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Since 1981 Atlas has been the leading international organization for supporting independent think tanks advancing freedom.

Atlas Economic Research Foundation
4084 University Drive, Suite 103
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 934-6969

A Tribute to Hernando De Soto

Hernando De Soto recently received the Cato Institute's 2004 Friedman Prize for Liberty, and the institute he founded, Instituto Libertad y Democracia (Peru), was awarded with Atlas's 2004 Templeton Freedom Award for Free-Market Solutions to Poverty (First Prize).

The ILD is a great example of how a market-oriented think tank can have a significant positive impact on the world of ideas. Atlas President Alex Chafuen has penned an essay reviewing Atlas's history of involvement with De Soto and the ILD. Click on the title above to read this article, or click here to access a 2001 video of De Soto, describing his relationship with Atlas on the occasion of Atlas's 20th Anniversary. That same year, De Soto's book The Mystery of Capital received a Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award.

Now Available: Spring 2004 Edition of Atlas's Highlights Newsletter
To view the latest issue of Atlas's newsletter, Highlights, click on the headline above for the PDF. (Back issues of Highlights and Investor Report can be found online in the Atlas Newsletters section. ) The current issue includes coverage of the Atlas's 2004 Liberty Forum and Fisher Awards, Atlas's workshop in the Bahamas with the Nassau Institute, Instituto Libertade (Brazil), and an interview with intellectual entrepreneurs from the Philippines.

Aug 13-14 - Upcoming Event in Utah!
Register today for a workshop on "Communicating the Ideal of Liberty ," co-sponsored by Atlas, the Sutherland Institute, and the International Freedom Educational Foundation. For the freedom movement to truly succeed, it must reach beyond think tanks' traditional constituencies of economists and policy-makers. We must be more sensitive to the values (religious and otherwise) that inform most individuals' worldviews. This meeting will assemble an international audience to address this important subject.

Larry Reed Reports on IFC Trip to Asia
Larry Reed (Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Michigan) recently visited contacts in South Korea, China and Vietnam on behalf of Atlas's International Freedom Corp program. His report is available on the Web by clicking the headline above, or as a special feature the Spring 2004 edition of Atlas's Investor Report newsletter, available here as a PDF document and sent regularly to all Atlas donors.

Report: Atlas / Nassau Institute Event in Bahamas
On April 3, 2004, Atlas co-hosted an event with the Nassau Institute in The Bahamas on the topic of "The Global Challenge and the Need for Reform." The event showcased several inspiring stories of small countries that succeeded in implementing market-oriented reforms that would serve The Bahamas well. Maurice McTigue, former minister of finance of New Zealand during its reforms of the 1980s, gave the keynote address. Click on the headline above for a full-report.

  • New! Latin American Public Policy Experts Guide (Posted on: 04/05/2004)

  • Atlas 2003 Financial Statements Available on Web Site (Posted on: 03/26/2004)

  • Alex Chafuen on Prizes and Improving the Think Tank Sector (Posted on: 01/05/2004)

  • Toolkit Resource on Distinctions between 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) Organizations (Posted on: 08/20/2003)

  • Insight Interview with Alejandro Chafuen (Posted on: 03/17/2004)

  • International Freedom Corps

    The International Freedom Corps provides opportunities for outstanding young scholars and "do-ers" to travel abroad – mostly to/from developing countries – to help Atlas find new allies and teach and learn about free-market ideas and the think tank model.

    Management Toolkit

    Thinking about starting a think tank? Atlas maintains a Management Toolkit, which contains links to info on fundraising, board structure, marketing, and other management topics. We especially recommend our Starter Kit for aspiring institute leaders! A Spanish language version is also available (Spanish version opens as a Word document).

    Templeton Freedom Awards

    In March 2004, Atlas announced the winners of the first year of its Templeton Freedom Awards Program. Click the headline above to learn more about the first major, systematic prize program for think tanks.

    Highlights and Investor Report

    Atlas's quarterly publication Highlights is the longest-running newsletter dedicated to covering developments among the international network of market-oriented think tanks. Click above to access PDF versions of recent issues, or search our archives of past years. On the same page, we make available PDF versions of Atlas's Investor Report newsletter which is sent to the donors who invest in our mission.

    Attend an Atlas Workshop!

    Atlas Workshops bring together institute professionals and supporters to report on progress and achievements, discuss effective strategies, and establish collaborative efforts. Click above to learn more about Atlas's various workshops, and check the Freedom Calendar for upcoming events from Atlas -- as well as from other think tanks in the network.

    Fisher Memorial Awards

    Atlas honors its late founder through the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Awards, given to institutes that produce outstanding publications to educate the public about the free society.

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    Liberty and Society Seminars - India’s Centre for Civil Society seeks to change the climate of ideas by targeting society’s future leaders. Through its Liberty & Society Seminars, the Centre challenges young minds to discover how to create a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous society. More than 1,000 students have participated in these seminars over the past five years. This project won Atlas’s First Prize for the Templeton Freedom Prize for Student Outreach.
    The Moral Defense of the Free Market - The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty (www.acton.org) has undertaken the important task of introducing ethics into the realm of economics. For this work, Acton won First Prize for the Templeton Freedom Prize for Ethics and Values (click here for an Acton press release).
    Promoting Economic Freedom in the Middle East - In Egypt, about $250 billion of assets remain hidden in an underground economy that is prevented from becoming liquid investment capital by a lack of a legal system on property rights. Correcting this problem to uplift the poor is the goal that the Institute Libertad y Democracia (Peru) pursues through its Egyptian Property Law Program, First Prize winner of the Templeton Freedom Prize for Free-Market Solutions to Poverty.
    From Think Tank to Action Tank - Barun Mitra is the founder of the Liberty Institute (New Dehli, India), which recently won Atlas's first Templeton Freedom Prize for Social Entrepreneurship (click here for press release). Liberty Institute's Language of Liberty Summer Camp project shows how think tanks can better integrate themselves into civil society, packaging their message for a constituency much wider than those interested in pure economic research. Click the headline above for photos and details.
    On Ethics & Character Formation - The Instituto Cultural Ludwig von Mises (ICUMI, Mexico) provides an encouraging example of a non-profit think tank that is helping address the fundamental problem of lack of ethics in governance. Its Ethics & Character Formation Interactive Course won Second Prize for the 2004 Templeton Freedom Prize for Ethics and Values by addressing corruption and its impact on Third World economics and politics.
    Reaching High School Debate Teams - The National Center for Policy Analysis identified high school debate teams as vehicles for reaching future leaders with good ideas. NCPA created Debate Central, a Web-based resource-rich forum for this audience. It received the Second Place Winner of 2004 Templeton Freedom Prize for Student Outreach.
    Foes of Trade Are No Friends to the Poor - June Arunga of the Inter Region Economic Network in Kenya will be one of Atlas's speakers at its upcoming Liberty Forum. She is a compelling advocate for greater economic freedom as a means to help the world's poor. She most recently made waves producing a documentary, The Devil's Footpath, for the BBC. Atlas has reprinted one of her pieces as a part of our Freedom Matters series, which we send to donors to share perspectives from members of the international think tank network. Click above for her story from last year's WTO meetings in Mexico.