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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "terry pratchett".
151 matches:
080303 - Where the cat meets the knees
0bsessed_reader - A Book Club For The Obsessive Reader
400words - Daily Insanity for Writers
4_ecks - The Counterweight Continent - Australian Discworld
_chronicles - Borrowed Chronicles [ Fan Fiction ]
_literally - Literally
acomedyicon - Icons and Banners from iconic comedy shows
apollonian_goth - Gainesville's Goth Pack
apt_of_luuuv - Apartment of Luuuuuv
asthepageturns - asthepageturns
audaxia - Audaxia
austinbooknerds - Austin Book Nerds
bibliothek - bibliophiles
bloodaxewriting - bloodaxewriting
book100 - book based fanfiction
book_icons - book_icons
bookcruncher - The Happy Reader
booksarelove - Books Are Love
bookworlds - BookWorlds
bookwyrmmes - Bookwyrmmes - A Fantasy/Sci-Fi Book Club
boston_geeks - boston_geeks
boxobook - A New Booklist
brum_discsoc - University of Birmingham's Discworld Society
brumscifisoc - Scifi Soc
buggreallethis - Buggre Alle This - The Good Omens RPG
candlewhacks - CandleWhacks
carpe_librum - afrai, Liana, and Mel
chainmailbikini - Chainmail Bikinis and Leather Thongs
cheshirekitties - cheshirekitties
chrisevansdaily - Chris Evans Daily
circleseawatch - Policing the Circle Sea
claim_a_fic - Claim a Fic!
colleen_show - The Colleen Show
communeofdoom - commune of doom
confuse_me_more - Ashamed
crimenovels - crimenovels
crowleyraphale - Crowley/Aziraphale fanfiction and fanart
cultoftwee - Cult of TWEE
daisypushing - daisypushing
damnyouheysteve - damnyouheysteve
deadolls - .d.e.a.d.o.l.l.s.
diningroom1and4 - F&M Groups
dirtygoatlove - Goaty
discworld - Pratchett Fans
discworld100 - Discworld 100
discworld_2006 - Discworld Convention 2006 - UK
discworld_quiz - Discworld Trivia, Discussions, Debates, and Debris
discworlddebate - Where people debate about... Discworld!!!!
discworldmud - discworldmud
dragonconyalit - Dragoncon Young Adult Literature Track
dragonelf_recs - Dragonelf's Fic Recommendations
enjoying_books - Reading for enjoyment
epicfantasy - The Fantasy Genre
fairy_books - fairy_books
fairy_icon - Sarah, the iconbearer
fans_of_zeki - Fans of Zeki!
fantasmical - Fiction For The Masses
fantasy_books - fantasy_books
fantasy_is_lit - Fantasy IS Literature
fantasy_novs - Fantasy Novels!
fantasyfans - fantasyfans
fearthebook - FEAR THE BOOK!
ficquotes - Fanfiction Quotes
firebirdrising - those who understand
flyingmonkeys - The Flying Monk
foxtrot_tales - Ninetails' Writing Journal
geeksarehot - Geeks are HOT!
geekychatter - geekychatter
gifted_writers - .:: Gifted Writers ::.
gnrrules - The Gonzo Library
go_crossovers - Good Omens Crossover Fic
good_omens_fans - Good Omens fans
got_banned - Got Banned? We hear ya.
goth_thought - Goth Thought
gothireland - Goth Ireland
greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
greenman_review - The Green Man Review
gs_books - Good Ship Books
guild_of_damn - The Discworld and Ankh-Morpork Negotiators
hashafp - #afp
hipsterbookclub - The Hipster Book Club
howdotheyrise - How do they rise?
humanexchange - Humanoid Exchange
iheartbooks - *we*<3*books*
ineffably_icons - A Good Omens Icon Community
islam_like_whoa - Islam is like, whoa!
ladyoffayth - ladyoffayth
lancre - Pratchett Fanfiction
lanternlights - Ghost in the Lantern
literaryquotes - Literary Quotes
literatae - literatae
lower_tadfield - Lower Tadfield
marryshagcliff - Marry, Shag, Throw off a Cliff
masked_schemers - masked_schemers
mazapansticker - Mazapan Sticker
mecon_news - Northern Irelands Science Fiction Convention
metapher - La bibliothèque
minicon40 - Minicon 40
muserealm - Larathia's Realm
neeto - Rainbowy Squees Who Like Harry Potter
nerdcorps - nerdcorps
norwescon - Norwescon
novelleidee - What A Novel Idea
opalstyles - OpalCat
paganthought - paganthought
paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
penguicon - penguicon
pennydreadfuls - pennydreadfuls
pigeonhole - mock turtle soup
pocketfics - Pocket's Fics
poplit - Popular Literature
pratchettgaiman - La Universidad Invisible
pre_drama - Pre Drama
project_sic - Sic transit gloria mundi
psi_phi - UVa Science Fiction and Fantasy Club
random_square - random_square
rasaworld - The Rasa LiveJournal Community
recommend_books - Read any good books lately?
regentrude - hüpfen hier & dort & überall
rightclicklit - Poetry & Prose
sages_of_chaos - Advice from the multiverse. We really DO care.
scribblecentral - Scribblers
seriesofevents - A Series Of Fucked Up Events
sg_slashers - Singapore Slashers
shite_goth_fic - HIM and other stuff
sleepyverse - sleepyverse
smoifa - (Secret Masters of Irish Fandom, allegedly...)
sokob - Skoob
sorrowland - Sorrowland
stapled_hands - No one understands me!
stilyagiaircorp - stilyagi
the_good_things - the_good_things
the_grown_ups - The Grown Ups - Children's Books Discussion
the_unhip - Tragically behind the times
thecitywatch - The City Watch RPG
thewindingroad - The_Winding_Road ~book community~
thingsweheart - Things We Heart
tossers - Tossers: The Movie. The Comic. The LiveJournal.
trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
twilightreality - Twilightreality
ubergeeks - Ubergeeks
uk_nanowriters - uk_nanowriters
untimelylunacy - Untimely Lunacy
watsnail_gaiman - Neil Gaiman. spelling? bah!
weapon_sf - Фантастическое оружие
whistlebinkys - Whistlebinky's Water Cooler
withbook - With Book0rs
world_litterae - World Literature
writer_worship - Writer Worship
writerbin - "Commited" Writers' Society
wwufantasists - Fantasists of Western
Interested users
The following users are interested in terry pratchett. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
479 matches:
13dreams - The Insomniacs
2sheds - Олег "2sheds" Курапов
8mor - Anna
aarrfish - Cham
abadguy - ian the horrendous
abazoe - Cake or Death?
absinthe_angel - Absinthe Angel
agentcooper - Agent Cooper
ahmerora - Sophie
ailurophile - Tania Walker
aistritheoir - The Reverend Pat
akrylplysch - Fredrik
allamistako - Allamistako
alouette - Katri
altus000 - Logarithm For The Ladies
amber_100 - God's special little creature
amberfication - pretty when you're crying
amyiaow - Amyiaow
andrasta - andrasta
andygeers - Andy Geers
angharad - Angharad Elwes
anghouedd - Anghouedd
aniela - Eija DK
anipaschke - The original Ninja
anticontent - Austin
antigone_ks - The Craic and the Porter Black
aquila - Agnes
arckyosuke - Find My Way
argiphontes - Argiphontes' Girl
arisrabkin - Ari
arithon - Task Resolution Mechanic
ark - ark
arrogance - I find your interest interesting.
ascian - Adam the Dreamer
asim - Woodrow Jarvis Hill
asphxiate - played like a pitbull in a basement
asrai_d - Asrai Collective
asti - Asti
athena_lucifer - Adelle teh Muffin
auntiep - Auntie P
aurora - oy with the poodles already
austincs - Wugga
azazelle - Beyond the Fuckup
babbott - Bill the Slam Guy
bachelorette - look, she's laughing. he made her laugh.
baggy - Captain Baaaaaaaaaaag-maaaaan!
baka - Vampire Hunter DEEZ
balor42 - Balor42
barberio - John R. Barberio
bathtubjinn - Bathtub Jinn
bene - bene
betrayme - megan linsey
bex - saboteur
bheansidhe - fast friction alchemy
billemon - Ogre Boy
birgit - Birgit
bitchie_poo - She who must be obeyed
bitospud - Paul and Edith
blaisey - A Politically Incorrect Girl
blankinfinity - еж колбаси
bludroses - amber
bluelotus - Sarah
bluepaintchip - bluepaintchip
bnb - Brian Blackmore
boadiccea - boadiccea
boliviafang - Bolivia Fang
brainysmurf - Traci D. Haley
brava - Amanda
briseis - Briseis
broken_china - Variably Functional Demoiselle
bunyip - Welcome to Muppet Labs
burgundy - burgundy
butterfly - Butterfly
caniche - Rocio
cap - cap
captain_jester - Matt
carrioncrow - Colleen
catinthehat - PJ
celendra - Celendra
ceph - Regina
chanda - Chanda
charis - Arachne Jerusalem
chaste - tre
chess - Michelle
chiabrit - Gullible's Tribbles
chibiluv - Somebody
chlaal - joan the english chick
chrisxk - Chris
clairebearkl - Claire
colbyucb - Cheese-Incorporated
collisions - Chris
cornography - Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or
corpset - addicted to holo
cosmogonic - Subversive Personality
countbrass - Count Brass
crestfallenpoet - Christine Star
cygnoir - Halsted
czarchasm - Bryan, Unofficial Holy Man (in training)
d_angel - DarkAngel
daddicade - DaddiCade
dalibor - Erwin
damienroc - K. Jeffery Petersen
darien2160 - Darien
darkbladedancer - Greg
darkmoon - General-Purpose Ho
daveeed - Professor F.J.Lewis
daverobinson - Dave
david - God
daymaril - daymaril
dean_r - Dean Rivers
deathpixie - Rossi
deathspleen - Deathspleen
demmie - demmie
derhardt - the animal you just ate for lunch
devifae - need something new dunno what yet
dexfarkin - Dex
diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
distortedchic - Distorted Chic
divinemissa - Abbie
doblaich - Jo
dolohov - John
doobarz - Richie
door - Anathema Device
dotgirl - !penelope
dragonlady255 - Luna
dreama - Bunnyfluff the Destroyer
drevil - :::waves:::
drewness - Dr. Funkenstein
dsch - Gustav
dualistic - ragedaisy
dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser-known character
earthdragon - Me
efli - Efli
eggroid - Eggroid / Adam
egwene - Anja
eitri - Neal
ej - Erica J.
elektron - Aren't tigers cute?
eliish - Emily
elvengrrl - Stephpie
elvenkitty - Cat Laoch
empy - Fine specimen of hypermagical ultraomnipotence
enchant - Thompson Claire Jennings
erikadoor - Erika Door
etrigan - The Demon
euchrid3 - Misspent youth / faking up a rampage
evil_bunny - Beelzebunny
faeriejewel - Julia
fathermucker - bunny
fearthainn - Fearthainn
feh - Justinachu
fi - Fi
fiddlersgreen - Brennan
firebird308 - Firebird
fireborn - Kassandra Fireborn
fireriven - Deborah
firsttiger - Tracy
flamebyrd - Liz
flashqz - James
fnmgirly - better living through porno
fogpanther - Lori
foxfyre - FoxFyre
freakyme - Elvis Mobley
frenzied - Ric
frito_kal - Karen "Frito" Lawrence
futile - Caroline
gawain69 - Squire Thomas Montecute
gawebmaster - Ian X.
geech - Scott
geg - Grigori Richardovich
geloe - Kitten
globetrotter1 - Annethrax Annie, dorkus giganticus
grahamrh - Graham Humphries
greengolem - GreenGolem
greenzowie - greenzowie
grrretel - A Delicate Flower Floating in the Loo
gucky - A.C. Peterson
hakeswill - hakeswill
haphazard - m.
harley - chuck
headache - Mat
heaven_here_21 - Nikki
hellkitty - HellKitty
holli - because you're the greatest, ted!
howlingmoon - Alison
hydranymph - Emily
icewing - Icewing
idioteque - Idioteque
immortaleve - 熟男杀手
imnotsatan - MC Ang(st)mar
inajiraarijani - Tah-misz
inevitability - Reductio ad Absurdum
injured - sometimes he did this, sometimes he did that
insomniel - THE UGLY ONE!!!
itsnotenough - rosilee
jade_sage - the wakeful dreamer
jadestar - Jayde
jaffo - Jaffo
jaina - xai^2
jamesorr81 - James
jasonbeast - Jim Buttram
javamental - JavaElemental
jen_the_great - Generic Mild Mannered University Student
jenchan - Cyberpunk Fool
jfpbookworm - Jeff Pack
jinx1419 - Alison
jo_munch - Ainamenelwen
joii - Jo(ii)
jojofries - JoJoFries
jossdoll - The Monk
jothanbar - Joel
joules - joules
jtn - Jason T. Nelson
julianchan - Julian Spillane
justingoose - justin
jynxedangel - Diana
jzig - Ben Zeigler
kadira - Kadira
kalessen - Kalessen
kangaroo - Katie
karkota - This Space For Rent
kasha - Kasha
kasyx - Kasyx
katster - the one and only truly amazing katster
kayen - Andreas
keelie - Keelie
kenwalker - Deathnoodle
kestrelct - I have no name
ki - ki
kiarda - Kerrie
kielle - ¤ Kielle ¤
kireisarah - at least you have LEGS
kirst - Kirst
kitryne - 紫罗兰色
koomorinoyouji - Robert
kphoebe - Karen
krazykat - Mary
kudzita - Kudz
kunou - Kunou
kytty - Kytty
lady_linton - Katie 80
ladycathead - Coffee Ninja
last_reprise - Xhanthi
ldymusyc - The Musycal One
leanan - Leanan Catastro-Fae
leviathus - Luke Alexander
levidice - dress like boy, throw like girl
lip_glossboost - Mousiliana, the lesbian athiest servant of God.
lirrin - Lilith
lissar - Amanda
literaltruth - Iain
littleleez - leeza
lokichan - Stephanie
loqia - o r i g n i n a l i t y d i s o r d e r
lordess - Eris
lorifury - Lori Fury
lucasthegray - lucasthegray
luckylove - Nirrti
luna13084 - Luna13084
luno - luno
lysapadin - Lys ap Adin
lyss - Lyss
lyssrose - uber-geek chick
macropixi - Pixi
malakim - Shadow Side
malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
maloki - Matt
malus - Malus
mandingo - Bob Coleman
manjari - manjari
manuka - Just a network plumber
marzian - MARZIAN
matttt - Perfidious Albion
me_bored - lex
melusine - melusine
merryjest - Singing at the Valencian Moon!
mildred - Strawberry Cheesecake
millertime - millertime
minayi - a basket case with a shopping cart
minirth - minirth midori
minniefay - beccanna
mirainozomi - Lau-chan
mischief - Mischief
misslynx - La Fée Chartreuse
miyazu - miyazu the kinky ninja penguin
mlechan - Henna Gaijin
moe4eyed - Jack College
moesmith88 - That guy named Moe...
mollilolli - molli
monkeyone - Monkey King
moonechilde - Rayne
morgyne - Morgyne le Saruko
mouseferatu - Mouseferatu
mrpuzuzu - Neil
msfledermaus - Ms Fledermaus
munk - Munk
musicdiamond - Music Diamond
musicjunkie - Sharkie
myalchod - Charis
naath - M'lisilinaath Thabana Aes Sedai
naj - Nick J.
nalidolly - Annalisa
ngb2k - Norbert
nidoking - Nidoking
nightlord - anne
nightstar - Ms. Mary
nik_w - Just a journal, she said...
nikkimo910 - nikkimo910
nina333 - a threefold utopian dream
ninjahedge - Scott
nkdrenni - Nik
noir - Noir
notagain - Helen
notemily - Sophie
novadivine - A Bit of Fluff
nuala - Dreamer
number42 - Dan Traut
oblivious - Oblivious
oliveoyl - Elvis Jedusor
opalcat - Minutiae: OpalCat Minute by Minute
outofthesun - robin
pallapalla - Kendiefox
paranoidandroid - Marvin
patienceltd - patienceltd
peculiaire - But I'M Giselle!
penwing - Penwing
petersheil - Peter Sheil
phil99 - Phil Sumner
philippajane - Philippa Jane Dixon
phreec - rotten vermicious knids
pierceheart - Morgan Pierceheart
pierydys - Pierydys
pixel - Pixel
plaid_hatter - Plaid Hatter
pokito - Pokito
pryzm - Rob
pwincess - Valeah
pyrewolfe - Wolfe
pythonchick - pythonchick
quickmind - Casey
quiddities - Sarahfiend the Mad Dreamcat
raechan - Joy
ragingpie - Raging Pie
rare - Sean
ravenmortiis - Katu
razoredge - razoredge
redjanet - oi, gingah!
reeney315 - Writing In Blood
renfield - Void where prohibited
reow - lyss!!
revbones - revbones
rexservorum - Adam
rhino - Tears Of A Clown
rhyein - Comitis Silentium
rienhasnolife - rienhasnolife
roarer - Jesper
robinzing - robin zing
rose_red - Rose Red
roseychan - Rose
rufus - rufus
rvrndmngrie - The Reverend Menagerie™
sabrina_il - Marina
safti - Safti
sanmiguelmalo - a pig, a liar, a communist. but not a pornstar!
sapia - Broken Dreams
sasori - Sasori
sath - Baby Love
scarfboy - scarfboy
scarletxanth - [::Glaring Dream::]
scriviner - Scriviner
seanb - St. Sean the Amused
sekala - Nelle
seraangel - Seraph
seraphsong - Amelia
shabubu - Son of a Preacher Man
shadowboxer70 - Teri
shadows - Josh
shadowsong - shadowsong
shae - Shae Erisson
shala - Shala
shaolin - your imaginary friend
shardsofsilver - delusions of candor
shelley42 - Always the Pallbearer, Never the Corpse
shihadchick - no fiction that will truly fit this situation
shinigamikender - Aziraphale
shirrana - Shirrana
shymog - Robert the Ass
silverhawk - Silverhawk
simonmarshall - Si
sirilyan - Sirilyan
sivan - Sae
sixshadows - sixshadows
sk8ercat - I'm so cool I suck!
sketchzero -
skyrose - Janet
sneakums - Dag vijandelijk luchtschip de huismeester is dood
snidegrrl - Lo,
snowmentality - Carrie
somethingclever - §Angelic Heart§
sorcerer - Sorcerer
sparklymegz - Megz
spicebot - .-= king of pain =-.
spyder - Spyder
starcrossedlady - Onto Plan B!
starkey - Coleman
starshadow - Nattie
stevefarrell - Steve Farrell
stormy_lolita - Femme de glace
strangerlight - Liam
stringy - Stringy
subbes - subbes
sugarspunsister - Alyssa
sylver - Aenerb
sylverice2 - Kay
taerowyn - Taerowyn
talamasca - Talamasca
tallysman - Kat
tanuki - The one they call the vision that bears the gift
tarpo - Not a little white dog
teferi - Adam Glasgall
teleute - teleute
tep - Josh
the_curmudgn - Fortunatus S. Marchbanks
the_seventh - Always in need of a shave
the_shadows - Dan Gibas
theducks - A Rubber Ducky
thehobbit - A Different Shade of Grey
thelady - TheLady
themyst - Patrick G,The Myst
therhyn - David A. Bradley
theshadowsouled - Shadow
thewinteroak - The Winter Oak
thlayli - thlayli
timjr - Timothy J Rush
tis_true - a dog is not in the house presently
tomscud - Tom Scudder
triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
truthspeaker - truthspeaker
turricaned - TuRRIcaNEd
tweezlebum - Misty
twotone - QFB Cafe
tyche - countless screaming Argonauts
tycho - Anomandarist
ubu - ubu
ungeekgirl - Caercia
unknownj - Jamie
unmisha - Misha
vantypeo - Van
veazey21 - Captain Mediocrity!
versaphile - Pam
vickster31 - Vixen
violentmae - jen
vyxn - The Devil's Advocate
warlockuk - Warlock
warsop - geekgirl
waterlilly - Dances with Housecats
wax_jism - Wax Jism
werewolf - the carrier of wounds
weyrdchic - The WeyrdChic
wibbble - John
wildhaggis - R Burr
wildmage - Spoon Master
willowsperil - darkfair
windmere - Windmere
wishdragon - Wish
wolfylady - Lady Fuchsia
wrapper - Sir Wrapper, Prince of Frogs
xillah - Kid A
yasminm - Yasmin M.
yukio20 - Sunflame
yurei - Yurei
zahra - Zahra
zedd - Zedd
zella - Laura
zen_raven - Raven
zil - becka
zooey - one by many
zoopy - katie