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(poke my brain)

In place of any kind of real update [22 Jan 2004|06:12am]
So, so cute...

It'll brighten your day, I promise.

(3 twitches | poke my brain)

Speaking of cold weather... [15 Jan 2004|06:25pm]
It's currently 0* with -25* windchill. Since I'm out of food, I was forced to go to Star. The outside part of the journey probably took 10 minutes or less, but felt like an eternity, and convinced me that if I stayed out there another 5 minutes my fingers would turn from red (which they were) to black and fall off, even though I was wearing gloves. Fucking windchill. The funny thing is, I like this better than the 120* Phoenix can reach in the summer. Why? I don't know... I guess because I like warming up better than cooling down. It feels nicer, I guess... all cozy.

Jiu jitsu class in 40 minutes, yay! I'm learning how to kill people! After a few months I should be able to say "I'm gonna kick your ass" and mean it!

(poke my brain)

Dude. [11 Jan 2004|02:37am]
Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Rough
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a vampire, very seductive
Your Partner Is...Your soulmate
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are a good listener
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."Love is bittersweet"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

(4 twitches | poke my brain)

You didn't even refrigerate it, you spineless lobster! [09 Jan 2004|01:35am]
Still in Phoenix. Saw RotK yesterday and loved it. Got my real Christmas present today, which was a Nomad Zen Xtra mp3 player. Forty gigs of absolutely gorgeous sound quality for the price of a 10 gig iPod. Will be back in Boston on the 13th, hopefully in time to see 24 at 9:00. Need to read lots of Sandman between then and Saturday, when the Assassins' Guild Sandman game begins. I really need to go to sleep now.

(poke my brain)

Happy secular New Year! [31 Dec 2003|08:41pm]
Someone posted this New Year blessing on the rattiepix LJ community.. I thought it was adorable. Mostly because ratties are the bestest creatures.

"May your rats always brux.
May your cats always purr.
May your car always start, and your checks never bounce."

So there you go.

A selection of my New Year's resolutions:
1. Exercise more.
2. Keep up the being social thing and try to improve on it.
3. Don't stop reading, no matter how much work I have.
4. Find something to really care about again.
5. Stop wasting so much time.

...Among other things.

(poke my brain)

the funniest quiz ever [30 Dec 2003|11:32pm]
is behind this cut-tag )

(3 twitches | poke my brain)

blah [27 Dec 2003|10:30pm]
[ mood | i should go to sleep ]
[ music | evanescence - lies, fields of innocence ]

home again, after a dismal week in connecticut. i don't feel like capitalizing, so you're going to have to deal; sorry. past week was a huge waste; did nothing but sit around in their blue-grey little house trying to close my ears to all the yelling (hearing aids) and insulting "teasing" and lack of any personal time or space. came home and found it changed, though i was expecting that. i'm trying not to think about how many happy memories took place in the room i'm sitting in, which is completely different looking now (albeit better looking)... now there is really nothing left of those memories, save a few photos that i'll probably never want to look at. appropriate, i guess, given things that have happened recently. i guess. parts of me don't want to let go. parts of me say i already have.

i should listen to less depressing music, maybe.

how long are people going to be in phoenix?

(poke my brain)

Memeage - because I care. And am avoiding studying for two more finals. [15 Dec 2003|12:13pm]
This is interesting; you bold the stuff you agree with, and when you don't agree, you write in your own opinion. Taken from [info]agoddess.

A hundred pointless things about me that you probably don't care to read, but you should copy and paste your own responses in your LJ anyway. )

(poke my brain)

Dude. [11 Dec 2003|07:17pm]

From whence this came...

Scroll down to "Awful Link of the Day," read the blurb about the Amazing Flame Thrower, and follow the Pyradyne link. Good stuff.

Also: more amusement..

(poke my brain)

Yarr. [10 Dec 2003|01:52am]
Life is being confusing. I'm about to do something that is simultaneously one of the dumbest and smartest things I've done in a long time. But the problem mostly starts once that's over...

And I'm practically out of Nutella, goddammit.

The good news is, there are huge piles of snow everywhere.

Though.. in a way that's also bad, because it means there's no way I'm going to Star for more between now and winter break. Eh, it's worth it.

I'll leave you with this amusing quote from a couple nights ago:
As Vogt and Yelena are physically fighting over Trek vs. B5 in the midst of our heated nerd conversation:

Kim: You know who didn't deserve to die?
Alex: Jesus?

(4 twitches | poke my brain)

Speaking of weather... [06 Dec 2003|04:13am]
Did I say it was snowing earlier? ::sounds disgusted:: That wasn't snow.

This is snow.

(1 twitch | poke my brain)

Standing around, talking about the weather... [02 Dec 2003|01:17pm]
It's snowing!!!!!

...Finally. Geez.

Bwahaha. )

(poke my brain)

Bwahahaha! [01 Dec 2003|06:23pm]
what do they really think of you by purple
lj name
your best friend thinksYou're hiding the bodies
your family thinkyou're an alien
strangers thinkyou're a star
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

(poke my brain)

Yay for HTML! [01 Dec 2003|04:41pm]
And yay for people who sit around all day making up correspondences to these colors.*
My HTML color )

*Kind of reminds me of this, out of which I got a good laugh, in a nervous "this is really a joke, right?" kind of way. I mean, it's kind of interesting, but it seems more like putting science in place of actual spirituality rather than seamlessly blending the two, not to mention it sounds like the kind of thing Katie and I would do as a joke in high school.

(poke my brain)

more vampires [24 Nov 2003|01:57pm]
[ mood | grey ]
[ music | Evanescence - Even in Death ]

What Anime Vampire Are You?

I was going to say something else but I changed my mind.

(5 twitches | poke my brain)

Ahh, more quizzage [23 Nov 2003|12:10am]
More mythical creature goodness )

Today was a very good day. Absolutely no tooling was done, neither was any laundry. Wandering around Cambridge talking to a cool person, however, did happen. Getting grilled on my love life by a hallmember also happened, and that was kind of weird, because I didn't see at all how it had to do with convincing him not to move off hall next term, but it was nonetheless amusing.

Life has gotten so much more interesting since I came out of my room.

The Spam Code project is coming along. I have quite a collection so far (thanks Laurel!) and some interesting motifs are developing. I'll keep you posted.

(2 twitches | poke my brain)

[21 Nov 2003|02:21am]
i can be so bitter

clearly i need more cream and sugar

(2 twitches | poke my brain)

[19 Nov 2003|02:02pm]
mmmm... coffee has never tasted so good

(7 twitches | poke my brain)

More on spam [18 Nov 2003|10:33pm]
These just in: "the risen christ" and "bitter tenderness rose." It means something! I just know it!! What is the spam trying to tell us?? If both Christ and bitter tenderness are rising... perhaps "bitter tenderness" is a metaphor for the world and our painful yet beautiful mortal existence, but these two messages delivered together means that Christ's Second Coming is soon, and that we too shall be taken up into Heaven!

No, no, I'm not seeing the whole picture... I must put as many of these together as I can to form the real picture, and obtain the entire message!

Help me in my quest - post/email these 3-word subject lines (whenever you collect enough) and I'll make a website, an analysis project which will turn into an international cult.. I mean.. which will.. um.. uncover the ultimate truth and meaning of the universe!

(poke my brain)

Okay, a real spam haiku [18 Nov 2003|07:51pm]
the autumn darkness
period of enemies
whoever was chief

What does it mean??

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