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User:wolflady26 (763585) Paid User wolflady26
Ramblings of a Random Girl
Location:Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States
Bio:My LJ Tarot Card

I am 30 years old, and originally from Maryland. I have been living for the past few years in Germany, just outside of the city of Regensburg.

People who know me think that I am nice, but quiet. People who know me well know I am far from your typical girl, that I can have a biting sense of humor, that I am more comfortable with guys than girls, and that I throw a mean frisbee. I can turn people to stone with a glare, I just try not to do it often. I don't listen to any one kind of music, I am not overly influenced by what other people think about me, and I am a firm believer of balance in life. I am very much in love, and I was married on June 21, 2003.

If you're wondering what my journal is like, it's about 60%(*) personal details about my life, 30%(*) random observations and intellectual musings (with plenty of room for debating in comments), and 10%(*) random trivia like recipes I find interesting, sweepstakes you might want to enter, etc. It's possible to find other tidbits scattered here and there, like fiction, icons or experiences with potatoes (no, I'm not kidding about that last one). (*)Those numbers were completely made up, and not scientific at all.

If you're interested in how I use my journal, read this post.

Friends policy: If you would like to add me, please feel welcome. You don't have to ask. Saying hello is nice, and means that I'll probably notice a whole lot faster! I'll probably add you right back, since I find that's the best way to get a feel for someone else's journal. If I remove you later, it's nothing personal. I tend not to add back people who have empty journals, but if you think I should make an exception for you, feel free to tell me why! Please feel free to leave comments - that's how I get to know you.

Mind the step.

The WeatherPixie
Memories:167 entries
Interests:57: anime, castles, computer games, craft of writing, creative thinking, cross stitching, dreaming, dressage, ethics, expression, faeries, fantasy, firefly, friends the tv show, games, gaming, geas the mud, george r.r. martin, graphics, history, horseback riding, horses, intelligence, inu-yasha, jackie chan, kevin smith, labyrinth, ljmaps, ljmaps_wolflady26, lord of the rings, lotr, manga, margaret atwood, marketing, movies, muds, music, mythology, neal stephenson, neil gaiman, quality writing, ranma 1/2, reading, recipes, role-playing, romance, rpgs, science fiction, show jumping, sluggy, sluggy freelance, sweepstakes, the tick, trigun, ultimate frisbee, well-reasoned debates, writing. [Modify yours]
People150:_pyrexia, acestatic, aggrotoad, agrathea, ahsirakh, albumlady, alchemi, allorin, alphafenris, althaea, altonwings, alycekat, amokk, andrewducker, ashlupa, aurora_lamour, azhure, baronbrian, bdspitapit31, bellajellybean, bheansidhe, blog_project, cassielsander, castironskillet, cdk, ceciliadoll, charity_whore, clawfoot, cookieno4u, correspondguy, crevette, dalglir, darkest_peru, dream_labyrinth, ellisgnome, evilshell, ewacat, fabulist, forioscribe, frecklefaerie, ganzagwenie, gentleeleos, giantlaser, godlyperspectiv, grailquestion, haikujaguar, jennifaerie, jfs, journeyto, kaseido, kathrynrose, katrianna, kevhead, kidarrian, killfile, kimberly_a, kp3000, ktar, kyranjaye, ladytabitha, larksdream, linnapaw, liza_really, lockwings, lovelette, magicwoman, magsspiritwing, mckenzee, metavlad, michaelnolan, minsies, mistersleepless, moniqueleigh, mostcurious, mousme, mrmonkeybottoms, mtl, muckefuck, muskrat_john, nano_nolan, nano_shellefly, natalief, newsedition, noinhibition, off_coloratura, palmir, pandemona, pastaqueen, pindar, pjammer, placesyouhaunt, prilosec_boy, pulsdeslebens, queenseye, quoththecrow, rev_tobias, rhapsody_98, rollick, roomette, saansaansaan, scathedobsidian, scouseboy, seidl, seimaisin, seraphimsigrist, servermonkey, shadesong, shannon_a, shellefly, sickhippo, slipjig, slvrdream, sobrique, somabrak, sparkyred, sunyata__, susitna, talula728, tangledlimbs, technomage, temujin9, terminalwriter, tessbelle, tfcocs, thatgirl_thalie, theferrett, thesibylqueen, theuglyvolvo, thewintering, tommyelf, trigeekgirl, trophyofrespect, two_hundred, underwatercolor, untoward, valereix, voltbang, whiteadelphi, wicked_wish, williaej, william_mize, wolfieboy, woolf, writerbrain, xinamarie, ysabel, yuki_onna, zhent, zigurat, zoethe
Communities26:east_o_the_sun, edgecomic, expats, featureannounce, gms_workshop, hip_domestics, i_contest, iconsensual, just_writing, kimberly_fan, lj_biz, lj_nifty, ljrecipes, memory_muse, memorymuse, mock_the_stupid, my_wife_rocks, news, paidmembers, photocontest, pop_culture_bit, readers_list, song_and_yendi, specficmarkets, talespinning, telleroftales
Feeds8:boingboing_net, gottadeal, horrorzone, makinglight, officialgaiman, savagelove, shadesong_blog, skotos_articles
Friend of:145: _eye_added_yuo_, _pyrexia, acestatic, agrathea, ahsirakh, albumlady, alchemi, allorin, alphafenris, althaea, altonwings, alycekat, amokk, andrewducker, ashlupa, ashna, aurora_lamour, azhure, baronbrian, bdspitapit31, bellajellybean, bheansidhe, blog_project, cassielsander, castironskillet, cdk, ceciliadoll, charity_whore, christe_eleison, clawfoot, cookieno4u, correspondguy, dalglir, darkest_peru, diahreah_drinka, dream_labyrinth, ellisgnome, evilshell, ewacat, fabulist, forioscribe, frecklefaerie, ganzagwenie, gentleeleos, giantlaser, godlyperspectiv, grailquestion, haikujaguar, jennifaerie, jfs, journeyto, kaseido, kathrynrose, kevhead, kidarrian, killfile, kimberly_a, kp3000, ktar, kyranjaye, ladytabitha, larksdream, linnapaw, liza_really, lockwings, lovelette, magicwoman, magsspiritwing, mckenzee, metavlad, michaelnolan, minsies, moltenshadow, moniqueleigh, mostcurious, mousme, mrmonkeybottoms, mtl, nano_shellefly, nanoshawn, natalief, newsedition, noinhibition, off_coloratura, palmir, pandemona, pastaqueen, pindar, placesyouhaunt, prilosec_boy, pulsdeslebens, queenseye, quoththecrow, rev_tobias, rhapsody_98, rollick, roomette, saansaansaan, scathedobsidian, scouseboy, seidl, seimaisin, seraphimsigrist, serenechaos, servermonkey, shadesong, shannon_a, shellefly, sickhippo, slipjig, slvrdream, sobrique, somabrak, sparkyred, sunyata__, sythyry, tangledlimbs, technomage, temujin9, terminalwriter, tessbelle, tfcocs, thatcrazywriter, thatgirl_thalie, theferrett, thesibylqueen, theuglyvolvo, tommyelf, trigeekgirl, two_hundred, underwatercolor, valereix, voltbang, whiteadelphi, wicked_wish, williaej, william_mize, wolfieboy, woolf, writerbrain, xinamarie, ysabel, zhent, zigurat, zoethe
Member of:15: ___buyselltrade, filmcritics, hip_domestics, i_contest, iconsensual, just_writing, memory_muse, mock_the_stupid, my_wife_rocks, paidmembers, photocontest, pop_culture_bit, talespinning, weddingplans, write_away
Account type:Paid Account

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