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19 April 2007 @ 01:59 pm
I'm gonna switch to using MySpace as my primary journal.  That way I can bombard you with video game music and crap.
You can find me here. <--click that
05 April 2007 @ 09:10 pm
go cubbies!  
i was poking around in google earth when i stumbled upon a strange phenomenon, a crop circle of sorts. it's located in the small town of cedartucky, indiana. i thought about taking a screenshot so that i could flip it around so south is up and north is down (thus making the alien message more easily understood), but i decided on sharing the location in google maps instead. that way nobody can debunk my discovery.
check it out.
05 April 2007 @ 04:12 pm
nin's Year Zero online  
i'm not sure what to make of this. it's cool and all. i'm not complaining. i just find it odd.
maybe it's because of piracy and tracks being leaked onto the internet early. or maybe it was the plan all along since trent claims to be embracing the whole computer culture thing.
whatever the motive, nine inch nails has made it possible to listen to Year Zero in its entirety online before its release. check it out at the official site.
30 March 2007 @ 09:13 am
sad kermit  
this video is more disturbing than it is funny, but it takes one of the greatest songs ever written and uses it for parody.
22 March 2007 @ 07:13 am
i command you to wank  
unintentionally funny comic book panels

in other news, i came across the untold legends: dark kingdom manual in pdf format. (i googled my name just for kicks) so if you're interested, click this.
Current Music: random hardstyle techno
09 March 2007 @ 01:41 am

so aparently nine inch nails (or someone close to the band) released the video for "survivalism" (the first single from the new album "year zero")by distributing USB pen drives at a concert in england. you can see it all over youtube. beware, it features breif glimpses of boobies and what appears to be gay sex. it should only be viewed by unsupervised children.

also aperently the static noise at the end of the songs form images of wierd stuff when it's run through a spectrograph program like the one featured in frooty loops studio and other sound/music mixing software. the one i saw was from "my violent heart" showing a spooky hand.

Current Mood: i got my violence in hi-def
Current Music: Nine Inch Nails - Survivalism
28 February 2007 @ 06:08 pm
dr. steel propaganda  
i found this how-to video both informative and entertaining.
27 February 2007 @ 07:15 pm
vader sessions  
james earl jones' other work + star wars = fun
26 February 2007 @ 02:29 pm
cal worthington can suck my ass  
our car was dead, making odd noises when you turned the key. turns out it was just the battery.
before we knew that we had it towed to a local dealership for some free fixing since we thought we were covered. but now we have to pay $130 because the dead battery that was in it was not a dodge certified brand. this even though we never switched the battery after buying it from worthington dodge.
somebody screwed us. for now i'm blaming cowboy cal.
26 February 2007 @ 02:11 am
top 5  
i think i'll make lists like this from time to time just for kicks. so here's my top 5 PSP games in no particular order.

1. Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
why? it maintains the gameplay of it's console brothers, has pretty solid graphics for PSP, and it's fun as hell.

2. Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPs
why? solid and repeatable gameplay. excellent graphics on par with ps2 even. a multiplayer mode that doesn't require another copy of the game to play it. and it's friggin metal gear.

3. Wipeout Pure
why? it's got the familiar wipeout gameplay, super fast racing, and bumpin techno tracks. not to mention all the downloadable content.

4. Sid Meier's Pirates! Live the Life
why? it's simple to play and rediculously addictive. plus eric the ded makes a good pirate name. ironicly i pirated this game, but it's cheap now so buy it.

5. Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
why? i don't even own this game yet, but i guarantee its greatness. all the other ratchet games have fun fast paced action, crazy weapons to play with, and hilarous stories and characters.
22 February 2007 @ 10:16 pm
a myspace/legend of zelda parody site
19 February 2007 @ 06:02 pm
myspace tunes  

i changed the song on my myspace profile. it's dr. steel's ode to revenge. it's wierd and anthemy at the same time.

speaking of myspace tunes, nine inch nails has two tracks off the upcoming album up on their myspace. i kinda like my violent heart, but survivalism is just sort of meh..

Current Mood: let's burn it all down
Current Music: Dr. Steel - Ode To Revenge
15 February 2007 @ 06:45 pm


14 February 2007 @ 06:20 am
a new trick  
i found a new trick using photoshop. the catch is that it only works with internet explorer. sorry, firefox hippies.
11 February 2007 @ 11:03 pm
a humming bird nest in our front yard (not to scale)
08 February 2007 @ 04:32 am
a neat panoramic photo  
click this
this is a real photo featuring fireworks, lightning and a comet. the only editing was to tone down the redness of the fireworks.
03 February 2007 @ 03:55 pm
jack in  
i've discovered a new site. well, new to me anyway.

cyberpunk review

it's great. they have review of tons of cyberpunk movies complete with stills. i like their information about how cyberpunkish the movies are, based on their visuals and theme. everything is cross referenced in a database and catagorized under various theme-relevent topics.

add it to your favorites.
Current Music: Juno Reactor - Conga Fury
01 February 2007 @ 11:23 pm
never forget 1-31-07  

hey boston law enforcement and dept. of homeland security, way make total asses of yourselves.
fear not, citizens. the threat of a mooninite invasion has been averted.

30 January 2007 @ 05:19 pm
jury doody  
i had jury duty today.
it was a DUI civil case. they let me go due to my opinions and experiences involving drunks.

buy me this.
i think somehting like this sold before for something like $15K. pennyarcade bought it and gave it away as a raffle prize and one of their PAX conventions with the earnings going to their child's play charity.
26 January 2007 @ 05:31 pm


Current Mood: theres a bathroom on the right
Current Music: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising