![]() South Knox Bubba OK, then. |
"It is not the writer's task to answer questions but to question answers. To be impertinent, insolent, and, if necessary, subversive."
Edward Abbey Disclaimer: Anything on this site could be real, or it could be parody or satire, or it could be just made up. Sometimes SKB can't even tell.
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Please, no tipping. Support one or more of these organizations instead: National Audubon Society National Wildlife Federation The Trust for Public Land Friends of the Smokies CARE USA Doctors Without Borders The Red Cross American Foundation for AIDS Research Shriners Hospitals for Children Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Second Harvest Food Bank Big Brothers Big Sisters Goodwill Industries Habitat for Humanity Reading is Fundamental National WWII Memorial What others are saying... InstaPundit: SKBubba is, meanwhile, one of those liberals. DailyPundit: Both Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Reynolds have linked to this ... South Knox Bubba, who I've never heard of. KnoxPatch: South Knox Bubba voted third most reliable news source in Knoxville. Indigo: Dropping in on SKB is like stopping by Wal-Mart. Knoxville News Sentinel: Just remember, the first rule of Rocky Top Brigade is you don't talk about Rocky Top Brigade. Oops. Nashville Scene: South Knox Bubba - East Tennessee Democrat. Reading his posts is like talking politics with your liberal friend over breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Houston Chronicle: It could be real or it could be a parody or pure poppycock, but it’s a good read nonetheless. Richmond Times-Dispatch: This mixed bag of news and satirical commentary offers a disclaimer that bears repeating: "Anything on this site could be real, or it could be parody or satire, or it could be just made up. Sometimes SKB can't even tell." Up for Anything SKB is a liar and an asshole. Also, John Shumaker has compromising photos of him. ![]() A Little More to the Right A Moveable Beast AlphaPatriot Bacculum King The Baseball Widow Beyond the Whispers Big Orange Michael Big Stupid Tommy Bjorn, Again Bugly Bully Pulpit Busy Mom Cas Walker Classless Warfare Jane Conservative Zone Dagley Dagley Daily Damn Art Diary Damn Foreigner Democratic Veteran Dingbust Doc B Doug McDaniel Elephant Rants Filthy Hippy Speak FishKite Frank Cagle Goobage Granny Rant Growth Spurt Guy Montag Hatamaran HobbsOnline Hypotheses Non Fingo In a Mays infozo Inn of the Last Home Instalawyer InstaPundit Jaded Journal Johnson City Stories Knock/Snooze Lay Lines Lean Left Les Jones LissaKay Loco Parentis Long Pauses Longmire Mike Hollihan Mike Reed Mind Warp Missives Anonymous My Quiet Life Nashville Files Newsrack Newton's Kumquat No Quarters One Hand Clapping Opinari Pathetic Earthlings Philosophical Scrivener Pizza Soup Queen Medb's Castle Rebel Yell Resonance Rex Hammock Rich Hailey Road Warrior SayUncle SemiPundit Sick of Bush Smijer South Knox Bubba Southern Reporter Straight White Guy Sugarfused Team Rock Tennessee Liberal Up For Anything Voluntarily in China Wandering Hillbilly Zoot
The elephant in the room
Tuesday June 22, 2004
OK, this is going to upset the party faithful, but I am going to make the case one more time for a stronger Democratic candidate for president. As you are probably aware, I said earlier that John Kerry was a beltway-insider career politician and I didn't think much of him (or Lieberman or Gephardt). In fact, I said flatly that I would not vote for Lieberman at all (which thankfully will not be an issue) and only reluctantly for Kerry. As you are also probably aware, Kerry was not my first choice. Or second. Or third. As the campaigns kicked off, Dean was the best candidate (although I had issues with him, too) and I supported him financially and otherwise. I really wanted Graham to run, so when he threw his hat in the ring I backed him. When it became clear he wasn't going to get any traction and Clark entered the race, I backed him (and still believe he is the strongest candidate to run against Bush's perceived, or more accurately manufactured, "strengths"). I wasn't too keen on Edwards at first because of his lack of experience, but he definitely has a JFK/Clintonesque quality that is appealing. (Of course, the wingnut bloggers ridiculed me for backing a bunch of losers while they secretly hoped Kerry, or better yet Kucinich, would get the nomination. I also note the irony that the most vocal of those wingnuts hasn't contributed a penny to his guy Bush.) Every day I look every for something to like about Kerry or something good to say about his candidacy. I just can't find it. Any one of the candidates previously mentioned had a better platform on any given issue than Kerry, who is all over the place. He can't seem to decide if he's a liberal/progressive, a DLC centrist, or a Republican. Dean had his scream. Graham had his little notebook. Clark had his questionable Democratic credentials. Edwards was tagged early on as the Breck Boy without substance. Curiously they laid off Kerry. But mark my words, "I voted for that before I voted against it" will be Kerry's Dean Scream as the election progresses. You will see it in GOP ads and the cable TeeVee talking wobbly bobble-heads will remind voters of it every day. Yes, Kerry served honorably in Vietnam, and earned the right to call himself a war hero (unlike his contemporaries in the White House). But that was more than thirty years ago. Many served. But it doesn't make you an expert on national security, nor does sitting on Senate committees being lied to by military-industrial-complex shills. I don't see how Kerry can go up against Bush's only perceived strength with just that. Especially when the GOP starts dragging out the photos of him with Jane Fonda and John Lennon (which actually appeal to me, but then I'm not your mainstream kind of voter even though I'm more centrist than I let on). You might also remember me pointing out that the wobbly bobble-heads appointed Kerry when barely one-third of the primaries had been held. In fact, the primaries have just concluded in the past couple of weeks, and Dean was still getting delegates. I note, too, that Kerry has not resigned from the Senate to run for president (although he has missed nearly every single vote in the past year or so, including some important to Democrats). Apparently he doesn't have a lot of confidence in his own candidacy and plans to keep his day job. Yes, I realize that the GOP governor of Massachusetts will appoint a Republican to replace him. But doesn't Kerry realize that the President of the United States wields considerably more power than a Senator from Massachusetts, Republican or otherwise? Besides, as president he could help more than a few Democrats get elected to Congress. Just like Bush in 2002. I can also tell you without a doubt that the Democrats can write off Tennessee in 2004. Even with Edwards as his running mate, there is no way Kerry can win here. I also seriously doubt he can carry Florida (or any other Southern state). And don't forget that either Tennessee or Florida would have won Gore the presidency in 2000 (questions about the 537 votes notwithstanding). All of this makes me wonder just exactly what is going on with the Democratic Party "leadership" and our party. It's almost as if we want to lose. We let Karl Rove pick who he wants to run against, and everything is all arranged. Or maybe it's the Rush Limbaugh theory that we want to lose now and make people suffer through four more years of Bush so they can nominate Hillary in 2008. Tin-foil hat theories aside, obviously Sharpton would be a better president than Bush. So would Kerry. But shouldn't Democrats have a higher standard? Is "not-Bush" all we've got? I think we have more. That's why I am calling on Kerry to withdraw from the race and let the Democratic National Convention delegates nominate a stronger ticket. I realize that the current DNC rules prevent a "brokered convention" at this point, and that with the delegates he already has pledged Kerry has earned the nomination. That's why I believe he should withdraw and give Democrats a better chance in 2004. Personally, I think the winning ticket is Edwards/Clark. I would love to see Edwards debate Bush and Clark debate Cheney. They would finally and convincingly be exposed as the buffoon and the scheming crook, respectively, that they are. That said, if Kerry is indeed the nominee (which is inevitable at this point) I will support him. I will work harder to find something to like and good things to say about him. The future of America is at stake. We cannot take four more years of a Bush administration, especially with the restraints of re-election removed. I hope I'm wrong about Kerry being able to save us. But it's the elephant in the room that us Democrats don't seem to want to talk about. The other elephant waiting in the hall is the formidable GOP political machine, fueled by hundreds of millions of dollars and a fanatical loyalty to a dangerously unstable leader with an obsession for winning at any cost. So please, somebody, anybody, convince me I'm wrong. OK, then. Patient's rites
Tuesday June 22, 2004
That activist Supreme Court legislated from the bench in declaring that patients can't sue HMOs for denying medical treatment. Well, it's a little more complicated than that, but Industrialized Medicine's trial lawyers once again prevail. Overreacting a little?
Tuesday June 22, 2004
I saw this in Sunday's paper and had a pretty good laugh. F-Stop spotted it on CNN. I love it when Tennessee makes the national news. We have an image to uphold, you know. Coke C2 sucks
Tuesday June 22, 2004
I was really anticipating this new Coca-Cola C2 reduced sugar soda. Not that I'm on a low-carb diet or anything (the best way to lose weight is increase your exercise and reduce your calories with a balanced, healthy diet, and as usual I should take my own advice). So, I finally tried one the other day. It sucks. I couldn't even finish it. It tastes just like Diet Coke (ugh). I thought the idea was to just put half the sugar in it. Which seems to be what they did. But let's see what else is in it: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, potassium benzoate, potassium citrate, caffeine, aspartame, acesulfame, potassium, sucralose, phenylalanine.Sheesh. Might as well drink dry cleaning solvent. Sounds like a good source of potassium, though. Anyway, I guess I don't see the point. If people want Diet Coke and aspartame they can buy Diet Coke (if they can stand the taste). If they want a more "natural" cola, I guess they are stuck with the regular sugar-loaded colas. Coca-Cola C2 combines the worst from both. I'm not sure what they were thinking or who they are marketing this to. It isn't me, that's for sure. I'm sticking with Woodford Reserve or Grey Goose if I want a toxic cocktail. I wish they, or Pepsi, or somebody would come up with a true reduced-sugar cola. (One that could also be made into Slurpees). I'm guessing that C2 would be perfectly fine with half the sugar and none of the aspartame. OK, then. Scientists endorse Kerry
Tuesday June 22, 2004
Nobel laureates against faith-based science: Forty-eight Nobel laureates denounced President Bush on Monday for "compromising our future" when it comes to scientific research and the environment, and said Sen. John Kerry "will restore science to its appropriate place in government and bring it back into the White House."My favorite quote: "Only John Kerry would declare the country to be in scientific decline on a day when the country's first privately funded space trip is successfully completed," said Bush campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt.Hahaha. This from an administration that currently has no active space program. Lowering the bar
Monday June 21, 2004
From this Perspectives column by Mike Edwards, the saddest quote I have seen in a while: Increasingly, the skills of new entrants into the job market don't meet the requirements of available jobs -- both in the service and manufacturing sectors.This is so sad on so many levels. Sad, but true. Apparently we've lowered the bar to the point that a) not only are we not educating people enough to work at fast food, call center, or manufacturing jobs, but b) those are the only jobs we expect to have. And most of those are being outsourced daily. Except the fast food jobs, of course. Anyway, this is a pretty good essay about education and priorities in Knox County. I don't agree with some of the ideas in this "Every School a Great School" solution Edwards is promoting (you may recall my objection to the parts designed to take control away from the elected School Board and bring some Christian Conservative values through the back door in the process), but his explanation of the problem is pretty much dead on. OK, then. Deja vu all over again
Monday June 21, 2004
"Total manipulation. I suppose you could say they wanted to subvert the Constitution, but they don't think along philosophical lines. Nationwide -- my God, they were frightened of Muskie and look who got destroyed -- they wanted to run against McGovern, and look who they're running against. They bugged, they followed people, false press leaks, fake letters, they canceled Democratic campaign rallies, they investigated Democratic private lives, they planted spies, stole documents, on and on -- don't tell me you think this was all the work of little Don Segretti." Deep Throat, All The President's Men (1976) Hope everyone...
Sunday June 20, 2004
...had a happy Father's Day. We're both fortunate to have ours still with us. Others are lucky to be new Dads. More on the Bijou
Sunday June 20, 2004
A sad story (free registration required). Hope they can fix it. Scales of justice
Sunday June 20, 2004
Ex-HealthSouth CFO Gets 5 Years Probation I wonder if some street punk who managed to steal $400 million from thousands of people would get five years probation? Presidential candidates
Saturday June 19, 2004
You probably knew there were more than two candidates for president in 2004. In fact, there are over 175. But here's one that I can't believe I somehow missed: Yellow Dog '04. I like most of his stands on the issues. Even SayUncle endorses him. I wish Yellow Dog luck, but unless there's a meltdown at the convention or something I'm sticking with Kerry. Republicans, on the other hand, should seriously consider this candidate as an alternative to Bush. Pot, kettle
Saturday June 19, 2004
Bookworm Bubba Comes Clean for Cash Bill won't admit this one. But it should seem as obvious as ex-intern Monica Lewinsky. He told the truth because he could — make a $12 million advance for his memoir.First Christiane Amanpour was a "war slut". Now Bill Clinton is a "moral prostitute". What's the word for a cheap, pathetic tabloid hack who doles out GOP talking points for money? The system is broken
Saturday June 19, 2004
Sick, and Tired of the Endless Paperwork When Meg was finally discharged after spending 56 days in hospitals, we received co-payment bills for her medical equipment, including an itemized statement for every extra on her wheelchair (no, the brake extensions, foot pedals, armrest, anti-tip bars, seat and seat belt are not included). But the provider billed us two ways, one for leasing the chair and another for purchase. Even now, after numerous phone calls, I still don't know whether we own or are renting the wheelchair.The system is broken and I don't know if it can be fixed. Worlds Fair site forum
Friday June 18, 2004
From the Mayor's Office: June 16, 2004 - The city of Knoxville will host a forum at 5 p.m. Thursday, June 24 at the Knoxville Museum of Art to review the public's suggestions and comments about the best uses of city-owned assets at the World's Fair Park.My suggestion would be to sell the Sunsphere to a private entertainment/attraction company who will agree to reopen the restaurant and open the observation decks as a public attraction. The amphitheater should be restored (Victor Ashe should be ashamed for letting it deteriorate) and maintained by the City as an outdoor concert venue. The Expo and Convention center should be sold and allowed to compete with the white elephant next door. There are plenty of great ideas in the responses the city has already received. (Thanks to Gemini for alerting us to the forum). Business Resource Center
Friday June 18, 2004
Business Resource Center adds partners: The Business Resource Center, an empowerment zone initiative to help small and start-up businesses, has two new partners - the Greater Knoxville chapter of SCORE and the Tennessee Minority Supplier Development Council.This sounds like a great resource for small businesses. Even if you sort of know what you're doing, a small business starting up or relocating to the area often needs help finding basic services such as accounting, legal, marketing, even routine things like printers and equipment suppliers. Not to mention funding. (Services of the local SCORE office and the Tennessee Small Business Development Center are available to anyone for the asking, not just empowerment zone businesses). Most of this is government funded, directly or indirectly, but it's a good investment of taxpayer's money. It's a lot better investment than corporate welfare for Enron and ExxonMobile or no-bid contracts for Halliburton. On the local level, you wonder how Knoxville might have expanded its economy and job base by investing $200 million in small business startup assistance instead of a new Convention Center that sits empty. OK, then. Pining for the fjords...
Thursday June 17, 2004
Why does stuff like this: "There was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida," Bush insisted following a meeting with his Cabinet at the White House.remind me so much of this: Mr. Praline: I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.OK, then. That liberal media!
Thursday June 17, 2004
F-Stop notes that while the big story yesterday was the 9/11 Commission finding no evidence of any Iraq involvement in 9/11, FoxNews' lead story was "9/11 Could Have Been Worse!". Reader Mark says he was reading a Yahoo wire report about a bi-partisan group of retired diplomats and military officers criticizing Bush's disastrous foreign policy when the article disappeared before his eyes. Fortunately, CNN has the story. I would excerpt it but it's all good. They say it's time for Bush to go back to Crawford. I couldn't agree more. KNS blind spot
Thursday June 17, 2004
The Knoxville News Sentinel has an article on page B8 today about Chattanooga being removed from EPA ozone non-attainment status (mentioned here yesterday). The headline is "Chattanooga Ducks Stricter EPA Rules." The AP article talks about how Chattanooga avoided serious economic consequences of non-attainment status by agreeing to implement vehicle inspections. Attempting something -- anything -- is characterized by the KNS as "ducking" the EPA. I couldn't find any mention of the fact that on the same day, Knoxville and surrounding counties entered into non-attainment status. Or how TVA has been "ducking" New Source Review rules for decades. OK, then. Metro Pulse on local politics
Thursday June 17, 2004
Metro Pulse has a couple of good pieces today. The first one is on the tax increases in Knoxville and Knox County. Mike Gibson speculates on why they were met with so little opposition, and he has some interesting observations. The second one discusses consolidation of the Knoxville and Knox County governments into one metro government. Personally, I think this is a grand idea. Joe Sullivan outlines the reasons why he thinks it has a better chance this time around. It all makes sense, but his observations make it seem that the powers that be have it all planned out to the last detail and are maneuvering behind the scenes to make it happen, like so many other initiatives around here. He says his next article on the subject will address some of the concerns. I think there is only one major obstacle to overcome. That is, county residents will probably pay more taxes and will therefore resist it. If the PTBs are smart, they will lay out the plan in detail and explain all the costs -- and the benefits. Maybe that is what happened the last couple of times (I wasn't around). But the current administrations seem to be better at PR and at least the appearance of public participation. As a side note, it has been interesting to watch business as usual Republicans transform themselves into progressives in the public eye. They promote the same old budget busting eyesore projects that benefit their pals. Yet for some reason the opposition has come around to their way of thinking. Both administrations appear to be reaching out to their opponents in a variety of ways, and at least pretending to listen to their concerns. There are a couple of notable cases of surprising 180 degree turnarounds among their foes. It makes you wonder what the quid-pro-quo is. Or maybe they're just flattering the little guy by gracing him with the presence of power while creating the illusion that a little might rub off. Perhaps they've been reading Machiavelli -- "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Pet friendly
Wednesday June 16, 2004
Here's a pretty cool web site operating out of Knoxville. BringYourPet.com has a directory of pet friendly accommodations around the U.S. You will note that La Quinta Inns are well represented everywhere. We frequently seek them out when traveling with pupster because of their nice accommodations and pet friendly policy. (Now if they would just add cocktail lounges...) Ron Jr.
Wednesday June 16, 2004
Ron Reagan Jr.: "...my father crapped bigger ones than George Bush." Also, at the 2000 GOP convention: "The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is simply unqualified for the job... what's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?" These and more observations by Ron Jr. from an April 2003 interview recently reposted by Salon (view the ad for a free day pass). Thanks to Betty Bean for bringing this to our attention. Chattanooga to implement vehicle inspections
Wednesday June 16, 2004
Chattanooga is implementing vehicle inspections to avoid sanctions for non-attainment of ozone standards. Under the EPA's "Early Action Compact" program, demonstrating some kind of plan and an effort to implement it can defer enforcement. This is a questionable program, because it is voluntary and allows regions to skirt regulations while delaying action. But in this case it had a positive effect. Knoxville and surrounding counties are apparently unable to even demonstrate a plan or any effort. As a result, the region entered into EPA non-attainment status as of yesterday, an event which passed quietly with little mention in the local media. The Knoxville News Sentinel had a vague reference to some future enforcement in a curiously timed PR puff piece about a new TVA scrubber and the $6 billion they are spending on pollution controls (which they failed to mention is spread out over about 40 years and only happening because they are forced to do so by lawsuits, or that pollution control is not listed as one of TVA's six strategic objectives or an operating statement line item in it's most recent annual report). Non-attainment could have serious economic consequences for Knox and surrounding counties. Unlike Chattanooga, our local officials appear to have just thrown up their hands and given up. They rationalize it by saying they don't want to recruit industries that would be affected by tougher EPA regulations anyway. Which I guess might be a valid point. But what it means is we are doing nothing to clean up the air. It also means TVA can put more coal-fired turbines on line if they don't have to compete with other industry for pollution credits. And our local officials haven't said what kind of industries they WOULD like to attract, or what they are doing to attract them. They also haven't said what stricter EPA regulations are going to cost us in other ways. And TVA still gets a free pass from the local media, and plenty of air time and column inches for Bill Baxter to spread his propaganda. Rolling the dice with Black Box voting
Tuesday June 15, 2004
Here's an interesting report on the regulation of gambling devices in Las Vegas as compared to the regulation (or lack thereof) of electronic voting machines. Guess which is more secure. Blount County supporting the troops
Tuesday June 15, 2004
Blount gives gift of communication to troops Blount County Mayor Beverley Woodruff presented five laptops and a laser printer to soldiers from the regiment Monday at the county courthouse. The equipment is for writing letters to send back home.Blount County should be commended for their gesture. When the going gets tough...
Tuesday June 15, 2004
When the Bush administration is having a bad hair day in the media, of course the only thing to do is crank up the Mighty Wurlitzer. ![]() Abu Grhaib Charades
Tuesday June 15, 2004
Pentagon Probe Queries Top Intel Official The panel of four former defense and congressional officials, selected by Rumsfeld, is in the midst of a 45-day review into the prisoner abuse scandal. Rumsfeld has said it is looking at "the pace, the breadth, the thoroughness of the existing investigations" and will determine whether more inquiries were needed.So, the investigated have their own investigators investigating the investigations. What a pathetic charade. I wonder how much this is costing us taxpayers? I wonder how many Pentagon provided business jet trips and catered events the investigators need to investigate the investigations? Let me save them and us some time and money. No need to investigate further. Here's what happened. Rumsfeld and Ashcroft cooked up the idea to torture prisoners and other "detainees" so they could get to the bottom of the unknown unknowns, you know, the things we don't know that we don't know. They asked Bush if it was OK, Bush prayed, and said that God told him it would be OK. They all had their lawyers prepare CYA briefs saying it was legal. Sociopathic creeps in the Pentagon like Rumsfeld and this Cambone guy had their staff psychos draw up the plans. They consulted with the CIA, who had honed their techniques in Cambodia and Laos and El Salvador. They consulted with top scholars on the Middle East to devise methods that would be particularly humiliating and offensive to the Arab culture. (And we accuse them of being culturally insensitive!) They probably studied Saddam's techniques. They tested and refined their methods at the Guantanamo Terrorist Resort. Rumsfeld personally approved the more extreme interrogations. They sent a General Miller over to Iraq to meet with Sanchez and deliver the new and improved Army interrogation manuals and explain the new procedures to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. They sent over some prison outsourcing guy who had been fired from running U.S. prisons for abuse to setup the new Iraqi justice system and their prisons. They sent a bunch of CIA goons and military intelligence creeps to oversee the interrogations. The Red Cross got wind of what was happening and wrote letters. They were ignored. The CIA even bailed out on the project, saying this wasn't what they signed up for. Finally, some soldier with a conscience and a digital camera leaked the now famous photos. The Pentagon sent some low-level general for a perfunctory investigation, with instructions that it should be contained at the local command level -- no higher than the general in charge of detainee operations. They thought they could contain it and that would be that. Bush expressed shock and outrage. Un-American, he said. Bush lied out of his ass and acted like he didn't know anything about it. The Pentagon goons were called on the carpet by the Senate Armed Services Committee. They expressed shock and outrage. They lied out of their asses (except Tagabu, who followed orders and said no more or less than he had to). Damning legal briefs were leaked. Ashcroft was called on the Senate carpet. He expressed shock and outrage. He then refused to answer questions, because neither he nor Bush or anyone else in the administration has to answer to Congress or the Courts or anyone else but God. Rove cranked up the Might Wurlitzer, and the right-wing shills and 101st Fighting Keyboard Brigade at first explained how it was just a few bad apples, next how it was just some harmless frat-boy fun, then how war was hell and the end justifies the means and besides, it wasn't as bad as Saddam. Meanwhile, more stories of even worse abuse continued to emerge. The media and other treasonous outfits such as Democrats in Congress smelled blood. The administration and the Pentagon threw them some ignorant, sadistic hillbillies like rotting chum from the bottom of the scum bucket. That wasn't enough. They sacrificed the general who had been in charge of the prisons. That wasn't enough. They sacrificed Sanchez. That won't be enough. Cambone will be next. Got to get some civilian skin in the game. Will Rumsfeld be next after that? Who knows? I guess it depends on what God tells George Bush to do, and whether Karl's polling numbers say it would be good for the re-election. What should really happen, though, is that all of these lying, sadistic creeps should be put in jail. The party faithful who condone this and still support their "leaders" are just as guilty. Those unable to see this for what it is need to wake up. The rest of us need to work even harder for regime change in November. Joshua Marshall said it best: "We're like contestants on Wheel of Fortune with a long phrase spelled out in front of us with maybe one or two letters missing. We know what the letters spell. It's obvious. We just don't have the heart to say it out loud. OK, then. UPDATE: InstaPundit says: But there's a real value to pretending that there's an absolute rule against it even if we know people will break it in extraordinary circumstances, because it ensures that people won't mistake an ordinary remedy for an extraordinary one.Huh? I don't even know what that last part means. What does Castro have to do with it and who is cozying up to him and what did they say? And what exactly is the problem with holding the Commander in Chief responsible for his command, especially when there is growing evidence he approved the abuse or at least looked the other way? Who else are we to hold responsible? Why should it "perhaps" be taken more seriously if this other mysterious person is found to be responsible? And that first part. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more. Anything is OK if we do it. Yet I hardly think Iraqi detainees represent a ticking atomic bomb. See, this whole thing pisses me off because my Dad was treated better by the Nazis when he was a POW. If he hadn't been, I wouldn't be here. This insanity puts every future POW in worse danger. I don't know why that's so hard to understand.
Austin Country Limits
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