2002.Aug.23 12.59a ok i'm like really pissed and stuff i'm going to bed . |
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2002.Aug.22 01.05a Rooting For Ya Adriboo! You'll Be Fine. <3 12:27 AM 22/08/2002 theglasswillow: *runs at you, pillow at the ready* theglasswillow: -KERPLOOF!- theglasswillow: wahahah!! adriennepetrie: AIYEEE! theglasswillow: *self-pride* theglasswillow: i'm goooooooood theglasswillow: *sits on pillow* theglasswillow: *polishes nails* adriennepetrie: *grumble* theglasswillow: =D adriennepetrie: *grabs two pillows and walks towards you rotating them in her hands* theglasswillow: *ducks!* adriennepetrie: *hums an ominous tune* theglasswillow: *dive-rolls behind furniture* adriennepetrie: lol theglasswillow: i not wearin these camouflage jammies fer nothin yanno theglasswillow: :D adriennepetrie: *whips out a lil mini pillow and beans you in the forehead* theglasswillow: -ponked- theglasswillow: heyy! theglasswillow: =| theglasswillow: *sends goosedown nuke* theglasswillow: *plugs ears* theglasswillow: >.< theglasswillow: >.o? adriennepetrie: *puts on helmet and prays to whatever gods she can think of* theglasswillow: *replugs ears!* >.< theglasswillow: o.< ..?? adriennepetrie: *looks up and sighs with relief* theglasswillow: o.0??? what the--BOOM-! adriennepetrie: *FLOOOOOOF* adriennepetrie: damnit >.< theglasswillow: @.@ theglasswillow: *whiteout downy storm* theglasswillow: *feather winter* theglasswillow: DAMN ADRI THAT WAS FOOKING LOUD HUH theglasswillow: *wades thru down* theglasswillow: ADRI? WHERE YOU GO?? adriennepetrie: 0.0 adriennepetrie: OVER HERRRRREEEEE!!! theglasswillow: *shovels* adriennepetrie: *swings her arms around madly and spins* theglasswillow: *as she shovels, realizes camouflage does not blend into white* theglasswillow: *hits something* theglasswillow: o.O;;; theglasswillow: *flees angry bruis-ed adri!* adriennepetrie: heheh adriennepetrie: thats what you get!! >.< theglasswillow: *trips* ..-ploof- theglasswillow: *muffled gurgling* theglasswillow: *muttering of nuke being bad idea* theglasswillow: *swims to surface* theglasswillow: damn this tickles theglasswillow: KERCHOO theglasswillow: lol ok i'm done. hehehe adriennepetrie: lol theglasswillow: <-- hypah theglasswillow: damn thee, coca cola adriennepetrie: I'm tireeeeedd theglasswillow: *.+ adriennepetrie: I have surgery tomorrow =x theglasswillow: EEEK theglasswillow: YOU DINNA TELL ME theglasswillow: and i'm lazy with journals ;-; adriennepetrie: heheh adriennepetrie: my gall bladder is coming out! adriennepetrie: its been fired! theglasswillow: omg theglasswillow: why? it having babies? theglasswillow: its union might object.. adriennepetrie: lol adriennepetrie: its just being a bastard and has been causing me terrible pain for like a yea rnow theglasswillow: oh so THAT'S what was the cause adriennepetrie: yup theglasswillow: ohhhh theglasswillow: get that suckah out theglasswillow: hehhe adriennepetrie: it better be.. cuz if they hack it out and then the problem is still there.. I'll kill them all theglasswillow: rofl theglasswillow: i shall kill you allll! with my removed gall bladder! *thwup* theglasswillow: ...damn thee, coca cola theglasswillow: >.> adriennepetrie: lol theglasswillow: wow our aol names are exactly the same number of letters theglasswillow: *nods* theglasswillow: who knew! theglasswillow: it's destinyyyyyyyyyyyyy theglasswillow: *swoop* adriennepetrie: lol adriennepetrie: first the hair then this. adriennepetrie: but I'm not cutting mine off! >.< theglasswillow: rofl theglasswillow: nono see in order to be alike you must dREAD it then cut it theglasswillow: dreeeeeeeead theglasswillow: dread de dreadlocks, mon theglasswillow: ameehlameehlameehlabong theglasswillow: omg wtf is IN this coke theglasswillow: hehe theglasswillow: i'm 'singing' reggae in an IM theglasswillow: i should sue theglasswillow: *burp* Mood: ![]() Music: moby - porcelain |
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2002.Aug.20 01.07a omg he's pooking more now X( i feel so bad!! ;-; |
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2002.Aug.20 01.04a omfg stee =S I was suddenly awakened by stee running for the bathroom.. ..he pooked halfway there, then was pooking for 5-10 minutes straight. Oh i felt for him so muchly. he's tucked into the couch now. I'm sorry unnie, we love you, feel better. <3 :{ ...*airs out house* o.O; Mood: ![]() Music: oasis - how does it feel (w/ chem bros) |
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2002.Aug.19 12.42p omg i am st00pid. From: glasswillow (the@glasswillow.com) Subject: Drawing in Illustrator 10 --Auto Selection? Newsgroups: alt.graphics.illustrator View this article only Date: 2002-08-18 23:20:04 PST This may turn out to be the stupidest question, but illustrator is driving me insane and I need help. Whenever I draw a line, dot, anything, it stays selected. I hate this. This is not good, for I go to draw a line connecting it or next to it and the first line just changes to the new one and I scream and hit things. =P I don't recall this problem in 8. I can't find anything in preferences or any menus to turn it off.. and I can't just press ctrl-d after every little thing i add. Grrr! *bapbapbaps adobe employees* Pllllllleeeeeeease help me I'm going bananas over this! 0.o;;;;;; *grk*twitch*tic* Tankoo. Post a follow-up to this message Message 2 in thread From: LauraK (lkrz@aol.com11o1al1) Subject: Re: Drawing in Illustrator 10 --Auto Selection? Newsgroups: alt.graphics.illustrator View this article only Date: 2002-08-19 00:24:27 PST >This may turn out to be the stupidest question, but illustrator is >driving me insane and I need help. > >Whenever I draw a line, dot, anything, it stays selected. I hate this. >This is not good, for I go to draw a line connecting it or next to it >and the first line just changes to the new one and I scream and hit >things. =P > In the tool box, double click the pencil tool and then the paint brush tool and uncheck "keep selected." Other options there too. Mood: ![]() Music: fatboy slim - weapon of choice |
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2002.Aug.16 03.38p went to Caravan Farm Theatre (a local farm that has kickass plays in the summer and xmassy tours in the winter) and saw The Man From The Capital well it ruled, was funny, great music... but then storms came halfway through X.x and we got soaked.. so we left and got rainchecks! YAY! we're gonna so see it again! YAY! On closing night no less. YAY! :D i loved it. it's a great place, i always go there. they're great people. maybe next year i'll help out ;D new piccie i took last night before we left! hehe ![]() Mood: ![]() Music: chem bros -- star guitar |
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2002.Jul.25 05.26p Oh oh oh glasswillow.com had won an award YAY!! user:bohemianwhore gave me this award!! ![]() hehe i forgot to put it up a while back. *^-^*;;; LOVE YOO Mood: ![]() Music: electronic funk |
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2002.Jul.22 12.23a >.<';~!!! DAT'S IT!!!! i'm changing the layout then getting back to work on this fugly site. hehe lately i've been getting way into photography, btw. gotta "limbo legs" plushie--is a doggie with huge long bellbottem legs, long long floppy ears and huge eyes. he sits on my shoulder sometimes. hehehe so cute. ahem! site! yeah not everyone liked the cubes here anyway =( Mood: ![]() Music: Tori Amos - Raining Blood |
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2002.Jul.01 09.31p family reunion -- gramma's 90th bday back from alberta! people were amazed at how happy i was. i finally told aunt liz before we left this morning that i was on anti-depressants. =P the whole family should be talking about it by now ehehe.. uncle tommy i love so so much has grown a goatee. he's so..i dunno it's like it was missing from his face this whole time he looks like himself more than ever before hehe. it more than suits him it makes him. but anyways i love him so but he's not taking care of himself and i hope hope hope he turns around and realizes he should stop drinking and smoking..he should be happy.. i think he's scared he's going to die but doesnt want to do anything about it. i was so happy he asked me for a hug but i'm so scared it may be our last. =.( i love him most of anyone in my family--since grampa died he's been the only one who could make me smile and laugh so much and i don't want to lose him so soon. i hope he's not reading this =o doh i'm crying again :P my uncles sound like my grandpa when they laugh, i cried a few times because to me he was the only one missing. and everyone there reminded me of him. the photos didnt help either hehe. i started tearing up during the whole birthday dinner bash thing. it would have been so great if he was there with grandma, celebrating. but then i suppose he was there, and that's why i got so emotional about him. i dunno. i think he hears me sometimes. and answers, and makes me cry because i feel him. i just don't know.. it's been eight years and i'm still tender about it. the traveling with my parents was hell but at least we got free food hEhE.. ooh don't tell her that. muahaha..free fooooood. :D and i heard my brother bought a TEE! from me! he says they turn out great so there. i'll be working on that part now that i know theyre good. hehe thanks eric. why don't we ever hug. i was happiest when paul and cathy were there but they left early =(.. blah... and then i forgot to take pills sat. nite because i had been drunk anyway so it was sorta a good thing. but i should have taken them that morning because on sunday i was SO PARANOID at uncle jimmy's..i noticed every little look i got and did NOT like it at all. i nearly broke down there. i'm so happy steve was with me. i'm so happy our DOG was with us haha i'm really really emotional right now because i took a 100mg pill this morning becuase i thought i forgot last night when i remembered i HAD taken one last night so i had DOUBLE the dosage all day.. i was fluxuating between talkative yappy happy to somber quiet and almost crying. been a fooking stressful weekend! =( oh yeah and HAPPY BIRfDAY CANADA!! ||*|| Mood: ![]() |
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