - and they are beautiful.

now i need to take a shower, because i have things i need to do. i wish my mom was home, so that i could get the money she owes me, so i could make one trip to the bank..

i need to get the snake a mouse. and there was something else i'll remember later.

heh. i owe chris an email. he can shoot me later.

anyone can shoot me.

im out.,
2 miles closer|so far away

we all want something beautiful. [12 Jul 2002|03:59am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | to where you are - josh groban ]

i feel beautiful right now. just that sorta feeling that comes from time to time, and you wish there was someone there to see you. the way you feel you glow right now. very odd.

im not beautiful. not like i feel right now.

neither inside, nor outside. but sometimes.. sometimes my ego is too much - and then there are times i feel so ugly, so disgusting, there really aren't words for the way that feels, when i want to rip off my face, cut myself till there is no flesh left. i wish there was a balance. a happy medium. where i could stand myself, even love myself. or something.

but i am a beautiful person. except for the parts i have made ugly, or have allowed to stay ugly. and its just learning to see the parts i've made ugly, and see some beauty, even if its in the pain, or the way i've survived, or the person it's allowed me to become, or am becoming. if i can turn that into something positive, something. somehow. even if i don't believe it. but im not sure how to do that. im not. its there everytime i open my eyes, every time i stand naked, open. every time. and they aren't going to go away. and its ugly - perhaps i need to find away to seperate it from who i am. but then its all apart of who i am, so i suppose that may not be possible.. maybe who i am now, then. i just need to find some justification to it. theres so much still that i need to work out. so many things that i need to do for myself.

learning to control myself, would be the first. learning to deal with myself, the most important. still so much. so many things, towards healing, towards loving me. if not just being happy with me, with life - i feel im on the road there, each time i can say no. each time i can speak whats on my mind. each night i fight through the loneliness and pain. each time i deal with the flashbacks, or the reminders.. every day. a step closer, a bit stronger. its taking steps forward, that i was afraid i couldn't take. every day. every single day.

im a good person. i think. sometimes i have to tell myself that. sometimes i feel it. i question it. when i feel unworthy, when i feel a slap in the face. when i feel rejected, when im questioned in my beliefs, when told what to do - even though i believe i'm on the right track - when they laugh, when they knock me down, with their words, their actions. when they see things in me i've never seen before, good or bad. mostly bad. when the look at me, and shake their heads.. when they call me names, when they.. when they... i question it so many times in a day, maybe im a terrible person, maybe im not. maybe i don't know. maybe its not fair that i allow THEM to decide if im a good person or not. them being every other person in the world.

i have a belief. i live by it, when living with others. if that person can look themselves in the mirror at night, in the morning, and feel ok about themselves, they must be doing ok - even if they are doing things that i disapprove of. so how come i can't hold the same for me. but then. when i look at myself in the mirror. its one of the two, either i love what i see, or i want to rip through me. &yet.; more and more i'm feeling ok about myself. i want that self confidence, once you taste it, you don't want to let it go.

im learning. so slowly.

theres still soo much. i want to make myself a beautiful person, for him. for me. so that i can feel loved - so it doesn't feel so terrible - to be loved. so it doesn't hurt each time i hear it. if i was beautiful, i could be loved and that would be ok with me, because most days, being loved isn't ok. i'd rather be hated. i still have this strong need to be disliked, to be tossed aside. to be seen as worthless, a waste of time, esp when in any kind of relationship. i have a difficult time dealing with that..

and trust, but that all ties into the fact that in trusting them, i would have to believe that they may really love me, and then i have to believe i'm worthwhile, and its complicated. someone should throw their views in. its times like this i was still seeing Amy on a weekly basis, ya know, she would help me solve this, if not at least give me the tools, and the questions to help me see, to solve it. to learn. its been a year since i've seen her. if only i had graduated. right?

i feel overwhelmed by everything that i just spit out. truly, utterly overwhelmed. sometimes its difficult to figure things out. to have them written down - because. its even harded to act on them, to learn.

did i untie the knots, or make the knot bigger? i dont know.

im in love. so in love. with love itself. maybe.

i swear to goodness, chris could have slapped me in the face tonight - it would have been easier. i've never felt so rejected like that. i feel better after he explained, well maybe not, honeslty- but ok. paranoid? a bit. (which i think i just completely made a hypocrite of myself )

&i; fight tears, the kind that say i'm really going crazy, losing when i think im winning. i can't stop laughing. and if i stopped, i would cry.

now my eyes are killing me. whoa. instant sleepiness. too bad i need to feed my critters before i head off to sleep.
i wish this baby kitty wasn't ill, i would take him and sleep with him. i love the way kittens sleep with you. i remember ryan sleeping with me. and alien. monkey butt.

2 miles closer|so far away

did i know better? [12 Jul 2002|12:58am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Janis Ian - When Angels Cry ]

looking through pictures on my computer. there are pictures of Ryan I don't remember being there. some pictures that make me want to cry. just pictures that jump out at me.

im just trying to find some pictures of the kittens, and every time there were kittens, there was that lovable face. each one is like a slap in the face. like being knocked to the ground.

i only want him back. this kitten can go away. i want a magic wand, we'll turn this lovable kitten, into my beautiful Ryan. :(

so far away

pictures. [11 Jul 2002|11:31pm]

really though, who could turn away such a face? and he's so sweet. i don't know if i should search for an owner or not, because i would hate to turn him over to someone who's not caring for him, but i know what its like to miss a cat.

but then, who lets a tiny kitty out on his own like that?

also. the kids said they've seen Ryan eating their dog food. i brought out pictures, the said it was him. i highly doubt it, honestly, because Ryan would not just not come home if he could. and they live just across the alley. &yeah.;

im at odds. this kitten needs a bath.

names ideas?
whats the lion from lion king? the uncle? kellee said stupido. cuz he looks like 'tardo.
speaking of which. i believe this kitten is related to them, iether one of my big boys has been having fun, or their daddy, or maybe they aren't related at all. its just yeah.
11 miles closer|so far away

night plans always go astray. [11 Jul 2002|11:15pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me ]

rawr. just rawr. i am blessed with another kitten, not that is completely a bad thing. but its not something i need. even though i adore kittens, i think they are the most precious thing in the world. really. but still.

the story: kids across the alley come across kitten, ask their neighbor, who sends them to theda, who brings the kitten to me. rawr. indeed. this kitten looks like Retardo, but with long hair. he has a sweet face. very sweet. i suspect he's someone's pet, but then, he's filthy, and he's got an obvious cold, or respiratory problemm and that leads me to wonder. ya know?

so for the time being i have this adorable creature in my room, and he's staring at gerbils. the rats are running around, so i have to catch them, as to not have any dead rats. :)

and. i need a name for this kitten.

soemone should shoot me. honeslty.

and Brandon left, i feel bad. i didn't mean to get distracted.
plus my computer restarted itself, actually i bet it was a rat, so i have no idea if he left or what.

rawr. i say. rawr.

so far away

yes. [11 Jul 2002|08:50pm]
listening to dashboard confessionals
that should say enought right there. right?

bah. i cleaned my room. now. tackle them rat cages. but Jesse and Rascal are cuddled up sleeping, and why would i disturb such cuties? hrm.. to let them free run. yes thats why.
so far away

various horoscopes for today. [11 Jul 2002|06:40pm]
You are a warm and caring person, dear Aries. What is extraordinary about you is that you seem to care just as much for people you don't know as those you do. You can't tolerate the injustices of this world. And yes, there certainly are many. Today give some thought to what you could possibly do to make a difference in someone's life.

You needn't be perfect to be cherished and admired. In fact, you'll be much more approachable and much more in demand if you're willing to show that you need others in order to be complete.

You can't stand injustice, dear Aries, and each unjust situation you come across seems to affect you personally, dear Aries. You may have an exaggerated sense of ethics that pushes you to constantly wonder whether you are right in being so sensitive to all the pain in the world. Yet, it's so important to think of other people. It might be a good idea to get a few friends together to talk and philosophize about this world that seems so cold and indifferent to you.

just so much of it relates to things that have been going on.

i don't know.

ya know. i just really don't. i feel confused. about everything right now.

i woke up late this afternoon, it was my day to sleep in, and thats what i did.

i got up, sat down here at the computer, and started crying. it was like instant. i don't know why. and i sat here for a few minutes, hoping i could regain myself enough to go back out to the couch, and fool my mother. i feel dead. i hope this will stop. this is the worst i've felt in months, and that scares me.

so i laid on the couch and 'wached' some tv. Oprah. imagine that. well. and roseanne at 3:30 and at 5. thankfully my sister was at a friends house, and mom had gone to the movie store, so laying there crying was ok. Garfield came and sat with. bless that kitty.

i got up at around 5:30. *shrug* took a cold shower. sitting here in a towel. must go find something clean to put on, so i can clean out dirty rat cages (go figure?)

i HAVE to get something done tonight. i haven't done a damn thing all week. nothing.

there's a bump over my left index knuckle. its very sore, still. i really hope it stops. goes away. now.

im impatient. very. i know.

i want to cut my ties to every person i know. im tired of people. save chris and chiara, well and victor, because he doesn't bother me. *nod* and mel, because she's amazing like that. rawr. and kelley, because she's lovely. &yeah.;
so far away

rattie/gerbie weights [11 Jul 2002|04:22am]
Psycho = 13.2 oz
Jesse = 1lb 3 oz
Rascal = 13.8 oz
Kody = 13.6 oz
black = 5.2 oz
blue = 5.8 oz
ligtning = 5.6 oz
Blade = 3.9 oz
Benton = 3.4 oz --- my 2 fatest boys.

:) fun.
so far away

blah. [11 Jul 2002|03:42am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Edwin Mccain - I Could Not Ask For More ]

my stomach keeps dropping. certainly in a way that somethings not right. somethings wrong. i think i may be physically ill - it just keeps doing that at random times, for no real reasons, and my heart keeps racing.

i should just go to bed. but i just let the boys out for a few minutes of free time. they've been locked in their cage all night, because i was afraid i didn't have the patiences to deal with them. they are harassing the girlies. i've got to put their cage back up where they can't get to them.

tomorrow. i'll get the rat cages cleaned. maybe move the girls into a tank. if i had known what troubles it would cause to have girl and boy rats, i may have never gotten the girls, sides for the fact i can't wait till Jess has kidlets.

jesse just ran off with a piece of sweet and sour chicken.

i want to fall off the face of the earth. NOW.

so far away

she's needs somebody. [11 Jul 2002|03:17am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Brandy - Tomorrow ]

i want someone to reassure me. that im worthy..
nothing else.

because i feel totally worthless. so undeserving.

i never seem to question myself. not like this. its only when im feeling down, or suicidal-ish. in that im not sure i want to live. so then when i feel this way, it becomes even more difficult to think about making any big steps.

i should know better.. but i will never learn. i will keeping putting him, and myself through pain neither of us needs.. and i worry.. i worry.. soon.. he won't want to put up with me and all too often, i wish he would give up on me.

i don't make sense to me. im so damn confused. its just not funny, in that its comical. <<--exactly, sarah, exactly.

now im talking to myself. wait. i always talk to myself.

rawr. i should be in bed. yes. i should.
so why aren't i? because.

every word is making me cry. why am i so sensitive tonight? i'd like to know. and i'd like these tears to end.

2 miles closer|so far away

did i leave a bad taste in your mouth? [11 Jul 2002|02:45am]
today was a difficult day, in many ways.

in ways im not sure i could explain.
because i don't know how long this will be, and because i hate taking up space on my friends page )
so far away

im sinking slowly, so hurry hold me.. [11 Jul 2002|01:51am]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | Michelle Branch - Everywhere ]

the last hour has been spent laughing through the tears rolling down my face. they are just there. i don't have control over them. but Chiara's had me cracking up. i love her dearly. &i; feel so protected by my big sissy.
Chiara: i wanna bring a baseball bat tho
Chiara: cuz if he hurts my sarah doll
Chiara: ima whack him and teach him how to play american baseball, using his head for the ball

this was after me asking her to fly down to meet chris with me, cuz she said i needed someone to go with me. :P

not that i feel im in any danger, in that respect - but still i felt protected.. i'd need my Chi to knock the sense into me, and justify every thought - and she does it best.

3 miles closer|so far away

happy birthday babies [11 Jul 2002|12:43am]

It seems like it was forever ago. :)

Retardo )
Garfield )
Girlie )
Boonie )
Charlie Boy )
Alien, April, Spooky, Monkey, Natalie )
multiples )
more multiples )
3 miles closer|so far away

i want some affection. [10 Jul 2002|11:57pm]
but i don't want anyone to touch me. i would freak.
so far away

alright. [10 Jul 2002|11:20pm]
now i hope i didn't upset Brandon.
that would be too much.

im overly sensitive right now.
i don't know whats going on.
so far away

to much love? [10 Jul 2002|11:16pm]
i feel like i can't love anything anymore. like it would be imposible to love another animal, or human.

so far away

i don't know what to put here right now. [10 Jul 2002|11:03pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | Mr. Jones - Counting Crows ]

i feel sick to my stomach with worry right now. i don't know why, or where from. just sick to my stomach with worry.

i took pictures of the birthday kitties, minus Charlie, who didn't come around today. so be prepared to be showered with kitty pictures.

and i have big old long rant to write about some of the things i realized today. but right now. i just feel to sick to say anything.

i want my Chris here, right now. :(

i think i might cry. and im not even sure why. and im shaking. i feel sick. god.

so far away

its one more day, one more day. [10 Jul 2002|04:41pm]
my pay check was a little more than i expected. thats a good thing. but then. i have less money then i was planning on. eh whatever. if i don't spend it, it will still be there come the 25th, which is going to be a crappy pay check.

the vet tuckered Alien out in a big way.

going into work sucked. had to go see Kathi Deary. i knew why. :( i got the poke for my TB test, at least she was kind enough to do my right arm, avoiding the scars, and the soreness from my scratches.
turned in my note to Divita, and answered a dozen questions from others. joy.

gah. its 91 degrees outside. i swear this has to stop. ugh. so im gonna go pass out fresh water to everyone, and give the ratsand Natalie a frozen bottle to lay against. my poor kids.

Theda's gonna pick me up in an hour or so to go out to eat. so yeah.
so far away

i can't get you off of my mind [10 Jul 2002|01:38pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do ]

i meant to get up over and hour and a half ago. but it didn't work. i wanted to go back to my dream. wanted to see how ended. but i really didn't. it was terribly sad.

it started that someone was calling my cell phone and like 2 in the morning. there aren't many people who have that number, and if they do, their name shows up. for some reason the subject said tears. (more like an email) so i answered it, and it was one of those voice that i knew, that i couldn't place.

next we were in the hospital with this said guy, because he was dying. the doctors would come in, and everyone would have to leave, but he wouldn't let me go anywhere. he was so weak, and sick. and all he wanted was for me to hold his hand, so i did, crunched in a corner, so doctors could work around me. holding his hand. he kept talking. mumbling words, words i couldn't understand. things i couldn't hear. and i just sat there with him. it was all i could do. even though it was killing me (the emotions you can feel in a dream are often unreal) he feel asleep, i kissed his forhead, and walked out of the room. blah. (i wanted to find out who he was - dark curly hair, dark eyes, big build)

the other dream was even weirder. i jsut want to dream about a guy i know.
we were out together, went to the movies. as friends. we get to the end, and to our cars. he asks for a hug, and i don't argue, i wanted to give him a hug. he wrapped his arms around me.
we talk for a few minutes. "we have to leave this in the past now. i can't see you again."
and in someways i understood this.
i kissed him on the cheek, told him i loved him - and always would.
he started to cry, and i asked him why.
"this isn't what i want, i really love you...."
i gave him another hug, kissed him one last time, unlocked my doors and drove away, leaving him there crying.

nope. i don't understand either dream. but both times i abandoned someone who seemed like they needed me.

whatever i guess.

dreams are silly. they often make no sense at all.

i just hope everyones ok today - but i don't know who to worry about. (i believe our dreams mean something, what, i don't always know)

1 mile closer|so far away

no one gets to come in my space [10 Jul 2002|02:45am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | tonight tonight - smashing pumpkins ]

you know what would be the greatest thing in the world right now. to talk to someone on the telephone, and all asleep to the softness of their voice. &yes.; i wish this voice would be Anthonys.

&i; don't know why all of a sudden that sounded so perfect. im just tired. lonely. sad.

tomorrow i get to go pick up my pay check, and turn in my doctors note., go to the bank, and then with Theda to take Alien to see the vet.

Theda and her niece are then going to get their nails done, and out to dinner, i was invited, but i don't really think i want to go. i jsut want some time alone. one day where i don't have to deal with anyone. i keep wanting a day off, but everything keeps getting in the way. i feel so lost lately. so rushed. &thats; a good thing, it really is, busy, makes less time to fall apart in. but its been overwhelming lately.

and i just want something to take it away. so many emotions, so many things. &time; isn't stopping. for anything. and i wish it would.

whatever. i suppose.

im off to bed. i do think, before i do or say something stupid.

so far away

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