Andrew Rosenberger's Journal

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10th August 2002

12:33pm: A Clinical Diagnosis
In summary, the profile appears to be that of a friendly, young man who exhibits disparity between non-verbal/visual (average) and verbal (very superior) abilities. Because such a significant discrepancy exists, a valid overall intellectual score (Full Scale) is undetermined. Certainly, verbal intelligence seems the most appropriate measure by which to compare academic functioning. His academic functioning, as measured by this evaluation, is currently not commensurate with his potential in reading rate, decoding, spelling, written language, math, and listening comprehension; therefore, a global learning disability consistent with dyslexia is present.

Close inspection of the cognitive processes reveals that Andy demonstrates a significant deficit in visual-motor processing speed. In contrast, verbal skills appear to be a strength on the WAIS-III, as well as in conversational speech.
Andy demonstrates average reading/decoding skills and fluency. On the GORT-4, Andy’s weakness in reading rate does not appear to negatively impact his reading comprehension skills, assessed in the above average range.

Written language skills were also revealed as an area of concern. Andy’s ability to determine errors in writing (proofreading skills) were particularly weak on the WJ-III. Spelling, story development, and the use of the conventions of writing were consistently in the average range. Handwriting was significantly poor and interfered with intelligibility of written expression.

Math development and listening comprehension skills are also below expected levels.

In light of Andy’s overall profile and identified deficits, it appears that he is a candidate for accommodations in all academic areas. Without such support, he will likely encounter great frustration as he progresses through school/college, where all reading and writing tasks will become more complex and length/quantity of assignments will increase. Modifications relevant to all academic subjects and tasks requiring reading should include extended (double) time for reading during assignments and tests, as well as early distribution of reading material. A course syllabus of required reading would be additionally helpful and should be provided when possible.

Andy would also benefit from accommodations during written language tasks. Adaptations such as oral responses might be explored if the primary goal is to assess extent of knowledge as opposed to written skill. Given his identified weakness in visual-motor integration tasks, time extensions for all assignments requiring written responses also appears warranted. In addition, permitting the use of technological support such as a word processor may also allow him to generate written products unencumbered by his visual-motor speed and handwriting deficits. Whenever possible, unnecessary copying tasks should be eliminated. For example, rather than copy questions from a textbook, as well as their answers, Andy should be allowed to write only the answers. Andy will also benefit from tape recording lectures, in that he will likely have difficulty taking notes in a speedy manner and listening while taking notes. A peer note-taker, if available, is suggested. During standardized assessment, Andy should be allowed to circle responses on his test booklet, rather than using a bubble grid.

During math activities, like accommodations should be provided. Additional suggestions would include use of graph paper to assist in alignment during calculations and extended time to read directions.

To address listening comprehension concerns, Andy should be provided with accompanying visual cues whenever possible. During classroom instructions, he should be observed for appropriate listening/attending behavior (i.e., eye contact, interactive learning). Preferential seating should be considered, with special consideration given to placement in an area that is free of distractions (away from high-traffic areas such as pencil sharpeners, classroom door, trash cans, etc.) and as near as possible to the teacher during instruction. The parents are also encouraged to share the results of this report with Andy’s physician to determine the presence of additional disorders (i.e., Attention Deficit Disorder, depression, etc.). Many such disorders remain undiagnosed in students with learning disabilities, though they often co-exist.

The extent of Andy’s learning disability would place him at risk for having difficulty learning a foreign language. Though he may perform adequately with regard to vocabulary development in a second language, he will almost certainly experience difficulty reading and writing a foreign language. Because Andy has difficulty with these tasks in his native language, it is likely he would be unsuccessful in an unfamiliar language. Accommodations should include appropriate substitutions or coursework for related courses. Should Andy desire to learn another language, he is encouraged to do so through a course in conversational foreign language, where the expectations do not include reading and writing.

With respect to Andy’s cognitive abilities, it appears that he would benefit from continued participation in an educational environment that provides intellectual enrichment and stimulation. A challenging curriculum is suggested in order to maintain interest level and participation. Whenever possible, curriculum compacting should be employed to eliminate unnecessary repetition of mastered skills/concepts. Discovery learning opportunities (independent research and functional applications), with little emphasis on rote, pencil-paper, drill-and-practice exercises, are suggested in order to ensure continued development of critical thinking abilities. For example, relevance and applicability in math could be exemplified through integrations with science (i.e., physics, biology, chemistry, computer science). Students with Andy’s cognitive abilities are often those who develop the most original and divergent ideas. Such students are often discouraged from expressing their ideas in a traditional classroom, where the emphasis is on assimilating a quantity of information and repeating predetermined answers.

Given the global nature of Andy’s learning disability, the teachers and counselors are encouraged to provide him with emotional support through use of positive feedback in recognition of both effort and progress. Progress should be carefully monitored and conferencing with this young man on a routine, scheduled basis is encouraged. Careful consideration should be given to course selection, with an effort to balance reading and writing-intensive courses with those that are less so. He would also likely benefit from a reduced courseload per semester, as well as assistance in registration (priority registration, etc). Accommodations to his academic programming should be provided, as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Personal strengths and interests should continue to be identified and rigorously pursued in order for Andy to have a positive counterbalance to the academic difficulties he may encounter.

Thank you for allowing Rainbow Diagnostic Services to participate in the evaluation of this engaging young man.
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