very random! | Sep. 27th, 2004 @ 05:43 pm |
I have to go to work in 7 min.
I love Boston. I love living in the city so much.
I had my first burrito since coming down here last night. So. Damn. Good. I just adore mexican food. And lemonade. I am addicted to lemonade. That is all.
P.S. I did all my hw that is due tomorrow before dinner time. Go me!::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( accomplished
please read! | Sep. 24th, 2004 @ 08:34 am |
PLEASE read and pass on --
"There is a virus being e-mailed to lj users and it looks like this:
Dear LiveJournal user, We have recently noticed that you haven't updated your LiveJournal in awhile. If you would like to keep your LiveJournal account, you must sign in within the next 24 hours. You may sign in at: {link removed} Failure to sign in within the next 24 hours will result in account termination.
DO NOT OPEN THIS LINK! IT'S A VIRUS! Please, post this in your personal journal and in your communities, even if it's off-topic for the community. This is very important"::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( groggy
this is me being boring | Sep. 23rd, 2004 @ 10:24 pm |
Sooo today I was at work for about 3 billion years. Which in real-life time was 3 1/2 hours. I worked with this girl, Michelle who is very nice..... everything was done so I basically sat around and re-read Francesca Lia Block, and talked and forced Jen to get me chips. I got my poli-sci book in the mail today too, which is very good but I still need the OTHER fucking poli-sci book. And I've been spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY lately, and I have't even realized it today. But it will all be better when I get my first paycheck tomorrow, and people pay me back to for concert tickets. Yeah.
So I am seeing:
Le Tigre Oct 23 Rasputina Oct 27 Ani DiFranco (5th time dude!) Dec 3
and probably a million bands in between then.....
I had two (TWO) invitations to get drunk tonight, but I turned them both down.... go me!
I have to work Sat. because I switched my Saturday day from next Sat to this Sat. wow. So I am not amused. 9-6. Suck my balls.... But then I have the next two Saturdays off.... and next Friday I am going home to see my mommy!! And she is going to make me taco casserole, and chicken noodle soup... and I cannot possibly wait to give her a big kiss, and a million hugs and smell her mommy smell. Wow. I really miss my mom dude.
I am kind of sort of restarting to build a site on geocities. If I ever actually get my shit together again I'll probably buy a domain... yeah.
This new update page is sketchy.
Ok, laughing really loud and having so much fun eating dinner at some italian restaurant is THE BEST. Awesome. And so is walking by Fenway park during a game... tomorrow night when the Yankees are playing Andrea, me, and hopefully a million other girls are going to hang out outside the park and yell and stuff. It's going to be sweet.
Yeah.::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( good ::AUDIO::: Jefferson Airplane - Go To Her
The squirrels rock Simmons! | Sep. 22nd, 2004 @ 01:16 pm |
Dude. Best thing ever
Andrea and I were walking back to Simmons Halls near the quad, and there was this squirrel in a tree like moving its tail, and making funny noises. And I was like "What the fuck is that squirrel doing?" upon a closer look-- The fucking squirrel was humping the branch!!!! OMG!!!!!! That is the funniest ever.... I'm my head is going to explode!!::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( amused ::AUDIO::: My Ruin - Radio Silence
randomness | Sep. 19th, 2004 @ 10:44 pm |
Besides seeing a movie on Friday I haven't seen a movie in forever, which is weird because all this past year I've seen a million movies. I miss all my friends at home, they were so fucking crazy.
But at the same time, I'm having so much fun here!!!! God damn, I love this city. So much. I bought Ben and Jerry's today to remind me of home. I also think it's funny that you have to stay up til the wee hours in the morning, just to get anything fucking productive done around here!!!!
I love eating fooood.
Titanic is on the tv right now, and I think that is funny.
This song reminds me of gimpslug and Brian. Wow. It really does, and that is funny. But, it's why I'm listening to it!::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( tired ::AUDIO::: Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta
Foooooood | Sep. 17th, 2004 @ 12:31 pm |
I wish that I had brought my camera w/ me last night, but alas I did not.
I went to Newbury St withhhh Hanna, Naaz, Erin, Vicki/y, Danielle (don't know yr lj), and someone else... yeah. I got a nice shirt at Urban, and we tried to get Naaz to try on tight pants, and a cute tank top because she always wears baggy clothes, and she WOULDN'T. Not even when Erin tried on a skirt and tight little shirt to make her feel better, WTF??? Then Newbury Comics, where we all got some shi-ite. I got the Tori Amos Raspberry Swirl single, oh yeah. Then we ate at this cafe/bookstore thing called the Trident, and I ate a REALLY good sandwhich thang, that had avacado, melted cheese, mustard on bread, SO GOOD, w/ chips and a pickle, oh and CHAI so damn good!! That's one thing I love about living in Boston... is that the food here is amazing, and you can eat something different every single day!!
Today I think I'm hanging out w/ Katie and Tiffany. Eatin lunch with Hanna in an hour, and then I am dying my hair, and she is shaving the sides. Yep.
Doing laundry too...
IT'S THE WEEKEND! YES!!::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( good ::AUDIO::: Tori Amos - Indian Summer
penis cake is good. | Sep. 13th, 2004 @ 10:49 pm |
We made ohsohumpy a penis cake for her bday
( more penis cake party.... and my mohawk, lol )::EMOTIONAL::: ![]( exhausted ::AUDIO::: Rasputina: The Mayor