Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Three years from inception to accomplishment. Thirty million
dollars. A private astronaut in sub-orbital space. Do any of you
think that the government could have pulled this one off? Do you folks
realize what was accomplished yesterday? I'll guarantee that if someone
went to NASA and told them to develop a completely new from top to bottom
vehicle to send three men into sub-orbital space and return to a landing strip,
and to do the whole project for under thirty million .. they couldn't do it.
So ... let me tell you what's next. Before the month is out my guess is
that someone is going to propose that private individuals be prohibited from
traveling into space. Someone will step forward to close off space
exploration to all but government.
Just wait.
A plan is being considered to allow non-citizens, including illegal aliens, to
vote in San Francisco school board elections. That's right...I'm calling
them Illegal aliens...because that is what they are. They are here
illegally and they are aliens. Insensitive? Of course...so deal with it.
The proposed November ballot measure is designed to get more parents involved in
their child's education. What? They're illegal aliens! What are they doing here
in the first place, and what are we doing spending taxpayer money to educate
them? The answer to the "problem" of illegal immigration is
simple. Since they're here illegally, round them up and send them
back. But that would be mean, cries Democrats...who cares.
Next? Letting non-citizens, including illegals, to vote in local city
council or county commission elections. Then state elections. The reason
is simple. Immigrants tend to vote Democrat. If you can't convince
American citizens to go with your tax-and-spend big government agenda, maybe you
can convince immigrants.
Once again, the left needs as many potential voters as possible...and that
includes making as many people dependent on them no matter what price society
pays. Once again, taxpayers are getting screwed. Liberals will stop at
nothing to stay in power.
United Nations auditors are criticizing the United States for the way it is has
spent $11 billion in oil revenues and are whining that they have faced
resistance from coalition officials. Huh? The United Nations is lecturing
the United States about how we spend oil revenues? You've got to be
kidding me.
This is rich...the corrupt goons at the United Nations that couldn't run an
oil-for-food program without lining their own pockets and ripping off the Iraqi
people want to lecture us about oil profits. This is the same United
Nations that took blood money from Saddam Hussein and his cronies and ripped off
the Iraqi public. What more could the UN do to destroy any vestige of
respect for institutions that may be left?
And what have we done with the money? We have spent it on Iraq....every
penny. What did the United Nations do with the money from the oil-for-food
scam when they were running it? Oh that's right...they stole a lot of it.
The United Nations has no right to criticize anyone for how we handle funds in
May I now pause to resurrect the idea one of my listeners had? Move the
United Nations to Haiti. Haiti could become to the UN what the Vatican is
to the Roman Catholic Church. Give them their own country to run, and then
walk away.
More news today that the end of Air America may be near. How
terrible! The sad thing is this has less to do with the liberal ideology
of Air America and more with the network being poorly run. After all,
telling radio stations what they can and cannot carry is a recipe for failure.
The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that several employees still have not
been reimbursed for their costs of attending the network's launch.
Investors and executives say they thought the network had taken in $30
million....but it turns out they have only raised $6 million. All of that
money was spent in the first six weeks, and now they're $2 million in the
hole. That's what happens when you pay radio stations to carry your
shows...something most real radio stations would never do to pick up a brand-new
show. Those are called infomercials, and they run in the middle of the
night or on weekends.
It won't be long before Air America goes off the air...and it will happen,
because they have no idea what they're doing. The question I have is
this: how long is Al Franken going to keep working for free?
By the way ... when Air America goes tango uniform you can look for an
immediate outcry from Democrats, Socialists and their leftist fellow travelers
to do something about conservative "hate" radio. If the left
can't succeed with the format, then nobody should be allowed to succeed with the
format. I wonder what legislative initiatives they'll come up with
to shut down Limbaugh, et al.
Wait! I am a bit late here. The Senate already has a measure
before it that is designed to get The Godfather kicked off Armed Forces
Radio. That's just the beginning ... more to come.
The United States Supreme Court has ruled that you can be arrested if you do not
give your name to police. In a 5-4 vote, the court upheld 21 state laws
giving police the right to ask people their name and jail those who do not
Is this yet another erosion of our freedoms and liberty? I think that the
argument can be made that it is. But before people run right out and
declare this the end of all civilization, put that shoe on the other foot for a
second. Imagine police are hunting a murderer, a rapist or a
terrorist....and they have a suspect. They know who they are looking for,
but the suspect refuses to provide his name. What do they do...let the
suspect go? I think not.
If the worst thing that happens in society is that you have to provide your name
to law enforcement when asked, we're all doing fine. There are much worse
infringements taking place on private property rights and economic freedom that
people should be more worried about.
Sadly, people will become far more exercised over the fact that you might
have to give your name to a police officer. How about the fact that the
community in which you live might come along at any moment and seize your home
so that it can be turned over to Wall-Mart for a parking lot?
Priorities, folks. Priorities.
Governor John Rowland of Connecticut resigned from office yesterday.
Apparently there was a drive to impeach him over supposedly improper gifts from
friends and businessmen. Of course, because he is a Republican, the media
must chant that as much as possible. But a Democratic politician...no matter
what the offense...will get no mention of party affiliation in the news article.
Moore's film distributor is not rejecting support from the terrorist group
Hezbollah because they don't want to hurt ticket sales in the Middle East.
What a traitor.
Al-Jazeera television is so anti-Coalition, distorts the news, expresses glee at
the killing of Americans and is pro-terrorist. We
should shut it down, says Ralph Peters.
Think the political mudslinging in 2004 is unprecedented? Think
again, says Bill Whalen, who takes a look at some of the more bitter
contests in history.
another AP story about allegations about a Republican politician...once
again, the party affiliation is the most important element of the news
story. Not if it was a Democrat. More media bias at its finest.
The Clinton apologists are back from a 3 1/2 year vacation, and already twisting
the facts of the 90's. The
Media Research Center is there to call them on it.
Either America is evil and the hatred of it is justified, or the America-haters
are evil. Dennis
Prager makes a case for the latter.
The New York Times and the Washington Post got it wrong yet again on the
Saddam-Al-Qaeda link. Joel
Mowbray is not the least bit surprised, and explains why.
One of the biggest claims by the left is that George W. Bush is a liar. David
Limbaugh takes a look at the evidence, and asks: who's the liar now?
Economists are worried about inflation...should you be too? Not
at all, says Larry Kudlow, who goes on to explain that the markets are a
better indicator than talking heads.
Bill Clinton claims he was exonerated in Whitewater and all of his other legal
but as Debra Saunders wonders, just what does he mean by
The media claims they are not biased. A recent study shows otherwise, and
according to Bruce Bartlett, the bias is the reason people are leaving
behind certain media outlets.
Clinton calls his impeachment an 'badge of honor.' Rich
Lowry delves into the seemingly forgotten facts behind Slick Willie's
Towing company holds man's wheelchair until he pays bill.