Mark Owens' Journal
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Mark Owens' LiveJournal:
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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 | 9:25 pm |
i feel fine... this one's for you, deni... Exit Mundi | Saturday, February 21st, 2004 | 12:22 am |
stolen from andimer Step 1: Open your itunes/musicmatch/WinAmp/whatever you use to play MP3s Step 2: Put all of your music on random. Step 3: Write down the first fifteen songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing. ( Read more... )I'd say that's a pretty good retrospective... | Wednesday, February 4th, 2004 | 10:00 pm |
Party Party Par...whoa...deja vu... You are cordially invited to a fun-filled night of beer and games, courtesy yer friend mowens.
Who? You, you jackanape!
What? Beer, (preferably a domestic of some sort, so Eric can drink more than two) and games, including but not limited to Munchkin of various flavors, Chez Geek, and the painstakingly hand-crafted sequal to the Paranoia Drinking Game: Par Wars Ep. 2.5: Send in the Clones.
When? Friday Feb 27 or Saturday Feb 28, as decided by the people who have to work that day.
Where? The lovely city of Birmingham, location determined by Richard's lungs.
Why? Because I like you, that's why.
RSVP, preferably on a crisp new $20 bill sent to my illegal offshore holding corporation | Sunday, January 11th, 2004 | 1:26 pm |
Party Party Party... You are cordially invited to a fun-filled night of beer and games, courtesy yer friend mowens.
Who? You, you jackanape!
What? Beer, (preferably a domestic of some sort, so Eric can drink more than two) and games, including but not limited to Munchkin of various flavors, Chez Geek, and the painstakingly hand-crafted sequal to the Paranoia Drinking Game: Par Wars Ep. 2.5: Send in the Clones.
When? Friday Jan 16 or Saturday Jan 17, as decided by the people who have to work that day.
Where? The lovely city of Birmingham, location determined by Richard's lungs.
Why? Because I like you, that's why.
RSVP, preferably on a crisp new $20 bill sent to my illegal offshore holding corporation. | Wednesday, January 7th, 2004 | 10:48 am |
"Your Man Jesus seems to me a bit of a son of a bitch when it comes to women," Roland said. "Was He ever married?" The corners of Callahan's mouth quirked, "No," he said, "but His girlfriend was a whore." "Well," Roland said, "that's a start." -- Stephen King - The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla -- | Sunday, December 28th, 2003 | 11:06 pm |
"Thrice shall pay for all, if you are willing." Man, that movie was great. But what was the deal with the pumpkin? | Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 | 8:28 pm |
December 5 - Day of the Ninja The new Ninja Burger card game from Steve Jackson Games is now available for purchase, and this announcement just so happens to coincide with the release of the latest supplement to the Ninja Burger RPG, BURGERTECH, and the availability of the new Ninja Burger CD-ROM. So much ninja stuff, so little time. And then it hit me. We should have a Day of the Ninja. Forget 'Talk Like a Pirate' Day. This will truly be our chance to show the world what ninja are made of. We're going to make Friday, December 5th the Day of the Ninja. Why that Friday? Because it's opening day for the new Tom Cruise movie, The Last Samurai, and everyone knows that ninja will be celebrating the fact that there's only one last samurai left to do away with. And it's Tom Cruise, at that. Stupid Gaijin. I want you to help me take over the Internet on that day. LiveJournal posts about ninja. Ninja links on all your websites. Photos of yourself wearing ninja outfits. Whatever. Go Ninja crazy. There'll also be contests, giveaways and special features on websites like,, and others. Keep an eye out! And most importantly, tell YOUR friends and get them aboard. The more ninja, the merrier. E-mail me to let me know you're aboard, and let me know what you plan to do to help celebrate the Day of the Ninja. -aeon | Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 | 8:44 pm |
| Monday, October 6th, 2003 | 10:23 pm |
Manos...god of primal darkness... ...that's me! Props to Deni for the costume, and props to Jennyryann for taking the picture. Even though she called me a cosplayer. | Saturday, September 20th, 2003 | 10:47 am |
| Tuesday, September 16th, 2003 | 4:05 pm |
| Friday, September 12th, 2003 | 1:26 pm |
we'll miss ya... I don't want no aggravation When my train has left the station If you're there or not, I may not even know Have a round and remember Things we did that weren't so tender Let the train blow the whistle when I go
On my guitar sell tickets So someone can finally pick it And tell the girls down at the Ritz I said hello Tell the gossipers and liars I will see them in the fire Let the train blow the whistle when I go
Let her blow, let her blow Long and loud and hard and happy Let her blow No regrets, all my debts will be paid When I get laid Let her blow, let her blow, let her blow
You'll be left without excuses For the evils and abuses Down to today from years and years ago And have yourself another toke From my basket full of smoke And let the train blow the whistle when I go
Let her blow, let her blow Long and loud and hard and happy Let her blow No regrets, all my debts will be paid When I get laid Let her blow, let her blow, let her blow | Sunday, September 7th, 2003 | 6:17 pm |
| 2:22 am |
i am no fun when i am drunk.
sorry. | Saturday, September 6th, 2003 | 12:07 pm |
remember when... we were watching Pirates or maybe League and this trailer came on and I said "White Wolf is gonna sue somebody."? Well... | Friday, August 29th, 2003 | 3:50 pm |
getting ready to go to dragon*con i'm like a shark. if i stop moving too long, i'll die. that was in some movie. i can't recall which.
"Let's hear it for the greebos, the crusties, and the goths. And the only living boy in New Cross." | Monday, August 4th, 2003 | 9:47 pm |
my head hurts. and this cat keeps patting me in the eye. | Thursday, July 24th, 2003 | 9:48 pm |
Consider this... You've worked as a policeman your whole life, protecting the innocent, enforcing the law. You retire with honors, then take a job as a security guard, working the metal detector on the ground floor of a skyscraper in order to help pay for your wife's arthritis medication. You're sitting there, on a slow day, reading your newspaper, when a girl walks in wearing a trenchcoat. She issues no demands, no warnings, no "freeze" or "drop your gun." She just tears you in half with a spray of machine-gun fire, then does cartwheels along the walls while killing all your co-workers.
Somewhere, faintly, you can hear a theater audience cheering. | Wednesday, July 9th, 2003 | 10:58 pm |
Important Life Lesson #574 "Would you," demanded Dora gravely, "would you say 'tomcat' before the minister?" This was a staggerer. Davy was not prepared for such a concrete example of the freedom of speech. But one did not have to be consistent with Dora. "Of course not," he admitted sulkily. "'Tomcat' isn't a holy word. I wouldn't mention such an animal before a minister at all." "But if you had to?" persisted Dora. "I'd call it a Thomas pussy," said Davy. "I think 'gentleman cat' would be more polite," reflected Dora.
| Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003 | 4:02 pm |
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