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Since 1998, Radok Internet Consulting has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in designing quality web sites for companies across many market sectors.

With our vast business experience in everything from start-ups, implementing existing brands, to identifying solutions in less defined markets, our team will develop an Internet strategy that is custom tailored for the success of your online business.

Planning.  Online success is dependent on thorough research and planning prior to website development.

Radok Internet Consulting provides a team of highly experienced and motivated business management experts that will develop a comprehensive plan that is custom crafted for the success of your business.

Implementation.  After the plan is developed, Radok's team of experienced HTML and graphics specialists will create your website within the criteria of the plan.

We develop hand-coded HTML and custom graphics (never templates) to assure a unique design that provides optimum appearance, functionality, and online results.

We build online solutions custom tailored to meet your online needs:

Corporate Web sites
Information sites
Application sites
E-commerce solutions

Every web design is packed with powerful features:

Excellent Navigation
Intuitive Operation
Information architecture
Cross-sell techniques
Quality Content
Fast Downloading
CSS Styling
SEO Optimization

Radok Internet Consulting
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