The terrorists beheaded another American, Paul Johnson, this time in Saudi Arabia, and we are going to do nothing except talk about it. Meanwhile, we’ll keep apologizing for prison abuse committed by a small number of people (who are being prosecuted), doing our best not to attack mosques while terrorists are shooting at us out of them, and pandering to people who believe terrorists fall under the Geneva convention.
We’ll talk a lot, we bloggers, and some of our commentors will say “nuke ‘em all” and others will say “this wouldn’t have happened if not for Iraq” and not one of us can do a damn thing. And the US State Dept will issue some diplomatic gobbledy-gook which means nothing, and everyone in the government who makes any statement about it will condemn it and will do absolutely nothing.
The more I see, the more I think that the Geneva convention should be amended to quite particularly not apply to terrorists. We should be convincing al Qaida that being led around on a leash by American females is the least of their worries.
But we won’t do that. Because we are too nice. And they will consider us weak. The members of these terrorist groups are all warriors. (Not soldiers, warriors.) They have their own culture, and that culture acknowledges only two groups. Victor and vanquished. The victors do what they want. The vanquished are nice to the victors. We are acting like losers in their eyes.
We should tell the Saudis that they damn well better clean house or we will be occupying Riyahd and giving the oil fields to the Shi’ites (on the condition they keep up production). The “royal” family and their Wahhabi “clerics” can try to survive on tourist revenues from Mecca and Medina.
[update] And if you think I’m being bellicose, go read Michele’s rant.
It’s time to take the gloves off:
1. Notify the Saudis that if another American is harmed or taken hostage by any terrorist group, we will make Saudi Arabia the next target for regime change.
2. Announce to the world that every al-Qaeda prisoner in American hands, or who falls into American hands, will be summarily executed without process.
3. Announce to the world that every American living outside the borders of the United States is a front-line soldier, and that an attack on an American by anyone will be treated as an act of war against the United States by the host country.
4. Nuke the Moon. (Frank J. had the right idea.)
If we have to conquer the entire Middle East – if we have to wipe the globe clean of Muslims – to save even one American’s life, I say let’s do it. These bastards have given the world nothing but theocratic totalitarianism, terror, and tears.
“Kill ‘em all. Let God sort ‘em out.” – Author Unknown.
Comment by Francis W. Porretto — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 16:07
We definitely need some kind of enlightenment over there, be it not mental, then by force.
Some light-emitting explosive on the moon might be fun as well yes ) .
Comment by Flint — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 16:19
I agree with your sentiments on the Geneva convention.
Not sure how we could feasibly do what you suggest to the Saudi Royal family. I mean really, the same thing is happening in Iraq under our military occupation.
These people can’t be controlled! They are savages.
If we toppled the Saudi regime we might get much worse than we have now. No idea what to do, but invading Saudi Arabia doesn’t seem like a real option.
Comment by Rusty Shackleford — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 16:20
BULLETIN: Saudi Militants Behead Hostage Johnson (Joe Gandelman)
(This is a good chunk of the initial story. We will run more updates later in the day.) As expected, American hostage Paul Johnson, Jr….
Trackback by Dean\’s World — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 17:27
Make Medina a smoking hole in the ground, then tell these Islamofascist miscreants that the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is next then Mecca goes the way of the Auk with each further American death.
It is time for the pussyfooting to damn well stop. Until something as drastic as the above actions happen these blights on the animal kingdom will never listen.
Also: If these actions, or something equally attention getting, happens maybe “peaceful” members of Islam will put a stop to these atrocities on their own, but I doubt it as they are, like the Saudi royal family, running scared.
Qom, Iran, should be part of this list. The mullahs there are just as much of a terrorists’ support problem as the Wahabbis in Saudia Arabia.
Don’t let anyone, right or left, try to deceive you. What we are fighting is a religious war in the guise of “The War on Terror” and Judism and Christianity are the targets for total annihilation IN THE NAME OF ISLAM!!!!!
Let’s wake up, realize this and respond by annihilating them “root and staff” wherever they are found. (The phrase “…..Against all enemies foreign and domestic…..” comes to mind)
So far the indications are these militant Islamists cannot be reasoned or lived with on terms other than their own. Our very survival as a Judeo-Christian society is at stake, so let’s start fighting like our very existence is at stake AS IT SURELY IS!!!!!
Comment by Bill Ewing — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 19:02
“Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.” (Genesis 18:32)
I’m not omnipotent. If I find just one, I figure there are more. I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. That man is risking his life to tell us what he thinks of his country (and it’s not good).
Splitting SA in two might harm him and those like him (or might free them). Destroying their cities wholesale would most certainly turn him against us, assuming he lived.
We’ve got to find a balance between making the terrorists respect us (from their culture’s point of view) and becoming terrorists ourselves.
That last option is possible for us. We proved it many years ago in Japan. I’d rather not see it happen again.
Comment by Kathy K — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 19:51
The more I see, the more I think that the Geneva convention should be amended to quite particularly not apply to terrorists.
We don’t need to amend the Geneva Conventions. They don’t apply to terrorists. Which is precisely why all the nonsensical ravings about how awful the White House counsel was just to study the issue are so utterly insane.
Comment by The Black Republican — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 20:34
Oh, I agree. It doesn’t apply to terrorists. What I want is for it to state, in writing, that it specifically does not apply to terrorists.
Because, as long as it doesn’t specifically state that, we are going to keep getting those nonsensical ravings from idiots who think anyone captured anywhere under any condition should be granted its protections.
Comment by Kathy K — 18 Jun, 2004 @ 20:44
From Kathy above: “That last option is possible for us. We proved it many years ago in Japan. I’d rather not see it happen again.”
I’d rather not see it again either, but there is the old joke about the recalcitrant mule: Hit him between the eyes with a two by four just to get his attention. We are, obvioulsy, NOT getting their attention sufficiently enough for them to change their ways and join the 21st century and to STOP KILLING AMERICANS. I don’t have the surefire answer, I wish I did, but SOMETHING drastic MUST be done to stop these atrocities.
Comment by Bill Ewing — 19 Jun, 2004 @ 06:50
More sick b*stards
Noted the headlines at On The Third Hand : I’m angry, but not surprised. who has a link to the latest beheading pictures (this time in Saudi). There is a followup story here as well. In it, Kathy Kinsley makes a practical suggestion* that might hel…
Trackback by G\’day Mate! — 19 Jun, 2004 @ 08:34
[…] as a link to the latest beheading pictures (this time in Saudi). There is a followup story here as well. In it, Kathy Kinsley makes a practical suggestion* that might help: The more […]
Pingback by G’day Mate! » More sick b*stards — 19 Jun, 2004 @ 12:34