18 Jun, 2004

Wonder what else they’ve buried ?!

A Sneer From The Den……..

When commercial satellites can photograph such activities, one wonders what else they’ve buried, bulldozed, or obliterated that should have been inspected and exposed. Although the IAEA did not forward any recommendations of sanctions to the UNSC, it’s obvious the board is most displeased: “In harsh language, the resolution approved by the 35-member board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency said it “deplores” that “Iran’s cooperation has not been as full, timely and proactive as it should have been.

At the very least, this obfuscation needs to be kept before the public such that there will be NO doubt in anyone’s mind that Iran is not to be trusted in any way concerning nuclear armaments. Forgetting this might be fatal.

Via Iran va Jahan

Pardon me while I rant.

The terrorists beheaded another American, Paul Johnson, this time in Saudi Arabia, and we are going to do nothing except talk about it. Meanwhile, we’ll keep apologizing for prison abuse committed by a small number of people (who are being prosecuted), doing our best not to attack mosques while terrorists are shooting at us out of them, and pandering to people who believe terrorists fall under the Geneva convention.

We’ll talk a lot, we bloggers, and some of our commentors will say “nuke ‘em all” and others will say “this wouldn’t have happened if not for Iraq” and not one of us can do a damn thing. And the US State Dept will issue some diplomatic gobbledy-gook which means nothing, and everyone in the government who makes any statement about it will condemn it and will do absolutely nothing.

The more I see, the more I think that the Geneva convention should be amended to quite particularly not apply to terrorists. We should be convincing al Qaida that being led around on a leash by American females is the least of their worries.

But we won’t do that. Because we are too nice. And they will consider us weak. The members of these terrorist groups are all warriors. (Not soldiers, warriors.) They have their own culture, and that culture acknowledges only two groups. Victor and vanquished. The victors do what they want. The vanquished are nice to the victors. We are acting like losers in their eyes.

We should tell the Saudis that they damn well better clean house or we will be occupying Riyahd and giving the oil fields to the Shi’ites (on the condition they keep up production). The “royal” family and their Wahhabi “clerics” can try to survive on tourist revenues from Mecca and Medina.

[update] And if you think I’m being bellicose, go read Michele’s rant.

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I’m angry, but not surprised.

US hostage beheaded in Saudi Arabia

[update] For those who must see, pictures are here. Picture link thanks to Outside the Beltway, who also has a good link roundup. See also my rant (next post).

[update2] More links at Dean’s World.

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Excellent points.

Why You Should Dump Internet Explorer

Go read it, then do what he says. Try FireFox or try Opera for a week. You may well find you’ll like one or the other better than IE. Especially since both of them block pop-up ads.

Link thanks to Dean’s World.

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Science roundup:

Winds of Discovery: 2004-06-18

Topics this week include: Alzheimer’s effects not all memory; Human brains work like robots; Voles and the science of love; Fifty new embryonic stem cell lines; Double-click patent; The energy debate; Bioterror research - defense or offense?; Diabetes breathalyzer; Self-replicating robots; Discovering Atlantis; Wild 2 comet is strange; The youngest black hole; Water on Mars; Science and reilgion; New clues on climate change; Drunken worms; Safe fugu; Beetle love

A fascinating roundup of the latest science news. As I’ve said before, reading through this is a great break from war and politics. And we all need a break sometimes.

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A business deal?

Inside the boardroom of Terrorism Inc

September 11 was the result of a business plan, with bin Laden as CEO, writes David Von Drehle

When the senior al-Qaeda planner of the September 11 attacks wanted to drop a hijacker from the plot because he was ignoring his training, the boss said no. When he wanted to expand the plot to the West Coast and even Asia, he was also overruled.

And when other al-Qaeda leaders expressed last-minute doubts about the wisdom of striking the US using passenger jets as missiles, the boss - Osama bin Laden - pushed them aside and gave the go-ahead.

This portrait of the terrorist-as-CEO emerges from a report released yesterday by the commission investigating the attacks and is based on interrogations of captured bin Laden associates.

It provides the most detailed glimpse yet of the terrorist chief’s management of his war on the US and of tensions within al-Qaeda as it undertook its most brutal project so far.

No real new news here but I thought that this was an interesting parallel. I think we often tend to underestimate al Qaeda (and the other terrorist groups). They do plan, very carefully. They are, by our lights, crazy fanatics, but that doesn’t make them stupid or careless.

Got it right.

Commission confirms links

A 9/11 commission staff report is being cited to argue that the administration was wrong about there being suspicious ties and contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda. In fact, just the opposite is true. The staff report documents such links.

The staff report concludes that:

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden “explored possible cooperation with Iraq during his time in Sudan.”

“A senior Iraqi intelligence officer reportedly made three visits to Sudan, finally meeting bin Laden in 1994.”

“Contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda also occurred after bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan.”

Chairman Thomas Kean has confirmed: “There were contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda, a number of them, some of them a little shadowy. They were definitely there.”

Following news stories, Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton said he did not understand the media flap over this issue and that the commission does not disagree with the administration’s assertion that there were connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s government.

I don’t understand it either. Didn’t anyone read the thing? Do they have a problem distinguishing between “helped plan 911″ and “links with the group that did plan 911″? Or do they just like to lie?

I hope this guy is right.

Rumors of neocons’ demise greatly exaggerated.

I agree that the neocon demise hasn’t happened, but it this is the one sentence that I hope is correct:

Their main targets in a Bush second term: Syria and Iran.

I hope to reverse the order. “Iran and Syria” sounds better to me. Faster, please.

This should be interesting.

Iraq officials seek death by hanging for Saddam

Iraqi authorities hope to see Saddam Hussein face capital charges punishable by hanging when he stands trial sometime after June 30, the head of Iraq’s special tribunal on war crimes said yesterday.

Salem Chalabi also said the Iraqi government expects to file charges quickly against Saddam and other top members of his regime once it assumes authority at the end of the month.

Saddam “may be charged relatively soon,” said Mr. Chalabi from Baghdad. “We can expect movement after June 30. We are working the arrangements out.”

Although the charges remain to be decided, Saddam has been widely accused of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes. According to the Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal, if any of these acts was committed by a subordinate, he would not be relieved of criminal responsibility.

Asked whether Saddam could face the death penalty, Mr. Chalabi answered “Yes,” adding that Iraqi law stipulated death by hanging for civilians and by firing squad for soldiers.

The death penalty in Iraq has been suspended by U.S. Administrator L. Paul Bremer, but the law is still on the books and Mr. Chalabi said members of the Iraqi government have discussed reinstating it after June 30.

“I suspect it is not unlikely they will do that,” he said.

Hung by the neck until dead. Sounds good to me. Though I suspect it will all somehow turn out to be America’s fault when the Iraqis convict him and hang him. It should be interesting to watch them come up with reasons he shouldn’t be hanged…

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That wasn’t a mistake.


An article on May 21 about fighting in Iraq quoted two comments incorrectly from a news conference by Maj. Gen. James Mattis, the Marine commander in the desert area near the Syrian border where an American missile strike killed civilians at what some Iraqis described as a wedding party. Denying that account, General Mattis said, “Let’s not be naïve, let’s leave it at that” (not “Let’s not be naïve, bad things happen in wars") and “I don’t have to apologize for the conduct of my marines” (not “for the conduct of my men").

I could see the second as a misqoute but the first one was something more than just ‘misheard’.

17 Jun, 2004

More signs of absolute perfidy !

A GRRRRRR From The Den……..

The too-tightly-twisted-turban-crowd™ may be pushing their luck a little too far, now, as their failure to disclose many items to the IAEA inspectors and the detection by intelligence services of unexplained and suspicious activities and the involvement of the military in research are now coming to the attention of general news big media outlets. Perhaps this may add some weight to this formerly ignored problem so that the general public will become aware that there was real truth in labeling Iran as one of the dangerous flash-points on the Axis of Evil.

The ayatollahs and mullahs MUST be stopped before they destroy everything. They have no morals, so they don’t care.

Via Iran va Jahan


Someone left a comment on the blog last night, on the wrong post, as far as I can tell (since the post had nothing to do with prison abuse. The comment said :

I am truly digusted at how easy you take prison abuse .. you difinately wont when its your family .. your simply a loser.

I had a strong urge to correct the grammar and spelling. Nor have I ever said anything to get that reaction, since I haven’t said anything about prison abuse after my intial negative reaction. Very strange. Unless he got ticked off because of my ‘quote of the day‘ yesterday, which said:

Reporters have to face up to the fact that right now, if we highlight the wrongs that Americans commit but not — out of squeamishness — the far worse horrors committed by others, we become propaganda tools for the other side.

And she was right. If the media paid half the attention they pay to any rumor of US misdeads to the real atrocities going on at the moment in Sudan (read it and weep), something might get done about it. But I guess it’s more ok to commit genocide, rape, and mutilation against blacks if you are an Arab “rebel” than to have some sick individuals employed by the US government (who are being investigated and prosecuted) humiliate criminals. Real atrocities don’t count.

Another moved to Word Press

Says Uncle, with some help from yours truly, has moved from MT to Wordpress. Seems he got a bit tired of 45 minute rebuilds. Can’t say I blame him!

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16 Jun, 2004

And before I’ll be a slave, I’ll be buried in my grave

The Captain Of the USS (not) Clueless has a great post on the cost, and the value, of freedom, in answer to a letter from Singapore.

Recommended reading.

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That’s what buddies are for, isn’t it ?!

A Growl From The Den……..

The skullduggery of the Axis of Evil is quite evident in China’s aiding both Iran and NKor to get away with nuclear armament trickery. Charming thought, that.

Even though the €uro-Weenies, the lefty wimps, and others of like ilk will protest, there needs to be some regime-sweeping housekeeping done to save the rest of the world.

Via The Iranian

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