Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Pessimism for dummies
President Bush: "I guess if you want to try to find something to be pessimistic about, you can find it."
Sure, but do you have make it so easy?
Posted by Jesse at 03:28 PM EST
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Spend your time wisely
Every once in a while, I get an email from someone who has created a new anti-Bush site. One of the reasons I don't have a links section is to give me an easy excuse to deny those requests.
They always say that they have created their sites because of their earnest desire to beat Bush. I can sympathize: I created the Scorecard of Evil in April 2001 because it was already clear how disastrous his presidency was.
But look, it's four and a half months before the election. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of anti-Bush sites. We just don't need any more. Ask yourself: if I want to put time and effort into beating Bush, is making one more website devoted to "exposing" him going to make a difference?
Register voters. Volunteer for the Kerry campaign. Find people who haven't decided which way to vote and (reasonably) convince them that Kerry is a better choice than Bush.
OK, I admit it: I'm an asshole.
Posted by Jesse at 09:08 PM EST
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
I've been writing some snarky posts about Reagan, but I wanted to make something clear. I don't grudge Reagan the honors due to a former president. I think it's entirely appropriate for him to have a state funeral, even though his politics were abhorrent to me.
But I am angry with two groups: First, the media, for their pornographic, 24-hour-a-day, week-long coverage of the death. Enough is enough. Obviously they should cover the story. Live coverage of the important ceremonies? Of course. But they're going way too far with the constant coverage of every last detail. It doesn't honor Reagan, and it means important news isn't getting covered -- not that that's anything new.
Second, the partisan conservatives who are working on permanent monuments to Reagan solely for political purposes. Putting a president on Rushmore or on currency, or renaming a building as iconic as the Pentagon after him should be a bipartisan effort that comes with the judgement of history. These decisions should never be made in the rush of emotions following a president's death, especially about a figure as polarizing as Reagan.
Posted by Jesse at 07:32 AM EST
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
They've suggested putting Reagan on the dime, the $10 bill and the $20. They've talked about a memorial on the mall and putting his face on Rushmore.
Now Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist wants to rename the Pentagon the "Ronald Reagan Defense Building."
Why stop there? Here are some more ideas how about how to properly memorialize the greatest president ever*:
- From now on, when someone sneezes, it is now required by law to say "Reagan bless you."
- Replace the Statue of Liberty with the Statue of Gipper-tude.
- Build an enormous space laser that projects Reagan's image on the moon.
- Rename the Department of Health and Human Services the Ronald Reagan Memorial Stem Cell Research Prevention Department.
- Five words: The United States of Reagan.
*According to an exhaustive, scientific study done by the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project.
Posted by Jesse at 05:46 PM EST
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
It's Krugman day!
Ronald Reagan may have been fiscally irresponsible, but compared to George W. Bush, he's, uh, Bill Clinton.
Posted by Jesse at 06:45 AM EST
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Monday, June 7, 2004
The real tragedy of Reagan's death? It's pushing the truly important news to the back pages.
Posted by Jesse at 09:59 AM EST
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Friday, June 4, 2004
Jesus loves you...
... but he sure does charge a lot for Viagra.
Via Jesus' General.
Posted by Jesse at 09:49 AM EST
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