the daily bread
January 13, 2004
Parcel from Paris: Sucette au Caramel à la Fleur de Sel

sucette au caramel à la fleur de selSo far in covering the sublime treats that Clotilde sent to me from Paris, I've described the lovely confiture au lait and the delicate and intriguing fleur de sel. Now we come to a little sucker that is almost a combination of the two: la sucette au caramel à la fleur de sel. Yes, a lollipop made of salty caramel -- except it's not salty at all. Amazing! Apparently the salt just gently enhances the flavour of the caramel, kind of like how a splash of balsamic vinegar doesn't make strawberries taste vinegar-y: it just makes them taste more of themselves. Strawberrier, you could say. And the fleur de sel just makes the caramel taste carameler. Who cares if it's not grammatically correct? It tastes good and there are drawings of men working in a field on the wrapper. What more could you want in a sucker?

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